
Brothers Conflict Fanfic (You're the Only One)

Ema Hinata is a 16 year old girl, who lives in her own world. But suddenly everything changes, when she comes to know her father Rintaru Hinata is going to make her future arrangements in Tokyo. What comes ahead was a very shocking news for her.

UJK · Anime et bandes dessinées
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~Home Sweet Home~

"Am home. Julie, where are you?" Ema said while opening the door to her apartment. She went to her room seeing no one around and thought maybe Julie is sleeping somewhere. She took a shower and dressed up in a pink shirt and skirt with sunflowers painted on it. Then she went to the kitchen to make something to eat. But still, she didn't see Julie around. "Where is he anyway." She told to herself in a worried way. She went to the balcony and saw Julie was laying on the floor. "OMG! What happened Julie? Are you okay?" She put her head down on Julie's chest, trying to listen to his heart. And then her eyes went wide open, when she heard Julie saying,"Am not dead Chii. This is what you get for leaving me all alone." Ema cried and hugged him saying,"Oh Julie! Never do that again. I thought you will leave me too. I could take you with me, but pets are not allowed in school." Angrily Julie replied,"I will never leave you. I am your family & you know that. I get it, I can't tag along with you in school, but I can be somewhere around the school to look after you Chii. Right?" Ema replied thinking positively,"Yeah. That's a good idea. At least you won't have to punish me with your tricks." Ema winked at Julie. And he replied,"This is the first and the last time. I won't do it again." Ema said happily,"Okay let's eat, am starving." They both had their dinner and went to sleep.

[Ema's new school was going very peacefully. She was having fun with her new friends. She didn't even notice that 2 months had already passed. It was time for her father to meet with her and by that she can know the reason for her moving in Tokyo.]