

Bruce was once again left all by his lonesome. B: Clarkie gets his fairytale happily ever after and what do I get? A: A billion bucks! B: Money can't buy happiness! A: Says you. Alfred encouraged him to explore his horizons. So during a fancy gala Bruce bumps into a very lovely lady. And immediately recognizes her. She's the Cat's meow! "Selina Kyle!" "Bruce!" Bruce and Selina knew each other from school. When Bruce was still enrolled at Gotham Academy. They were quite friendly with each other. But then one day Selina never reappeared in school and Bruce wanted to investigate but got expelled for having done something stupid. He soon forgot all about Selina. Back then Selina was a brunette but now is a blonde named Irena Dubrovna. She happens to now be engaged to some billionaire. As someone who used to be a cat burglar who stole countless pieces of priceless paintings and artifacts. She didn't count on Bruce Wayne stealing her precious heart. The nameless billionaire became irrelevant when Bruce took Selina's hand and simply told her to dance with him. It was not a request. As Bruce slid off the ginormous ring on her finger and flinged it at the former fiance. They danced the night away, carefree. Selina confessed that she witnessed Bruce's parents murder. Hiding in a fire escape seeing the whole thing go down. Bruce is on his knees crying with both his parents dead on either side of him. The gun is pointed at his forehead. The murderer is about to pull the trigger on Bruce when he hears something fall from a distance. He sees the silhouette of Selina and starts shooting, but Selina evades the bullets and makes her exit. The killer then smacks little Bruce with the lethal weapon and runs away. She helped identify the unknown assailant, who's name is Joe Chill. She actually called the cops from a nearby phone booth. And that's why they arrived so quickly at the scene of the crime. Bruce is astonished. In a very short span of time, Bruce had recognized the telltale signs and made his decision. Apparently, there's one way to fix his emotional maelstrom. He was ready to pop the question. During a romantic dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower, Bruce knelt down on one knee and pulled out the museum quality engagement ring. B: I knew. Even at the beginning. I knew I'd need it. I needed it. Just like I need you, Selina Kyle will you m...? S: Bruce please stop! B: Why? What's wrong? S: I can't marry you! Selina revealed her criminal past. B: I don't care about any of that. S: I Love You Bruce, but I can't take that chance. What if we break up? You could lose everything. I'm not willing to gamble our relationship. Can't we just be together no strings attached. Long pause. B: Sure! I'm flexible. And speaking of flexible they quickly make torrid, unbridled intercourse on top of the Eiffel Tower. Hosing down her flower bed. They are ravenous and rapacious. The ferocious, feline fatale finally ensnares the dark and brooding, billionaire bad boy Bat! For love is blind as a bat. Bruce flew out of his cave and flapped right into Selina's cavernous Cat's Lair. Her nine lives were hanging like a bat ready to take flight with the purrfect Bat sonar catnip. As her world was turned upside down as she clawed her way by a whisker, seeing through the darkness and landing her pussy-whip on the pointy fangtastic happy ending furry tail. Actually as they were getting busy, Forbes hailes Bruce a Trillionaire, and one of the richest men in the world. People names him Most Beautiful. 'But love is blind, and lovers cannot see, The pretty follies that themselves commit For, if they could, Cupid himself would blush.'

Bruce lends his expertise to the GCPD in apprehending the criminals. Selina is busy redecorating Wayne Manor with Alfred's assist of course. Selina and Bruce often canoodle together while watching Bruce's favorite Twilight Saga and the Fifty Shades films. Bruce is clearly an Edward Cullen and Christian Grey but Selina is definitely no Shade of Anastasia Steele. She's a steely green eyed Top-cat and would've whipped Anna into Anne Hathaway. Selina is the original statuesque, thanks for everything Julie Newmar...! Dick Grayson is all grown up, not to mention his glutes and dating auburn haired Barbara Gordon, who secretly has a crush on Bruce.... Bruce is not satisfied with his tiny contribution to Law Enforcement so he starts his own team. His own Mission Impossible team. The JLA, Justice League Association. He recruits members such as Arthur Curry, a former lifeguard and swimsuit model, with his famous ad campaign: "King of The Sea", where he is seen rising from the water dripping wet, with droplets trickling down his sinewy frame and landing on his bulging swimming trunks. Next is Bartholomew Henry Allen, an erstwhile runner at the Olympics dubbed "The Flash" and a former forensic chemist who was recently fired due to an accident. Then we have John Jones, a scientist who specifically studies the planet Mars and a law enforcement officer or police detective "Manhunter." And then a team of nature nerds, the green police or as they call themselves "The Green Lantern Corps" wearing their stupid tacky rings; Hal Jordan - Top Gun Tom Cruise Maverick wannabe, John Stewart and Jessica Cruz. Then the newest recruit Victor Stone, football stud who is heavily sought after by scouts, nicknamed "Cyborg" but due to an injury is unable to play. And Oliver "Ollie" Queen, Bruce's prior classmate back in Excelsior Academy. Ollie is a skilled archer and martial artist but the eccentric millionaire has an affinity for dressing up as a "Green Arrowed" Robin Hood! Eventually they started expanding and having more members like former advisor and renowned physicist, Raymond "Ray" Palmer, not an Ant-Man but a highly skilled "ATOMizer" maker, husband and wife duo, Katar Hol and Shiera/ Shayera, Egyptian Popstar royalty with their hit single "Silent Knighthawks." They are also expert combatants, archeologists and multilingual. Then there's Ryu and Ken, Goku and uber-stylish Japanese and half-British/Italian heartthrob Jotaro Kujo. The Hall of Justice is the official headquarters of the Justice League. It is located in Washington, D.C. It served as the main trainer facility of Justice League members. But the real HQ, The Watchtower can be found in Clark's backyard on Clark island. Due to all the dangers they encounter on a daily basis, they could also be called the Jeopardy League. All the members are fit as fuck and are immensely Fuckable! No fugly Tom, Dick or Harry here. That's why they're also known as the Juicy League. Saving the world in sexy style. Fights! Alpha! Action!

