
Brought to the DeCaDeNcE

Both where born as the definition of misfortune, betrayed by their believes and those the believed in, they cursed their weak self and abandoned everything behind them. So, he saw them, he who had shaped the world to his image gave them the power to shape and build their own world, but contrary to what he wanted, both searched a means to go back to their worlds to enact their revenge and to do that, the needed to climb the separate and isolated worlds and reach the submit, where the door of the origin was. This is the adventure of no longer humans existence, traveling from world to world in search for a means to go back to their world for a selfish purpose.

Poker_mon · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Meeting July

Marilyn as usual compiled documents and handed task to workers and sectary, she posted announcement and missions on boards, and brought out any major events to Hugh, she was busy 24/7 all through, people respected her a lot for her hard work and today wasn't different.

In her office she, she could see people entering and exiting the guild's large door, so she knew all faces, and her assistant, July was an angel, even though she was quiet and distant to all, she was hardworking and always did her work well, but at this moment Marilyn was a little anxious at the sight Infront of her.

July stood at the receptionist desk and look up at a man who stared at her, it has already been a moment since this man has been standing here, without saying a word.

"Ehmm, how can I help?" Asked the assistant receptionist, Marilyn closed her eyes and did her work, it is preferable to leave the new generation find their mark, she thought, if Hugh heard her now, he would have laughed out loud.

"Hmm... Just came to hand the keys and say my farewell " Said the Man, Marilyn stopped her work and the Leticia's lips twitch.

Marilyn left her desk and came closer, "wait a minute, are you Nine?" Asked Marilyn, the man nodded, everybody gasped in shock as plats and cups fell on the floor, the room went quiet.

He change, drastically change, appearance to the body structure, his looked more human than beast, his hairs where black, they blackness of it were like thr abyss itself, his moon like eyes stared at everyone in shock wondering why he was still the center of attention.

"I just cut down some of my fur" Said Nine trying to hide the cat, "just cutting? With this change? Seriously, you look more civilize now" Said Marilyn, Nine awkwardly nodded at the young small woman who did not know the meaning of private space.

"Oh, thanks, but please, can you ..." He asked, she made a 'oh' sound and apologized before taking a seat.

"So, where would you be heading to now?" She asked, Nine really did not think about that he answered, "I would just head to the next town" He said, noting that this town might soon be wiped out by that thing.

"If that's the case, why being in the rush, look the Lord of the town have organized a banquet for his son's anniversary " She said, hearing this, he was at the point of rejecting the offer, but ...

"Don't be shy, you would be going out, and you have an Avian pass, your literally a half member, but still, if you decide to fully register, I would be happy" Said Marilyn and she did not stop and kept on speaking.

"When she start, she can no longer shut it" A feminine voice spoke out, Nine looked around but saw nobody speaking, everybody was busy on their task.

"Relax, look at the desk" Nine turn towards the desk and saw a girl with golden eyes staring at empty space, she was bored, "yeah, so, what are you really?" Asked July.

"July isn't it?" Asked Nine, the silence was like an affirmation to the question, but the girl at the desk yawn and kept on doing her work ignoring people around her.

"Hmmm, you want answer without giving your own answers?" Asked Nine, he did not know why, but the voice was comforting.

"Haa... Let's start back " July signed and on the desk, she turn and look at Nine, which stared back at her, Marilyn still talking notice the gaze, she grin and stood up.

"Anyway, stay behind, we would depart this afternoon, from here, July would look after you" said Marilyn, after exchanging some words with July, she left, July bowed and walked towards Nine, she sat and both stared at each other.

"How long have you been in this world?" Asked July.

"Hmm... Don't know much, didn't really care, why asking?" Asked Nine.

"Don't you want to go back to your world?" Asked July.

"Huh?" Nine's attention was caught instantly, "what do you mean?" July stared at him for a moment, "looks like you don't know much of this world?" She asked.

"Just tell me what you mean by going back, is it possible?" July fell animosity rising, but wasn't directed towards her, she smiled, 'good' was the term she referred to when she look at Nine's expression.

"The road of the Rulers" Nine tilted his head, with a 'what?' expression, "that's how it's referred to in this world, the four layers leading to it's end" She said.

"I may not be intelligent, but a world has no beginning nor ending, circular in shape, the starting point is also the ending " Said Nine.

"Haha, love your concept of infinity " She said in a mocking tone, and Nine was confused on her concept she talked about, but still listen, "Haa... As I said, you don't know much of this world's function, it is not that vast as you think, only three kingdoms are present in this world" Said July.

"What about the other continent beyond the sea?" Asked Nine, July slightly laughed at his question.

"There isn't " A 'huh' sound was heard from Nine, "this world is separation, what I mean is, this world and people where thrown out and isolated from existence " Said July.

"What do you mean?" Asked Nine seriously.

"The great war the all talked about never ended with a victory, defeated, the world was dissected to various layers with respective means of stoping people from going against the rules to find the construct back the world" Said Nine.

"Please, tell me more about the past of this world, by the way, who are you really?" Asked Nine.

July smiled, and shook her head, Nine understood that, the question was still to sensible to talk about, so he accepted her reluctance to answer, she thanked him and followed up.

"You are different, different from this other people trapped here, your mine isn't corrupted, not yet at least, for you want to see the end of the Rulers road, that's why you tried crossing the red forest " She said.

"How do you ..." He did not have time to finish that she gave the answer, "there is a lingering aura emanating from your body which originate from the red zone, also you were marked by one of his resident" She said, "how did you even manage to come back alive?" The girl asked, but even Nine knew he was lucky to have run away.

"Haa... Let's start from the beginning, creation of this decadence world" Said July seriously.