
Sit down

"Here you go." I handed him the coffee. He liked his coffee without sugar.

"Thank you." He said with a giant smile. He sipped once and gave me a superficial compliment, "It's delicious."

I didn't respond.

"Your home is quite homely. It reminds me of my childhood home in chile-"

I interrupted him before he went on with one of his fake backstories.

"Mr. Fring, can you tell me why you're here?"

His face morphed from one of friendliness to neutrality.

"Very well….I have come here to offer you an opportunity." He said blankly.

"I see…." I already knew that. Why else would he be here?

"A million for a month's work." His smile returned this time.

I didn't say anything for a few seconds. I took one huge deep breath and simply said, "No…Thank you for the opportunity though."

When I opened my eyes I saw for the first time in this life, Gustavo Fring looking confused.

What? Did he really believe that after all the steps I took to be careful and not attract attention, that I would just jump back in? What?

Was he that stupid? Or should I say that did he think I was?

His face recovered and he took back control.

"May I ask, why?"

"I'm sure you know all about my restaurant. I make enough to live just on that." I was being smart, I didn't want anyone to record me saying that I have drug money in my possession and that I was laundering it through my establishment. I liked Gustavo but I didn't trust him to not leak certain details about business out of spite.

His eyebrows raised when he heard me say that "But how long can that sustain you Mr. Pinkman. Take this from a man who has been in the 'cooking' business for a long time. Funds dry up quickly. Overheads could sink a new establishment like yours very quickly…wouldn't you say .... two million dollars a month help?"

Did he just increase the money? It went from one to two.

He caught on to the change in my face quickly and answered, "Maybe even three a month."

It was my turn to look surprised. Three million dollars!

I was making good money now but three million dollars a month…. that would be 36 million a year! With that kind of money, I really would be set. I could own ten more restaurants and a couple of car washes. I could do so much more-

The slight upward curve in Fring's lip immodestly stopped my train of thought. He let loose of his mask just for a second and that was enough for me to make my mind.

"No, thank you. I appreciate the offer but I'm good."

He almost got me with the three mill, I almost forgot that I left that career virtually unscathed with a million dollars. If I were to go back to the game again, there's no telling what I would lose. Maybe I would lose Jane, maybe my freedom and lifestyle, maybe even my life.

He didn't let it go that easily though, "Mr. Pinkman, let us speak frankly. Your business is thriving today but that might not always be the case. If you worked for me again you could make sure that you could provide for you and your girlfriend."

"No. I'm making good money right now. Really good honest money but more than that I sleep real good. You can't buy that Mr. Fring, you know? Great Sleep."

His face remained motionless as he looked directly into my eyes, perhaps he was appraising me?

He let out a deep breath and said, "Very well Mr. Pinkman. Thank you for your time" He got up with his iconic perfectly erect posture with his hands by his side. He looked more robot than man. It's incredibly unsettling now that I noticed it.

"Thanks for understanding Mr Fring." I say with a slight tinge of fear. Don't let his demeanour fool you, he was and still is a cartel boss.

When I denied him, a small part of me fully expected him to have me and everyone I know killed. The fact that he didn't do that showed his professional nature, something I counted on more than I should.

Right as he was near the door, he stopped moving.


"Mr. Pinkman...I am willing to pay you five-no ten million dollars for your services." He said with none of the previous pretensions. He was dead serious here. No tricks or word games. No manipulation. This was a simple business proposal.

The huge sum perhaps could have changed my mind a few minutes but now it was all meaningless. More money is just that. More money. I don't really care for it anymore. I had more important things to care about.

"The answer remains the same, Mr. Fring. I'm sorry.."

He stared into the back of my eyes. His gaze pierced through my soul, looking for a shred of weakness, a whiff of bullshit. After a few more seconds of staring he closed his eyes and took a huge breath. And then,

"I understand Mr. Pinkman. I'm sorry you feel that way. Thank you for your hospitality." He put on his 'Public face' again.

I nervously nodded hoping that he would just do good on his word and leave.

And he really was this time. That's when I had to open my big mouth and ask,

"Why?.....if you don't mind me asking why? Don't you have…..Mr. White?"

I couldn't help myself from asking him that question. I guess I just wanted to know how everything changed. The canon was obliterated when I removed myself from the equation.

I was just curious…what happened between Mr. White and Fring? Did they have a falling out?

Gus didn't drop the smile, "It seems that he is unwell. The cancer is spreading quickly and unfortunately I have to start looking for replacements."

Oh that makes sense-

But then it hit me:

"Wait!" I said out loud instinctively.

My little outburst caused Gus to look at me with intrigue now.

Oh shit!

"Yes?" He asked, anticipating a question.

I took another deep breath and said, "No, I'm not involving myself."

He scanned my face for a few more seconds and when he was satisfied he turned around and left.

I watched him walk away to the other side.

When it looked like the coast was clear, I belly flopped onto the bed.