Everything seems normal until a giant boom tube appears out of nowhere. Darkseid the tyrannical Lord of Apokolips whose ultimate goal is to enslave the multiverse by eliminating all hope and free will in sentient beings. Unleashes his parademons on the unsuspecting citizens of Earth 69. Some are taken, others exterminated by the Female Furies led by Granny Goodness. The JLA try valiantly to thwart their nefarious plans but to no avail. They appear to be outnumbered and unmatched. The team slowly begin to fall like flies. Barry Allen is decapitated, Victor's limbs are torn apart. The Green Lanterns are stomped on and blinded. John Jones is put on fire. Ollie's head is crushed like an olive. Bruce takes action and deactivates the failsafe in all of his buildings closest to the boom tubes. But in order to activate the emergency self destruct, detonation switch, it has to be done manually. Bruce is willing to sacrifice his life for the greater good. C: There has to be another way! B: This is all I've got. C: What about Selina? B: She's probably already gone. Bruce races off. C: Bruce...!! Bruce bolts from his 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupe (the most expensive car ever sold at auction for $142.5 million), knocking over a tubbo, and straight into the monolithic Wayne Industries building with the ominous reddening sky looming overhead. The fingerprint, retinal scan, voice activated, punch-in security code timer lockdown key, MAO (Manual Analog Override Switch w/ Alarm) Semantics too tedious for a cretin. As Bruce is about to push the button, he makes one final farewell to Clark. Bruce appears on the huge monitor in The Watchtower. "It's all my fault Clark. I never should have brought you back." C: What are you talking about? B: I just couldn't bear the thought of losing you. My best friend. Losing my parents was one thing, but you... I wouldn't allow it! I never told you this before, but when I broke into Lex's secret room, not only did I find paraphernalia of you but also Lex's highly kept research. I uncovered the secrets of the cosmos. Hidden within your DNA was the key to unlocking a door to another dimension. That fateful day on the bridge, when you tried to rescue me, you actually failed and drowned. I thought what have I done?! But found a solution. I could only manage to do it once. So I was able to go back in time, to another Earth and retrieve another you. An Earth where you grew up to become an injustice overlord. That's why I was so protective of you. I didn't want you to turn into a monster. But then again, it was difficult to conceive. For in this planet there are no superpowers. You still have residue left from your homeworld though, the gift of entrancement. And now the real monsters have arrived. C: What are you saying Bruce?! I don't understand any of this! B: Your our savior Clark. You always were. My hero, Superman! Bruce recites a spell to relinquish his forgotten memories and abilities. Clark's eyes glow green and like a tidal wave, his memories started flooding back. B: I'm so sorry Clark! I hope you could forgive me. I led these creatures here when I breached the multiverse, sending some sort of honing beacon. You know what was missing in those Michael Keaton, Chris Nolan and Rob Pattinson Batman movies? A best friend! They didn't have you Clark! They didn't have Superman! You complete me! I love you Cl... The signal was lost. The buildings were completely incinerated within seconds. Taking with it most of the parademons. The explosion disabled all power and electronic devices. People were trapped in their automated vehicles, smart houses, buildings and panic rooms. This was a job for Superman! Superman didn't even have time to properly grieve. For Supes had his priorities. Dick was standing erect with his big round, tight firm ass blocking the screen. Dick Grayson: What do we do now? C: We need to find John Constantine and Zatanna. Diana: How? All forms of electrical and telecommunications have been rendered obsolete. DG: I know where they live! Superman: Then let's hop to it. You two grab hold of me. Diana complied but Dick was hesitant. DG: Excuse moi! S: Trust me. As soon as Dick clung to Clark, Superman raised his arm above his head, slowly floated in the air and swiftly flew and crashed thru the ceiling. As they were zooming through the clouds, Dick couldn't resist singing -- We're soarin', flyin' There's not a star in heaven That we can't reach If we're trying So we're breaking free You know the world can see us In a way that's different than who we are Creating space between us 'Til we're separate hearts But your faith it gives me strength Strength to believe We're breakin' free... S: Is that from HSM? DG: Aha! S: I don't know how I know that. DG: Sure! D: Is that short for Home Shopping Market...? They finally arrive at John and Z's flat. Superman uses his x-ray vision and sees two immobile figures on the ground. Supes breaks thru the wall and finds the remains of John and Z. The parademons devoured them. DG: What now? S: We need to find Rachel Roth, she goes by Raven. DG: Titans Tower! When they get there all they encounter are the corpses of Dick's teammates; Wally West, Garth, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Hank Hall, Dawn Granger, Karen Beecher-Duncan and Kory, but there is no sign of Raven anywhere. DG: I'm starting to lose hope. D: Clark will figure something out. Just then Superman could hear someone whimpering. He hones in on the source of the sound. A lead covered room prevents him from seeing through. He smashes thru it and finds Raven beside her boyfriend, Garfield Mark Logan, her Beast Boy, cleaved in half. Raven is hysterical and Clark tries to calm her down. S: Rachel I need your help, your the only one left who could possibly undo all this. R: I don't know what you expect me to do. I'm nothing against those things. S: All you need to do is read something from a book. R: Then why don't you do it! S: I can't, it's more attuned to you. Can you help me? R: Where is this book then?! S: That's the tricky part. We still have to find it. R: What?! Out there! Are you insane! We're all going to die! S: I won't let that happen, I promise you. You can trust me to protect you. R: What can you do against those? S: Didn't you just see me smash through the wall. I'm invulnerable, among other things. But we don't have time, we need to keep moving now! Are you with me? Raven nods and off they go. Superman carrying all three of them, like they were rag dolls.

Cadmus Laboratories. The Cadmus facilities were constructed in a large, abandoned aqueduct outside of Metropolis. Exploration soon uncovered a vast array of caverns close to the facilities. DG: Where do we even begin? This place is like a labyrinth. S: This way! DG: Oh! OK! Not a single soul in sight. I don't like this. I hate jump scares. Superman hears someone crying for help. "Is anyone out there?! Please! Help me!" Superman breaks through the room marked "Subject 13" and sees a handsome young man, slightly smaller in stature than him. Bearing a strikingly uncanny resemblance. S: Who are you? C: My name is simply Conner! I am the son of Alexander Luthor. R: I thought Lex was gay. DG: So did I. C: I was created here. DG: Say what now?! C: I was cloned using Lex's DNA and spliced with that of Clark Kent. I came out of a containment pod. R: WHAT! DG: Same! S: We don't have time for this. Conner do you know where I might find a book? C: I have plenty of books here, from Shakespeare, to Plato, to Aristotle... S: No! This book is called the Necronomicon. C: Oh! I think I've heard of that one. It's in the storage facility. It's locked in a vault. My dad won't allow me to read it. DG: Yeah! Thanks! Superboy!

