
Breathe I: Jujutsu Kaisen (Hiatus)

Before anything else, I don't want any of my works to be posted anywhere even though I am credited as the author without my permission, which I would probably don't want to be posted on any website unless it's from the same account I used in this platform. The first book of the "Breathe" series where the main powers or abilities are from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. -------------------------------- A person died and got three wishes from his idol who earned his respect in the limbo and now he was granted another life. Out of all worlds, he chose Jujutsu Kaisen world where curses are everywhere as well as Jujutsu Sorcerers. How would he live his new life in this world using his wishes without any cheat system?

Phantom_Zero_v2 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Mysterious Person (Edited:)

While training in the dojo in swordsmanship, he suddenly wondered what kind of weapon aside from katana is his favorite. And that other favorite weapon is a Nagamaki. A katana with a shaft equal to the length of the blade, increasing its reach while the blade is still the same length.

However, it's not really common to see such a weapon being wielded. Even the anime he watched before, he only saw few characters using one, not even reaching hundreds nor even reached 20 yet.

As for the reason why it is his favorite: it is because he likes spear before until he saw a Nagamaki once. Yes, that's his reason. Nothing too deep. Another reason is, it has longer reach, that's all.

And so, he ordered a Nagamaki on an online website. Of course, he didn't get scammed and it was delivered to him safely. As a delivered item, the weapon is blunt and is just for display unless you want to sharpen it, but he didn't for the purpose of training and getting used to the weapon.

Plus, you don't need a sharp weapon for a curse unless they are tough enough to block attacks and receive only scratches.

After training in the dojo, he left and took a bath. On the way, he met his siblings as well as his parents.

"Yo, Kanata, Sumihiko!" He greeted them with a small smile.

""Yo/Hello aniki!/..."" The one with lively voice was none other than Sumihiko while the monotonous one is Kanata.

These two brothers of his are really the reincarnations of 'them'. Sadly, though, many things changed in this era.

Anyway, they have quirks of their own, and Sumihiko already shown his athleticism and acrobatics skill, albeit sloppily, he started doing it now as a hobby...

After he took a bath and changed into his clothes consisting of a black sweatshirt with a little tint of red, white tracksuit pants with flame patterns at the sides, yellow Nike LeBron 8 "South Beach", and blue cotton armbands.

"I wish I could go back to the Mount Kumotori... Sigh... I wish I have permission to travel, but I only need a few more years until I can live alone in an apartment..."

Ryū have been in Mount Kumotori as he have some cousins in there. Also, he was born there when his parents visited their relatives, and because of that, they decided to teach him the Hinokami Kagura at a young age of 3. And yes, he can be considered independent once he reach the age of 15 and can now live alone, but it doesn't mean he can drink at that age. That's a no-no.

As he was walking around in the streets, which this region has rarely crimes going on, he felt as if he could just live a normal life. However, knowing this world just remove that on to-do list as curses exist anywhere where fear, hatred, and other negative emotions roots.

A few more minutes of wandering around without any destination, he finally stopped walking. He was right behind a school, thick trees on his left while the back of the school on his right.


Sounds of metal hitting metal reached his ears, and it was coming from the forest. Then, he tried his smell, and his nose caught the scent of a hot metal and fire.

He was about to ignore this but his curiosity is what told him otherwise. So, he followed both the smell and the sound as well until he found a small space in the middle. When he took one more step in, the place changed, and the empty land have a small stone hut built with smoke coming out of its chimney.

As he comes closer, he now recognized what is going on. Whoever the person inside there, is crafting something or might be forging weapons or knives.

He decided to just go away and leave, but a voice stopped him.

"Stop. Where are you going?" The voice was cold even though it seem to come from a young man at the age of 16.

The door opened and a tall young man appeared. His height should be roughly 6 foot 2, he was wearing blacksmith protective gears, and has silver hair and cold blue eyes.

Just staring at his eyes already made him tense.

"Relax, kid. There's no need to be so tense." Even though the person said it with slightly soft voice, his emotionless voice was the most dominant one.

"What are you doing here, kid?" The man asked him.

"Shouldn't I bee the one to ask that?" Ryū retorted.

"We both know what I am doing." And the man bounced it back.

