

three couples find themselves entangled in a web of difficulties, unaware that their closest allies harbor secrets and betrayal. as enemies lurk in the shadows, disguised as trusted friends and loved ones, the characters, must navigate a maze of deception. unraveling the truth becomes a treacherous journey, blurring the lines between Ally and adversary. in a world trust is a scarce commodity, the couples must confront the shocking reality that their greatest threats lie within their inner circle. "breaking free" is a suspenseful narrative where the pursuit of love and survival takes unexpected twists, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, questioning whom to trust in the intricate dance of deception.

Priyanka84 · Sports, voyage et activités
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50 Chs

chapter seventeen-confronting Inigo, stubborn

Lisa stormed into the school, fueled by anger. As she entered, Recca called out her name and ran towards her, sensing something was wrong.

 "What the hell happened? What am I hearing? Recca questioned concern etched in her face.

I was on the verge of tears, felt recca's comforting grip on my shoulders.

 "You can't cry here, Lisa. You are strong," she assured me, seeing through me.

Nodding, I asserted my determination to confront Inigo. However, recca stopped me, urging caution.

 "Lisa, what do you think you're doing? You can't do that," she warned.

Defiantly, I questioned why I shouldn't confront Inigo. Recca sighed, attempting to reason with me.

 "Lisa, please stop this. It won't lead you anywhere. Leave Inigo be and apologize for peace to reign. Don't let your stubbornness keep hurting you. Learn to let go," she advised. But I remained resolute.

 "I would never let go. I would never let Inigo have a chance at victory when it comes to me," I declared, ready to face whatever challenge lay ahead. Disregarding recca's plea, I left without listening further.

In the cafeteria, I located Inigo chatting and laughing with his friends. As I approached, the atmosphere hushed in anticipation.

 "How could you do such a thing?" I shouted, drawing attention.

He responded callously, "look, Lisa, go clean yourself up. You stink. I can't breathe properly with you around." Laughter echoed from his friends.

Undeterred, I smiled and folded my hands.

 "You caused this, so bear with it." He sat down, dismissing me.

 "Suit yourself. You're shameless already," he retorted.

Refusing to back down, I asserted, "you're the one who's pained. I don't deal with babies like you." He raised his eyebrows, demanding an explanation.

Confidently, I declared, "nothing you do would ever affect me. You're just immature. I don't think you understand what it means to have a mother's love." His face falters momentarily, but he quickly recovered, dismissing my words.

However, Inigo retaliated, revealing a cruel smile.

 "Don't bother about me. I'm doing great, unlike you, who doesn't have parents. An orphan girl like you would never know what it feels to have parental love and admiration." His words cut deep, insinuating I was responsible for my parent's death.

Enraged, I attempted to slap him, but he held my hand.

 "Not so fast princess," he sneered, pushing me to the floor.

Humiliated, he taunted, "look at this murderer. She's shameless. This is just the beginning, princess. There's more to come," as laughter echoed, I fled the scene in tears, haunted by the cruel accusations.

Sorry it's coming late. I had exams plus I was sick. But I'll be uploading from now on.

Team Lisa 🙌

 Team inigo❣️

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