Unlike most of the building, the vault had an emergency backup power source. The security protocols were set in motion. Lasers, pressure sensitive floors and other defense mechanisms were in place. Superman simply flew past all of that nonsense and obtained the book like it was nothing. The book unfortunately was written in an antiquated language. R: How am I supposed to read this? D: Maybe I can help. Diana was quite adept or accustomed to reading old texts in different languages. But just then a swarm of parademons could be heard from a distance. Superman needed assistance and thought if Conner had some of his DNA then maybe, just maybe, he had some of his abilities as well. He had no time to lose. He grabbed Conner's face with both his hands and recited the exact same incantation Bruce uttered to him awhile back. He had memorized every single syllable. "memorias et facultates recuperare oblitus es" Before you know it, Conner's eyes began to glow green. But Conner was still the same. Not having a clue as to what to do. S: Try putting a dent on that table. C: But it's made out of solid steel. S: Just do it! C: OK! He not only puts a dent on the table, he completely annihilates it. But Clark has no time to coach him on being a hero. He has to figure things out for himself. The parademons slowly began emerging. Superman uses his laser eyes/heat vision to obliterate them. C: How do you do that? S: Just think of... let's say a beautiful girl and see how that goes. C: What if I'm into boys? S: Then think of a boy! C: I got nothing. S: Try staring at Diana. Conner does as he's told and soon his eyes are ablaze. The tag team champions take out the competition in one fell swoop. Using their strength, speed and super breath. Rachel was nearing completion in reciting the spell, when all hell breaks loose. The Female Furies reappear ready for bloodshed. They were all fully equipped with state of the art weaponry, laced with kryptonite. Superman and Conner were put in their place. They were no match for their artillery. Dick tried to help using his escrima sticks, but suffered one final blow to the head. Diana used her lasso but got tied up in it. All seemed lost. Conner was put out with several stabs through the chest. Diana was then lacerated repeatedly, with a pool of blood forming around her. Superman made one last ditch effort to console his beloved. "Diana please don't ever forget me. Lana was my past, Lois is the present, but you are my future. I will always and forever love you." The light in Diana's eyes grew dim. A parademon grabbed Rachel's leg and flew in the air. Rachel screamed, but knew she had to complete the final verse. The last thing she saw was of Superman being slained by the beautiful, yet frightening female mercenaries. A sharp, glowing green blade violently thrusts itself through Superman's esophagus. The parademons began gnawing on Rachel. As Rachel shrieked her final phrase "Azarath Metrion Zinthos." Swoosh! "I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, And be buried in thy eyes." "The last step have brought me to my love; And there I'll rest."

Clark wakes up from what seemed like a nightmare. He's stark naked in bed with sweat glistening from his sturdy granite chin and glorious greek/roman god, solid hard as steel, marble smooth sculpted, statuelike boulder physique. Like a well built virile amorous Adonis Adam with his enchanting Eve right next to him. His blushing bride Diana. "What's wrong Clark?" C: It felt so real. But clearly was just a bad dream. Everything's fine now, with you by my side. I love you! D: I love you too, Clark! As Clark attempts to reach for Diana's twins, their very own wunderkind wonder twins appear at the door and scamper onto the bed with them. They are like mini versions of them. Hunter and Lara. The picture or personification of the perfect loving family. The old Clark had died and the Superman of another Earth, suffered the same fate. And Clark was reborn, but his rebirth was not without it's consequences.

Wayne Manor. Bruce and Clark discuss the events of his nightmare. B: It could happen. We just have to make sure it never does. Your alive. Which means someone had to take your place in the afterlife. C: My father, Jonathan Kent, died of a heart attack. B: I'm so sorry Clark. C: I wish I could turn back time and undo it all, but I believe things happen for a reason. It's best we learn to accept it and move on with our lives. B: Well on that note, we need to get ready for my grand opening of The Batcave! Clark sighs. But just before that... A: Master Wayne your Aunt Harriet is here. B: What the hell is she doing here?! Harriet Cooper is a ravishing replica of Raquel Welch. H: Bruce darling! You look wonderful! B: So do you Auntie! Ageless as always. H: Oh stop! B: What on earth are you doing here? H: Can't I just visit my favorite nephew. As Bruce notices her designer brand luggages being dropped off. B: Are all the hotels fully booked? H: Wayne Manor is so much cozier. B: Your broke? H: I'm simply downsizing. Bruce sized up his Aunt dressed head to toe in haute couture. B: My apologies Auntie but I have a prior engagement. Mi casa es su casa. Alfred will escort you to your suite. H: Thank you Bruce! Harriet gives Bruce a peck on the cheek. But before following Alfred, the timeless beauty with eyes on the prowl, immediately notices the strapping Clark. H: Oh my! WHO IS THAT?! B: Oh no! He's off limits. He's mine! H: I didn't know you swung that way Bruce? B: Oh I swing everyway! I'm like a multisexual James Bond. H: You kids and all your new terms. As long as your being safe then I approve. It's too bad though he looks rough in the bedroom. I just love a take charge beast of a man. B: He's a beast alright with his hirsute chest. He just refuses to have it manscaped.... Clark could overhear their conversation, shaking his head and thought to interject with a "Bruce would sleep with anything so long as it had a pulse" but opted to keep silent and just get dressed.

