
Broly in the Marvel Universe

Our hero has been reincarnated with 3 wishes, due to god forgetting about him for a year. Due to the title you should know what 2 of those wishes are.

Werewolvking · Autres
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28 Chs

Teaching my army part 1



"You're back"

She runs up and kisses me all over my face

"How is the trip"

"Well I got bored so I ended it prematurely."

"What do you mean"

"Well... I took everything and left" I start to giggle

I then pull the power stone and the reality stone out of nowhere using my conjuration magic and hold it in mid air using telekinesis.

"This one right here..." I point towards the purple one "is the power stone and this one..." I point towards the red one "is the reality stone. They control the fields pertaining to there name."

"Wow and you just got those"

"Yeah. I liberated them off the hands of a guy named The Collector." I say in a grandiose way

I then put them back in there space and sit down on the coach

"So you stole them." She says

"No... its an extended borrowing"

"Do you plan on giving it back"


"Then it's stealing"

"It's not stealing if I wanted it more."

"You right" she says

"I know I am"

She shakes her head and giggles

"So Skye... What did you have planned for the next month..."

"Well I..."

"Nothing... good... your going with me tomorrow to train people in ki.

"What, Who am I training" she asks

"Some people I met on my trip. They swore there allegiance to me. They are going to learn the ki training that I taught you."

She opens her eyes suddenly

"Not everyone is built for that" she says

"If they aren't, they don't deserve to be in my army"

She trembles a bit

"This May be the United States and we have a lot of humanitarian laws, but none of those soldiers are "human". So none of the laws apply to them." I say

"That's seriously messed up"

"Then what would you have me do"

"I'm not saying you shouldn't train them. I'm saying you shouldn't make it the short impactful one I did."

"Whatever. Do you. You're going to be teaching. I'm not taking any part in your students"

She breathes out relieved

"What made you want to have an army"

"You see, I could destroy the enemy by myself. But where is the fun in that. I personally think it will be more fun to watch someone i taught, to struggle in there own ways to carry my legacy. Why do you think people coach. Plus my enemies in the future will have army's. Powerful and numerous at that."

"I see your point"

I get up and stretch then say

"Well I'm tired. We will be getting up at 6 sharp and heading over at 7"

I head to the room and go to bed

I’m back fuckers

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