

Nottingvale a thriving city where the lines between social classes blur, is the backdrop for a captivating love story between Lilian,a young billionaire heiress, and Nathan,a hardworking business man from a middle class family. Despite the vast differences in their backgrounds, the two meet by chance and are instantly drawn to each other's genuine personalities, leading to a whirlwind romance that challenges societal expectations and their own preconceptions.

Kisa_ · Urbain
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35 Chs

Chapter 34: A Charitable Affair

The invitation arrived on a crisp, ivory card, embossed with the gold seal of the Mayor's office. It announced a grand charity event to be held at the opulent city hall, a night of elegance and philanthropy designed to draw the town's elite. Among those invited were the Westbrooks and the Richmonds, families whose rivalry was as storied as their wealth.

Lilian received her invitation with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The charity event was not just a social gathering; it was a strategic opportunity. As she looked over the elegantly scripted details, she knew it was an occasion where alliances could be forged and rivalries rekindled. Amidst this thought, she decided to extend an invitation to Nathan.

She called him, her voice filled with a subtle urgency. "Nathan, there's a charity event organized by the Mayor. It's going to be quite the affair, and I think it would be good for you to attend."

Nathan hesitated. The past weeks had been tumultuous, and the idea of mingling with the town's elite while his business teetered on the brink of collapse seemed daunting. But the tone in Lilian's voice suggested this was more than a mere social request. "Lilian, are you sure? I mean, with everything going on..."

"I know," Lilian interrupted gently. "But I think it could be beneficial. Besides, it would be nice to have a friend there."

After a moment of contemplation, Nathan agreed. "Alright, I'll be there. What time should I pick you up?"

"No need," Lilian replied. "I'll meet you there. Just... don't be late."


City hall had been transformed into a glittering venue, adorned with crystal chandeliers and floral arrangements that spoke of both elegance and wealth. Guests arrived in their finest attire, the air filled with the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of champagne glasses.

Lilian stepped out of her car, dressed in a stunning evening gown that accentuated her grace and poise. Her eyes scanned the crowd, searching for Nathan. She spotted him near the entrance, looking dapper in a tailored suit, his expression a mix of determination and apprehension.

Nathan saw her approach and felt a wave of relief. Despite the tension of the past weeks, Lilian's presence was a comforting constant. "You look amazing," he said, offering a genuine smile.

"Thank you," Lilian replied, her eyes sparkling. "Shall we?"

As they walked through the grand hall, they were greeted by familiar faces and polite nods. The atmosphere was charged with the undercurrent of unspoken agendas, each attendee aware of the social and political implications of their presence.

Lilian and Nathan made their way to a quieter corner, where they could observe the room and engage in more meaningful conversation. "Thank you for coming," Lilian said, her tone sincere. "I know it's a lot to ask with everything you're dealing with."

Nathan nodded. "It's fine. I think you were right. This could be good for both of us."

As the evening progressed, the Richmond family made their grand entrance. Ken Richmond, with his commanding presence, drew the attention of the room. His daughter, Hannah, followed close behind, her eyes scanning the crowd for a familiar face. When she spotted Lilian and Nathan, a flicker of recognition and calculation crossed her features.

As Lilian and Nathan made their way through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and polite nods, they finally found a quieter corner to chat.

"It's quite a turnout," Nathan remarked, taking a sip of his champagne.

Lilian nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "These events are always good for networking. Speaking of which, I'm glad you could make it tonight."

Nathan smiled, his expression warming. "I'm glad to be here with you."

Their moment was interrupted by Lilian's parents, who had been observing the room from a distance. Mr. and Mrs. Westbrook had noticed Michaelson's attention repeatedly drifting toward Lilian and Nathan. They exchanged a knowing glance before Mrs. Westbrook gently touched Lilian's arm.

"Lilian, darling," she said with a soft urgency, "I think it would be wise for you to go over and speak with Mr. Michaelson. He's been watching you both all evening. It's crucial that we make a good impression on him."

Lilian's eyes flickered with surprise, then understanding. "Of course, Mother. I'll go talk to him."

Nathan gave her an encouraging nod. "Go ahead, I'll be right here."

As Lilian made her way across the room, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Michaelson stood near the bar, his imposing figure easily visible above the crowd. He was impeccably dressed in a dark suit, exuding an air of authority and charisma that commanded attention. His eyes were sharp, taking in every detail around him.

"Mr. Michaelson," Lilian greeted him with a warm smile as she approached. "I'm glad to see you here tonight."

Michaelson's eyes softened slightly as he turned to face her. "Miss Westbrook, it's a pleasure. This is quite the event."

Lilian nodded, trying to keep her nerves in check. "It is. These events are always a great opportunity to connect with influential people and support a good cause."

Michaelson raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his gaze. "Indeed. And how has your evening been so far?"

"Busy, but enjoyable," Lilian replied. "I was just catching up with an old friend, Nathan. You might remember him from our office the other day."

Michaelson's expression remained inscrutable, but there was a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "Yes, I remember. Interesting man."

The conversation flowed smoothly, but Lilian could sense the underlying tension. She knew how important this interaction was for her family's business, and she was determined to make a good impression. They discussed various topics, from business to art, finding common ground in their interests.

Meanwhile, across the room, Nathan watched with a mix of admiration and unease. He understood the stakes for Lilian and her family, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Michaelson than met the eye.

As the evening progressed, Lilian's charm and intelligence seemed to captivate Michaelson. He found himself genuinely enjoying her company, which was a rarity for him in such settings. However, his sharp mind remained focused on his ultimate goal.

Just as the conversation was taking a lighter turn, Lilian's mother approached, her face lit with a gracious smile. "Excuse me for interrupting," she said smoothly, "but I wanted to introduce you to some other important guests."

Lilian glanced at Michaelson, who nodded slightly. "Of course, Mrs. Westbrook."

As Lilian was guided away, Michaelson's gaze followed her, a thoughtful expression on his face. He knew the game they were playing, and he was more than prepared to win.