He was lying. He was definitely lying about Mr. White.

He didn't need to look for a replacement. He had Gale Boetticher. The lie would have fooled me if I didn't know that.

Something had to be up! Something had to be really up! They most definitely had a falling out.


My phone began ringing.

"Christ! I have to change that god awful ringtone."

I paused upon reading the caller ID after a brief moment of thinking I decided to answer the phone.

"Hey Mom, what's up?"


We were sitting in a steakhouse. It was me, mom and dad. They didn't bring my little brother for some reason. Guess they wanted to make sure I was really off the substance before introducing me back to him.

"So how have you been, honey?" My mother inquired.

What? Ever since you kicked me out of my home and sold it! I thought with a slight grin. I didn't blame my parents for what they did, I really didn't. I understood why they did what they did but that doesn't mean I can forgive them.

They were decent people, no…they were really good people but that doesn't mean they get to waltz right back into my life after kicking me when I was at rock bottom.

"I've been a good mom." I replied, my focus was on the medium rare steak before me.

"Oh that's good to hear." She said with a giant smile.

My dad wasn't participating in the conversation as much as he usually does. I guess this entire thing was her idea.

There was an awkward pause after that for a straight minute and then,

"You look good." My dad commented from the side.

I hummed in agreement as I cut through the middle of the steak. I didn't give them any more information than was necessary. They did leave me out to dry.

"So I hear you found yourself a job in a restaurant?" He glanced at mom for confirmation. She nodded gleefully. I've never seen her that happy…like ever.

"Yeah." I replied half heartedly, not mentioning that I owned the damn restaurant. It would just invite more questions so I avoided the topic altogether. I still don't know how they figured out where I worked.

"So…." My dad started but then quieted, I suppose he didn't know where to proceed from here.

"Where are you staying?" He asked me without looking me in the eyes.

I was tempted to say, 'How is that any of your business?' but I held my tongue, instead giving a diplomatic answer: "I live nearby. Along with my girlfriend." I added.

"A girl…" Mom repeated the word like it was some magical chant.

"Yeah, she's like the landlord."

They hummed in unison when they got it.

"So…." My dad started but again couldn't find the right words. I was too busy enjoying the steak anyway.

"Honey…what we're trying to say is that...do you need our help? With the rent or the groceries-"

I interrupted her before she could throw me a pittance with a simple, "Nah, I'm good."

My parents were genuinely baffled, even my father couldn't help but show the surprise on his face.

"Son it's alright. We don't….If you need anything just…"

"Nah I'm good, I make good money now and my rent's like super cheap. So no, really, I'm good. Thanks for offering though."

"Son there's no need to be-"

"I promise you, I don't need the money." I said this time much more sternly than before. They even recoiled from my sharp tone.

"If you say so." Mom muttered weakly.

The rest of the dinner was awkward as hell, we didn't even look at eachother let alone speak.

I paid for the meal, it was not nearly half as good as the price.

"Jesse..It's alright. You don't have to pay."

"Oh no this one's on me." I paid with my brand new American Express credit card. I was never a huge credit card guy but Jane convinced me to get one. I even slipped a hundred for the waiter.

"Jesus, that's enough Jesse. You don't have to do that! I'm not gonna be impressed with you throwing away money!" Dad said with a slight temper as he adjusted himself on the chair rocking to the front.

"Adam!" Mom scolded my dad, enough to earn some looks from the neighbouring tables.

My dad ignored her and looked straight into my eyes, he didn't have any of the guilt he had from before.

"Jesse, we get it. We were wrong but you don't have to throw what little you make to impress us. We love you Son."

"Oh do you, now?" I said with a slight amused look.

"What do you mean by that? Don't you think I…we tried our best." He said exasperatedly.

The man was right, well sort of. From my memories of growing up, he 'tried', sure. If trying meant giving disapproval looks and scoffing my opinions and thoughts. Always making sure I tied my ties and shined my shoes, it never occurred for him to ask me how my day went.

While my father was distant, my mother was too suffocating. Wanting everything to go her way, every one of her interests to be mine from now and henceforth. Like some sick disease. Like a melting pot, my future would be carefully shaped with her gentle but otherwise overbearing hands.

I sighed.

I could blame them all I want but in the end I was the one who decided to do pot and then a little bit of MDMA, then some cheap cocaine laced with all kinds of adulterants and when that became too expensive of a hobby, I turned to meth. I chose that life and almost got myself killed numerous times. In the end I, Jesse Pinkman should have known better. All my life, I've blamed others for my problems. It's been really hard to break that habit and I don't want to spiral back into it again.

"Look Yo, Dad..Mom…I appreciate you reaching out and everything but right now I need some space."

I got up to leave and looked to my dad before I turned around, "Oh and I'm not tipping the server 100 so I could impress you. I wouldn't waste my money doing that since you'll never be proud of me."


