

In the enchanting tale titled "BRIDAL BANGLE," an exquisite and pure-hearted young lady by the name of Ella finds herself on a quest to captivate her dear friend Rex Johnson's affection. Longing for him to perceive her not merely as his faithful companion, but as a woman yearning for love from a man, Ella will stop at nothing to achieve her desire. Fortuitously, her wish materializes when Rex's girlfriend, Julia, departs from their lives, thus allowing Ella to effortlessly assume the role of the woman she had always aspired to be in Rex's eyes. Regrettably, Ella's elation is momentary, as Julia unexpectedly returns and promptly reclaims her rightful place, relegating Ella to the sidelines. Julia fails to comprehend the fact that during her absence, Ella artfully found her way into the depths of Rex's heart. Though Rex remains emotionally connected to Julia, his heart exclusively recognizes an insatiable longing for Ella, who, in a loveless union, selflessly chooses to utter the words "I do" to a man named Max. Caught in a perplexing dilemma, Rex discovers that his body, heart, and soul unequivocally belong to Ella, his cherished confidante, who is resolute in her determination to wed another while he remains entangled with Julia. As fate would have it, Ella becomes entwined in a dire predicament within Princess Maya's tribe, where her closest friends reside. Meanwhile, Rex, utilizing a fictitious matrimony as a pretext, wholeheartedly immerses himself in Ella's life, with the sole intention of safeguarding her. However, he struggles to disentangle himself from the love triangle within his own heart. Determined to convince Ella that he is the one meant for her, rather than Max, Rex fervently endeavors to sever ties with Julia. Overwhelmed by a series of heartaches, Ella's heart has inadvertently turned to stone, as she fearfully constructs a barrier to ward off love, treading a path from which no return seems plausible. Will Rex successfully manage to bewitch Ella's stony heart and liberate himself from the clutches of Julia? The answers lie within this mesmerizing masterpiece, aptly named "BRIDAL," as we witness the tapestry of their lives intricately woven together, filled with passion, desire, and an unyielding quest for true love.

Daoistwd0TxN · Histoire
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15 Chs



Ella, a beautiful young lady walking down the stairs as she looks at the man who has occupied her dreams for the last 7 years. She comes to visit Rex, her boyfriend "wow boyfriend" she smiles to herself and looks at the beautiful breathtaking mansion of Rex, the second son of the Johnson family, he was the most talk, handsome young man in their university days. His mere presence can cause a female professor to loss touch of what she is teaching, like what had happened to Mrs. Lea, when Rex walked into the class, and she was seeing him for the first time, she lost her words and another female student had to call her from her delusion to stop her from being an embarrassment to the other students. But because I was this close to her, sitting on the front bench, nothing gets pass me. Ella will never forget the day Rex's car got bad, and he requested from her a leave to school. Just by requesting a favor from Ella that faithful morning was a dream come true. That moment, she stares into his beautiful eyes and her heart travels to him on its accord. She feels like a magnet has taken control of her heart and her mind keeps reminding her, "this is no-go area." But what can she do? Seeing is not touching, and it is not like he can read her mind to know the battle between her mind and heart. For someone, that day would have been a curse but for Ella, it was a blessing in disguise and no matter the forces that tried to say otherwise, Ella shut her mind to it and accepted whatever comes next. 

And she had waited for the day he will see the woman in her not just friends as he had practice to narrate to anyone who cares to listen within 5 years. Rex never knew the only reason Ella had stayed by his side was for this moment, for him to call her his own, left her up and kiss her passionately the way he will do with Julia, tell her he loved her, and she was the beauty of his eyes. Then she walks down the stars as Rex drops the call, turns to her with demanding eyes, requesting her to come closer, anytime she sees that look in his eyes, she recognizes his needs to hold her close. Ella walks towards him knowing even though he will not fulfill her most inner desires of calling her his own, but just being close to him, feeling his body and breathing the same air as him is enough for her and so she, though. Rex draws her closer, "what were you doing upstairs" said Rex. Ella holds him closer and smile on his broad chest, "I wanted to arrange your room" said Ella. Rex holding her and both sit on the coach, he stares at her eyes, places a kiss on her forehead and collects the remote lying on the table. "What are we watching today?" Rex Demands, changing the tune of his cohost voice to a more formal tune. "Don't know, anything will do" said Ella. What she really wishes is for Rex to put down the remote and turn her into his play thing, like he will always do with Julia. "Why can't he treat me like her or accept me and play with me the way he will ways do with her. What is so different between us, I know one day he will forget about her and see me for the woman I had always wanted to be for him. I will be patient?" While lost in her own, though, Rex has already changed the channel and is watching a match and did not notice the lack of concentration on Ella. Ella gets up from the coach and sits on his lap. I want to be your football match, not the TV. Rex staring at her for a second before puts the remote on the coach and carries her turns on top of him, turns around and places her on the coach. While on top of her, he goes down to place a kiss on her lips, then his phone starts ringing. Rex breaks and confuses weather to continue or pick up the phone. Rex glances at the phone and immediately gets off her with speed. Pick up the phone and pressed the receiver's button, placed the phone on his ear and walked out of the sitting room without looking back. Ella still absorbing the situation when Rex image from the room again, "please, I need to go somewhere". Before Ella can bring herself to utter a reply, he is gone. "What just happened?" in a very low tune. With a register of disappointment, Ella gets off the coach and walks out of the siting room and out of the house.

