
Broken Dandelions

This story is about sixteen-year-old Sawyer Kylan, who arrives in the small remote town of Justus, with no memories of her earlier life. Sawyer, who carries many secrets of her own, settles in the town of Justus. Only to She find out that she is the Sheriff's missing daughter, Mary-Grace Bowen. Mary-Grace was believed to be kidnapped ten years ago on the very same day that her twin sister, Sarah-Mae, was murdered. Can Sawyer remember that day and find the truth, can she save herself as she is hunted down and try to reconnect with her family.

Tamzin_Atkins_5172 · Sports, voyage et activités
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14 Chs

Chapter 12


Richard looks at Sawyer like he wishes she were dead, she is now his problem and he doesn't know what to do. ‌"I don't understand why you are doing this" cries Sawyer. "Do you think I want to do this? I don't have a choice. If I want to stay May.... Never mind" "I know you aren't a real Brown" Richard looks up at her surprised "What are you talking about?" "Your dad wasn't fertile "What does that have to do with anything?" "You said you have no choice, does someone know your secret?" Richard steps back "I can't be talking to you about this" "You're scared aren't you? Who is behind all this?" "You will find out soon enough" "Just tell me who has you so scared!" Sawyer shouts. "You should have never come back here" "I had no choice." Richard looks panicked "Did someone send you? Explain yourself!" "You will never know" "Stupid child, you don't know who you're messing with" "Well.....why don't you just tell me?" "I have no time for this" "Wait, please. Let me go." "I can't do that. Sorry Sawyer" Richard says knocking on the closed door, it opens; he looks at her once more and walks out. The door closes behind him. Sawyer stares at the closed door in frustration. Mercy's voice travels through the walls "He sounds important" "He's the town Mayor" Sawyer replies. "A coward's running the town" Sawyer laughs a sad laugh "Yes he is a coward" "I'm sorry you're trapped down here with us" "Why don't the others talk?" "They're scared and not all of them speak English" Sawyer sighs "I 'm sorry you are all down here"

Alec walks into the kitchen and hurriedly makes himself coffee. Grace is at the stove making bacon and eggs while the kids sit at the table "Any news dad?" Scout asks. ‌"No" he answers sipping his coffee. Grace turns to look at Alec "Are you staying for breakfast?" "I can't. I have something I need to do" "Oh." I'll be back as soon as possible. Tonight's the fireworks" Grace begins to dish out the breakfast "I just wish Sawyer was here to see it" Pippa glares at her mother "Why is everything always about her!" "Because she is missing" "I know! Anyway I have plans tonight" Scout looks up "You aren't going to the fireworks with us?" "Nope, Blaze and I have plans" "What plans?" asks Grace. "We're staying in and watching movies" "Sounds nice, at least I know you will be safe" "That's me, safe Pippa" Alec shuffles "I have to go, see you all later" He kisses Grace on the cheek and leaves the kitchen. Alec parks his car and looks at the abandoned house. John steps out of the shadows "You came" "I'm‌ doing this for Sawyer" Alec replies. "That is all that matters" Alec looks around the abandoned house "What are we doing here? This place is empty" "That's what we wanted you to think" John says as he heads inside. The house is boarded up and dark, he shines the torch at Alec "This way." John walks over to a wall and pushes on a few bricks. The wall moves aside and reveals a lair. Alec walks in, shocked that he never knew this was here. John switches the light on and the place is a mess. Chairs are overthrown and computers are smashed, there is a crack in the large flat screen against the wall. John looks at Alec "The worst part is that there are a few skeletons lying on the floor in what can only be their own blood" "You really are a spy!" "Sorry I didn't tell you" "Just tell me why we are here" "Someone found out that we were watching" "Watching what?" "The comings and goings of unauthorised trucks" "Trucks?" "Yes, something was going on in this town and we were so close to finding out what it was when we were caught. They raised the place; I was on my way home to get my family when I came across Sawyer" "So instead of coming to me, the sheriff of the town and her father, you just took her?" "There was no time, they were after Sawyer and she was scared. They would have killed her and....me" "Do you want me to thank you for kidnapping my daughter to save her life?" "No, I want you to help me figure out what is going on in this town so that we can find Sawyer" "How do you know she hasn't run?" "Because I'm who she would run to" 