The Batcave. It's a glittering, star studded event. Clark and Diana arrive, followed shortly by Bruce and Selina. Bruce certainly knows how to make an entrance. Arriving in a giant monster truck. B: Hey Clark! What do you think of my new ride? I call it the Batmobile! C: Very obstinate of you. B: You know me so well. DG: What the hell is obstinate? Barbara: Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so. DG: Gee, Thanks! Smartass! And I mean you do have a sweet ass. B: Oh Shut up! As Barbara slaps Dick's broad shoulder, he goes in for the kill. Landing a wet one on Babs' lips in front of everyone to see. The entire JLA is present as well as all of Dick's Titans teammates. Everyone dances the night away, Cat Grant shows up with Steve Lombard in tow. Arthur is with wife Mera. Dinah Laurel Lance with her canary colored hair and black fishnets finally hooks her prize catch Oliver Queen. Barry dances with a girl named Iris. Raven and Gar are marching to the beat of their own drum, making out while slow dancing. Aunt Harriet is seen boogying with Jimmy Olsen. John Constantine and Zatanna are screwing in a bathroom stall. Giant Mr. Ray Palmer shrinks in a corner eating his nuts in wait, when Bruce receives an urgent call from Alfred. A: Master Wayne someone is waiting, quite impatiently for you, he says it's of the utmost importance. B: I'll be right there. As Bruce excuses himself from the festivities, he is confronted by a diminutive, yet precocious child. D: Good evening, Mister Wayne. My name is Damian, I believe you know my mother; Talia al Ghul. I am your biological son. Nice to finally meet you Father! Both Bruce and Alfred are aghast.

B: Damian needs a cow. Can you get me one? C: A cow? What on earth does he need with a cow? B: To milk it. Beats me! I don't know what kind of weird kinky shit that kid is into. It's best not to pry. C: But just give him whatever he asks for? B: Hey! I'm not the one who spoiled the little brat. You can blame his mother for that. He was already rotten when he got here. That's what being raised in a cult will do to you. Mess with your head. I never even wanted a kid. Talia roofied me! I'm the victim! And now I have to suffer by being responsible for the little devil. C: He is your child. B: Only by blood. C: Blood is thicker than water. B: So is my semen.  Dick was never this difficult. C: That's cause you didn't raise him. Alfred did! B: I supervised! The kid knows more Kama Sutra positions than me. C: I don't think that's true. B: No it's not. C: Maybe all he needs is some TLC. B: Is that a new drug? Clark just scowls at Bruce. B: I know what that is. I was just joking. Thin layer chromatography. Clark is still glaring. B: No amount of love is gonna change that little demon head. So I sent him to Dr. Leslie Thompkins for psychiatric evaluation instead of that quackjob Hugo Strange. His granddad really did a number on him. The old geezer simply refuses to die. C: Ra's! I believe he's starting his own heavy metal band called the League of Shadows. B: It's pronounced "Raysh" (or "Rayche") not "Raas" (or "Raz"). C: Sorry! B: Now can you get me the damn cow or not?! C: Fine! B: Thank You! Just have it FedExed. As Bruce walks away Clark shakes his head.

The big revelation comes in the form of Lex Luthor. It turns out that Bruce was not actually the one responsible for the alien invasion. It was in fact Lex who made a pact with Darkseid, so long as he was granted ruler of this Earth. On the giant screen, a formal announcement is made of Lex Luthor, officially being proclaimed the new president of the United States of America. Lex in order to avoid any more interrogation tactics from the press, makes a stunning engagement proposal to Lois Lane. Much to the surprise of everyone. Lois without hesitation accepts! All people were talking about was the impending nuptials. Clark kept a close watch on Lex. Conner unsuspectingly manages to escape Cadmus and searches for his other dad, Clark. Little does he know that Lex is using him as a pawn to keep tabs on Clark. Eventually Clark would discover his cousin Kara Zor-El trapped in the communist state of Pokolistan. With the help of the JLA he manages to rescue Kara from her concealment in a concentration camp for refusing to be a concubine to their supreme leader. Clark takes Kara away from the clutches of the corrupt dictator Avruskin aka Dru-Zod/Zed. Kara and Conner would soon lock eyes and you could guess what happens next. But aren't they like related? They could be super soulmates or just plain mates.

The Hall of Justice. As Clark examines his teammates and new members. He couldn't help but notice in their skimpy attire, that they resembled strippers and porn stars, more than trained professionals. That's why you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Although starry-eyed fiery-redhead Kory once worked as a stripper and called herself Starfire! A new kid named Kamandi, walks around like he's never even heard of a shirt before. And then there's Michael Payson "Mike" Maxwell. A friend of Bruce's who graduated from college with highest honors but opted to go to Africa instead. And becomes a wrestler creating the identity of "B'wana Beast." Patrick "Eel" O'Brian who used to be a contortionist and had a criminal record, was treated as a joke by the rest of the JLA members. Like "The Plastics" in Mean Girls. So like high school he would sit all by himself with a paper bag lunch. But he notices the prom king and queen sitting in their reserved alcove. Clark waves him over. Patrick instinctively looks behind him, even though there's no one there. "What! Me! OK." Patrick nervously sits with the most popular couple. He even shares his lunch with them. "Bruce would never be caught dead next to someone like me." C: But he's the one who actually recommended you. P: Really! I thought he hated me. C: Nah! He just acts like that sometimes. He recognizes your potential, even if nobody else sees it. I see it! D: Me too! We should never underestimate people. Even if they are ill-dressed. Patrick looks down at his exposed chest and quickly covers up. P: Sorry about that! C: Your a welcome addition to the team. P: Gee thanks you guys. I don't really know what to say. I've never had any friends before, could you two possibly, maybe...? Clark and Diana in unison: Of course! We'd love to. And they all share a hearty laugh. Patrick had finally found some friends, Super Friends!

