

three couples find themselves entangled in a web of difficulties, unaware that their closest allies harbor secrets and betrayal. as enemies lurk in the shadows, disguised as trusted friends and loved ones, the characters, must navigate a maze of deception. unraveling the truth becomes a treacherous journey, blurring the lines between Ally and adversary. in a world trust is a scarce commodity, the couples must confront the shocking reality that their greatest threats lie within their inner circle. "breaking free" is a suspenseful narrative where the pursuit of love and survival takes unexpected twists, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, questioning whom to trust in the intricate dance of deception.

Priyanka84 · Sports, voyage et activités
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Chapter nine - Diego offers Rachael a ride

Office hours had ended, and Diego exited his office, encountering Rachael on her way out.

      "Are you done with your work?" He inquired, to which she nodded and replied,

      "Yes, sir. I'm done."

Diego suggested, "you can just call me Diego. No need to be formal." Rachael acknowledged with a simple "okay"

As she expressed her intention to leave, Diego blocked her path, proposing, "why don't I take you home?"

Rachael declined, explaining, "no, thanks. My sister doesn't like wealthy people ."

Diego intrigued, responded, "I would love to meet this sister of yours."

Rachael maintaining her stance, stated, "I don't think that would ever happen. If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave," and proceeded to exit.


Lisa returned home to find Rachael setting up the table.

     "Wow! What's for dinner?" she asked

     "Roasted chicken with veggies," Rachael responded.

"Yummy," Lisa exclaimed, joining her sister at the table.

During dinner, Lisa brought up the rich guy she confronted.

        "Do you remember the rich guy I taught a lesson the other day? She asked.

Rachael recalled, "yes, I do. What about him?"

Lisa shared, "he's a student at my school, in my class. He promised to with me, and he's already started. I think it's childish."

Rachael expressed concern, saying, "what are you saying, Lisa? Don't you know boys can be dangerous? Lisa shrugged it off, insisting,

        "I don't care. They can't do anything."

Rachael, worried, suggested changing schools. Lisa resisted saying,

        "I won't let you. If I change, I'll look like a coward. I won't feel like a loser."

         "You're really stubborn," Rachael remarked.

Lisa proudly declared, "that's why I'm Francis Ventasparo's daughter. So, how was work today?

Rachael shared her  concerns about work, revealing that diego, who betrayed her, was now her boss. Lisa asked if she still loved him, to which she replied, "no, I don't."

Lisa encouraged her not to let it be a problem, emphasizing their financial needs.

          "You can still work with him. Remember, we're helpless and in need of money. So don't pay attention to him," Lisa advised.

Rachael agreed, "you're right. I can do that."

Excitement filled the air as Lisa asked about their new home.

           "When are we moving in?" she inquired.

Rachael revealed, "today. They'll be here any minute from now."

Lisa, eager to start packing, look forward to their new beginning.