
Breaking Deception

Gently, his lips brushed against mine. Taking Trevor by pleasant surprise, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Our lips moved in perfect sync. His intoxicating beach scent washed over me. I could feel myself getting wet the more we kissed. All my surroundings disappeared. Only Trevor and his skilled warm lips remained. Trevor groaned and licked at my bottom lip. I opened for him and his tongue invaded me. He explored my mouth, tasting and teasing. Sensations I had never felt before exploded in every fiber of my body. “You’re just as sweet as I’ve fantasized about for so long.” He murmured, still kissing me. “I can’t hold back, I want to ravage all of you.” Something hard rubbed between my legs. I moaned into his mouth. He rubbed his erection against me intimately. I cried out in pleasure. Yes! Mine, he’s my true love. Mine! Mine? No! Trevor took enjoyment in torturing and abusing his women! But how was I supposed to resist this sinful man? Natalie is a half demon recently freed from her tormentor. She was taught her true love enjoyed abusing women with his pretend sister. Once free, she leaves her past behind for a new dimension, safe with her friend. She yearns to live a simple life as a baker. Trevor, an elemental human, was tricked into thinking his true love died. He goes to his sister's dimension to keep an eye on everything. He pretends to love his womanizing ways, but secretly longs for a family. Both are torn by deception. With an assassin attacking the nobility of their new kingdom, will they be able to sort through all the lies and work together? Or will past fabrications keep them strangers. *Warning-Sexual content/ triggers/ dark themes may be present.

AlysiaO · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Breaking Apart

**Trevor POV **

"Izzy is the traitor!?"

That sweet, smiling girl had to be the one we were searching for? Damn it all! I'd just narrowed down who the assassin was. If Izzy told him, then he'll come out of hiding too soon. Izzy couldn't have been in a better position. Was she using Natalie this entire time?!

"Do we know if there's a mark on her?" Jacob spoke to the sky. He pretended to be more interested in the direction of the breeze than our expressions. "Without Squad Leader Lena, there's no way to break it."

Lydia squinted her eyes. An angry frown on her cherry lips. "Who is Lena?"

"The final guardian. The one who may one day kill Shiuku. Or he will enslave humanity."

"And he's fecking here?!"

"No. Maybe Izzy is related to him?" Jacob suggested.

"No, otherwise, he never would have targeted Aileen. All previous women died." Devon gritted his teeth against the painful memories.

"Who's Shiuku? I'll beat him up like a superhero knight, future King! No one hurts Mommy or Kalum! I order it!"

*Well said, little demon. Protect what's yours.*

"Perfect, I do so hope you keep that attitude when finding your true love," a familiar voice called from the entrance.

Queen Sekai waltzed over, wearing a dark expression matching her deep mahogany V-neck dress. By her hips, where the skirt poofed out, was a single cut to her tights. The skin wasn't pierced; blood trailed on her skirt's train. Red spots decorating the elegant outfit did not bother Sekai in the slightest. No, the Queen was used to being coated head to toe in it, back by Shiuku's side. She continued her stride as if gliding on a cloud without a care in the world.

"Taking up old hobbies, my Queen?"

Sir Ellice and Lydia were quick to bow, mortified by my comment. Lydia glared up at me as her head was inclined. She mouthed, 'Are you stupid? She could have you beheaded!' The princess should know my adoptive Mother would never. It'd be a far more severe crime to separate the most handsome face from such an exceptional body.

"Bite me… sorry, my apologies, sink your chompers into my royal derriere, Prince Trevor." She flipped her long hair behind her back. "Of anyone, I would torture that stubborn, arrogant old man. Thinking he can win me back with some cookies supposedly made with love. After calling me a damn bear!… Tch. Hope he's enjoying sleeping with male dignity and a hand for comfort."

"Hey, I helped Cupcake with those! Everything I do is crammed full of my love!" I feigned an ache in my heart. "I'm positive you too miss sharing a bed, My Queen."

Kalum jumped into his grandmother's arms. "I'll sleep with you! Pleeeease!"

"A wonderful idea! Let's go show King Ulrich what he's missing, not swallowing up his pride for the love of his life."

Sekai picked up both the kids tightly and headed back where she came. A quick turn of her head, "to your earlier taunt, yes. It seems my previous forced 'employment' expertise I acquired came in handy. Got lots of information over the last few hours… Someone was hunting for Prince Shion…under some girl named Izzy's command. I expect a full explanation as to why I was informed by the young squire that both of them were 'Lucifer's pawns.'"