Blaire,‌ Braxton and Scout are sitting in Scully's drinking milkshakes "Did your dad say anything about Sawyer?" questions Blaire. Scout‌ shakes his head "No, he was distracted this morning" Braxton looks scared "I'm worried about her" Scout faces him "We all are, but I'm sure she'll turn up" "Our mom is still trying to come to terms with the fact that our dad just left her to raise someone else's kid. No offense to Sawyer" They all look down and stare at the table, Blaire looks at them "I'm tired of this, tonight is going to be so much fun. Let's meet in our usual spot" A little further away from them Chase enters the restaurant holding his side, Candy rushes over to him "What are you doing up?" "I feel better" Candy rolls her eyes but sees the determination in his face "Go sit down and I will bring you coffee" Any news on Sawyer?" "No. Sorry" Chase nods then takes her hand "I hear there are fireworks tonight...." "Daisy is so excited, she's been talking about it nonstop!" "Would you mind if I tag along?" "As long as you don't strain yourself" "I promise. Now where is my coffee, woman?"

Sawyer‌ is exhausted and begins to pace the cell "I need a way out of here! Hey Mercy, how did your little girl escape?" "She‌ said she found a whole in the wall" "There's nothing here, but I might be able to win the guard over" Someone bangs on the door "Quiet in there" Sawyer pleads "Please I am so thirsty!" The guard laughs "You shouldn't have wasted your water earlier on" "That was yesterday, do you want me to die from dehydration? "I'm sure that won't happen" "Are you willing to test your theory? What will your boss say?" "Fine, but no funny business" The door opens, he has a bottle of water in his hand, he pours some in the tin cup. Sawyer watches him intently "You aren't like the others" "Keep quiet and drink" "Why are you even here?" "I said keep quiet!" "Don't you feel sorry for these women? They have done nothing to deserve this" "I won't let you screw with my head. Are you done?" Sawyer hands him the empty cup. He walks towards the door, turns and says "I wanted to be a doctor" He walks out and slams the door closed. Sawyer sighs and slides down the wall. Mercy breaks the silence "You shouldn't talk to them like that" "I'm not scared" "Doesn't mean you should make them angry" "I'll do everything I can to get out of here" "I don't know if you're brave or stupid, but I want my daughter to be like you one day" "Your daughter is brave enough on her own"

Pippa is standing in the library looking at books when Blaze steps up behind her and puts his hands over her eyes "Guess who?" "I‌ know it's you, Blaze" Blaze laughs and faces her "You ready for tonight?" "Totally" "Is your brother attending?" "Nope he hates high school parties" "Awesome, what did you tell your parents?" "That I'm watching movies with you" "I told mine we were going on a date" Pippa slaps him on the arm. Blaze looks shocked "Ouch! What was that for?" "For telling everyone it's a date" 

Alec sits down in a chair "We're no closer to finding anything out" ‌John looks around "There has to be something here that can help us" "Well there isn't, we looked through everything" "I know, but we have to find her" Alec pushes his chair back and notices a piece of paper on the floor, he picks it up and reads it out loud "Why were you guys watching the shed?" "Let me see that" "Says a truck was spotted in the dandelion field one night. There's just an old shed there..... I guess it's better than nothing. Anyway I have to go do some real work before tonight, try not to get killed while I'm gone" John laughs "You do care." 

Sawyer restless and feeling uneasy begins to pace her cell again "I'm hungry" ‌The same guard as before answers "You should have eaten when we fed you" "I wasn't hungry then.....but I am now!" He bangs on the door angrily "Keep quiet" Sawyer knows she's getting to him "I just don't understand why a guy like you is working in a place like this" "We don't always get what we want. You seem sweet, but there is nothing I can do, just hang in there for a few more hours" Sawyer stops walking and approaches the door "Why? What happens in a few hours?" "I've said too much" Sawyer puts her forehead against the door "Just tell me what's going on" "They'll kill me if I do" "I understand, but I don't belong here. My dad is the Sheriff of this town" The guard panics slightly "What! No one said anything about a Sheriff's daughter. This is bad, very bad!" "If you let me go I won't tell them about you" "Shut up and let me think" "Please let me go" "I said shut up!"

