

The story of a still-to-be conflict and war-torn world, led by powerful fungus-like enemies. The forces of good are composed of different racial people that join forces for a better place, the protagonists are Reginaldah a princess from a destroyed nation, and her brother who is a reindeer-like plush, he's actually a pseudo-familiar, his name is Reginaldoh, which is a common name for the noble family of their kingdom: Animanalia.

Wankofool · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Brother Dear

The little girl ran through the tall grass and flower fields laughing while fawns and squirrels pursued her, as she tripped and fell face first, her pursuers attacked and started licking her face while she started laughing hysterically, but as soon as she heard the crunching grass sound beneath boots she stood up gently placing her pursuers safely on the ground, and curtsied to the newly arrived person.

-Hello, Brother dear. The little princess stained in mud and grass stood graciously nonetheless. -Dearest sister of mine, what in the name of Jaanavar are you doing here, in the Sunny Fields when you should be in your etiquette classes, huh? The chestnut-haired man stood at an average height wearing a plain white shirt and brown pants, but the thing that stood out was his bright green scarf which moved a lot to the wind, even though there was no wind that morning to do that. -I was taking a bit of fresh air, My dear brother. -That's a blatant lie if I ever heard one. Reginaldoh Crastina Lux said this to his sister with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. -Buh, but Professor Saand is such a boring instructor, you can see in his eyes that he's a condescending jerk. The Princess made an annoyed expression as she started to complain. -Alright, enough of that, you should know better than to skip your education, you know very well your responsibilities in this family, right? Not liking your instructors is normal, that's their job after all, the more you hate them, the more you want to prove to them that you can succeed in their expectations. The Prince of Animanalia started his very common tongue-lashing at his dearest little sister as she stood there with a sulk expression but never once broking eye contact, her brother would always increase his lectures if she did such a thing. -And also, I heard from Wanta that you've been skipping meals-. Jaanavar save me, thought the princess, Reginaldah bide farewell to her animal friends after 30 minutes of a lecture as he escorted his sister to her chambers. -Also, Regi, you must never play like that to a Fawn of the wild, didn't you know they're scentless to avoid predators? -I'm sorry, Brother, but the Sunny Fields don't have any predators right? -Yes, indeed, but I'm saying if you find one outside of the Sunny Fields. -I'll keep that in mind. Said gently the little princess. All right, good night then.