My blood ran cold. There went that inkling of hope.

The words hung heavier than the humidity after the dismissal of Sekai and little princes. The atmosphere was almost suffocating from the apprehension surrounding our group. Izzy bore it. None of us hated her, and we were torn on what to do.

Not only that but Devon and Jacob have both seen how the DSS treats betrayals. Fuck, not just them! At least the DSS was in another dimension. They wouldn't know if I didn't mention Izzy.

But this was also treason against the Dark King. Against his family…

Jacob said the words Devon and I feared to utter. "The assassin is clearly under Shiuku's orders somehow. And he is after his son."

"His son?" Lydia questioned, baffled.

"Shion." No point in backpedaling now.

Her eyes widened. "Shion isn't Devon's? So the rumor of infidelity…she slep-"

Devon lifted her by her neck with crimson irises. Growling, he warned, "do not finish that sentence. My wife endured so much. It's not her fault the bastard stole my aura. Don't ever disrespect her."

"Shiuku still invading his and Aileen's dreams?" Jacob asked as I freed Lydia from Lord Devon's death grip.

Devon nodded. "Yeah, with everything going on, we decided we'll tell Shion the truth tonight. Before it's used against us."

They were planning on telling him? The DSS demanded I be informed prior to the reveal. My sister let on nothing! Just that fake ass smile she'd give to strangers.

"I hate to add to our surplus of issues, but what should be done about Izzy? We can't risk her roaming free," Jacob said.

Devon leaned back against a tree. "We have to lock her up. King Ulrich will probably order her death."

The girl tried her hardest to smile and help others. And I knew Natalie relied on her optimism.

"If she is a danger to the people…her sacrifice may be vital. Especially once she starts targeting us. I am not becoming a devil's servant." Lydia agreed.

"The DSS would say kill her too." Jacob was staring at his feet.

"She's also a victim." I reminded everyone.

Sir Ellice yelled, "She's not evil. Out of all of us, she has the biggest heart."

It was the first time the knight had ever spoken against a member of royalty. His loyalty and love shined in his glossy eyes.

Jacob was rolling a log under his foot. "There may not be a choice."

Despite their words, Devon and Jacob were both fighting inner turmoil. Despair and anger solidified on both their features. More over than any of the rest of us, they could sympathize with Izzy. Things could have turned out similarly for them years ago. But they also knew our family was in danger, and there might not be a workaround this time.

The saddest part is they were right.

I wasn't willing to risk my friends, family, and future with Natalie. No matter how horrible the decision was.

Life has cruel sacrifices. The thing with life; there are no guarantees, no rights to life and death. All I could do was be stubborn and save as many as possible. We all have to find our priorities and protect them. Hell, Shion already was figuring that out.

"We can try. Izzy is-"

Sir Ellice started, but our debate was cut off by a series of loud explosions. Fire split from the ground, engulfing the area in flames. Another bomb went off closer to us, drowning out screams. Using what little water I could gather, I formed an ice circle around our group to shelter us from flying debris. Jacob and Devon were quick to work together, strangling some of the fires until they went out.

Heat grew from under my feet. An almost pink glow emitted from the growing temperature.

"Everyone, get cover now!" I screamed out just as an enormous blast detonated from under us.

Letting my instincts take over, I tackled Lydia, shielding her body with mine. The small cocoon I'd made with ice shattered around us, taking the brunt of the blow. Shards of ice turned to water before they could pierce my body. Coughing myself, I forced the water to flow between Lydia's parted lips. With all the ash entering her lungs, she would choke to death.

There was no way of knowing what was happening to the rest of the team. The smoke was too thick, and my ears were ringing. All I could do was drag my body with an arm around Lydia. Saving the innocent came first. Check on the team second. Those were the rules all DSS members were sworn by.

I don't know how long I laid on my back, breathing heavily between smoke clouds. The air was clean when I opened my eyes and struggled to my feet. Jacob and Devon were ready to pass out. They'd run out of energy after dispersing the smoke. They leaned on each other for balance.

A tug on my hand showed Lydia was still conscious. My ears were still adjusting, but I could make out the words 'King for Krennan.' Not sure what she was trying to say completely, the gift of sound still fighting to return to me. Once finished speaking, Lydia tipped into my arms, stroking her fingers up and down my muscles. Perhaps she was weaker from the bomb than she let on.

As the thought crossed my mind, Lydia pulled the back of my neck down. Realization dawned on me. I turned my head, causing her kiss to land on my cheek. Her lips puckered on my skin, venturing boldly towards my own. Before I could shove her back, she retreated.

