

I AM ALSO POSTING THIS ON ROYAL ROAD at 7:47 PM, 12-09-2023, Go to Patreon/CRIMSON EMPEROR, For better word style]] In this new. . .Earth-like world which seems to be changed for better or maybe WORSE. There exists a job HERO.......Simply a job Given by the government to those who use these supernatural power for them.....Those who do evil are villains?? OR? Those who oppose them and Don't use this power for them are the ones know as criminals later changed to villains. What is my perspective on it (MC) Should they free the use of power?? NO! Mantra is the manifestation of someone's Will, ideology, and Soul. But that doesn't mean what they do is right, even if they have the will of a saint. Justice??? It's dead the day they compromised. So what shall we do if we live in a CHAOTIC TIME YOU SAY? CHAOS??? When in the history of any HUMANKIND has there not been CHAOS, only those who can rise with a iron will in these Chaotic time, can shape the SOCIETY into a worse or maybe something better, for the upcoming Generation can or should be know AS HERO. Doing the right thing and a CHANGE is 2 VERY different things friend. Funny right??? How the title of such a MAGNITUDE is now given to some WANA BE and Attention h*es. What a CHAOTIC TIME. A hero is a beacon of hope, a god like being, who brings hope like morning newspaper. But do you really think everyone is a hero?? Or does the Society EVEN DESERVES ONE??? Don't Think you are innocent as you didn't commit a crime, Their is a large amount of blank history right?? Don't take the society ever so lightly Because you don't know, what they wanted to be blank is already blank. So here i am Telling you a story of a Man Who was born in these chaotic time. And learned that RIGHT thing and change for the right thing are 2 different dimensions. THE ONE FORGOTTEN BY THE WORLD. Who stood on the STAGE OF WORLD ALONG SIDE. The leader of criminals who wants the world to user in a age of pure interest, loans paid by people's soul. and Chikara Minamoto. A fools who didn't understood his mother's ideals but worry not Now that the hero have been betrayed the very Society he wanted to Change, betrayed by the people he wanted to help. It wouldn't hurt so much if it was your companion who betrayed you but the people??!! who i wanted to help, people whose lives i wanted to improve, are the one who brought my END. Well here i am reborn again The first but now a {{{{{BROKEN HERO}}}}} but worry not i will not wake up, as i know my anger will destroy my DREAMS, but i'll pass these sharp fangs to the one who truly knows how to change the world but is powerless. SO worry and worry not. Now there is no HERO. But a broken one.

THII_EXTERNAL · Science-fiction
Pas assez d’évaluations
9 Chs

CH8: The disaster group.

There would be only 3-4 releases a week, The first one would be on Sunday the other would be on Tuesday, and the last 2 are not confirmed as of yet.

{{{abcd....}}} teleapath or mind messages


Mike's Bday is on 1st Jan.


Back to ship------




"Huff huff huffff Sky. .Mom. .Mr Sang?...."

"Where. . . " After waking up from his nightmare that haunts him regularly, he looks around himself carefully.


Seeing the lamps, the bunk beds and other small things in the room turned into black demons and demonic tree-like figures from pure hell, twisted yet thin structures, a Deep abyss-like hollow in place of eyes, and a dark green aura seeping out from some of their body parts.

With no shadows, he shows no concern and walks up to the closest one or rather the biggest one even if the war maniac were to see this doubt and fear might start seeping into their hearts.


But for Mike this is normal.


"Hahh" He sighs looking at the monstrosity he created

"This. . . Seems to be progress huh? Progress in creating something so demonic!" he says while roaming around the devil sculpture, which gives dark fumes from its claws, head and chest (mainly the place of the heart)


"Lamp Ohh...hmm" he looks for the lamp only to find it beside his bed (the only normal thing) but turned into a little demon just like others, but its colour was mainly dark brown and rather than having 2 light devouring hollows it had a big hollow with smooth edges like crafted by some demon worshipping craftsmen.

(Think of it like adult Groot but more demonic with no mouth)




As his hand reached to touch the little sculpture, the hollow lit up with pale yellow light, not much but enough to light half the room in a dim shade.

"Ha-Ha reminds me of your quote"


{{"Any power even the most terrifying and demonic looking can be put to good use And if it can't be used to protect others, then destroy the one from whom you protect them"}}



┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Try putting it to some use, every power can achieve something great. . even if it doesn't, it might lit a candle or two who knows."}}-Techno blade(from this WORLD)


He shines it towards the structures but no shadow is formed.


"No shadow huh. . .what was I even thinking"


After putting the little lamp on his bed he puts his hand on the heart of the demonic structure whose head seems more like a sharp long beak, and in place of his heart, there is a spiral which makes a resemblance to a rose full of throns.

