
Breaking Deception

Gently, his lips brushed against mine. Taking Trevor by pleasant surprise, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Our lips moved in perfect sync. His intoxicating beach scent washed over me. I could feel myself getting wet the more we kissed. All my surroundings disappeared. Only Trevor and his skilled warm lips remained. Trevor groaned and licked at my bottom lip. I opened for him and his tongue invaded me. He explored my mouth, tasting and teasing. Sensations I had never felt before exploded in every fiber of my body. “You’re just as sweet as I’ve fantasized about for so long.” He murmured, still kissing me. “I can’t hold back, I want to ravage all of you.” Something hard rubbed between my legs. I moaned into his mouth. He rubbed his erection against me intimately. I cried out in pleasure. Yes! Mine, he’s my true love. Mine! Mine? No! Trevor took enjoyment in torturing and abusing his women! But how was I supposed to resist this sinful man? Natalie is a half demon recently freed from her tormentor. She was taught her true love enjoyed abusing women with his pretend sister. Once free, she leaves her past behind for a new dimension, safe with her friend. She yearns to live a simple life as a baker. Trevor, an elemental human, was tricked into thinking his true love died. He goes to his sister's dimension to keep an eye on everything. He pretends to love his womanizing ways, but secretly longs for a family. Both are torn by deception. With an assassin attacking the nobility of their new kingdom, will they be able to sort through all the lies and work together? Or will past fabrications keep them strangers. *Warning-Sexual content/ triggers/ dark themes may be present.

AlysiaO · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
37 Chs

Monster Ally

**Trevor POV**

Outside, the sun was blazing. The scorching waves must not have settled right with how many of Aileen's cookies I scarfed before leaving them in her room. Strange, it did seem to hit randomly. I'd been walking to the stables for a solid twenty minutes with no problem, then out of nowhere, I became uneasy and nauseous. Intuition perhaps? I'd gotten a similar feeling the day Aileen was abducted.

Something could have transpired with Izzy and Natalie. Jesus, I prayed that the girl didn't successfully kill herself. Her eyes were so big and innocent, the type of person I'm supposed to protect. Not to mention how it would devastate Natalie. I wanted to go with her, but my presence would have worsened Izzy's condition. For now, keeping my distance was for the best.

Heck, this could all be my emotions being hyperactive. Nothing wrong at all!

Natalie did finally confess to falling for my incredible charms. Now I had both my Cupcake and Sweetness in my life. And God loved me; they were the same person! Wait until I tell my obnoxious sister! Rub into her face, I am still unrejectable!

And she kissed me this time! Sure it was on the cheek, but she initiated the kiss. She kissed me!

*I've waited so long for my true love, but now I'm glad I have you.* Her words circled back in my mind killing my sudden high. I'll be fucking Natalie out of the love of her life, figuratively and literally. Perhaps hers was a sadistic power-hungry bitch like mine. It'd explain why she had no desire to continue waiting for him.

If only Devon's old theory was correct. How nice would it have been for the girl I loved for five…no ten years was my true love? If only my aura had sparkled for her instead of that evil woman. God knows the pull I had towards Diana was only a tiny fraction compared to my Natalie. Mine.

The throbbing in my head got worse. Something was wrong. My body was warning me.

"Hey, man? Watch your step!" A hand clapped on my shoulder. I pulled his arm around me and flipped him onto his back. He hit the ground with a nasty squish.

Jacob should have known better. Members of the DSS always had defensive instincts. No matter how lost in our thoughts, we became. I grimaced. "You smell like shit." The sun hit the stables oh so perfectly to heat up the smell of manure.

"I just saved you from stepping in it, old friend." Jacob was always a lean man, but he seemed to have gained a healthy amount of chub since the last time I saw him. Granted, that was well before Kalum was born. He wore a very simple thin, and poorly made shirt. His pants were coated in dried brown from the horses. Yet, he smiled and stood back up tall. I was happy for him.

How a man could act so happy and proud at such a disgusting job was beyond me. I supposed I did owe him though. Natalie had already seen me covered in other's waste once already. God forbid she starts to think it's a habit of mine.

"So, did you want something from me? Prince, is it now?"

Of course, he'd infer I was here for him. Taking a deep breath, I explained everything I had found out about the assassin while we walked away from the stables. Jacob was very interested in the technology found underground. His attention was also drawn to the private courtyard and the assassin's working knowledge of the castle and the Lutz family.

"You really are distracted by something, Trevor. You and Aileen should have made more connections than this. And the Izzy girl, did you question her? I see no reason she would have been down there."

