

I AM ALSO POSTING THIS ON ROYAL ROAD at 7:47 PM, 12-09-2023, Go to Patreon/CRIMSON EMPEROR, For better word style]] In this new. . .Earth-like world which seems to be changed for better or maybe WORSE. There exists a job HERO.......Simply a job Given by the government to those who use these supernatural power for them.....Those who do evil are villains?? OR? Those who oppose them and Don't use this power for them are the ones know as criminals later changed to villains. What is my perspective on it (MC) Should they free the use of power?? NO! Mantra is the manifestation of someone's Will, ideology, and Soul. But that doesn't mean what they do is right, even if they have the will of a saint. Justice??? It's dead the day they compromised. So what shall we do if we live in a CHAOTIC TIME YOU SAY? CHAOS??? When in the history of any HUMANKIND has there not been CHAOS, only those who can rise with a iron will in these Chaotic time, can shape the SOCIETY into a worse or maybe something better, for the upcoming Generation can or should be know AS HERO. Doing the right thing and a CHANGE is 2 VERY different things friend. Funny right??? How the title of such a MAGNITUDE is now given to some WANA BE and Attention h*es. What a CHAOTIC TIME. A hero is a beacon of hope, a god like being, who brings hope like morning newspaper. But do you really think everyone is a hero?? Or does the Society EVEN DESERVES ONE??? Don't Think you are innocent as you didn't commit a crime, Their is a large amount of blank history right?? Don't take the society ever so lightly Because you don't know, what they wanted to be blank is already blank. So here i am Telling you a story of a Man Who was born in these chaotic time. And learned that RIGHT thing and change for the right thing are 2 different dimensions. THE ONE FORGOTTEN BY THE WORLD. Who stood on the STAGE OF WORLD ALONG SIDE. The leader of criminals who wants the world to user in a age of pure interest, loans paid by people's soul. and Chikara Minamoto. A fools who didn't understood his mother's ideals but worry not Now that the hero have been betrayed the very Society he wanted to Change, betrayed by the people he wanted to help. It wouldn't hurt so much if it was your companion who betrayed you but the people??!! who i wanted to help, people whose lives i wanted to improve, are the one who brought my END. Well here i am reborn again The first but now a {{{{{BROKEN HERO}}}}} but worry not i will not wake up, as i know my anger will destroy my DREAMS, but i'll pass these sharp fangs to the one who truly knows how to change the world but is powerless. SO worry and worry not. Now there is no HERO. But a broken one.

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9 Chs

CH3: Into The Ocean

Quick info: Mike was 5 when Metroid launched and he left his home at 12 instead of 10

his step bro Chikara Was 17 when Mike left.

Over and out sorry for the late Chapter can't help it There was a PTM and I as obvious f*cked up in it so couldn't use any electronic gadgets. (





Quick info

PLEASE DISREGARD THE INFO YOU READ IN CH 2 if you read it before 31/08/23

Mike was 5 when Metroid launched and he left his home at 12 instead of 10

his step bro Chikara Was 17 when Mike left.

Sorry for the late Chapter can't help it I had exams and I was obviously f*cked up in it so couldn't use any electronic gadgets.

I was organising the story too but don't worry if I take a leave I will keep writing so I can give you a bunch of chapters when I return.

And I will only write on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so you will get an 3 update a week . . too much work on my hands.

SPECIAL Note: This whole story is free on WEBNOVEL AND ROYAL ROAD SO DON't READ ON OTHER SITE.\( ̄︶ ̄*\))

And of course, after the MIKE'S story ends, which will be bigger now, I will post more ch on PATREON where you can get access to them earlier than the free user and many more.

Of course, you can see things in better text in ROYAL ROAD/Crimson EMPEROR.

You can go to Royal Road/Crimson EMPEROR and see this chapter for free for reference of difference in quality.

*First few chapters might be slow and boring so pls bear with me and plssss comment if this chapter was boring or not as I will change the writing pattern.

*GO TO Royal Road/Crimson EMPEROR for better word style.


Yellow Sea [CHINA] Near Shanghai.

4:57 AM

Crash! Rumble! (Sfx for thunder)

The hovering dark clouds.

The ugly yellow sea.

Purple broken sky with patches of blue and black.

Those roaring green thunder in between the clouds.

Tip! Tip! Tip!

This sinister. . . . red demonic rain . . . more like bloody tears of god.

This senary enough to crush the bravest of men of wartime. . . But also gave birth to more courageous, stronger, and powerful men and women alike.


People tend to forget what comes with greater power is not greater responsibility. . . But more power to get away from any or every responsibility.

Did you think the nobles in history and High-ranking government officers of great empires were cruel because they were born that way?

No! just so or simply because they had greater power. . . power to bypass consequences and take any responsibility.


I salute to those who. . . even after taking power beyond masses, even after tasting the highest power, beyond a common human reach still choose to be dedicated and not go astray

(Go to Royal road/CRIMSON EMPEROR for a better and more interesting word style)

It's like a scene out of a fantasy novel, our world. . . like a play or imagination of a person changed so drastically and the ugly sky.

Whoosh! Crash!

