
Bride's Grudge

Radella Amadeus Yori was only number two in the family. All the attention was on Jessica Yori-her parents' favorite sister. She became the savior of her parents' pride by replacing her as a replacement bride. Her happiness is again disturbed when her sister reappears and wants to snatch Dominic Toretto from her life. In the end, Radella had to let her marriage fall apart after Jessica claimed to be pregnant with her husband's child. Disappointed, she decided to leave and seek happiness in solitude. Until finally she found peace in a man who was able to make her laugh without a sense of burden. However, another trial came when her sister again wanted to destroy her happiness. Not only did Radella have to lose her happiness just to save the family name. However, she also had to mentally prepare for when her boyfriend eventually found out about the marriage and was hurt. She had to experience all kinds of problems after marrying a man who was supposed to be her brother-in-law. Not to mention, Dominic, who thinks he is being played by Jessica, and thinks Radella's parents actually know the departure of her first child. He takes out his heartache on Radella and makes the girl live like hell. However, in the end he falls in love and doesn't want to lose her. Radella's inner turmoil when Jessica returns and does not accept the marriage between Dominic Toretto and her. She considers Radella a traitor and uses her departure to snatch Dominic. Jessica does everything she can to get him back, including confessing her pregnancy to make Radella and Dominic's marriage run aground. Unfortunately, the older sister who was supposed to defend her wanted her dead. Jessica chooses to collaborate with several people to eliminate her by making her have a single accident until the car she is traveling in goes into a ravine. However, God still protected her. Radella was saved by someone who would eventually help her avenge Jesica's crimes against her. Radella chooses to change her accident-damaged face and starts learning business with a cold and ambitious man. She will reclaim what her sister took from her in her own way. Even though she has to put aside the feelings of longing that are sometimes still present.

Black_Roz · Urbain
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146 Chs

Am i in love?

"Honey, why are you so careless? What if you fall and a part gets hurt? I could get angry with mom and dad and be accused of neglecting to take care of you," said the man in reply to Hana's gaze who still couldn't believe she was in his office. 

"Dominic. You're here?" said Radella nervously, not expecting her husband's presence.

"Of course. I came to take you back to our home. You had the heart to leave me alone in our apartment. Don't you know, every night I freeze without you by my side?" Dominic said, looking embarrassed. 

Radella, who was initially nervous and upset by the actions of the two girls, did not waste a valuable opportunity to deter the gossipers who often bullied her. She clung to Dominic's neck and linked her hands together while saying a few words. That of course made them all look unblinkingly at Radella and Dominic in disbelief.

For the first time in her life, she shows her wild side. She knew that her husband only wanted to protect her from being bullied by her friends, and she had to act the same way in front of her husband so that they would believe her.

Although in truth, she was very embarrassed to act like a cheap woman in front of her husband, even though it was a natural thing. Because, they were already legally husband and wife.

"Honey, I didn't know you were coming to Atlanta?" she said in a spoiled tone. "Why didn't you tell me before?" Radella asked her husband.

"I deliberately wanted to make a surprise for you, darling. Can't your husband surprise his own wife?" replied Dominic while looking longingly at her.

"Of course he can, darling. I just …" Radella's speech was cut short as her boss interrupted their conversation.

Damon Albarn, who was the owner of the company where Radella worked as well as her husband's business partner, could only shake his head at the husband and wife's behavior. He also couldn't believe that Dominic married one of his subordinates. In fact, he knows very well who Dominic's lover and fiance used to be.

In order to calm the hubbub that occurred, he also told him to take her away. Meanwhile, he dispersed the crowd of employees who still did not believe that a girl who they thought had an ordinary face could marry a Dominic Toretto.

"You two should stop this intimacy in front of all my men. Dominic, take your wife away from here and express your longing for her. Leave before I change my mind," Damon told his friend.

"You are indeed my understanding friend. Come on baby, before your boss changes his mind and tears us apart again. Excuse me," he replied as he took her wife's hand and left the place.

She could see how jealousy flashed before her eyes when Dominic took her by the fingers and led her away from the crowd of her husband's adoring women. What's more, she was able to silence the mouths of the two arrogant girls who had always been looking for trouble with her.

It was obvious how upset the two girls were when they found out the reality that was displayed in front of their eyes. Especially Naomi, she who had always prided herself on her beauty had to lose one step too her.

She was very embarrassed when Dominic still held her fingers even though they were already in the building lobby. It seemed that several employees were staring at Radella with envious faces seeing the intimacy that her husband intended for her.

That of course made her embarrassed and lowered her face. Until finally, the car that would take them both had arrived in front of the building lobby.

"Until when are you going to hold my fingers, Dominic? We're in the office lobby now," asked her, who turned awkward to her husband.

"Why? Don't you like it when your husband keeps wanting it this way?" replied him looking at her. 

"No, it's just—"

"I'm not going to let go of this hand holding just like that after what happened to you in there, Hoeny. Why are you just silent about being treated like that by them?" asked Dominic, looking annoyed.

"I don't want to cause trouble. Actually, I avoid them more. However, your presence in the office gives them the opportunity to bully me," he replied, looking down.

"From now on, I will never allow you to be treated like that by them. I have sent a message to Damon to fire the two women for insulting Dominic Toretto's wife. Next time, if someone insults you, fight back and don't stay silent. Got it! " he said emphatically.

Radella did not dare to meet her husband's eyes out of fear. She didn't expect the husband to save her pride in front of all her friends. Moreover, she is not ashamed to call herself his wife. Unknowingly, she smiled at Dominic who was still upset about their actions

"Thank you," she said to the man who for some reason was just getting more handsome.

Dominic just smiled and then told her to get into the car and immediately leave the office building owned by his business partner and friend. He promised himself that he would repay what the two girls had done to his wife.

Dominic did not like seeing the injustice that befell Evelyn. Perhaps, if the woman beside him wasn't his wife now, he wouldn't be so angry.

"Next time, repay their actions if they continue like that. I don't want to have a wife who can't do anything," he sarcastically glanced at his wife.

"I don't care about them. As long as they don't touch my body, I will remain silent," he said, looking up at the sky which was so bright this afternoon.

"You really are stubborn!" Dominic replied as he started the car engine and sped off.

Without him realizing it, she smiled. It had been almost a month since she heard her husband's voice. During that time, there was no argument between the two of them. And that made her miss all their moments together. Especially, missing her husband's handsome face which was always she's wildest sleeping flower on every cold night.

"Damn! Why am I imagining his naked body on top of mine? C'mon Radella, wake up! Don't embarrass yourself," she said, tapping her forehead and making Dominic glance at her.

"Are you okay in Atlanta, Radella?" asked him looking back at the road.

"Of course. Why do you ask such a silly question?" she replied irritably.

"Because I don't think you're okay right now. You're tapping your forehead like you're out of your mind," he said with an evil laugh.

"Shut up and drive!" She scream to Dominic.

Dominic actually laughed out loud at Hama's expression that was annoyed by his teasing. Somehow he was very happy to see their current interaction. He hoped that, after this, his relationship with Radella would get better and they could start to get to know each other.

Both of them now realize that their marriage must have a reason, and his breakup with Jessica must also have a clear reason. Although he is still very hurt and disappointed by what his former fiancée did to him.

"I miss you, My wife. I want to have you tonight," He said silently.