"The assassin cares nothing about others. He saw a girl he could take pleasure from. I wasn't going to interrogate her in such a state. She was breaking."

Jacob punched my arm and not lightly. It stung. "Jesus, man! Think. The assassin was out, killing people. With the timing of his attacks, when would he have had time to hurt her?! What's more, she didn't want to go with you."

"She wasn't acting. There was real damage done to her."

Jacob stood in front of a deep pond and dipped his hands in the water. "What are you doing?" I questioned.

"Stopping myself from losing my temper. Water is your thing; you could slice up my arm before I ever reach you this way." He dipped his arm up to his elbow. "I'm not saying Izzy isn't a victim. I'm speculating that someone else attacked her. Whoever put his hands on the girl is most likely working with the assassin. I'd wager Izzy could tell us something about him. A lead is important if you ask me…which to remind you; you did, Prince." He pondered something mutely before asking, "What were Aileen's impressions?"

And here I surmised I was entirely past hating him. Seeing how well he slipped back into his previous investigator role was obnoxious. So was the proof of how clouded my head was. No wonder my family was irritated with me.

Mumbling, I admitted, "Aileen isn't helping me with this. She doesn't know much except she was attacked yesterday…and her son was almost kidnapped apparently while I was following a false lead."

Jacob slipped into the pond, howling in laughter. At least he wouldn't assault my nostrils with his stench any longer.

I also changed my mind about being happy for him. Spitting up a mouth full of water, Jacob asked, "King Ulrich is the one who gave you the assignment, correct?"

I scowled but nodded. Jacob pointed to his heart as if we were long-lost friends. At the moment, I was struggling to remember why I ever forgave the man. "Good luck when she finds out! I'll attend your funeral!"

A quick sarcastic retort was on the tip of my tongue until Jacob suddenly launched several of the pond's stones at me. While dodging, Jacob softened the ground and slid on the mud-like texture he created. Falling butt-first into the water, I growled, "Oh no, old pal. You're dead."

When would people learn I always avenged my honor.

Using my ability, I had the water wrap around his torso and pull him sideways, completely submerging him. He should be thanking me. I would make sure he was all squeaky clean. After all, it would be humiliating to enter the castle next to a handsome prince looking and smelling worse than a week-old corpse. See, I could act like we were the best of friends too!

The water was rising around me, giving me an odd sinking sensation. Something slimy and hard latched onto my leg. I had to twist my other foot to maintain balance. While I battled to knock whatever Jacob had clinging to me, his head popped back out of the water. A large mound of soft dirt was underneath him, lifting him to the surface.

I pulled my leg free just in time for him to slap wet green weeds into my hair. A real damn shame I had just broken free from whatever he held me with, and he was still wrapped in my water. I easily tackled Jacob back under. We sank deeper than I predicted. The man had moved too much of the bottom to construct his little hill. We both kicked and pushed at each other. I got a good hit on his stomach, causing him to release the air he needed.

Lifting my hand in the air, water waves flung him to the surface. I followed him up, intending to shove the weeds tangled in my hair onto his face. My vengeance would be complete after giving him a green mustache and sideburns.

"Alright, Jacob! Time for you to pay-" my words caught in my throat.

Sitting on the bench in front of us were two startled girls. Upon Jacob and I's emergence, Izzy tumbled over the side, cowering worse than last night. The unexpected arrival of two mostly unknown men struck fear into her very core. Natalie stood and outstretched an arm, securing the space in front of her friend. Worry was evident on Natalie's face, but there was something else there too.

"Nats! Good to see you again! Have any bread for the ducks?" Jacob had a giant smile on his face I wanted to knock off. Seems they got pretty close. He better not be her true love!

My Sweetness gave a wobbly grin, "you too."

Jacob climbed out of the pond, causing Izzy to scoot further into Natalie. His expression turned serious, ready to get some answers. The idiot!

I stood up, took my drenched top off, and flung it at Jacob. "Give the girls some space," I ordered. "Izzy, would you mind if we sit across from you and ask some questions? Natalie can stay beside you."

Izzy shook harder under her blanket but sat back on the bench next to her friend. Good start. It'd been a long time since I had to ask a victim questions. I was internally analyzing all the best ways to approach the delicate subject.

"Can you tell me who attacked you last night?" I asked in a soft tone.

Izzy threw herself into Natalie's embrace. Her whimpers and cries reminded me why I stayed with the DSS. "Please, I want to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else."

Using Natalie to shield her face, Izzy quietly stuttered out a yes. The girl was something else, fighting back her fears at the mention of saving others from such a fate.

