
Brothel owner rules the kingdom

In the historical world of ancient China another power lived with humans, which they were completely unaware of, they were spirits. As a test they were sent to earth and there they take control of human body and suffer tribulations in their place. But the host for its body should surrender it willingly and also that person could ask anything to the same spirit. Though the human will die, it becomes duty of spirit to continue the owner wishes. Lee Su Mi stood at the impasse with the same spirit " my body is young, beautiful, without any sickness and virgin, do you expect me to hand it over with just one wish. I want three, if you are willing my body will be yours". Spirit became curious with this bold woman who was selling her virginity and not hesitant to demand more. To appease her interest and curiousity the spirit started its journey as Lee Su Mi, a young girl sold to the brothel and her wishes were "revenge against King and evil prime minister who destroyed her whole family, killing her parents and taking her new born brother captive. But they didn't stop at that. They sold the girl to a brothel and now for the protection of her younger brother and last to salvage her body from the beasts at the brothel. She wanted the spirit to give her justice and rightful position to her brother while salvaging her body from getting ruined". Accepting the challenge, now the new Lee Su Mi entered the same brothel but she will not sell her body there. Though she will ravage this kingdom to the same ashes that the original Su Mi was burning on. Smiling she said , "no problem I will own this brothel and no one would dare to take it from me". But why is the crippled Prince Lee Jong Hyun want to buy her and keep her in his black palace. No I will not go there. But how did I myself go there every night. What compelling power this man has. Why can't she control his mind and he is controlling her body with all that pleasure. Why being human has so many tribulations and what she as future Brothel owner has to do to take the revenge on highest authority of this kingdom and corrupt prime minister. Art work belong to the original creator...It does not belong to me

Notorious_doc · Histoire
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24 Chs

Plan step 1

Lee Jong Hyun's father died very early on the battlefield and his mother had her own doubts about that with General Choi she tried to investigate the cause, but before the investigation could proceed his mother fell sick, some said it was grief but it was poison that she took as smoke from the candles, sent to her.

While his mother was struggling Lee So Jun made Jong Hyun his perfect pawn, he treated him better than his own sons which brought wrath from them on one side and on the other side Jong Hyun became lenient towards his uncle for suffering because his sons didn't like his bias that he had towards him. But that was just a play that the whole family played on, making him a fool.

His mother warned him but he was too naive and trustful. King was using him to train his sons and crown prince position was the carrot he was dangling in front of him to be loyal to the man. But slowly he started getting suspecious and that's when his uncle made a final move, he made Park Ji Woo's maid to throw him from the roof and before his aunt could clarify, the vicious King executed the entire Park family who was still active in running the government with Park Ji Woo. His mother who was already poisoned could not suffer Park Ji Woo's death, whom she considered her sister and soon passed away.

Now Lee Jong Hyun was left all alone and easily dispensable. So, when he had his rebirth at the age of seven. He was startled but slowly he realised it was time to make everything right at once.

He started his immaculate planning but first he needed to secure his aunt and mother. With the help of his father's previous mentor he started learning martial arts since seven years of age and he personally arranged his mother's all the basic necessities which can be tampered with, in the name of filial piety. Thus this time she was not poisoned and very healthy because if his immaculate care he gave her and last he was prepared for getting a fall from the roof.

That day on the Dark Palace, Lee Jong Hyun 14 years age.

The day started with his dearest uncle, the King sending him precious clothes, ornaments, gold coins as preparatory gift for being the crown prince. His brother's Dong Mu and Soo Man came to visit him with concubine Kim Sang Min and her two son both 6 years old.

Seeing them sneering secretly he wondered what a fool he was to consider those viper like cousins his true brother.

" Cousin Lee Jong Hyun as new crown prince please receive my congratulations" Lee Dong Mu greeted him.

Lee Jong Hyun sat there holding his head " I am sorry cousin Dong Mu, I am not a good host to you. I was so tired. My guards had been listening to some weird sounds in the last few days and few of them disappeared on their own. I even had a bad dream of a tiger getting killed and I woke up fast all sweating".

Tiger in ancient times represented the king himself and Jong Hyun telling them this brought a bad taste in their mouth. Dong Mu gave grave expression " I am sorry cousin I will arrange a shaman to give your palace a cleansing".

Jong Hyun nodded, looking at everyone he smiled at concubine Kim Sang Min " greeting to concubine Sang Min, I can't see my aunt anywhere. Did she not come here to wish me for my future".

Kim Sang Min gave a fake laughter " nephew Jong Hyun, how can you say that the whole palace is dancing in joy for you being the crown prince. Previous emperor loved you the most among all your cousin brothers.Its just that elder sister Park Ji Woo was having headache since last few days and I asked her to rest. Her close maid Seri, came here bearing good wishes for you".

A young girl stood in the back of the group, she looked nervous but no one cared for the mere maid. Jong Hyun looked at the maid with vicious look, it was this maid Seri, who pushed him from the roof and because she was maid of his aunt, her whole family suffered.

Jong Hyun asked for all of them to attend lunch together, the ceremony would start in two hours and it was better to have the meal before that.

Wide variety of dishes were arranged, Jong Hyun looked at Jong Joon standing near the door, receiving the signal he said " young prince, your aunt honorable concubine Park sent hot ginseng soup just now. Can I bring it inside. Jong Hyun smiled " her maid Seri, is here let her bring it here and serve it to our prestigious guests. Aunt makes delicious ginseng soup it is nutritious and tasty too. Concubine Kim you should surely have it, it will be good for my new cousin".

This was said pointing to her belly, she was pregnant right now and so was the empress. But empress was on her later months, so she didn't come here for the congratulations. While concubine Kim was just few months in her pregnancy. So, she came.

Seri brought the bubbling hot soup, when unknowingly a marble came flying out attacking her knees. She wobbled and with the scream the hot soup fell over concubine Kim's lap. She started screaming as the pain assaulted her and Jong Hyun stood up in anger " how dare a mere maid, can't even handle a pot of soup. You planned all this to cause rift between my aunt and concubine Kim. As you are her maid they will point finger at her. I know my aunt loves concubine Kim like her own sister. With anger he pulled a sword and slashed her neck killing her on spot before she could say anything".

thank you tired12 for your precious power stones..they meant a lot. Please leave a review it would mean a lot..

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