
Prologue - Forget about dying for a second.

The steady flow of time is a constant that can't really be broken.

At least, not forever. Perhaps those with certain gifts may be able to halt it for a second or more. Pretty impressive ay?

It is an odd world. Billions of people running around with their own little traits and intricacies.

All of them trying to grasp something. As for this something is, doesn't really matter now, does it? All that matters, is that a person wants it.

It's allllll… there.

Countless fail. Countless succeed. World carries on in it's pursuit of dreams.

Get on with it asshole.

What I'm saying is, it's pretty nice isn't it?

Sure. Whatever. It's what it is.

Well. I think you'll see it like that too one day.

I doubt that I'll ever be as florid as you.

I think you're already more florid then I am. It's not like I'm a complicated lady. When did you even learn to use a word?

Contrary to what you'd think, I'm not a dumbass, I know how to read.

Sure. Sure.

Hey, I'm being serious here. I can read.

No response. She just grinned at the young man. Battered and irritated, he stared at her with a disinterested expression. Hahhh~ I can't believe I lost to someone like you.

They sat in silence.

Hey Lucks.


I love ya.

He looked at her. Dumbfounded. What? What did you just say?

Nothing. Nothin at all.

She grinned. The same annoying grin as always.

Think too much, do too little. Think too little, do too much.

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