Rex walking towards a breathtaking, dark in complexion, slim and well dressed as a working-class lady standing at the end of the balcony, She is going through her phone with long coiling hair. Rex holds her from behind and places his head at her shoulder, "I thought you will never come back" said Rex. Julia turns to face her lover, her boyfriend she had abandoned for the past two years to go and further her career, with no explanation to Rex when and where she was going and when she will be coming back. Julia holding him tight, "I miss you" said Julia. Rex Separate her from him to look at into her eyes and kiss her on her lips with passion and love register all over him. Rex holds her closer again to absorb the fact that she is really back and is not another dream of his. "Why did you leave?" asked Rex. "I had to find myself and if I had endeavored to give an explanation, you wouldn't understand" said Julia. Rex holding her hand, "let go home." said Rex. He starts drawing her to walk fast with happiness on his face for meeting her again after two years. Rex never border to ask questions or waste time verifying whether Julia is the same person or not, what matters is that she is here, and he can utilize this opportunity to his advantage because he really misses the love of his life and asking questions will not change anything.

Ella arrives home and falls on her bed thinking whether to call or not, she has always been the one to call him first, text him first and is sounds like Ella should always remind Rex that eh I'm still existing and he will text later like they are still at the friends zone not dating. "For how long will I keep doing this? For how long will I beg for love or present my desires with every iota of me before he realizes how much he has been hurting me? When will he treat me like his own, like there is no other, I have been there, waiting hoping and pretending all is well, but all is not well?" These thoughts have been flowing through her mind for some time now. At the back of her mind, Ella knows the truth, but she doesn't want to bring herself to accept it. She was friends with Rex first back then before the coming of Lea, the first girlfriend of Rex, which lasted only a year, and later, Alexandra before Julia. Ella has been waiting when it will be her turn, and the drastic departure of Julia gives her the opportunity to be the only woman in his life. But even when she is the only woman, he treats her like the second wife. A role she has been playing for the past 7 years and is getting old. Caught in her predicaments, Ella did not realize when she falls to sleep and only gets up in the middle of the night to put off the light and cover her cold body. She checked her phone, no message from Rex or anyone. She gives in to the tiredness and heavy eyes.

In the morning, Ella gets up and is late for work, she hurriedly brushes her teeth and puts on the first dress that catches her eyes. She arrives at her job site 15 minutes late and is about to enter the main door, when Mr. Tamutan, a tall middle - age man that likes to pick on Ella with the slide's opportunity he gets. "Someone spend the weekend and forget about Monday," said Mr. Tamutan. As usually , Ella will ignore him and dash into the office and pretend nothing happened, but today is not one of such days. She had a terrible Sunday, a horrible night and now Mr. Tanmutan is turning her morning into a nightmare. Ella turns to him for the first time.

What is wrong with you? You old, stupid fool, can't you accept no when place in front of you? Go kill yourself, enough of your nonsense slang and give me way." Said Ella, and immediately she realized she had entered the beginning of her miserable ending as she breaks and could feel the piercing eyes of Mr. Asafor, the short, firm and degrading CEO of the firm and the person she just called stupid old fool is his elder brother. "The day has no started but it has already ended for the likes of Ella," said Mr. Asafor. Ella turns around to face the heavy weight of her crimes. According to others is nothing, but according to Mr. Asafor is everything and Ella is ready to receive the worst. "You are suspended for a month Ella, from there turn around and find your way home." said Mr. Asafor. It is useless offering apology for the done deeds, she is already tire of the insults of Mr. Tamutan and offering an apology is giving him more grounds to do it again next time. "The only reason I came to this job was to boast my CV for a better job, and this particular man has never let me breath for a second, and so I'm not ashamed of my actions." Though Ella as she walks bypass Mr. Tamutan and his short brother Asafor with her head held high and firm. "None will see my failure or the anger boiling in me or the frustration I am going through. I will not give them that satisfaction." Until well sits inside a car before Ella allows her held back tears to drop on her lap because of the effect this will have on her character when Mr. Asafor will be pleasing to write on her recommendation letter 2 months from now as a form of revenge. Engulf in her thought, Ella have forgets to inform the driver her location. "Where are we going, madam?" said the driver. Bringing Ella back to the present. Number 14 Macapá Street" replied Ella. "By now Rex will not be at home, but I can spend the day in his house in his bed and I know his, king-size bed and well shape pillars, coupled with his scent on that bed and wearing his T-shirt will calm me down. If that can't drive this anger and pain in me, then nothing will." Though Ella. Ella knows that Rex is with her because Julia left him at a point he needed her the most and Ella presents herself back then, replacing Julia in the life of Rex, Ella should have given time to Rex to miss, recuperate from the breakup of Julia, but she has waited for 5 years for this opportunity for Rex to see her as a woman and hold her in his hands, kiss her and makes her dreams comes truth. In the innermost part of her mind, Ella knows Rex still loves Julia, and she is not even a replacement but a stool to manage in the absence of the real thing for the past two years. "What can she do? Madam, we are here," said the driver. Ella pays his money and storms out of the car, walking gradually into the building of Rex. She has her keys, so she doesn't need to knock at the door. She opens the door and enters the house, walking towards the corridor to the room without noticing the handbag of Julia on the chair. Furthermore, she opens the kitchen to watch her hand, pour herself water and drink. That is when she realized she never had time to eat since she went home last night, but the energy to go to the freezer or prepare anything was not present. She leaves the kitchen, walks back to the siting room and immediately starts climbing the stairs. At this point, all she wants is to lay her head on the bed of her lover and shut the world behind her, even just for 5 seconds no problems only to open the door and find Rex on top of Julia, "Rex" Ella shouts. Rex turns to see her standing at the doorway.

To be continued 


Creativity is my God given talent and i wish to expose this talent to this fraction generation. If i put a smile on your face. Don't hesitate to give me a thumps up please. I love you too

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