I was impressed.

**Natalie POV**

Pride and relief filled me when Izzy agreed to answer their questions. She was so much stronger than she gave herself credit for.

"I was attacked by…it was a man who…had connections to…royalty… I didn't recognize him, but…he knew all about the castle…and secrets…even about My Princess Aileen…and Queen Sekai. He…took me to the assassin's hideout…and they argued and…talked about Trevor…the elementals…and Natalie…there were documents too…you picked up some, I…think."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of my name. *Demon Lord Darren is your Dad*…Trevor noticed the slight change in me. He tilted his head as if asking if I was okay. I mouthed back, 'later.'

Trevor nodded, returning to Izzy's question. "Yeah, but I got drugged soon after. They are currently in Aileen's chambers."

Izzy began heaving.

The men shared a glance, nodding at each other. No time to wonder what they silently conveyed. Both men immediately put their hands under their butts and crossed their legs Indian style. They wouldn't be able to move quickly with their limbs under their body weight.

My true love was amazing.

Some tightness left Izzy's muscles. In a small voice, she continued, "He talked like the elementals…were vile creatures…abominations…he called me disgusting and said I was…his bed…bed sl…slave now." My friend began crying hysterically at the memory. "He…mentioned sending me…to a bro…brothel after visiting…me in the physician's office… he's going there tonight…t…to make a deal since…I ran from him and got help… A useless, ugly wet hole..i…is all I'm…meant for."

If I had to cross a river in hell, I would rip the man's balls from his body. Trevor walked over to us. She tensed up instantly at the unwanted male closing in on her. I was about to swing her away but was stopped by the pleading look in Trevor's eyes.

"Natalie, can you hold my hands behind my back? Make sure they're locked tightly, and I'm completely subdued. Would that help Izzy? I'm getting used to it now." He said the last part directly to me.

Fighting back a blush, I did as he suggested and restrained his arms.

"Izzy, can I tell you something?" he asked, full of compassion. She raised her head, still sniffling. Her anxiety and fears were on full display, yet she met his gaze. The veins in my body bled and stung. She was afraid he would belittle her and hurt her, but she held a small hope. "You are far too gorgeous and smart to be anyone's bedtoy."

At his words, Izzy lit up. She calmed down and let him stay near us, so I let him keep talking sweet things to her. "A strong, handsome, *devilishly* sexy DSS extraordinaire, yet with an award-winning *heaven-sent* sculpted face, such as myself, would be lucky to be with you. I guarantee I would have fallen for your charisma if I hadn't already found my sweet Cupcake." He winked at her, and she was glowing. "But I can promise you, this taken man in front of you will ensure your safety is handled. No one will lay a hand on you without your consent again. You have my word, gorgeous."

Great, now both our faces were turning crimson. The idiot could have hinted he was going to rope me into his kind of flirting.

He was talented at winning women over; I'd give him that. I did have an urge to slug him. That is until I saw how Izzy smiled under the flattery he gave her. She smiled after what happened to her! Trevor did that while making it clear he was with me. I really was stupid for fearing him. Trevor was a cocky but insanely incredible man.

Except for myself, I don't think anyone has complimented Izzy. She more than deserved it too. Any man would be lucky to have such a caring, cute, and resilient woman as her. So Trevor got some brownie points for this one.

"Can you tell me if the monster happened to say where he was selling you, sweetheart," Trevor asked with a puppy's big pleading eyes.

"It was…kind of muttery under the cloth over his face…but I think he said… Siren's AleHouse…and Tavern."

That bastard was going to see hell!

"Trevor, if he's involved with the royal family, he won't be able to leave until it's dark. Someone would notice his absence. We should meet up outside the bar at sunset." Jacob explained.

Trevor's arms flexed in my hands. Something was upsetting him.

Nervously, Izzy gave Trevor a wobbly but toothy grin. "Thank you so much…Can you…air shake my hand…I know it sounds…stupid, but I can't… don't touch me."

"Not stupid at all! If my soon-to-be girlfriend by night's end, would be so kind as to give me my arms back, I'll, mime style, shake your hand."

Yesterday, Izzy was mortified to be in the same area as him but now was willing to sort of have contact with him!

I released my over-the-top true love. "Thank you, Tidal Wave Boy," I whispered. Kissing his cheek caused Trevor to get a subtle pink flush and a sly smile.

As the two went to air shake, a nearby tree was uplifted by the roots and flung in our direction. The spike of malicious aura had been instantaneous. The attack was too perfectly timed. Someone was predicting one of our moves. One of us was being stalked.