A blurry shot is shown. Unsteady and then it blinks. Revealing a New Earth, Darkseid appears to be triumphant, having taken over the entire world. Superman's eyes are shown bloodshot. Lying helpless on the ground, covered in wounds. His costume is torn to shreds. Surrounded by kryptonite. Looking out at his fallen comrades. Darkseid emits his Omega Beams which locks into a target to ensure it never misses and disintegrates the selected target. Which so happens to be Batman. Batman maneuvered out of harm's way but not for long. The powerful bio-electric energy beams eventually caught up with Bats and killed him. Superman: Bruce!! With swarms of parademons surrounding them plus the Female Furies and Darkseid's minions. The battle appeared to be over. As Darkseid slowly approached the defeated Superman. With his giant boot kicking him to the side. Darkseid made one final plea to Superman to join him in taking over the multiverse. Spitting blood out. S: I, I... I will never join you! Darkseid kicks his face in. "You disappoint me. A shame for you could have ruled over your own kingdom, right by my side. Do you have any final requests before I end you?" Superman stutters then starts serenading Darkseid to death. Everyone stares at Superman in momentary shock. Darkseid covers his ears. The rest of the JLA, even in their weakened state, arose to support their fearless leader. Suddenly revitalized. They started singing along as well. Green Lantern, Hal Jordan with his emerald power ring, started playing electric guitar. Cyborg started blasting music everywhere using giant speakers, "Booyah!" Black Canary used her potent sonic attack or canary cry, creating ultrasonic vibrations and severely damaging the opponent. John Constantine and Zatanna used their magic to revive the rest of the team including Batman. The Flash creates speed vortexes by whirling his arms very fast, sending the hordes back to whence they came. Wonder Woman lassoes the Furies back into the Boom Tubes. Aquaman was just chillin' like a cool dude with his giant... Trident! Darkseid started running away like a scared little child and back into the boom tube. The rest of the parademons and the dark forces retreated back to the planet Apokolips. The heroes were victorious and were in a celebratory mood. Superman had his right arm around Batman and his left was on Diana. He kissed them both. Everyone squeezed together for a Selfie, with Cyborg extending a camera. Plastic Man pleaded to wait for him, but tripped on a rock and landed face flat on the floor. The final shot is of the gang making funny faces with Plas behind everyone and only his one hand visible. A fitting end to Final Crisis!

ALTERNATE ENDING: Clark wakes up from what seemed like a nightmare. But has no recollection of what transpired. This time he's wearing pants and next to his lovely wife Lois Lane. This is no longer Clark from Earth 69 but Superman from New Earth. It's still the present and not the future. Lois is having a dream of her own, but in her dream she is wrinkly and old with ghost white hair and lying next to Clark. Clark appears to be as beautiful as the day Lois first laid eyes on him. With or without the glasses there was no hiding his hunky exterior, only a fool would fail to recognize it. Lois only prayed that long after she was gone that he would find solace elsewhere.

Outside at the Hall of Justice. A gust of wind whips someone's hair onto Clark's face. As Clark turns around he notices Diana, like for the very first time. He has a little twinkle in his eyes but shuts off any signs of romantic interest. Diana is strictly platonic and Lois is his staunchest ball-and-chain. As Diana slowly departs accompanied by her very pretty and petite, most trusted aide and ally, Etta who is as sweet as Candy! Clark could smell Diana's lingering, scintillating and sensual aroma wafting in the air. Tempting his forbidden apples and sending his rising anaconda into a frenzy. But Lois & Clark are a lock! Inseparable! Nothing could ever come between them. Right? After all their destined to grow old together and... never mind!

Achieving his goal of becoming more important than Superman, Lex Luthor succeeded in becoming President of the United States of America. Choosing a cabinet of honorable and esteemed individuals, President Luthor used his officials to gain the public's trust, and instill the belief that he has an honorable administration. The members of the Luthor Cabinet include: Amanda Waller was the Director and Warden of Belle Reve penitentary, a penal center for America's deadliest superhuman criminals. Now, as Secretary of Meta-Human Affairs, she works directly for Lex Luthor, secretly utilizing the Suicide Squad to further the interests of the President. Amanda Waller (nicknamed The Wall) the onetime lardy is now a svelte Vixen LADY–KILLER, has proved to be as dangerous and shady as she ever was. General Samuel Lane was a career military man. A diehard combatant and patriot, he became the Secretary of Defense. Catherine Grant, the onetime celebrity columnist for the Daily Planet newspaper, and chairwoman of Galaxy Communications, serves dutifully as the Press Secretary for Luthor's administration.

President Luthor decrees martial law and declares war on all fronts. Just then a giant comet comes hurtling towards Earth. The JLA come springing into action to thwart the impending collision and catastrophe. But Lex's political machinations interfere with the heroes plans and usurp them out of commission. General Sam Lane just prayed that his most trusted intelligence agent, Steven Trevor completed the mission. The said mission was to track down General Lane's daughters, Lucy and Lois and secure them in a titanium bunker. Steve was currently dating Etta Candy but soon dismissed her in favor of Lois. If he were to die he'd rather pass on knowing he was in the company of two beautiful and feisty girls. The Doomsday clock was in full effect. The comet came whooshing by and imploding. The sudden deep impact causes a worldwide disaster and triggering an extinction-level event. The tsunami shockwave strikes, killing everyone instantly.

In the post apocalyptic new world where every single human has been completely wiped out. Only two super beings are left standing. Like Adam & Eve in the garden of extinction. Superman & Wonder Woman! As they bury their fellow comrades, Clark and Diana ponder their current circumstance. As the days turned to weeks, then months. Finally years flew by and still no sign of survivors as they scoured the globe... A torn page from the comic book Invincible #144 blew by, the character Mark Grayson/Invincible is next to his wife Samantha Eve Wilkins/Atom Eve, Mark admits he has been thinking of the past a lot and he keeps coming back to what his father asked him: "What will you have after five hundred years?" Mark smiles as he and Eve continue to enjoy each other's company. Diana watched wistfully at Clark bathing in the lake. Transfixed at his alluring aura. Clark notices Diana staring at him and immediately feels self conscious, but then drops his guard and invites her over to join him. They kiss tenderly, then go at it like wet barn animals. The sexual activity itself created a seven-point-eight-Richter-scale earthquake! The coupling causes a ground swelling Santorini devastation by a volcanic eruption and white hot lava. They destroy mountains and then fall, comet-like, to Earth. Clark and Diana are lying naked on a pile of rubble, looking like the unrealistic standard of beauty from the covers of fashion magazines and comic books, with perfect hair and skin. Their flawless physique are glistening in the glorious sunshine. They giggle like naughty schoolchildren and converse for what felt like an eternity.

