
Broly DxD

Broly is dead... killed by the very people that trained him and tried to help him with his anger. But because of Frieza killing Cheelai, he couldn't hold it back anymore. Once dead, Whis felt sympathy for the Legendary Saiyan who spent a year with the Z Fighterz, so, to help him out, he sent him to the World where Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils are just coming to terms with each other. He's even been so gracious as to give him back his father and mother... but only for a short amount of time. Come find out what happens next. wrote by keymondsanders just a few change

DrinkNozarashi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

New World

The years quickly went by with Broly growing up his, in shock, surprise that his dad took his promise to be a good father seriously.

He trained him but with his previously fight with Gogeta and futher training along Goku and Vegeta there wasn't much the old saiyan could teach him, but Broly did teach his father something nice.

Paragus quickly go a job but even more quickly moved on as he invented a drink that was healthy, energizing and improved your sexual desire.

Bruna didn't like that so much since he used it on himself and her but....to tell the truth she was impressed with the results.

His business boomed and gave him more time spend along his son and wife, as they all moved to a large peaceful mansion - like place out in the mountains so that he could help his son control his massive anger attack.

Broly failed sometimes and was even a little clumsy around the house and this lead him to think that his father would try to put a shock collar on him or abuse him but the man was even more content.

HE smiled and laughed-treating like every day would be his last.....but then, Paragus and Bruna noticed that they were being watched by some unwelcomed and wanted no par in whatever was going on, in this universe.

They already knew that it was too good to be true... but they were often visited by strange creatures that looked humanoid but had crows black wings on their backs. Broly noticed too but his parents never let him even get too close to them and after a long while, he quickly forgot about them... until one day.... they came to the three, completely out of nowhere....

It was a night time , the three just had a family dinner outgoing, enjoying the food that they literally spent thousands on it, but then, Paragus sensed some uninvite guests , turning around he glared knowing who was it.

The quiet son looked at his father with confusion not knowing what was about to happen , as Paragus kneeled down he tells his son...

" don't worry my son, I will be right back ,go with your mother."

Bruna: Paragus N-

Paragus stopped her by pulling out the hourglass that whiz gave him... he was out of time. Bruna looked at her husband and stepped towards him but that made the old saiyan step back smiling at her.

Broly didn't know what was going on, but he felt that something was wrong. He then heard something in the bushes looking at it he starts growling but before he could do anything, Paragus chopped him in the neck.

Bruna caught her ten year old son and held him very closely before looking up at her husband who turned Super Saiyan and turned towards the Fallen Angel and his large group of lackeys who had been following them.

As a middle aged-looking man with short slightly unkept black hair and dark blue eyes steps foward he says....

" Well, it seems that you've finally decide to stop ignoring me."

Paragus said nothing, he gave one last look at Bruna who started to run away at a speed of Mach1 which surprised the Fallen Angels since she had not wings.

Dohnaseek: After her!!!

Just when they were about to pursue Bruna, Paragus blasted them all back, as they got back up he powered up even more, making the ground under him defy gravity.

Dohnaseek: i don't know what type of creature you are, but in one way or another one , if you don't cooperate to come with us, we will kill you ….

… at this time, Broly unexpectedly woke up , trying to process what is going on , he manage to take a glimpse of his father in the distant with His Super saiyan form flaring proudly but he also saw the group of crows winged people, his eyes widened as he tried to struggled his way back but his mother held him close.

Bruna: NO Broly!! I'm sorry but we cant.

The child banged out of his mother grasp and started to cry as he saw Paragus fighting off the bastard but because of his limited power, he wasn't going to last long.

Paragus breathed in and out hard, with a glare but when he looked up, he saw Whiz who had a blank expression on his face. it seems no one noticed him but Paragus. Suddenly, in this moment of distraction he was stabbed in the back by Dohnaseek who then Kicked him off of his spear of light.

Paragus just kept his eyes on Whiz as he fell to his knees with a smile. This made the Angel from DBS verse smile as well as he said...

" its seems I didn't waste my time on you,"

For Broly though, this mad it pissed him off something fierce these humanoid feathered creatures killed his father, someone who redeemed himself and treated him like a actual son.

he gritted his teeth and growled as tear fell he could feel his anger slipping until....


at this point, Whiz smiled even more wanting to se how these...(Pfft!) fallen angels handle what was coming to them. They all heard the beastly roar and looked in that direction.

Bruna: BROLY NO!!!

The child broke out of his mothers grip and turned into a small version of his Legendary Super saiyan and boomed off towards them.

The lackeys all got ready to fight but they weren't 'ready' as they thought they would be. This ten year old child was a beast!! packing them off , like how a human would step on a ant .

He was way too powerful, after watching his lackeys getting crushed by the terrifying beast for a while Dohnaseek chose to dash without Broly noticing as more and more of his lackeys tried to fight him off.

In the end, the Fallen angels perished, not one survived Broly's wrath. The boy quickly made it over to his father as Bruna floated down to them.

Broly looking at the state his dad was in he said.....


Paragus looked up, hearing his son calling him, then he saw Whiz floating down as he says....

" its... time for me to... to go, my so… stay strong my boy "

Paragus slowly closed his eyes with a gentle smile knowing that he did his best at raising his youngster, Broly watches his dad dying body he shook his head in refusal. he shook his father yet... again nothing.... he tried to beat his body too see any response but again ….nothing happen, his dad wasn't going to wake up.

Broly: …..

Bruna wiped her tears and sniffled before going over to Broly and scooping him up .....

Bruna: come on, lets go son.

Broly just stares at his father body and says....



years has passed since then, Bruna fell into depression but tried to stay happy for her son, but by her not taking care of herself . she fell ill right when Broly turned fifteen.

he stayed there by the side of her bed, strongly holding his mothers hand as she glance at him with another a happy and relived smile unlike the others this one was true.

She was happy that Paragus had made good on his promise. She was glad that Broly grew up not being treated like a dog. He still didn't say much but she knew that this time around, he enjoyed his life.

She shredded tears as the boy stared down at her with lowered eyes.

Broly: Mother...

This made the Saiyan women giggle hearing him say this since he's never had called her verbally.

Bruna: You.... called me mother...hehe. I love you son.

With those words spoken, her heart rate stopped as she went limp.

The giant teen left out the hospital, making it home as he sat on the couch wondering what he should do next. He is alone now, what will happen to him? his mother just died from an unknown illness and his was killed by some feathered creatures.

Broly: Father....

he became angry, pissed beyond all recognition but... he knew he had to calm down, his parents taught him better than that.

he wasn't going to lose himself again like he did previously ,but he knew for a fact that he was going to get his revenge on the bastard that basically execute his father.

Something then took him out of this thought process ,when he heard a knock at the door. he walked towards it and opened the door to see that there was a note...

' I'm not good when it come in helping someone

when they have lost people dear to them mainly

because all of my relatives are immortal and

annoying, but I know that you must want to revenge

for your father. To put your mind at ease

I can tell that you will get it but you must be patient for a year.

continue your training and once you turn sixteen

I will use my magic to admit you in a school for kids around your age.

Enjoy your life, the money from your father's company is all yours and so is the house but I've gotten you an apartment to ward off annoyances for the time being

signed by Whiz

Broly blinked at the letter ,then took on an expression of determination. his body flared greatly with green aura as he boomed off far away. little did he know, a grey haired women was watching him, then she left not before saying