And here on this deck of this ship stands a man, Mike would come to admire later in my life

On the deck of the ship stands a man with short neat spiky black hair.

He wears a black half-sleeved, martial arts uniform with golden edges and upon it, he wears a black leather jacket the jip is opened up showing his muscular chest and abs.

His figure is quite bulky and large.

Approximately at 5'9 and somewhat 90kg.

(His figure is more like, of Jang Dong-soo from The Gangster, the cop, the devil, it's a real-life South Korean movie Watch it it's awesome]

He stands there with his eyes closed, even with all the tremors his body doesn't moves a bit.


The dark yellow water near the ship splashes high, so high that it forms waves nearly 10 meters above the surface reaching for the ship.

"Grrrrrr" a low-pitched roar was heard in the chaotic sea.


The waves that were just 8 meters' ahead of the ship, suddenly disappeared only lots of tiny water droplets falling on the deck.

It was as if the roar even silenced the thunder, Like the roar of an ancient being that has slept for centuries, disturbed by this mortal machine.


Utter silence covers the sea for minutes, had one stood and watched all of this, they shall have fainted due to fear






Suddenly the calm and dead sea awakens as if cheering for the return of their master, green thunder glowing in the sky to show their appreciation.

A beautiful white silver snake emerges from the sea, yet most amazingly it doesn't have eyes instead of eyes it's upper face scale are deep crimson red.

The Dark golden horns more like demon horns are twisted, with many marks left by time on them, which shows that this creature is anything but young.

The snake looks at the ship with a glint of intelligence or rather pure curiosity


With a loud crash, the ship started rising from the front, if this was to happen a decade ago no. . . if this was to even happen now no one would be able to change the fate of the ship.


While all of this was happening from the silence of the sea to the roar of the ancient being, TOOO the lifting of the ship.

THE man standing on the deck hasn't moved an inch.

Defying the laws of Physics the man stood up straights on the deck, with his hands held together and eyes closed.

The ship continues to lift up reaching nearly 30 degree.

"Buzz. . Buzz Capti. . Buzz CAPTIAN"

"Captain the ship is attacked the it se. . Buzz that. . . attacke. . Buzz by "THE HIDEOUS NO FACE DRAGON"

"Buzz. . captain. . . Plea- BUZZ RU-" before the panicked voice can say anything he was interrupted

"Good work soldier Buzz. . . over and out"

"BUT BUT Capti—" And soon cut off.


"Shit" the soldier screams while drop of sweat drop from his head.

"Theo! What happened did you talked to the captain, what did he say!"

"FUCK we are all going to die if only he didn't have to travel through the HEDIOUS ONE'S AREA Then all of this wouldn't happen"

"Well if you are done with your breakdown go and look over the children"

"SIR JAKE! But sir-


Says this Jake while pointing through the glass of the bridge at the deck.

"Sir the glass is covered with water so-


The water on the surface of glass evaporates and forms a transparent ball.

"Don't mind it, look at the captain"

(Bridge: Or the control room of the ship mostly located at the upper deck of ship enclosed by glasses to give a better view)

"The captain?" x2 Both the young soldier asks while looking at the deck or more specifically at the man standing head on it, head to head with the faceless dragon.

GULP x 2

"Th-the cap-captain is going to be alright right?? Sir jake!"

Jake says nothing while silently looking toward the captain.

"Just watch"

"GULP ye-yes sir" x 2



That day was . . . somehow very memorable, it was the beginning of my journey . . . or should I say a greater look at my goal.


The ship, or cruise? Although not of the lowest, we were traveling but was not something that well-off people would travel with.

It was a little old. . . rather a little too old, but beggars can't be choosers, and considering the mid-grade bed and 3 times a meal and everything else it was a luxury for everyone traveling.

These kids just my age. . . have seen so much more than me and here was I, talking about how bad life was just because of some wish.

'Hahh . . hahh no . . . it's. . .it's not my wish'

Crack Crack!

The bed where Edward was sleeping started cracking

Zinggg! Crack!

And dark green with some patches of light green energy seeping out of his hands and chest.

(Similar to the art style of J.J.K anime.)

With some thin crackling dark purple thunder hovering through that membrane of energy which somehow started destroying or eating the bed.

'I never wished. . .aghhh'

"Shit look Mike's power going out of control again"

"Damnn I don't want another nightmare Kobey, Jackey, Bonker RUNN!, Call Uncle Jake"



4:21 AM.

In a room with a pair of bunk beds and a normal bed.


4 boys can be seen running out of their room, with a tall black kid ahead of them while shouting.

"Run everyone RUN! If ya don't want your shit to be clogged up you ass runnn mikes gonna fart out loud HAHAH"

Some kids peek out of their room and shout.

"What The fuck KOBEY! Why shouting so early do you have-"

"Shut up white kid! Run! Or your momma gonna regrets it, mike is cominggg"


He ran inside the rooms slapped his roommates and started running toward the messdeck (dining hall for military people)





'Hahh another day at this sickening job, Now I see why mom became so irritable after her school career."

"Haha (╯[]╰ ) Can't imagine I use to think I'll be a perfect teacher"


Next chapter coming in 8-9 hours