
Chapter 11 - Forging a leader.

Chapter 11 - Forging a leader.

- Damn it. - swore Gih, unable to stabilize herself before the arachno jumped at her.

But before he could get close, an arrow hit him in the chest, and a moment later thorny vines wrapped around the arachno, immediately immobilizing him.

From above the wall, Luh, who had shot the arrow, shouted - finish it already and come back Gih.

Hearing the scream, Gih drew her sword and with a sideways slash, made a nasty wound in the arachno's throat, causing blood to spurt. Soon the first arachno soldier fell in battle.

Without waiting for order, the elves soon pulled her back to the top of wooden wall.

- Thanks. - said Gih, a little ashamed of her carelessness during the battle.

- No problem, just don't let it happen again.- Luh replied. - You scared me. - She completed softly. Gih was her twin sister, and the fear of losing her made Luh's heart skip a beat.

As they talked, the other archers continued to harass the arachnos soldiers. Soon, unaware that their companion had died, two other arachnos soldiers decided to cross the barrier of fire.

When they reached the other side, four spearmen descended the wall. After the first battle and feeling the strength of the enemies, Gih decided that two against one would be safer.

The battle was at its height as the last arachno burst through the flames. Soon, the situation began to turn disadvantageous for the elves, and Gih sent two more spearmen down.

- Mages, use vines to damage their mobility. - Luh ordered. - Lancers, finish the battle and come up. Let's not waste time in the open space. - she added, shouting to the elves below the wall.

- Great reasoning, Luh. - Unbeknownst to them, Ed's voice reached the ears of the elves on the wall. He and the elder were climbing onto the parapet of the wooden wall while Luh gave the orders. - Pull them back as soon as possible. Another six arachnos reached the edge of the forest. Five soldiers and a commander. Things are starting to get serious. - said Ed.

The battle in bellow the wall soon ended with the help of the mages and soon the spearmen were pulled up.

- Anyone who knows healing magic, take a look at the spearmen, see if they need treatment. But only use magic if it's really necessary, we can't spend energy on every single scratch. - Ed said. - The elf who used wind magic earlier, blow a light breeze in the fire, let's fan the flames, this should scare them a little; and more importantly, prevent them from having a complete idea of ​​what is happening on this side of the fire. Who knows, maybe one of them will jump over here and give us another chance to cross one more enemy.

- Yes sir. - replied the elves. With the elder's presence, morale rose even more. The death of the four arachnos soldiers also helped give the troop confidence.

At that moment, even the elves who were still suspicious of Ed's strategy started to give the human due credit.

After giving the orders, Ed looked at the elder, and closed his eyes. The old woman positioned herself behind him, putting her hands on his back and began to comune with the trees, allowing Ed again to have a view of the forest.


At the edge of the forest, six arachnos were still waiting for the return of the other four who had crossed the fire when the fire rose and blew towards the forest. The quintet's tension increased.

The commander hissed something, and two soldiers moved toward the fire. Arrows continued to fly towards them, but even so, the soldiers continued advancing and jumped the bonfire.

Meanwhile, the other four held position on the edge of the forest, the commander still hissing something, this time in the direction of the forest.


- Two more coming, they'll jump the fire soon. Four spearmen, prepare to descend. Anyone who knows vine magic, prepare to immobilize them. Let's be quick and decisive. - Ed said. - Ma'am, is it possible to translate what the commander is hissing? he asked.

- No. - replied the elder. - I never got to meet these creatures. If they let their guard down, I can use telepathy to learn their language and communicate. But if they resist, there's nothing I can do.

- No problem. Information is a great weapon in a war, but if you can't, that's ok. - Ed said, shrugging.

- What if... we capture one? asked Gih.

- Too dangerous, child; don't let your excitement go to your head! - scolded the elder.

- I agree. Attempting to capture an arachno soldier or commander will put the elves at unnecessary risk. These two bloodlines are under the general's control, under lineage suppression, and that's something genetic branded into their species. They will not give in or disobey their superiors. - said Ed.

- That's what you learned in your world, Ed. Maybe here in Arkron it's different! - Gih replied.

- I thought about that too. - said Ed. - But I don't think it's worth the risk. That's my opinion, but I'm just an adviser. You are the leader. It's your decision. - he concluded. Ed knew that the moment the battle became heated, and the blood boiled, some elves, especially those focused on proving themselves like Gih, would question him.

- Oh. - Hearing Ed putting the decision in her hands, Gih froze. She had always thought of herself as the village's military leader; but since he arrived and showed all his knowledge in front of the elves, gaining the trust of the elder and other, she felt replaced. When Ed spoke of the elves and the drow, she felt her pride hurt. All of this increased the need she felt to prove herself in today's battle.

She was trying to find a way to make a difference in the battle, and upon hearing Ed's idea of ​​getting information, she thought this would be her chance. She was prepared to fight for it. However, when he put the decision in her hands without resisting, it took her by surprise. She hesitated.

Soon the sounds of battle under the wooden wall began. The arachnos had jumped the fire, and four spearmen descended just as the mages used the vines to entangle them. In quick and accurate way, the arachnos were slain and the elves were hoisted back to the top of the wall.

From start to finish Gih was unable to give the order for the capture os an arachno.

- "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown". - Ed said, quoting a Shakespeare, from Earth, as he saw Gih's hesitation. - Making decisions, especially when other lives are at risk, is difficult. It's a great responsibility. Besides that, hesitation can kill; especially during battle. Look, if it wasn't absolutely necessary, even allowing the spearmen to descend the wall to deal with the arachnos wouldn't have been ordered. The elder would never give me the freedom to order anything that put your lives at risk without the need to do so. - Ed added.

Beside him, the elder nodded her head in agreement. And she added -If you had sent the arrest order, I would have vetoed it, right away. Gih, no one in this village has any doubts about your courage, or your faith in the elves and Arboreus. You have nothing to prove.

- I agree. Look, maybe what I know is not one hundred percent right. Maybe somethings are indeed different. Maybe these arachnos are not controlled by total suppression. But I won't risk and put you in danger under the impression that I might be wrong. After all, you saw their fear of the flames, their irritation with the arrows, and yet six of them jumped over that bonfire, and died on this side. - Ed said, while putting his hand on Gih's shoulders, trying to comfort her. - As I said, I'm just a adviser. You are the leader, I will not take your place. Do what you think is necessary. Just don't let your insecurities make the decisions for you. - Concluded Ed.

- They're retreating, and a more are coming towards them. I need them to get closer to identify them. - the elder interrupted, after comuning with the forest again.

- If the commander retreated, it's because the general ordered. He's probably in the team coming here. The party is coming to a climax. - said Ed.

As he looked around, he saw a mixture of confidence and apprehension in the elves faces. They defeated 6 arachnos soldiers, barely took any damage. Now the general was coming. They didn't even face the commander and the general was already on his way to knock on their door.

- Everyone get ready! Archers, count the arrows and if necessary ask for more. Spearmen, prepare to face the enemies. All of you, check to see if you have any blades with you, whether it's a sword or a knife. Who can use magic, meditate, we have to make sure we have enough energy. Those transporting items, after bringing the arrows, retreat behind the second palisade. - Ordered Gih.

Seeing her recovery, already giving orders without hesitation or asking for his opinion, Ed and the elder showed their appreciation. To err and fail, to hesitate, was expected of her. This was her third battle, and the hardest, as in the other two she's only faced minions and brutes. And tonight, for the first time, she faced an organized attack, instead of mindless charging.

- Get ready, ten of them are coming: six soldiers, three commanders and the general. Accompanied by countless giant spiders. - Said the Elder.