'Whatever' he shakes his hand and strengthens his grip.


'Someday. . .someday I will meet you and see if you think this power is useful or not


He closes his eyes takes a deep breath and starts to release it slowly







A demonic metallic scream rang through his head as if demons crying in the anguish of hell.

All the structure starts shaking and twisting in the room, and black and white lines are released from their body, the more of these pencil line are released from them they start to regain their original form and their shadows, they travel through the floor and seeling anything which didn't transform into a demon or dead tree.



With the last release of breath, he falls back on his bed.


Boing! Scree


With the sound of good old spring from his bed, his frown loses a bit, and he wipes the little sweat on his face with his hands.

'Good things they weren't here . . .I wonder how long will this continue, should I just listen to Jackey. . .I mean the nightmare has reduced now so..'




"Ohh even you are here"

He pulls out his centuries-old sautoir or necklace watch with a little surprise on his face.




He opens the silver watch with some gold lining on it's side.

Seeing the good old mountain(gold colour) and the silver background and the moons or rather the sun and moon which revolve above it, indicating hours and minutes

"The mountains are way too detailed I can probably see more with a magnifying glass, the silver background now changed into something more like a river. . . is it even this moving? just like waves. . .and these small dots near the sun"


He observes the watch very carefully bringing it very close to his pupils "Seems like birds. . .Hahhh!"

"Every time the theme changes something new is bound to happen . . .not like in a good way either"




With the same crispy sound, he closes the watch.

On the Hunter case of the necklace/pendant watch(search it)

It shows.




"Ha-ha why am I not even surprised"

( ̄_ ̄!)・・・




Meanwhile in the mess.

(Some minutes before Mike woke up)





Streaks of green and purple lighting can be seen flying around the room the long tables, and chairs.


The place where everyone used to sit with their friends, forgetting about all their worries and just chatting with their friends without caring about all the trouble of the world.


Is now covered or rather enveloped in some kind of ominous light green fire, which doesn't burn anything but in it, there are some green and purple sparks, which in contact scorch and break a little part of the furniture.


"Ahhh how long are we gonna stay like that are we just waiting till that green fire devours us too?"


A boy with canine teeth, sharp claws, vertical eyes which look more like a dinosaur's, and 3 deep red marks on his face which go from his left ear to the end of his jaw (Dino claw mark)

The boy opens his mouth full of razor-sharp teeth which might make normal children cry. . .But the children on this ship were far from ordinary every single child here had supernatural power


"The lights are flickering the radio is not working and what's with the walkie-talkie with all its buzz and fuzz"




"Grahhh" he makes a sharp sound like Spinosaurus


Before he jumps away in fright, a small green lightning hits the floor near his foot, scorching and chipping it away in the process

"I-I-It's that m-mike Ya-YAA it's surely him he must be listening to us"

..・ヾ(.><)シ with no hesitation the boy runs back to his small group of friends where the Indian boy who seems to be having diarrhoea

"Sob! Wh-why is this even happening to us, what have we done!"

Just like a domino effect nearly most of the girls girls started crying alongside small children who saw their siblings and seniors crying

"Sob Sob!"

"Wahhh sob sob"

"Mom sob sob"

"Sob Sob I want to go home"

In the very corner of THE corner of canteen, Kobe and his group can be seen sitting rather alone on the counter table, only Noah was standing and walking in circles showing his usual nervousness.


"Clang Clang Clang!"

"Amm can you please stop munching Matt, the people seem to avoid us more because of the noise that you are making"

Noah says in a nearly inaudible voice.


To the young Indian boy whose skin is rather pale, and light green and red veins can be seen through his folded sleeves of dark blue shirt with golden buttons.


His white crystal eyes are another sight to behold as the eyes are solid crystal, if one were to look closely then one can see there is no pupil in his eyes, the eyes are pale white, a little black at the end of eyes, in the middle there is a small circle made of light rainbow colour although very light. (not a literal rainbow just all the colour)


Dark black hairs tied into a bun and most visibly His grey metallic jaw which has a biological and mechanical touch and his upper teeth are also made up of pure metal, his upper lip is the only non-metallic thing below his nose.


" I am Clang sorry Clang it happens Clang when I am Clang nervous"

"I'll go Clang to the clang kitchen to clang wash my face"


"Well it's nothing new we are getting avoided Nom Nom. . . even in the face of Nom Nom. . . danger"


"Well seeing your damaged mouth which doesn't seem to stop anytime soon peoplE might think we are on a picnic"


"Hahh Nom Nom Pufff Hhahah haha Well at at puff hahaha"


"The fuck you laughing for fatso HAH!"