"You'll never desire my hand…" She sounded withdrawn but not whiny. More like stating a fact, devoid of emotion.

I grabbed her shoulders, placing my lips next to her ear." You are a stunning brilliant princess, finally true to herself. Do you really want to be a second thought at your own beautiful wedding?"

Whatever Lydia wanted to say, she stopped herself. Instead, she watched Jacob, who refused to look at her or speak.

"Princess Lydia!"

What now? Yet another uninvited guest entered. What was the guard out there doing?

A woman wearing Krennan's crest on a golden brooch between her breasts marched in. Obvious repulsion marred her thick layer of makeup by the sight in front of her. The courtyard was destroyed, all of us were coated in soot, and Sir Ellice clutched his pink arm. Blisters were oozing out white puss from his injury.


The Queen of Krennan tugged at her daughter. "You were sent to win the Prince's heart. Why are you out here in danger?"

"He is in love with another."

The Queen tsked, "Unfortunately, I know how important some mistresses are to their lords. Just keep up with the Prince's needs and preferences, dear. And not on some low-class filth stable boy."

I don't curse at women. I was raised better. However, this bitch was testing my patience. Insulting my friend, my Sweetness, and having her own daughter's chin trembling as she attempted to keep her head held high was too much. Did she not see how she hurt her own child?

"We are leaving on the day after the morrow. I'm not having a barbaric daughter like King Ulrich." Pivoting her heel for the door, she hollered back in a falsely honeyed voice, "Prince Trevor, I do await hearing your proposal to my daughter prior to nightfall tomorrow. You may find it beneficial. We are exceptional at finding missing people."

Wearing her invisible mask, Lydia followed her Mother inside like a whipped dog.

Jacob returned to where Devon and I stood. He didn't mention anything about what just happened. All he did was kneel to check out Ellice's injuries.

And like that, we lost another member of our little team.

Just as he bent down, another joined our private party. I drew steel only to face a pair of dark stone eyes. Beside him were two knights. God was not on my side today at all.

"Arrest Sir Ellice on the grounds of high treason against the crown."

I blocked their path. "He is injured and needs to see Queen Sekai."

"You do not order me, Prince Trevor." The King motioned to his blade, daring anyone to challenge him. "I hereby strip you of your title as table knight of the kingdom of Lutz. Take him to the dungeons."

Sir Ellice clutched his burning throat, barely audible. "Please Highness, would never…ack ack…never harm our nation…Never treason."

I could see why Ellice would defend her. Izzy was still that innocent, timid, abused girl from the pond. All I could see was her face lighting up when I complimented her. I could only imagine what was racing through the degraded knight's mind.

"My daughter's quarters are in shambles. The girls from her wing are missing. Princess Aileen is in the healing hall wrapped in bandages. And on my way down here, I was blown into a wall by an elemental carrying my unconscious royal baker Natalie, who then escaped my men." His calm tone was what his enemies and friends alike feared. "My kingdom looks weak. And Ellice knew of that woman's treachery. Do you have a better lead, Trevor?"

*Izzy captured Natalie?! I have to find her. No one is going to put their hands on her again, or by the actual devil, they'll be praying to go to hell!*

Around me, the guards hauled Ellice away, uncaring of his burns. I hated it, but Ellice knew about Izzy and Natalie. He was our best shot at learning what happened.

*Another teammate gone...*

"Lord Devon, does the prince know about the second aura?"

For a split second, King Ulrich's voice softened. Maybe I imagined it, his eyes were murderous as usual, and my mind was clustered with what to do next. I couldn't let Natalie relive the nightmares my true love subjected her to. I couldn't fail her again.

"Correct. If Aileen has enough to worry about without adding more, the same could be said for Prince Trevor. The information could…break him with this new development. And 'kind' secrets seem to be how he wants his allies to operate."

Devon's aura was swirling around him protectively in depressing grays. It acted like a shield from his own emotions. One he never needed around me previously. Him or my sister.

"Devon, tell me, what's the secret?"

He shook his head. "The only reason I'm not beating your ass is I remember the man who nearly died by Shiuku's torture and didn't yield. He was willing to throw his life away. All to save his sister… We have to do that for Natalie now. They're in danger."

"I will!"

I'll kill every bastard who harms my Sweetness. And when I find this assassin, he'll pay for all the innocent lives he was ruining.

Devon bit his lip until it bled down his chin. "Not just her; your…family is at stake."