
Brockwing Vale

Jake is the firstborn in his family, and he is about to undertake the challenge of a lifetime. Along with fifty other 'first-born' students, he must take Feldspar Academy's mysterious exit exam. He will have to design a new world; full of wonder and promise, where the only limit will be his imagination. The pressure is crippling; he alone holds power over where his family and friends will live out the rest of their lives. If he fails, then everyone who he has ever loved will be doomed to try and survive his creation, whether it is finished or not. Please be advised that this is a fast-paced novel, with a plot that spans many realms.

Craig_Beckham · Fantaisie
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320 Chs

Ideas Are Like Embers

The city was silent in the wake of the latest raid. There'd be no market today, no stall holders haggling to sell their wares because there were none to trade. And those who did have stock would be too afraid to display it.

However, the daily market would be the least of my peoples' worries. First, they would have to repair what'd been damaged, and Earth wouldn't stand idle and let that happen.

I inhaled deeply only to cough as the dust clung to the back of my throat. 'Damn, that was stupid.'

Cali laughed. 'Are you alright? Do you need a lie-down?'

'You're a hoot as always, Little Miss Melia.'

'Please don't call me that.'

I held both hands up in surrender, unable to suppress a laugh of my own. 'We should probably find shelter. The castle perhaps?'