
Chapter 46

After Max dropped me off, I took a long, hot shower, letting the steam wash away the fatigue from the evening. Once I felt refreshed, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and went to my room to call my dad and Kathy, wishing them a happy new year. Their cheerful voices brought a smile to my face, and we chatted for a bit about our plans and resolutions for the upcoming year.

Feeling a bit more relaxed, I decided to take care of some pending tasks. I booked an appointment with my doctor for the next day, taking advantage of the fact that Max would be away visiting a friend for two days. I didn't want him to know about my visit to the hospital, preferring to keep it private.

Later, Max and I chatted over text.

"Hey, how's your evening going?" he asked.

"Pretty good, just catching up with my dad and Kathy. How about you?" I replied.

"All set for my trip. I'll be staying at John's place for a couple of days," he informed me.

"Sounds fun! Enjoy your time," I said, making a mental note of his schedule.

"Thanks! Will miss you though," he added with a hint of affection.

"Miss you too. See you soon!" I sent back with a smiley.

The next day, I made my way to the hospital for my appointment. It felt a bit funny to be 22 and already dealing with family planning, but I wanted to ensure everything was still intact. My gynecologist, Dr. Patel, was thorough and kind, making the visit comfortable.

"Everything looks good, Kenzy. Your family planning device is in place," Dr. Patel reassured me after the examination.

"Thanks, Dr. Patel. Just wanted to be sure," I said, relieved.

Next, I met with my regular doctor, Dr. Miller, for a check-up. I had been worried about my heart condition, and I knew I needed to hear his advice.

"Kenzy, we need to talk about your heart," Dr. Miller began, his expression serious. "The damage is extensive. If you were to have a heart attack, you might not survive it. You need to stop taking drugs and drinking alcohol immediately."

The gravity of his words hit me hard. I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. "I understand, Dr. Miller."

"We should also discuss the possibility of heart surgery," he continued. "It could significantly improve your prognosis."

I took a deep breath. "I'm not ready for surgery yet. I need some time to process everything."

Dr. Miller gave me a compassionate look. "Take your time, but don't delay too long. Your health is at serious risk."

"Thank you, Dr. Miller," I said softly, feeling the weight of the conversation settle over me.

As I left the hospital, I felt a mix of emotions—relief for having taken care of my health, but also a deep sense of urgency about making some significant lifestyle changes. I knew I had made the right decision to keep this visit private, focusing on my well-being without worrying Max. With a light heart but a determined mind, I headed home, ready to tackle the new year with a renewed sense of responsibility.

Max came back from his trip looking relaxed and happy. I could tell he had a good time with his friend, but I was even happier to have him back. We had planned a big holiday party at Simon's house, and it was the perfect opportunity to celebrate with all our friends. I decided to wear something bold: a see-through crop top and joggers, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as I looked at myself in the mirror. Tonight was going to be wild.

Simon's house was buzzing with energy as our friends arrived. Kristen, Cherry, Jessica, Louis, Harry, Simon, Thomas, and a few others filled the room, each bringing their own unique vibe to the party. The music was loud, the drinks were flowing, and the atmosphere was electric.

"Hey everyone, let's get this party started with a game of Truth or Dare!" Jessica shouted, her eyes sparkling with mischief. We all gathered in a circle on the floor, eager for the fun to begin.

"I'll go first," Cherry said, twirling a strand of her red hair. "Louis, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Louis replied confidently.

"I dare you to run around the yard in your underwear," Cherry grinned.

Louis laughed and quickly stripped down to his boxers, earning cheers and whistles from everyone as he sprinted outside. The game continued, each turn getting progressively wilder.

When it was Kristen's turn, she hesitated for a moment before saying, "Truth."

Jessica, not one to miss an opportunity, asked, "Is it true you have a crush on someone here?"

Kristen's face turned bright red, but she nodded. "Yes, it's true."

"Who is it?" I asked, leaning forward in curiosity.

Kristen took a deep breath, looking directly at Max. "It's Max. I've had a crush on you for a while."

The room fell silent for a moment, and I felt a pang of jealousy twist in my stomach. Max, however, broke the tension with a gentle smile. "I'm flattered, Kristen. You're amazing."

I tried to brush off the jealousy, but it lingered. The party continued, with everyone getting more daring with their choices. At one point, Simon dared Harry to do a shot off Jessica's stomach, which he did with a theatrical flourish that had everyone in stitches.

But I couldn't shake the feeling. I caught Max's eye and nodded towards a quiet corner of the room. He followed me, sensing something was up.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern in his eyes.

"I just needed a moment with you," I said, looking into his eyes. Without waiting for a response, I pulled him closer, our lips meeting in a heated kiss. The world around us faded away as we made out passionately, the intensity of our connection reaffirming what we had.

When we finally pulled apart, both breathless, Max brushed a strand of hair from my face. "I didn't know you felt that way," he said softly.

"I guess I just needed to remind myself," I replied with a smile.

We rejoined the party, the jealousy I felt earlier now a distant memory. The energy in the room was still high, and we all felt invincible. Kristen and Max talked quietly in a corner later, and I felt a twinge of unease, but I knew our moment had strengthened us.

As the night wound down, we gathered in a more relaxed setting, sharing stories and enjoying each other's company. Despite the wild antics, there was a sense of camaraderie that made the evening special. It was the perfect way to cap off the holiday season, with memories that would keep us laughing for years to come.