The drive home was quiet. The highway was dead quiet if not for the howling wind. I bought a used Prius. It wasn't much but it got me from point A to point B. Jane's dad knew a mechanic friend who was looking to sell his car, he wanted to upgrade.

There was nothing good on the radio so I chose to sit in silence and let my thoughts simmer.

They were shocked to say the least but they didn't say anything, people were already staring at us, judging us, judging me. Well at least they got some entertainment outta the whole trainwreck.

I didn't know if I ever wanted to reconcile let alone speak with them ever again. I was getting along nicely with Jane's dad. Maybe that was all I needed for now.

I was making good money and had a wonderful girlfriend, I didn't need my parents anymore.

When I did need them, they didn't want to help me and when I meant help, I mean truly help. Giving the occasional disapproving look doesn't count.

I parked the car beside the curb and got out. I heard the sound of someone hammering something nearby.


"Oh hey Jesse. How's the prius?" Jane's dad asked me, he had recently moved into Jane's place while Jane moved into mine. I suppose he wanted to keep a closer eye on us, make sure that she doesn't do something stupid.

"It works, you can't ask for more than that. What are you doing with that?" I pointed to the hammer which looked tiny in his hands.

"Oh this? I'm just fixing up the mailbox. The damn thing's been creaking more than usual, guess I thought I'd take a look at it."

I looked at the Jet black sky and then looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"No time like today, Jesse. No time like today."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Hey I just pay rent here, you own the building."

He adjusted his spectacles and said, "Eloquently put."

Oh wait, that's right.

"Speaking of rent. Here you go."

He took the money and started counting it. Despite our relationship getting warmer, he always made sure to count the rent and make sure everything's there.

Guess he didn't let his emotions get in the way of business. Smart man.

"All there?"

"All there." He confirmed and pocketed the cash.

"Alright then, see ya."

"Oh wait! Jane and I are going to an art exhibition tomorrow, you interested?"

I smiled with the biggest grin and smugly said, "Nope. Too busy with service tomorrow. Nice try though."

I could hear him mumbling something about me being a clever boy.


"So how was it really?" She asked me. We had just finished making love and I had gotten the impression that we were about to sleep, guess my girlfriend had other plans.

"Baby It's been a long day, I just wanna sleep." I complained and it looked like it almost worked when she didn't say anything for a full minute.

I was just about to fall asleep when she said, "Babe come on…spill" She scratched my naked chest.


She could read me like a book, when Jane wanted something she usually got it.

"It went as I expected. They want to make up and pretend nothing happened. That they didn't just six months ago kick me out of the house that my aunt gifted me and sell my inheritance."

Her fingers tightly gripped my chest hair.

She's worried about me! My girl's just so damn cute!

I brought her into my tight embrace, her head dug into my chest.

"I don't care about any of them. You're the only thing that matters to me! The world could go to hell for all I care, heaven for me is wherever you are."

I could feel her muffled laughter. When she finally had enough, she perked her head up and said, "Jesse, that's so cheesy!"

I don't why but I had the biggest urge to protect her from anything that could ever harm her.

"Yeah it's cheesy but that's how I feel when I'm with you." I replied with a gentle smile.

She stopped grinning and started looking at me intensely. Before I could ask her what was the matter, she threw herself at me. Her tongue dominating mine, her hands sliding down to my nether region. `

Welp looks like we're in for round two.


I woke up a bit later than I would have liked. Jane was in the kitchen making us some toast.

"Good morning, good looking!" She complimented me as soon as she saw me. I gave her cheek a kiss. The Tv was playing and the smell of fresh eggs hung over the house. The windows were wide open, inviting sunlight into our residence.

"Ugh not in the morning already." Her father groaned from the side as he was reading the morning paper.

"Oh you're here again." Hey two can play this game!

"It's my house. If you don't like it you can leave." He said, slightly irritated.

I winked at Jane and she was all smiles.

"I'll be off then."

"What? I made you toast!" Jane complained.

"Yeah, why don't you eat something before you go?" her father agreed, still not bothering to look at either one of us or the steaming hot coffee before him.

"Nah I gotta go. Today's Payroll day, remember? Besides, I need to-"

"Jesse, eat!" She pushed a plate to where I was. Guess she really wasn't in the mood to put up with my shit first thing in the morning.

"Oh if you say so." I grabbed the plate and started munching on the bread.

"Heh just like a dog! She's got you wrapped around her fingers." Donald chimed without looking away from his papers but one could easily make out the amused tone.

I agreed with Uh huh and tried to wolf down the rest of the food. Right when I was about done with the plate was when Jane changed the channel to the morning news.

[Breaking News: An explosion has been reported in a nursing home. The Casa Tranquila nursing home. We've got very few details unfortunately the initial report is though.....]

I dropped the fork to the floor and blinked once really hard to make sure I still wasn't dreaming.

Turns out I wasn't dreaming.

I whispered to myself, "No fucking way bro."


Note: I plan to end this fic within 35 chapters. Comment ideas for the ending please.