
Breach: Vanquish Squad

Rick, who can be described as asocial, joins a team formed to explore a mysterious passage on a mysterious island, in an unexpected way, with the agreement he made with Penelope, a spiritual person. While exploring this world, he tries to take the lives and mutations of the Breachland nobles, who are a great threat to them, and to be in unity with the team.

Ryukost · Romance
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Aunt Penelope Wants You

He came out after rinsing under the water, ruminating on the long strands of hair on the floor of the shower. He wrapped his head with his white towel, which was still a little wet because it had been used the day before, and then wrapped his waist with a large towel. A minute later, he took off the towel he had wrapped around his head, dried herself and did his usual wavy hairstyle with a blow dryer. His hair was one of the things he cared about most, which was not to say that he cared about a lot of things. Loving didn't count as caring for he. It was another level, higher than loving. Rick Foreman was a man who didn't like his own head type, so he cared about his hair.

       After removing his waist towel, he went naked to his room and put on the outfit he had chosen yesterday for tonight's thrash metal concert, he could be a bit impatient and enthusiastic about these things, but who could fault him? He was going to a concert of his favorite music - even if it was the only one - once in forty years. White tank, leather jacket, black regular pants, black finger gloves. It was a classic but ideal and stylish outfit for him. For how many years he has been wearing this outfit when he goes out for the all-important outing is unpredictable.

Sitting in the same seat he had bought when he first moved in, he waited for the bus, which passed every half hour, to arrive, and he wasn't going to sit idly by. To distract himself, he turned on his TV, which he had only turned on to watch the Walking Dead, this time to watch the news. At first he felt like his father, but then he shrugged it off and focused on the news. The news anchor was about to present a story that would be extraordinary and of interest to Rick. Out of the anchor's mouth came these words:

Toward the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, an island has risen, even though it is physically and geologically impossible, and the Earth almost didn't feel it. When they went to investigate the island, the teams found it much smaller than it was. This island seemed no different from any other island... but a passage was discovered on the island and a stone thrown into it disappeared. Governments will meet to prepare teams to go through this passage, however inhumane it will be, and if accepted, the conditions for joining the teams will be published.

Rick had been interested in the supernatural and horror stories since childhood. Moreover, this island event was a great opportunity for him to escape his monotonous life. Even though he was already excited, he didn't think he would ever be selected. Who knows how many hundred thousand people would participate, would they meet the criteria? Because of these questions, Rick's enthusiasm was - as usual - dashed.

In the meantime, he saw that his bus was a few minutes away and he quickly left the apartment and ran to the bus stop across the street. When he reached the bus stop where 3 old people were standing, which had not been renovated for a long time, he leaned against the window and took a deep breath. By then the bus was approaching the bus stop, Rick got on slowly and sat in the back seat. The bus was going to a big open-air theater where the concert was to be held. By the time the bus got there, Rick could spend enough time in his own thoughts.

A mysterious island... I wonder where we end up when we pass through the portal-like thing there? Maybe it's a universe that looks like a depiction of hell, or maybe it's a beautiful, heavenly place... I mean, it's not like something bad is going to happen in the end... I would enter the portal immediately, it would be an adventure... I hope people didn't register too much because they were scared... Do they make the teams a mix of boys and girls or are they single gender oriented? If the governments are dominated by America and Europe, which they are, I don't think they would look at gender. Do you think there are any living species? I'm sure there are, I'm sure. How can there be an empty world?

Distracted by such thoughts, he reached the concert venue. Most people were already in their seats, chatting with each other. He had come to this concert alone, his friends were all busy or unable to get there. With bitterness, he went to the concert venue, sat down in a quiet place and fiddled with his phone. While he was looking at his phone, he was occasionally looking at people. There wasn't a single person hanging out alone besides him, there was only him. Some of them were with their girlfriends, flirting and making love. Rick had never been obsessed with getting a girl, but he would have liked to be treated like that by a girl.

Not feeling any more of a loser, he went back to his phone and wrote to his friends. The topics they talked about were simple things like soccer, current affairs, games and politics. They also joked a lot about events in their own environment. It was a good idea to pass the time until the start of the concert, at least he wouldn't feel lonely. He was drinking a lot of whiskey while answering the phone, he hadn't had a chance to drink for 2 days so he was going to drink a lot of whiskey at this concert, which he did. After finishing 1 big bottle, he went and bought a second one, drinking and writing to his buddies at the same time. After a lot of work, work and talk, it was time for the concert to start and everyone, including Rick, gathered in front of the stage. Everyone was clapping and shouting like crazy as the band took the stage, while Rick stood calmly, clapping every now and then. When the guitarist moved the strings of the guitar and started the solo, everyone started jumping up and down. Rick, as expected, was calmly keeping up with the rhythm and taking light sips of his whiskey.

       At the end, slightly drunk and gassy, he put the whiskey bottle to his head and his brain started to go. His head was spinning badly, his words were coming out indistinctly. On top of that, when the guy behind him accidentally hit Rick on the head, Rick had a small faint, collapsed and started dreaming.

In her dream she saw herself naked in a room filled with tall cream-colored pillars. Yellow beams of light were all around the room and had an extremely relaxing effect. From the outside it looked like dawn. The floor was in the classic checker style and was 30 cm from the edges. In front of him stood a lady with an extremely fair complexion, wearing a blue and white dress. She calmly turned to Rick and walked towards him. Rick wanted to move but he couldn't go anywhere, typical dream stuff. She stood closer to him and communicated with him.

So that's you, the miraculous spirit. My companion of destiny.

     Rick had so many things he wanted to say, but he was so shocked that he couldn't move his lips. She ran her hand over his body and continued.

I chose you, you're a miserable like me, but you don't have to bother. We'll both get what we want, if we work together. You seem to have a lot of problems in this body and you never seem to stop taking advantage of any opportunity you get. If we trust each other, you and I will be happy. Maybe even after this, there's something destined for us, don't you think?

       She moved closer to him and hugged him. As if she wanted to get him. Like she said, Rick would never pass up an opportunity, but here was a sight he couldn't have imagined. Finally, he was able to get something out of his mouth and he said:

What do you want me to do?

The woman answered without missing a beat:

Go through the Breachland portal you saw on the news, steal the mutations of the nobles who kept me trapped here and free me. And the only way to do that is to join that team, miraculous spirit!

Rick's eyes widened as he learned of his new purpose in life. He had simply been given a lofty mission and the reward would be to get rid of his problems in this life and get the beautiful lady who was now hugging him. Before he could even say yes, she called out to him one last time.

I feel we have a deal, thank you very much... Don't worry, we'll both be happy. And before I forget, my name is Penelope, don't forget that, okay?" and the moment she said that, she was on Rick's lips in a sensual kiss. This kiss could only have been a kiss between a couple who had just met the love of their lives.

As the kiss continued, Rick slowly opened his eyes, woke up and found himself in a hospital. After the fainting, a girl in a group of friends at the concert had immediately called an ambulance and reported the situation to the secretary. When the doctors arrived at the concert venue, they took Rick to the ambulance and admitted him to the hospital. Of course, all this time Rick was under the influence of the dream. The first thing he realized when he regained consciousness was that he could remember the dream in detail.