So Much, So Fast. Finding Respite Where We Can. From The Tempest Of Change All Around Us. In Superman's usual rounds he overhears something from underground. He uses his x-ray vision but could not see through the lead lining. He breaks through the underground bunker and is shocked and mortified to find Plastic Man masturbating to superhero porn. S: Is that supposed to be me?!

Pretty soon they are joined by the immortal Vandal Savage who helps build them a ship to transport them to the next livable planet.... Could Vandal Savage be in cahoots with Darkseid? Is he leading our heroes into a trap? Like lambs to the slaughter. Is Darkseid planning on obtaining Superman and Wonder Woman's future offspring and raising it to be his very own tyrant? Only time will tell. Till then we get more of Clark and Diana sucking face and then some. With Plas ogling every juicy nasty hour. The lovey-dovey twosome were doing the tango in an aerial acrobatic suplex salsa and Plas enjoying getting super-sprayed with wondrous delights. : )

EPILOGUE: Fifty years into the future, a young Terry McGinnis meets the aged and reclusive Bruce Wayne...

In an Aeon Flux dystopian world, Bruce Wayne, the original Batman, retires due to failing health. Terrence "Terry" McGinnis discovers Batman's identity. Amanda Waller reveals to an older Terry that she created the project "Batman Beyond" to continue Bruce Wayne's work. Though initially Terry believed that he was a clone of Bruce Wayne, Amanda Waller states that Bruce Wayne is instead Terry's biological father. The truth being revealed to Terry allows him to let go of his anger and fear... Ever since Clark/Superman's mysterious disappearance, together with Diana/WW, Bruce was never quite the same. He had morphed into "Batfleck." His entire Bat-Family consisting of Timothy "Tim" Drake, Cassandra Cain, Helena Bertinelli, David Zavimbe, Katherine "Kate" Kane and Stephanie Brown had soon abandoned him. Bruce is looking out his ginormous window at the Blade Runner like blimps with their cryptic slogans, pondering his actions that led to his current state. Dick's hatred for him stems from the fact that he slept with Barbara Gordon. "But why would I hurt my only true favorite son? Damian? Meh! Jason Todd? Deceased! And where the hell is Selina? She would never forsake me, even if I sleep with another. We have an understanding, an open and honest relationship." Ace appears out of nowhere staring blankly at Bruce. "How on God's green earth is he still alive? Did I clone him?" Bruce deciphered the codex conundrum without any help from The Riddler. "Clark's not dead! He's just been misplaced. I only need to find him." Bruce had a sudden light-bulb moment, staring up at the reflective preternatural night sky. Bruce had complete Total Recall. [RECALIBRATING...] But just then he could feel a discomfort in one arm, followed by chest pain as he collapsed onto the floor. Terry was in no hurry with Bruce's medication but quickly ran towards an unresponsive Bruce. The only thing that came out of Bruce's mouth as the Buzz Lightyear faded into darkness was, "To Infinity and TRON." As Terry gently carries Bruce, "This town ain 't big enough for the two of us." "Yee-Haw! Giddyup, partner, we gotta get this wagon train a'movin'!" Bruce's "There's a snake in my boot!" Woody has a mind of it's own. "I was made to help a child. I don't remember it being this hard." "Well, then you watch them grow up and become a full person. And then they leave. They go off and do things you'll never see. Don't get me wrong, you still feel good about it. But then somehow you find yourself, after all those years sitting in a closet just feeling…" "You can't teach this old toy new tricks." "Reach for the sky!" Terry's eyes are Kelly McGillis!

Wonder Woman discovers that Steve Trevor is still alive, and goes to visit him in the hospital. And yet, filled with pain and anger, Steve lashes out at Wonder Woman. He expresses his frustration with the fact that superheroes could never really understand what soldiers and mortal men go through. Wonder Woman tries to understand, but he wants to be left alone. So she leaves.

Later, Superman and Wonder Woman talk on the roof of a building. She explains how lonely she truly feels. She has fought for the World of Men out of love and compassion. She has tried to understand what Steve has gone through, but he simply couldn't understand her. There is no one like her. Except for, maybe, Superman himself.

They are both from other worlds; Krypton and Themyscira. And because of that, they both feel alien. Their superhero sides are never truly understood by others. They have both lost and outlived so many of their loved ones. Really, they are both some of the most powerful beings on the planet, and there is no telling what they could do or who they could be together. And so, feeling less alone together, they kiss. They were truly getting to know each other as both Clark and Diana, and Superman and Wonder Woman. They were able to support each other in ways that truly no one else could.

One of the greatest difficulties of heroes being together is that their lifestyles usually force them into deciding between being a hero and being with the one they love. Superman and Wonder Woman didn't have that problem. They only supported each other. They were a team like no other, able to defeat any villain and conquer any conundrum. And though their relationship goes through trials and tribulations, they still rely on each other. This power couple fought side by side. They still make an incredible team, and love and compassion still drive their heroism, but the love between them will never be gone.

Bruce awakens from a seemingly bad dream. He quickly feels his muscles. "Thank God I'm still HOT!" The dream quickly faded into obscurity. Like a blur that was immediately deleted from his memory bank. But not his sperm bank. Speaking of hot, Bruce was lying next to a sheer lingerie clad Selina. Just as he was about to feel her up, someone knocks on the double doors. Dumbledore Alfred wheels in a tray full of goodies. A: Top of the morning to you Master Wayne, Ms. Kyle. Selina scarfs-down on a mascarpone croissant. They both thank Al Capone. A: Apologies Master Wayne but I won't be available for the duration as I'll be preoccupied with company. B: Like a date perhaps? A: Of a sort. B: It isn't an imaginary mannequin is it? Selina giggles. A: I can assure you it's a live person and not a dummy. B: Alrighty then, have fun with your inanimate object. S: Bruce cut it out. As Alfred excuses himself, the Tantric tandem continue licking each others fur balls. "There shall not be one minute in an hour Wherein I will not kiss my sweet love's flower."