Alec walks into the kitchen "Honey, I have to tell you something" Grace‌ looks up from her book "What is it?" "John is in town looking for Sawyer" Grace sits quietly for a few seconds "Invite him for dinner" "You want me to invite the man that kidnapped our daughter to dinner?" "Anyone who is trying to help us find Sawyer is a friend of mine. He must miss home cooked meals and Kayla. I'll invite her; you send Scout and Haylen to Skullys. Pippa is out with that sweet boy Blaze" Later that evening, Alec is sitting at the table while Grace finishes the food. John is also seated at the table; Kayla walks in cheerily until she sees John "What is he doing here?" "He's‌ helping us look for Sawyer" Grace says placing the food on the table. Alec smiles "We still hate the guy, but my wife wants to thank him" Kayla chuckles, puts her handbag down and sits across from John. Grace sits down and looks at Kayla "How was work?" "Tiring. I have this case with a minor who tried to rob a bank" Alec nods "Oh yeah, that Matthews kid. He has such an attitude. His mother walked out on them" John looks at Kayla "Chase has a similar story" she drops a fork onto the plate with a loud clank "I can't do this; I can't sit at this table and pretend everything is normal. You left us, we were a happy family!" Grace tries to change the subject "Anyone want dessert?" John stares at Kayla "I did what I thought was right" "Stealing your best friends' child and walking out on your own family?" "I just wish you would understand! She would have died if I didn't save her" "I nearly died without you here. I didn't know what happened to you or anything. I went crazy thinking of different things" "I'm so sorry" "You missed out on our kids growing up. They are almost adults." "I know that, I lost everything to save her" Kayla grabs her hand bag "Excuse me....I have a case to prepare for" She walks out the room, John sighs out loud "Well that went well" Alec grins at him "We all need time to come to terms with this" Grace looks at John "I hate what you did, but thank you for saving my daughter" 

Sawyer‌ runs a hand through her dirty and knotted hair "Are you still out there?" ‌"Why are you still talking?" "What's your name?" "Gavin" It comes as a whisper and Sawyer has to listen carefully to hear it. "I'm Sawyer" "The girl that turned up ten years after going missing?" "The one and only" "Where were you the whole time?" "Come in here and I'll tell you" "I can't, besides it's nearly time"

Lucinda is locking up when she hears someone behind her. She turns around ready to fight her attacker off before realising that she is face to face with John. She begins to cry "John! You are back" "I‌ missed you so much Mom" "I know you had to do it, but next time tell someone" "Everyone hates me" "They're hurting and need time" "Why aren't you angry?" "Oh I am, but I know you and know you would only do it if you had to. Now come inside and let's have some tea and a talk" "I have things I need to do" "One cup of tea" John smiles and Lucinda unlocks the door.

Pippa walks into the house party with Blaze, music blaring and people dancing all over with drinks in hand. "This is awesome!" Pippa shouts. "I know right! Come let's go dance" They join the sea of bodies and start dancing. Pippa lets loose a bit, letting the music lead her. Blaze dances closer to her "You look beautiful" She smiles and he leans forward and kisses her. Pippa stands there looking shocked "What was that for?" Blaze shrugs "I've wanted to do that for so long" Pippa fans her face "It's hot in here" "I'll go get us drinks" She finds an open spot on a couch and sits down. Blaze is walking back to Pippa with two coldrinks when Conrad and two friends knock it out his hands "Hey!" Blaze exclaims. Conrad grabs Blaze by the shirt and pulls him closer "Pretty boys like you should respect your elders" Blaze tries to fight him off to no avail. They drag him further into the house, no one hearing his calls for help.

Chase is standing with Candy as they watch Haylen and Daisy play with a few other girls. Candy takes his hand "I know you're worried about Sawyer" "She‌ is my sister, I'll always worry" "I'm sure she will turn up" "I hope so" "Oh look! The fireworks are starting!" Chase pulls her close as they watch the display. Alec stands behind Grace with his arms around her as they watch the fireworks "Do you remember the first fireworks we took the twins to?" Grace‌ smiles "Yes, Sarah-Mae hated how loud it was and Mary-Grace loved every second of it" "They were so different" "And yet so close at times" "I love our life. I would do this again, this whole life" "I love you so much" "I love you"

Pippa is waiting for Blaze to come back, a girl standing with a group of boys leaves them and approaches her. "You all alone?" "No my friend went to get me something to drink" "Here take mine" she says handing Pippa her drink. "I shouldn't" "Why? You think I did something to it?" "No!" Pippa declares taking a huge sip to please the girl who smiles in return. Pippa keeps drinking. She starts to feel funny but also very happy and starts to dance with the girl. Pippa lets loose and enjoys her evening.

