
Brothers of Darkness

Joleene Naylor is the author of the glitter-less Amaranthine vampire universe, a world where vampires aren't for children. Comprised of a main series, a standalone prequel, and several short story collections, she has plans to continue expanding with a trilogy and standalone novels. In her spare time, Joleene is a freelance book cover designer and for-fun photographer. She maintains several blogs, full of odd ramblings, and occasionally updates her website at JoleeneNaylor.com. In what little time is left, she watches anime, plays PokemonGo, and works on her crooked Victorian house in Villisca, Iowa. Between her husband, family, and pets, she is never lonely, in fact, quite the opposite. Should she disappear, one might look for her on a beach in Tahiti, sipping a tropical drink and wearing a disguise. The prequel to the Amaranthine series tells the story of Patrick and Michael, how they got tangled into Claudius' web, and their valiant fight to escape. When Patrick's missing brother returns, he brings a world of darkness. Turned into a vampire against his will, Michael is the coven's whipping boy. When Patrick tries to help, he's claimed as a slave who spends his weekends preparing victims, scooping ashes, and falling prey to the vampires' twisted desires. There's only so much hell he can take. When vampires from a warring coven offer sanctuary in exchange for cooperation, Patrick agrees. What he thought would be a few months drags into a long smear of nightmares and, though he fights for hope and freedom, the cost of victory may be more than he bargained for.

Joleene Naylor · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Chapter 62

It was an hour later when she shoved an empty tray in his hands. "Go collect the dirty glasses, but don't draw attention to yourself. Can you do that?"

No. I'm too stupid to handle glasses. "Yeah."

The ballroom was decorated in crepe paper, bats, and ghosts. The vampires were dressed in costumes, laughing, dancing, drinking blood from goblets. A clown leered at himthe fangs out of place with the painted smileand Patrick flinched backwards.

Happy fucking Halloween.

He gathered glasses from the tables, but hesitated at the one inhabited by Claudius and Arowenia. They were dressed like a Grecian emperor and empress. Next to them, Troy leaned back in his chair, costumed as a pirate. As Patrick drew close, the bald vampire leered and winked.

"Did you hear me?" Claudius snapped.

Troy looked quickly to his master. "What? Yeah, sorry. Luciano."

"As I said, he is becoming an issue."

Troy shoved a pair of glasses at Patrick. "How? He's in fucking Canada. What's he gonna do?"