

In a dark and cold ally, a little too crying looking at two dead people right in front of her, with her little brother right beside her.

Meanwhile, a black SUV, pulled up and a woman, probably in her early twenties came out flashing lights on the u

"Well you can call me Bette but I'll prefer you call me Lady 's'.

"What's the 's' for" the girl asked.

"The 's'is for silence, that's actually a code name, given to me by my organization, so now what are your names".

"why do you want to know our names". The girl asked while she held her brother very firm not wanting anything to separate the both of them. Then Bette just smiled and said

"First of all, I told you mine and second of all how am I going to help if I don't know your names". Then the girl resisted for a while then later gave up.

"My name is Lisa, my brother is Josh and we don't need your help" she said while shifting her gaze to her brother.

"ok then, I better take my leave now, but you will need to get revenge for your parents. I guess those are them",she said as she looked back and Saw her parents.

"and maybe I might be of help" she said while walking towards her car slowly giving Lisa time to think

"wait" Lisa said and continued "what can you do to help us". Hearing that Bette smiled and turned "well there's an organization who trains little children and brings out their potential based on fighting and mental games and you..... your too smart.i guess you will catch up quickly and then you might be able to get REVENGE."

That word 'revenge' kept ringing in Lisa's head, she swore that she won't stop searching until she finds the person who tortured and killed her parents. After much thinking she answered "fine".

Bette was very happy because she has succeeded, then a question popped up in her head and she asked, "how old are you guys".

"I'm thirteen and my brother is eleven why do you ask?"

"nothing, besides once you enter there's no coming out it's kind of a life committed thing, if you decide to quit. they'll come for you"

"who will come for me" Lisa asked

"the organization "Bette answered then Lisa asked again "who are they called?" then Bette answered "they are called the underdogs, they've been known for history, so you see you better make a wise choice". Lisa was confused" first you tried to persuade me and then now you want me to back out, I clearly don't understand you" Lisa said

"oops sorry my bad, I was actually thinking about another thing, let's go" Bette said as she led them to the car

Actually, Bette didn't want to drag Lisa into this but she had no choice, she was ordered to bring them so she did.

While in the car, Lisa kept asking questions about them and the answers Bette kept giving wasn't just enough.