
Broken is beautiful

Yvonne DelaRose,lawyer,assassin and single mum craves something. Something she tries to find...No not love, anything but that. She craves Peace from all the darkness and brokenness she feels within. Abused by her dad,abandoned by mum,betrayed by siblings,tormented by demons.Will she find what she craves ? or will she find something more?something she spent her entire life avoiding..Love .. in the man Nero Andresque Patel ....who definitely wants her dead by all cost. Can they ever rebuild the Broken?

Hannah_Akanbi_7202 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


Nero POV:

"I really don't understand the use of this so called seer sacrifice as its being called" I said to my friend Damien, as I drove towards my dad's house. Just closed from work and today is the so-called sacrifice.

"I read somewhere about it, you know. They said to sacrifice a seer, is a highly honored act, because the power of the seer is gotten directly from the gods, so ability to hold the sacrifice brings not just honour but untold power, which wasn't explained" Damien said.

My dad always loved power, and he will always love it. There was a time he was said to have sacrificed my mum, so as to get a so-called book of the gods, I really don't know if it was a rumour, but right now am starting to believe it. We got to his house, and we got down from the car and went inside. The ritual is gonna be held in this house, in his study, but I don't know how.

"Ahh, my son you came, I've been waiting for you, but now you're here let's go upstairs and begin". So instead of asking questions that might not be answered I followed him upstairs to his study.As we entered he pulled twisted the head of statue sitting on his table and lo and behold a passage opened at the back of a shelf holding documents. I must say that is impressive. I then remembered Damien where is he?

" Dad where is Damien? I came with him but now can't find him" my dad just shrugged as though he doesn't care but wait he doesn't.


"You friend is fine and he's already inside" he said cutting me off.

"We came together, how come he's inside and am out?" I asked

"You friend knows another way here, because its not the first time he's been here and if he had chosen to take you, you would have fought him and accused him of keeping secrets from you, so he decided to take another route. We don't want a disruption do we?"

Wow, so Damien is involved in this, no wonder he knew things about this ritual. My dad and I went through the passage way till we got to a very large clearing with an altar at the middle of it. The place smelt of decay, which am sure is human. There were skulls hanging on the walls and blood was smeared at the corners of the place. I looked to my right and I noticed some things in a jar, I wanted to go nearer for a closer look but the cry of a lady caught my attention.

So I turned and I noticed people with some black robes on and then I saw Damien, our eyes caught but he looked away hurriedly. I turned to look at my dad and I saw him also in a reddish robe, hell when did he get that on.

After some few minutes of chanting some meaningless sounds, someone spoke

"We the Knights of Brotherhood, are here to find out who killed our own-"

"And how to get back the map of Theurasus which have been taken away " somebody else chipped in.

The first voice continued " we can't wait for a total takeover, we have to fight for our own and give the coming alpha a chance to rebuild our fortress "

"Let the ritual begin" my dad said and immediately the chants started.

"Son come closer, join us, this is where you truly belong come" he beckoned at me. I stepped closer to him and he gave me a robe, a black one. I took it and put it on. I knew my dad was in a cult, I've just always had that nag in my head,from the visits of different alphas,to the death of my mom,which I still don't know how it happened, I was so young,to the strange looking bracelet he always wore that had symbols attached to it which was always on him. I've seen it so many times, I'm not even scared anymore,now I'm here,what I'm about to see, I don't know,but I sure wouldn't like.

"Let go off me, you son of a bitch, the gods curse you and your Brotherhood of cursed entities" the young lady who was being dragged to the altar screamed. I felt for her but I couldn't let these people know, if not my chance of being alpha might be bye bye. I don't like this place,my thoughts kick in.

"The time has come, the time of revenge, time of redemption, time to take back our own and time to call for a new era, one filled with power, blood and vengeance" my dad said

As he talked the lady was being tied up facing up, with her face staring at the ceiling. She was crying.

A reddish box engraved with gold was brought in by some guards and it was opened to reveal a blade which looked like scythe and its handle was engraved in gold. My dad picked it and took a step towards the altar. The others were still chanting, I looked around for Damien and I saw him looking at me, I thought he would try to stop it but he seemed to be quite happy, cause I saw a small smile on his face. Sick. I don't like this place I chanted in my head.

My dad went towards the altar and muttered something and the ceilings opened letting the moonlight fall on the lady's face, then with a loud cry of " For the Brotherhood " he thrust the blade into her heart and she struggled and screamed before becoming limp. She was dead. My dad called me forward to remove her heart. I don't want to do this. But I did,I did it,I removed her heart,I held it,all for my father,I couldn't let him down,I couldn't do what Aiden did.

"Ahhh, how do you feel son" he said. I felt disgusted and guilty but I did not say a thing. I gave the heart back to him and he ate it and gave the rest to his people even Damien ate it, ugh. I don't want this I shut my eyes,but when I opened it, the gleam of approval in my father's eyes,made me smile back. All I wanted was his approval. I'm the perfect son. Perfect,my brain chanted.

My dad then turned back to the body and muttered some words to it and I saw something whitish like smoke coming out from it. Its soul. And he transferred it into a jar. The jar I saw when coming in. It contained souls. I looked at my dad and I thought of how many people he murdered to have his way, I just left throwing the robe to the ground and making my way out of the stench of blood and souls.