
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Livres et littérature
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161 Chs

Ministry of Magic and Prophecy 1


I'm back with the next chapter(s)of Broken Shackles. I'm with a Christmas gift as well.

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"Familiar/ Ghosts /Goblins" talking.

'Familiar/ Ghosts/ Goblins' thinking.

'Parseltongue, will/memories'

"Spell" being used.

Once again, Merry Christmas.


Broken Shackles

Chapter 6

Ministry of Magic and Prophecy

Harry spent the weekend brushing his knowledge on his last 2 years subjects. When he was satisfied with his level, he went with Mira to a suitable place where he can train with her without being detected. He tried what he learnt with his new wand, and the results were astounding compared to his Holly with Phoenix feather wand.

The strength, potency and power of the spells increased with their accuracy and magic usage decreasing to some extent. He felt more in control and connected to his magic than ever before. He practised flying regularly under the watchful eye of Mira.

Though he can fly, he was just at basics. He can levitate a few feet and that costs a lot of magic to maintain. To fly without a broom is just awesome. He planned on trying his hand at invisibility and to shapeshift as well.

Mira's advice was to constant practice. She was satisfied with his progress, but also would give him suggestions about flying and other powers he got from her Jewel. He is nowhere near as fast as his speed with his broom, but he is improving, fast.

Most important abilities that were said to be inherited by the one having the Horned Serpent Jewel were always water down version what would one get from the Horned Serpent giving it of its own will. Harry is getting a good taste of it.

He often sees his eyes glow just like how he saw Mira's glow when he first met her in the waters in the Chamber of Secrets. He is slowly getting a good grasp on powers he got from Mira's Jewel and his Occlumency only helping him more.

It had taken Harry 2 weeks to get a grasp of flying freely in the sky more like a bird and to maintain balance. He can move fast in the air now. Though not as fast as his broom and can't even compare to Mira. She is very fast.

She suggested him to practice more and gain more experience in flying. Harry agreed to that and continued his practice. They chose an abandoned factory near Privet Drive to be the best spot as the ceiling is high and he can practise freely, not fearing any intrusion.

Harry was also preparing for his first ritual which is going to take place on his birthday. The book on the rituals was very clear. The ingredients are easy to be found and he told Dobby to collect them, which the exited elf did.

At 13 years, the first ritual should take place, which increases his physical capabilities like strength, stamina and magical Core. This ritual also repairs any irregular growth or deliberate limitation of body growth as to not let the child turn into an Obscurial.

Salazar is very clear about this and recommended performing the ritual on the night of his birthday. As it is his 13th birthday, he should perform the ritual with 13 ingredients and it will take 2-3 days to get adjusted to the change.

Salazar emphasised taking rest in these 2 days. Harry should rest completely without any activity and he can reach the outside world if need be but is recommended not to do anything related to magic or physical exercise.

Harry took those instructions to heart and as Dobby prepared everything for the ritual as per the instructions, Harry prepared himself mentally for what was to come.

Dobby came back with an interesting bit of news while collecting the ingredients. It seems the Malfoy's didn't tell anyone of his removal and that became a plus for Harry as no one asked the excited elf where it was taking all these ingredients.

The ritual is going to take place in the inner Chamber of Secrets on his birthday and Harry went there to make sure everything is correct. After performing the ritual, he rested as instructed.