"Sigh... I'm just taking a walk after training." Ryū said and decided to tell him as he doesn't seem to suspect him.

"Hm... I see. What kind of weapon would you like?" What the man asked took him by surprise.

Ryū only said one word "Nagamaki" along with trying to smell if he's scheming or not. And the man in front of him doesn't have the smell of scheming.

"Alright, I'll make you one. In exchange for one thing, informations."


Soon, the man started crafting his Nagamaki. While the said man was making his weapon, Ryū asked for his name and got Silver Sterling. He was very shocked that a foreigner like him was here in Japan, and he speaks Japanese fluently. But to be honest, for Ryū, Silver looked more like a person from either Britain or Germany.

While Silver was forging, Ryū tried to ask some questions about him at which Silver replied with vague words.

As the forge is getting hot, Ryū tried to use Hinokami Kagura breathing pattern that was taught to him, but never the technique itself, so he couldn't become Hinokami.

"You're doing it wrong. Try to concentrate it more, not just in your lungs, but in your whole body." Silver suddenly told him, making him shocked that he knew something about breathing styles.

As much as he wants to question him, he needed to do as he says to find out if he could really use Total Concentration which he forgot about and just know that breath styles are different from one another in nature.

As he tried to do so, he felt as if his strength increased by many folds. He was happy that he cpuld do it now and tried to maintain it. Silver, on the other hand, have a small smile that had gone unnoticed as he craft the weapon.

After about 8 hours later, his weapon was done. Silver still has light-toned skin while Ryū's skin seem to darkened a little, making his pale skin before to look like healthier since he was a person who never really goes out unless it's necessary.

"Here is your weapon." Silver brought it in front of Ryū. "This weapon is a special one as it has the ability to cut through souls even though it is blunt."

Yes, it was a blunt weapon which has an ability to cut through the soul of a person which means, this weapon doesn't peirce the body and make it bleed, but to pass through the physical body to hit the soul. And since that's the ability of the sword, it was intentionally created to be blunt.


Ryū quickly left alonf with the Nagamaki.

Meanwhile, Silver was just staring at the back of the kid with a small amused smile.

"Time to go back now. I was never fan of Jujutsu Kaisen, but I at least watched the first season for the sake of relieving boredom during the pandemic..." Silver muttered.


"I'm back!" Ryū yelled as he entered his home.

He quickly ran up to his room in the upstairs and stored the weapon he got under his bed. Not a good place to hide, but the scent of his family members are all in the dining room.

When he arrived there, the atmosphere felt like they were about to say sonething important so he put on a serious face.

Finally, his father spoke up. "Ryū, Kanata, Sumihiko. Me and your mother are planning to teach you about our family busness in Tokyo, do you want to come?"

"What kind of business?" Ryū asked.

"A bread and pastry type of business. In other words, a bakery. It's been 70 years since it started. Our family business originally were originally making charcoals until your great grandmother, my grandmother, started baking breads which were very delicious. And that is why we have these much money." His father explained.

'Hm... From charcoal burner and seller to a bread and pastry? I guess, you can't severe the connection of the Kamado family to fire. If they use an old oven and not the electric one, that is.'

Kanata raised his hand and said, "I'll come..."

Sumihiko also raised his hand and said in a cheerful voice, "Me too!"

"I'll stay here." Ryū told his family.

"Why?" His mother asked.

"It's because, this place is so peaceful that I can practice Hinokami Kagura without any interruptions." Ryū told his parents with a genuine smile.

His parents smiled back due to him cherishing their traditional Hinokami Kagura which should be performed each year.

After the dinner, Monjiro, Ryū's father, took off his Hanafuda earrings and gave it on Ryū 's hands.

Ryū, seeing the earrings, put them on right in front of his father and bowed in front of him.

After a week, the Kamado family, except Kamado Ryū and Tomioka Yūgi, have left the Kamado household.


One day, while Ryū was walking around, he looked up and saw a glowing ball coming towards him. He didn't dodged because it was approaching fast.

Before it could even hit, someone hit it and sent it back to where the direction came from. Even though Ryū has no idea what it was, his instincts told him that the ball was dangerous and would kill him in one hit. He tried to find his savior, but never found that person.

From that day on, after almost dying if not for a mysterious person saving him, he would have died. And also, that was the day he started seeing curses...