
Chapter 3

Rosalie stood by the fire warming her wings as Callahan pulled warm blankets from a large trunk in the corner. "Sorry about the sleeping arrangements. But there are rarely more than 2 people here at a time."

"It's fine." She told Kert as she fluttered her wings. after the blankets were situated Kert went to another trunk and pulled out four mres.

"Hope you like boxed food." He said as he placed the packets on the table.

"After flying, food is food and I don't really care what I eat." She said. "But dibs on the chilli Mac." She grinned as they looked at her in shock.

"Okay it is way too dark for us to see what was pulled out. How can you see it?" Derik asked.

"Because, oh handsy one, I have fae blood. So long as there is a source of light I can see."

"Well that just isn't fair." Derik huffed dramatically for the amusement of everyone in the room. "Let's check your wings again." He said as he stepped closer to her. She gladly turned around and let him check. She felt his warm fingers gently caress her wings and shivered as she felt the urge to spread her legs for him.

Could he possibly be her fated other? She closed her eyes and moaned softly. "It looks like they are defrosting." He said with a note of lust in his voice. If the 2 of them had been alone surely he would have made love to her and she would have let him. "How are your fingers and toes feeling?" He asked instead as he took half a step closer and wove his fingers through hers. They were fine but if she told him that he would let go.

"Still a little bit cold." She said and stepped back into his warm broad chest. He inhaled her scent deeply and put his free hand on her bare stomach. It was such an innocent thing but it lit the flame of lust in her, making her desperate for him.

"We will have to fix that." His voice was low and husky in her ear. She could feel his manhood hardening against her back. It was enormous.

"Oh my fuck!" Kert yelled suddenly. "You two are mates!"

"Well the fae don't call it that but I guess we are." She said as she stepped out of his welcoming embrace and went back to the table to sit on the bench. "Actually I need to..." She trailed off as her vision of the warm room swam in her view and faded to black.

She was standing over eight large wolves huddled around a small fire. They were scrawny and their fur was much too thin in places and completely gone in others. They had the scars that told of hard lives in the wilds. She could tell that all of them were male and felt a sense of dread. A human stepped up to the fire and added some logs. For some reason he frightened her the most. These were rogue wolves and they would encounter them in the near future.

She was forcefully pulled out of her vision just as 11 more joined the group. "Rosalie!" She could hear the desperation in Derik's voice as she came to. "oh thank the gods!" He breathed as he pulled her tightly to him. "What the fuck happened?" he whimpered.

"Rogues." She said in a panic.

"I think you're confused baby." Derik said without pulling away. "We aren't rogues."

"No there are rogues in the pack lands. At least twenty of them." She rushed out. "We need to leave right away."

"Not possible. The storm is only going to get worse before it gets better." Callahan stated. "We won't make it to another waystation. Let alone the pack house."

"How do you know about the rogues?" Derik asked as he pushed her to arms length.

"I saw them." She said.

"And you are just telling us now?" Kert said incredulously.

"Some with mixed blood have special gifts, Kert. I will hazard a guess that you have visions." Callahan said gently and she nodded meekly.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Derik looked hurt.

"Derik she didn't say anything because she doesn't want people to know. The mere fact that she has visions puts her very life at risk." Callahan said.

"But we would never hurt her." Kert said.

"It also puts the pack at risk. If it got out that we have such a person here our enemies would attack in droves."

"Not just the enemies of the pack." Rosalie said meekly staring at her hands. "When I was about four I was kidnapped. I used one vision I had to turn the two against each other. They were brothers and very close but they fought over who would keep me when they split up. They found out about my visions. And they were determined to keep me for themselves. They killed each other in front of me."

"She is right. There are those who would come simply to kill her."

"Why?" Derik asked as he pulled her into his arms again. She could feel his fear through their growing bond.

"Imagine being able to know where our enemies are, when they are coming and how many there are." Callahan said.

"You'd never lose another battle." Kert said as his eyes went wide.

"But I don't control any of it!" Rosalie sobbed as she wrapped her arms around Derik an clinging to him for dear life.

"Not to mention, visions of the future are notorious for being unreliable. The future is a lot like water. It shifts and changes on a whim." Derik said as he held her tighter.

"Any warrior worth their salt knows not to rely on such things. You would do well to remember that, Kert." Callahan admonished.

"But there are people who would target her with their first attack to take away any advantage she might possibly give." Derik said.

"Well they won't get close enough." Kert stated matter of factly.

"No they won't because we are going to the alpha first thing in the morning. He needs to know about this so he can select an elite protection detail for her and tighten security on our borders." Rosalie didn't want anyone else to know. The more people who knew the more likely it would get out. But she realized that Callahan had a point.

Once she calmed down they ate in silence and got ready for bed. "Are you sure we can't leave now?" She pleaded again. "If we wait till morning we may come face to face with the rogues."

"This storm is too bad, Rose. If we can't move neither can they. We will be fine." Callahan reassured her.

"Besides, we aren't pushovers. We can hold our own." Kert flexed to show her he wasn't scared.

"Rosalie is with us and the rogues don't know about her visions. If we do run into them we will be fighting to protect her and they will not hesitate to use that to their advantage." Derik said. "It is always harder to protect someone else than it is to kill them."

"It doesn't matter now. Let's just get some sleep. You too Luna Rose." Callahan said and she just nodded.

Curled up on the bed with Derik' a chest pressed to her back she felt safe. Like it didn't matter where in the world she was, as long she was with him she was home. The warmth and deep even breathing was enough to help her forget all of her worries and drift off to sleep in Derik's arms.