During Christmas Clark gives Diana a miniature Mjolnir as a gift. Before Supes & WW get a chance to indulge in rude intercourse, a large KRAKOOM rattles the area! Striking the two of them and envelops them in a sphere of energy. It totally kills the mood. Both heroes find themselves exiled in the land of Valhalla for a thousand years. Will they give into romantic temptation? Or will a multitude of demons kill them first? A blue bolt of lightning strikes the pair, teleporting them into a battle with an insectoid critter. Wonder Woman gleefully beats it down, as a shadowy figure approaches from behind. Superman and Wonder Woman are dizzy and woozy, and they may have time-traveled. They are in the Twilight Zone. Wonder Woman recognizes the place. She appears to be beating up a giant robot bug. Like a mantis or a grasshopper. A blonde-bearded man in flamboyant armor makes a hearty entrance and approaches Superman. It is Thor, Odin's son... no, not Marvel Thor. Well, maybe Thor is universal, perhaps he transcends comics universes and the Source Wall itself... He still remarkably resembles Chris Hemsworth though. He welcomes them to Valhalla, where battles seemingly rage on forever. He admires Wonder Woman's instinctual tenacity! She will be a valorous ally! To what, we don't know yet. He welcomes Superman to Valhalla! Wonder Woman tries to explain to Supes, "I'm honor-bound to defend Asgard without question..." Thor convinces Superman and Wonder Woman to aid him in battle. Diana is honor bound to help in any Asgardian affairs, and Clark says he won't leave without her. Thor tells them the last time they'd faced such a threat was against the Frost Giants in a battle that raged for two-thousand years. Thor expended every ounce of energy getting them here, so he can't just send them back wherever they came from right now. Not until the war is over! Valhalla! A battle to end all battles! Or rather, a battle to start all battles...is underway. And they fight and fight and their bond grows stronger and stronger. Valhallan battle montage, in which dozens of years pass. It is a New Moon. Superman begins to forget bits and pieces of Lois, including her smell and her voice... while becoming more familiar to Diana's. "Thank you, Diana... for always being my best friend. I love you." "I love you too, Clark..." As A Thousand Years by Christina Perri plays on -- The day we met, Frozen I held my breath Right from the start I knew that I'd found a home for my heart Beats fast Colors and promises How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall But watching you stand alone? All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don't be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away What's standing in front of me Every breath Every hour has come to this... And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more I'll love you for a thousand more Ohh... AND THE BATTLE RAGES ON! An Eclipse! At this point in Valhalla, 999 years have passed. On the eve of the one-thousandth year, Clark and Diana share an intimate conversation. The two appear to very nearly "give in" to their passion, when Clark throws a flag on the play. Despite how much he cares for, nay loves Diana... he still belongs only to Lois. Although by now, she is long gone... he cannot be unfaithful. The following day Superman and Wonder Woman enter battle for the final time... prevailing over the Vgrtsmyth Batallians. Finally Breaking Dawn! They win! Yay! Thor congratulates them on a job well done! Kudos! At the close of the war, Clark and Diana ask Thor for one favor before they return to Earth... (Can you imagine a Supes/WW/Thor 3-Way Sandwich? Delicious! But Who's the Top? Diana! Obvy: )... I'm assuming it has something to do with giving them back the past millennium of their lives. Now back home! "My love hath in it a bond, Whereof the world takes note." "A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men."

Superman awkwardly admits to having thought about Diana constantly since first meeting her, even admitting to having had an "intense" dream about her. While Wonder Woman admits to also having feelings for Superman, the two agree to remain friends, for now.

Soon they decide to ultimately spend the night out together. Despite Clark's nature forcing him to look around and notice all the crimes being committed around them, Diana points out that no one is getting hurt or needs to be rescued, and convinces him to just spend the night hanging out with her and seeing a band called the Do-Nothings.

The pair quietly and independently deal with threats to others and spend an evening on the town getting face paint and spending time singing along with a group of hippies around a bonfire.

Diana grew up and could have spent her life in a literal paradise, but her wanderlust and curiosity about the world always gets the better of her. She can never truly tie herself down to one place, one person, or one life. She admits he's a hunk, but it's clear that the kind of relationship he's looking for isn't the kind of thing that she wants to be a part of. Although they understand each other better than almost anyone else, they ultimately aren't right for each other romantically. While they can empathize with one another, they're very different people with different views on a perfect life. It's not that they don't recognize their compatibility, but they understand it's only on a surface level. Until the next cataclysmic event then.

If Darkseid is a conqueror, then Brainiac is a collector. Brainiac is a bald, green-skinned humanoid who collects data and shrinks various cities or collect samples of cities at their height of development, storing them in life-sustaining bottles with the intent of using them to restore the then-unnamed planet he ruled. And for the purpose of study and analysis. To acquire and quantify all knowledge about a planet and then destroy the original source.

Brainy is like a little toddler who never grew up. A Peter Pan syndrome. A Spielberg looking for his next E.T. or Ready Player One. A mere spectator who's sport it is to mess with the sentient and provide a cohesive power of shared fantasies. Any androids like Red Tornado, who are incapable of dreams, have been eliminated from the equation.

Metropolis. Lois Lane is about to enter her apartment when she notices a sexy new male tenant from behind. Lugging a giant box. It is none other than Steve Trevor. Lois recognizes him immediately and scowls. L: Did my Dad send you here to spy on me? S: On the contrary, I no longer work for the General. I quit! L: Why? They weren't paying you enough? S: It wasn't about the money. I was just tired of being someone else's lackey. I've always wanted to open my own coffee shop. L: Are you for real? Is this some kind of test? I ain't falling for it handsome. S: Then don't! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot more boxes to unload. Lois' face is a mixture of curiosity and amusement. Where will this lead to? Is anyone's guess.

Patrick O'Brian AKA Plastic Man, finally finds his one coquette. FBI Special Agent Nancy Morgan and they move to their new home in the suburbs called Stepford. It is a quaint little Pleasantville town. We'll see how long this one lasts.

Clark and Diana wake up in an uncharted island. A Paradise Island of Blue Lagoon. How they got there is a mystery? Their clothes appear to have been torn to shreds. Like they even needed clothes to begin with. Clark tries to fly away but his powers don't seem to be working, so does Diana's. Clark instinctively builds shelter and fire. Diana forages for sustenance. Believe me they ain't gonna starve.