Sawyer stretches and looks at the door "Gavin, I'm thirsty" "Just‌ wait till later" Sawyer coughs "My throat is so dry. I just want some water" "Fine" The door opens and Gavin walks in with a tin cup, Sawyer takes the cup as she eyes the open door behind him "Thank you Gavin" He looks nervous standing there "Hurry up!" "You sure you don't want to let me go?" "They will kill me if I do" "What if I make it look like I escaped?" "Like they would believe that!" "I could have done this...."she says using all her strength to hit him in the head with the tin cup. He falls forward, Sawyer moves and runs out the cell. She stops outside of Mercy's cell trying to open the lock. Mercy bangs on the door "No! Sawyer run!" "I can't leave you!" "Yes you can, go get help" Sawyer hears groaning from Gavin, her heart racing at the intensity of the moment "I promise to get help" she shouts as she climbs up a ladder that leads out of the hole.

Blaire is staring at the fireworks when Jagger appears behind her "Hello Baby" "Don't you just love this?" she whispers. "I know what I love more" Braxton sits up "Hey that's my sister you're talking about" "Just because your girl disappeared, don't take it out on me" Braxton lunges for Jagger, they fall to the ground hitting each other. Blaire jumps up "Stop it! Stop it! Scout, do something! "What must I do?" Scout asks. "Just stop them!" Scout steps forward determined to save his friends.

Chase is still standing with Candy when Haylen runs up to them upset "I can't find Daisy!" Candy steps forward and looks around "What do you mean?" "We were playing then she said she wants to find you" Chase approaches them "Did something happen?" "A man came to us and said he was Daisy's daddy" Candy lets out a cry "That isn't her father...someone has my baby!" "Calm down, take Haylen to her parents and I will find her" Chase pushes through people calling for Daisy. He sees her in the trucker Warren's arms. Daisy sees him "Chase! Help me!" Chase starts to run after them.

Pippa feels sick and her head hurts, she knows something isn't right. She goes outside to get some fresh air, taking deep breaths. A boy a little older than her tries to hand her a drink "No more" she says wobbling sideways. He catches her "Let's go somewhere private" "No I want to stay out here" "You'll enjoy it, trust me" "No!" Pippa screams pushing him away. She runs away, trying not to fall over. She's shaking all over and scared, she gets her phone out and calls Alec. Alec answers after the first ring "Hello sweetie" "Daddy I need you!" "Where are you?" "At a party... I think.... I...was.... am.....drinking" "Wait right there, I'm coming" "Hurry daddy, I'm scared" Pippa curls up as small as she can waiting for the only man she can trust.

Sawyer is pushing through the crowds of people "Alec! Alec!" She bumps into someone who steadies her. Sawyer looks up at Cameron "Sawyer! Where have you been? We've all been so worried" "I‌ was kidnapped" "What! By who?" "Mayor Richard, he has a whole human trafficking operation going on" "What are you talking about?" "I need to find my dad" "Sawyer, where is this place?" "It's under the shed, I have to go. I need to get help, there are woman down there" "I will go this way and you go that way" Sawyer looks at the crowd and spots Grace "Mom!" Grace looks up shocked "Sawyer!" Sawyer has tears running down her cheeks, she runs and hugs Grace "Where's dad?" "He had an emergency with Pippa, where have you been?" "I will tell you everything as soon as I find Alec" Scout, Braxton and Blaire see Sawyer. Blaire runs towards her "Sawyer! Where have you been? You look a mess!" "I need to find Alec" "Are you in trouble?""I just need to speak to dad" "We've all been so worried! I'll help you find Alec" Grace notices Candy approaching with Haylen who runs towards her upset. Grace lifts her into her arms and Candy hurries off. Chase is catching up to Warren; Daisy is screaming and trying to get him to let her go. He enters a side door of a building and Chase follows.

