

Pack destroyed. Father dead, mother dead, sister dead. Little Brayden is left alone. If it weren't for the teenage Alpha that finds him and takes him in. Story excerpt As I run past the man I feel his arms take hold of me pinning me to him as he picks me up. "Let go of me! My father will kill you!" I scream. I kick at him but he holds me tightly. "He's the Alpha!" The man kneels down and I feel my feet touch earth. He continues to hold me tight. Eventually he loosens his grip not enough to free me just enough that he can look me in the eye. "Your father is gone." The man tells me. "No!" I yell at him. I swing as hard as I can punching the man in the chest. "I don't believe you!" I didn't see Daddy but he is a strong wolf! An Alpha! No way he is dead! I feel the tears run down my face as I look around. Fire, rubble, and death... everyone is gone. I fall into the man sobbing. I can't fight any more. My pack is dead. The man picks me up again carrying me to his car. "What's your name little guy?" He asks. I have a hard time making words through my tears. "B... Bray... Brayden." I stammer gripping his shirt. "Hello Brayden... I'm Alpha Aaron... I'm gonna take care of you." He says. This is backstory for Brayden from my book Alpha Lilly. This story runs from before Alpha Lilly until part way through Orphan Wolf so spoilers are certain for those books. I'd suggest reading them first but you don't have to.

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The Mysterious Brother

We watch the movie then Ari sends me off to bed. As If! No way I'm calling it a night! I haven't seen his brother yet!

As soon as I think Ari is asleep I sneak out and make my way to the infirmary. It's funny how easy it is to sneak around here. I slip into the the white walled room in no time. Only one of the beds is occupied.

This guy is big. I can see the resemblance to Ari he's asleep as I walk up to the bed. I move silently around the room just trying to figure out who this guy is.

"You know no matter how quiet your feet are you need to control your breathing and heart rate. Especially if you are sneaking up on an Alpha blooded Beta." The man says with his eyes closed.

"Uhhh ummm." I say ever so eloquently. He chuckles opening his eyes to look at me.

"What are you doing here pup?" He asks me with a smile that seems awkward due to his wired shut jaw.

"Ummm... I wanted to meet you." I answer as he sits up in his bed. I come over to help him.

"You smell like my brother so I'm guessing you came with him. You're from Midnight Moon. Who are your parents?" He asks.

"My parents are dead. My daddy was Alpha of Moon Lake pack." I tell him.

"And Aaron took you in?" He asks and I nod. "Hard seeing that pup as a father." He shakes his head then looks back at me. "I'm guessing Aaron didn't mention me and you got curious."

"Yea... Ari doesn't talk about his past... I know it wasn't good so I don't push him... why haven't you come to visit him? He wants family more than anything! He told me he was an orphan with no family just like me. I lost everyone. Do you know what I would give to get my baby sister back!? And here you are a few hours away and you ignored him! You're his brother where were you?!" I rant suddenly angry. I hadn't really thought about it but he abandoned Ari!

"You don't know what you're talking about pup. I love my brother. I wanted to see him but couldn't until our father was dead. Then when I saw him he blew me off... I thought he hated me." I see the hurt in his eyes as he talks.

"You know most of the time Ari is more of a big brother than a dad... he must have had someone to show him how to do that. I bet you're a great big brother." I tell him. He chuckles at me.

"You're a good kid... but what Aaron is is in spite of our family." He says.

"You seem like a good guy... hay what's your name?" I ask suddenly realizing we never introduced ourselves. He starts to laugh.

"I'm Carson, Beta of the Red Rivers pack." He holds out his hand for me to shake.

"Brayden, Alpha in training for the Moon Lake pack." I say shaking his hand. "So what happened to you?"

"I told Aaron I was his brother. He didn't believe me." He says and my jaw drops.

"Ari did this!? But... but he never hits anyone! Not even if they deserve it! Why would he? No way! I mean I know he can fight but you're his brother!" I ramble. How could Ari do this.

"Calm down pup... it's not Aaron's fault. Imagine if someone came up to you claiming to be your dad or sister how would you respond?" He asks.

"They are dead! Why would someone do that? That's ridiculous!" I yell. That would be an insult to me and them.

"Exactly. He thought I was dead. I expected this and didn't fight him. Don't blame Aaron for this. I'll heal and I got my brother back. This is a win and believe me you'll see more of me around Midnight Moon." He tells me opening his arms for a hug. I give him one then sit down next to him. "If you're Aaron's little brother and Aaron is mine I guess that makes us brothers."

"You're as old as my dad." I tell him.

"Ouch pup! Man kick me while I'm down why don't ya!" He laughs holding his heart feigning hurt.

"I'm joking Car... you're Ari's family and that makes you mine." I say.

"How is Aaron doing as Alpha? Mason has given me updates but I'd like to hear it from someone in his pack." He asks me.

"He's a good Alpha. The people love him. He's strong and he trains us to be strong. He's a leader and a good one. You don't have to worry about him." I  explain.

"I'm glad... thanks for coming to talk to me Brayden. I'm glad to meet you but I'm exhausted and I'm fairly certain my brother doesn't know you're here. Go to bed, pup, I'll see you again soon." He says and I stand to leave. With one more hug I walk to the door.

"Nice to meet you Car." I tell him as I leave.