Brainiac is amusing himself with the myriad of collected bottled cities before him. The denizens have no clue that their homeworld has been destroyed. They are like puppets on a string. Any sign of clarity is squelched. There is no escape. They are trapped for eternity. Never truly aging, never growing. Just forever stuck in a loop. An ever changing, neverending time capsule. The Truman Show, The Thirteenth Floor, ROOM! The Mimics from Edge of Tomorrow. A Systematic Symbiotic Simulation.

On the gigantic monitor, the canoodling cavorting couples are displayed on screen in a multitude of boxes. CRINGE! Creeper. 'Love is a smoke and is made with the fume of sighs' 'Love goes by haps; Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps'

Clark and Diana are laying on their backs in the sand, looking up at the night sky, pointing out the constellations, The Big Dipper/Ursa Major, 'The Great Bear', Orion, 'The Hunter', Taurus, 'The Bull', Gemini, 'The Twins.' Bruce and Selina are Dirty Dancing. Barry Allen is arrested for a minor infraction and bailed out by a deathly irate Iris. Arthur and Mera are swimming with the shark tanks. Victor Stone is playing catch with John Jones. The Green Lanterns are having an orgy. Oliver Queen proposes to Dinah Lance. Dick and Barbara are joined by Kory in a merry-go-round. Raven and Beast Boy make a sex tape. Lori Lemaris swims her way towards Aqualad. Tim Drake is in tears as boyfriend Bernard Dowd breaks things off, but bulky prodigal son Jason Todd is the perfect shoulder to cry on. Timothy instinctively kisses a red-faced Jason who felt hoodwinked and slowly storms off. Lana Lang is leaning on husband Pete Ross. Lois Lane and Steve Trevor are having a nightcap in his bistro. Jimmy Olsen has a little fender-bender while crashing into Lucy Lane. Kara and Conner are strolling by the beach when a smart-aleck named Cassie rudely interrupts them. Kara takes haste and sends Cassie flying smack onto the sand with a smirk from Kara. Ray Palmer is happy to be engulfed in Felicity Smoak. Harley and Joker are having a wet and wild foam party. Mr. J is unrecognizable dressed as hipster Jesus. Lex Luthor's loyal valet and bodyguard, Mercy Graves is delighted to scalp massage Lex's chrome-dome. As Clark and Diana smooch for the thousandth time, Clark has an epiphany. "What in The Matrix? This isn't real! We're all plugged-in." "What are saying Clark?" "I have a plan! First I need to find Bruce." Then... RECALIBRATING... REBOOT...!

My Misadventures with... Mister Mxyzptlk and Bat-Mite!

If anyone can rescue our heroes from entrapment it would be these two fifth dimensional fools. They exist on higher planes of reality, their sheer power can destroy and reset the universe every time.

Mister Mxyzptlk, sometimes called Mxy, is a trickster in the classical mythological sense. He possesses reality-warping powers with which he enjoys tormenting Superman or making life difficult.

Bat-Mite is an imp who possesses what appear to be near-infinite magical powers, but he actually uses highly advanced technology from the fifth dimension that cannot be understood by humans' limited three-dimensional views. He idolizes Batman.

MXY: So, do I put things back to normal or... mess with it a little?

BM: I don't really care as long as Batman is fine.

MXY: You know, your hero used to be a solitary figure, until the Bat-Family arrived.

BM: He would sacrifice happiness to protect his beloved city of Gotham.

MXY: That sounds so... stupid! Who in their right mind would forgo carnal desires for some derelict city? Thankfully they brought in Catwoman. Do I keep Supes and Lois together though?

BM: It's always been Lois & Clark, Superman & Lois. They're forever ingrained in our memories, why ruin that?

MXY: Because it's fun! Do you really think that an alien and a human can have an everlasting relationship? Superman's molecular structure is such that his aging process stabilizes and slows. That's like putting Starfire with Nightwing. Sure she's smoking hot and Dick would have a helluva lot of fun with her, but she's actually 156 years old in Tamaran years. I say just put the Earthlings together and away from the extraterrestrials.

BM: But that would be like messing with the status quo. Some people like to keep things just the way they are.

MXY: Poppycock! Everything has to change inevitably. Has anyone ever seen Superman's Aging Wife, Lois Lame? Or perhaps The Adventures of Geriatric Lois!

BM: No one wants to see that.

MXY: Exactly! But that's exactly what's supposed to happen. But no, Lois will forever be reincarnated time and time again as beautiful and vivacious, but never old and decrepit. They can kill off Steve Trevor but if that happened to Lois Supes would go mental and turn into a tyrant. They just can't face reality and can only deal with fantasy.

BM: And what's so wrong with that? 

MXY: It's all just one big lie! Now Lois and Steve Trevor on the other hand has a nice ring to it.

BM: Nostalgia trumps ingenuity.

MXY: But where's the mischief in that?

BM: We could transform into Batman and Superman, ... then fool around with each other.

MXY: (Very long pause with a raised eyebrow) ... I don't... (Pondering) ... Okey-Dokey then! But I'll be Batman.

BM: I'll use Dick's escrima sticks.

MXY: Don't forget to expand and turn on the tasers.

MXY: What about you folks? Which would you prefer, safe and familiar or (painfully) something new? 

The stories of Superman & Batman will continue to inspire, thrive and remain relevant. In all their many iterations. They will outlive us all. Whether they be human or superhuman, in death and eventual rebirth, they truly are immortal. There's just no stopping them.

(I so wanted to make Bruce & Clark sound very much like intellectuals with common sense, unlike Einstein. But I just didn't have the right vocab and know-how to properly articulate that. Being a complete dumbass myself. So I just went the easy route and made them sound like inane sitcom characters with a very naughty sense of humor. That behaved like a bunch of juveniles. Bats is usually the more serious and grumpy one, while Supes on the other hand is more optimistic. But not on this Earth where the tables have been turned. The action sequences were especially difficult. Since I'm obviously not an expert fight instructor. Action is best appreciated on screen with choreographed fights. And not just simply reading a bunch of words. I really wish people enjoy this, but if not, then that's ok. Since I'm not really a writer. I just have these insane ideas popping up in my tiny brain. And this is all just for fun. Thank you!)

moncho_monchocreators' thoughts