Sawyer is shaking and scared, she's standing in the now empty cells, not a woman in sight, Alec shining his torch around. Sawyer has Alec's jacket around her shoulders "I promise they were here" ‌"I believe you Sawyer, but there is no proof" "I promised Mercy I would get her out!" Alec puts his arms around her "I'm sorry I didn't find you" "I remember everything" Alec pulls back and looks at her "What did you say?" Just then John jumps down the hole and sees the two of them. Sawyer runs to him "John!" John looks deeply saddened "I can't believe this has been here the whole time" "Mayor Richard killed Sarah-Mae" Alec stares at her "Are you sure?" "Yes, he had a gun and it went off. He shot her" "I will kill him!" Alec growls walking towards the entrance. John shakes his head "Do this the proper way" "There's no proof" "I have proof" Sawyer replies. She hurries to her cell and digs under the bed; she pulls out crumpled papers and hands it to Alec "I stole this from Richards' house, its payment for the women" Alec takes the papers from her "After this we have to talk about what you get up to" "Yes dad" Alec smiles "I like the sound of that! Now let's go arrest the Mayor" Outside crowds of people on the field are blocked off by tape and police cars. Mayor Richard pushes his way through the crowds towards Alec "What is the meaning of all this?" "Mayor‌ Richard, you are under arrest" "What? This is outrageous!" Alec places his cuffs around Richards' hands "You are part of a human trafficking operation" "Never! I am the Mayor! Is that girl of yours feeding you lies? There is nothing down there is there?" "We have proof your participation" Alec hands him the papers. Richard reads it and pales slightly "That isn't proof and it won't stand in a court of law" "You killed my little girl!" Alec shouts, clenching his fists. "It was an accident" Deputy Duncan takes over the arrest and starts to lead him away. Sawyer can't stand still "The girls are still missing!" John hugs her tightly "We will find them"

Chase quietly walks inside the warehouse. He sees a large truck and Warren loading Daisy into the front, she is screaming "No let me go!" Warren‌ laughs "No one will find you, trust me" Chase steps out from the shadows "You should listen to her" "Wasn't the first beating warning enough?" "I don't always listen the first time" Warren locks the door and steps towards Chase; they stand a foot apart in a fighting stance. Warren throws the first punch and it connects with Chase's jaw "Little boys shouldn't be meddling where they aren't needed" Chase punches him in the nose "Grown men shouldn't be stealing other people's children" Chase swings again and connects with Warrens ribs. Daisy is banging on the window, crying for Chase. Chase throws another punch and Warren goes down. He grabs the keys and opens the door, Daisy flies into his arms "I knew you would save me" Chase hugs her tightly "Always" "Chase...I hear crying" Chase puts her down and heads to the back; he opens the door of the truck and looks inside. He takes his phone out and calls Alec right away. "Hi Chase, this isn't a good time" "Alec ...you...uuummm....you have to come see this" Half an hour later there are ambulances and police cars around the building. People are gathered watching as women are escorted off the truck. Sawyer hears the name Mercy and runs forward "Mercy!" Mercy‌ looks at her and opens her arms; the two embrace "Where is my little girl?" Sawyer leads Mercy towards Alec "Dad this is Mercy. Her little girl is the one who saved my life; she really wants to see her daughter" "Hello Mercy, I'm Sheriff Alec Bowen and I will make sure you two are reunited right away" Alec turns to face Sawyer after Mercy is led away "You did good! Now go home and sleep" "I will, I just want to talk to Chase" Sawyer walks over to Chase and he pulls her into a hug "Thank goodness you are alright, you scared me" "I was scared myself!" Candy approaches them with Daisy in her arms "Sorry to interrupt, but we need to get Daisy home." Chase nods and then smiles at Sawyer "See you soon" Chase walks away as Cameron approaches "I heard you got your memories back" "Yes" "Richard should never have pointed the gun" "Who said he had a gun?" "I just assumed he had one" Sawyer looks at Cameron "You were there!" "What are you talking about? Sawyer closes her eyes and pictures the moment that changed everything.

Mary‌- Grace is hugging Sarah-Mae, the door opens and Cameron steps inside "What is going on here? Why are they here?" ‌"They saw too much" "They are the Sheriff's kids" "Cameron" Sarah-Mae cries standing up and running towards him. Richard swings the gun around and it goes off. 

Sawyer‌ looks at him through teary eyes "You were behind all of this!" "You‌ should have stayed away" "I'm going to tell Alec" "No one will believe you, I'm the most respected citizen in town" "The truth will come out" Cameron grins "We will see" He begins to turn away when Braxton walks up to her and hugs her "Ready to go home?"