ヽ( `д´*)ノ


"Puff ha Ohh that well at least we don't eat batsss hahaha"

"cabrón" (bastard in spanish)

"Bonker, jackey quiet down! don't cause trouble" With a serious commanding tone, different from his usual self kobe stares at both of them with his cold green eyes.

"Ughh but it was Jac-"

"Shhh" With his index finger raised over his lips and his eyes turning slightly grey from emerald green he stares at them.

"Humph whatever"

{{{Guys! we seem to be in trouble}}}

"Oi oi oi oiii!"

"Your whole Creww seems to VERY HAPPY KOBE HAH?"

The dino kid and the Indian kid from the toilet scene can be seen following the bulky dark red-haired teenager who just spoke in a domineering voice, which forces people to listen to him attentively.


With a little effort, Kobe bounces from the counter table and walks toward the slightly bulky teenager who seems to reach 15-16 and stares right into his eyes his height thumb


The Dino Marks kid flinches a little seeing Kobe walking toward him, he tilts toward the bulky boy.

"What is it Tyler"


A 15-year European boy with yellow eyes and a muscular build, his fingers are metallic dark red with a thin black line going from his fingers to his wrist in both hands with a black whirlpool design on his thumb and index fingers knuckle.

And 3 red lines of dark red colour that stretch from the lower lips to the end of the chin.


"Well, why wouldn't you guys be happy HAAHH!, after it's because of your Boss we are always in this sh*T NO?"

"And you are famous for making trouble the freaking disaster group"


With a hard bite on his last chip, Bonker stands on the counter table a looks down on the Indian kid.


"Ohh really why don't you first wash your pants CALVERT, then maybe we can talk like. . .hyginic people hmm?"

凸( ̄ヘ ̄)


"HAH! fucking shepherd"



"Hmm!" Tyler stretches his hand out silencing Calvert.

{{{G-guys Tyler seems to be up to no good}}}

{{* What is-is it a ghost? ple plwease don't eat me I am not tasty! *}}

{{* Like in hell would it listen to you *}}

{{* huh?. . .Is it you Noah can you hear me? *}}

{{{Ya b-but he}}}


After finally seeing that everyone has settled down and that they have become the main focus of attraction he starts speaking with more vigour.

"I think everyone KNOW, that there isn't any more troublesome group on the whole ship than them, EVERY PROBLEM STEMS FROM THEIR GROUP"


Seeing everyone agreeing with his words, a little smile broke on his lips which he hides rather quickly.



"Let it be the first monster that we encounter because of them. . .WHICH injured many of us and some of our friends had to stay back on land and couldn't come with us ON OUR JOURNEY!"

"Or let it be this MESS because of that fucking MONSTER"

"Do you know we weren't even supposed to be here, just because of that Damn bastard and his Disaster group we have to travel a whole extra month IN THIS TERRIFYING SEA"


"Why are we even tolerating them"

He says in a magical voice while pointing toward Kobe.

He walks toward Kobe and stands with his forehead nearly touching Kobe's starring deep into his eyes he shouts.


"Do you even know no one has ever survived that monstrosity, and it's said that the souls of those killed by it are sealed within his scales"


"T-t-the faceless one"

"Are we traveling through that area"

"YESS!, and just because of these freaking nuisances"

"Isn't it time we do something against them"

"I mean-"

"No he is right do you even know how much that fatty eats"

"Yes whenever I see him we always see him eating"

"YA! Why are we not treated just like them"


"YAA that monster is asleep anyways, when he comes we should also kill"

"Gasp" Wh-what do you mean? ki-kill? isn't that going too far"

Seeing everything going just like he wished he takes the step to complete his plans

'Even If their group is strong and all they can't win from nearly 100's of people with supernatural powers.

"NO! he is right"

The whole mess was silenced by the sudden change.

"From the very time they boarded the ship, they are a threat to our lives"

"NOO! They are doing that even before that 15 days we took to reach Japan and then this extra month sailing, HECK some of our friends might have died in the hospitals injured when fighting with those beasts"

"SO it's better if they die. . .or maybe you can wait and die yourself your choice"


{{* This fucker is playing politics *}}

{{* Humph doesn't matter at all *}}







That was the day when the children on the ship knew that Numbers were just some digits the WORLD had changed to something more brutal


To the world (Where strong eat weak. . . and weak have no rights only pity from the strong)

As for the staff, they now knew the brutality of The Disaster gang first-hand.


--END--(2374 WORDS)



(Special bonus: tomorrow I will release the upcoming chapter alongside a little DATA SHEET OF OUR MAIN CHARACTER(NO POWER EXPLAINED IN THEM) powers will be explained in CH9