
chapter 10

Hailey's eyes widened in utter astonishment as she stumbled upon the salacious spectacle of Fredrick entwined with his mistress, bathed in the silvery luminescence of the moon. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed, as she beholds fredrick having a hot sex with another woman, his moonlight, called Margret, 29 of age, quite, owns a boutique and flirts alot, Hailey's voice trembling with shock and incredulity. The scene before her was like a punch to the gut, leaving her breathless and reeling.

Fredrick's face contorted in rage as he disentangled himself from Margret's passionate embrace. "What the fuck, why the hell would you burst in on us like a tempest?" he thundered, his voice echoing through the room like a crack of thunder. His anger was palpable.

"How on earth did you even gain entry?" Fredrick demanded, his tone laced with incredulity and outrage.

Fredrick's anger boiled over as he hastily donned his trousers and stormed downstairs, his footsteps pounding like a drumbeat. "I thought that boy was instructed to deny access to anyone!" he bellowed, his voice dripping with indignation and betrayal. The air was heavy with tension, the atmosphere thick with the weight of secrets, lies, and forbidden desires.

Hailey's unexpected intrusion had unleashed a maelstrom of emotions, shattering the fragile facade of Fredrick's clandestine trysts. As the dust settled, the consequences of this chance encounter would forever alter the course of their lives, triggering a cascade of events that would leave none of them unscathed. The room seemed to vibrate with the aftershocks of their encounter.

As Frederick stormed downstairs, his anger trailing behind him like a tempest, Hailey remained transfixed by the door, her gaze fixed on Fredrick's moonlight, Margret, who lay languidly beneath the duvet. "What's the fascination?" the moonlight asked, her voice husky and confident, "Do I look familiar, like a ghost from your past?"

Hailey's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with the implications. "I think we've met before, but I can't tell where or when " she replied, her tone laced with a hint of accusation.

The moonlight chuckled, a throaty sound that sent shivers down Hailey's spine. "Well, now we have, and isn't it lovely?" she purred, her words dripping with sarcasm.

Hailey's eyes flashed with anger. "Did he tell you he was married?" she demanded, her voice low and urgent.

The margret shrugged, her shoulders barely rising above the duvet. "Yes, but who cares? He loves me, and that's all that matters," she replied, her tone dismissive and confident.

Hailey's eyes widened in shock, her mind reeling with the implications. The margret's words were a catalyst, triggering a chain reaction of emotions but Hailey still kept her.

"Who cares?" Margret spat, her voice venomous with anger. "His wife lies unconscious in the hospital, fighting for her life, while you're here, entwined with him having sex, and Tell me, who cares?" replied Hailey

Margret's smile was a cold, calculating thing, a thinly veiled mask for the cruelty that lurked beneath. "Like I said, no one cares or gives a damn. She could wither away and die for all I care," she replied, her voice dripping with malice.

Hailey's response was cut short by the sound of a loud smack, followed by the unmistakable crack of a belt being wielded with brutal force. She rushed downstairs, her heart racing with a mix of emotions, only to find Leo being mercilessly flogged by his father.

Margret watched silently from the upstairs, her eyes glinting with a mixture of curiosity and contempt. She seemed to be savoring the chaos that had erupted, her presence a catalyst for the turmoil that had been simmering just below the surface.

As Hailey watched in horror, Leo's father continued to unleash his wrath upon his son, the sound of the belt cracking against his skin echoing through the air like a deadly serenade.

Hailey knew she had to act, but her feet seemed rooted to the spot.

"Didn't I explicitly forbid you from allowing anyone in?" Frederick thundered at his son, his voice a tempest of rage that shook the very foundations of the room. "I-I'm sorry, Dad, she told me that I would go and see mum" Leo stammered, tears streaming down his face like a river of despair.

Frederick's expression twisted in disgust, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity that seemed to burn with an inner fire. "So that's what your mother taught you, is it? To defy your father and disregard his rules with impunity?" His words cut deep, a sharp blade that sliced through the air with deadly precision.

Hailey intervened, her voice firm and authoritative, a beacon of calm in the midst of the storm. "Frederick, stop! Leave him alone!" She positioned herself between Frederick and Leo, shielding the boy from further harm like a protective shield that deflected the blows.

Leo stood frozen behind Hailey, his eyes wide with fear as his father's anger seemed to simmer just below the surface, waiting to erupt like a volcano that threatened to consume them all. "You know what? Just go with her and see your precious mother," Frederick spat, his words dripping with venom and malice. "Go ahead, get out, and don't come back until you've learned some respect and discipline."

"You treat your son like that, his just a boy!" Hailey says , her voice a fierce shield defending Leo from his father's wrath.

"Mind your own business, Hailey, " Frederick snarled, his eyes flashing with a warning that seemed to pierce the soul like a dagger. "You don't dictate how I handle my family." His voice was a low growl, a menacing sound that sent shivers down Hailey's spine, but she waved it

"Your wife lies unconscious in the hospital, and now you're intent on rendering your son unconscious as well?" Hailey's voice rose in outrage, her words hanging in the air like a challenge that seemed to echo "Have you no shred of humanity left? No compassion, no empathy? No love for your own flesh and blood?" The words hung in the air like a mirror, reflecting the depths of Frederick's depravity. The silence that followed was oppressive, a heavy blanket that suffocated the room.

"They can perish for all I care," Frederick retorted, his words dripping with malice like a poisonous venom that seemed to seep into the very marrow of Hailey's bones. "Their fate means nothing to me." His eyes were cold, hard stones that reflected no emotion, no remorse, no hint of the humanity that once dwelled within.

Hailey's eyes widened in horror as she gazed at Frederick, her mind reeling with the implications of his words. "You're a monster, Frederick – a wicked and depraved man," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion like a leaf in a hurricane. "How can you be so cruel, so heartless?" The question hung in the air like a lament, a cry for the humanity that had been lost.

Frederick sneered, his lips curling into a snarl. "Leave now, and don't come back," he spat, his words dripping with venom.

As Hailey and Leo stepped out into the night, Frederick's parting shot echoed behind them. "Return to this house, and face my wrath!"

hearing this Hailey's took at glance at him and whispered " may God have mercy on you"

"Are you taking me to see Mommy?" Leo asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty. Hailey's expression softened, and she smiled reassuringly. "Yes, sweetie, I'll take you to her, let's go."

Meanwhile, Frederick's attention was diverted by Margret, who touched a touched and kissed him passionately and whispered in his ear. "Don't let them ruin our fun, my love," she purred, her touch igniting an urge that aroused him.

As Hailey hailed a cab, enter head straight for the hospital, with eagerness to know how Fiona was fairing.

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