

"They are coming",a voice cried out.People started scrambling here and there.Women were getting frustrated.Some were dumping their babies away like trash.Others were taking the short cut which was killing the babies.The people of Maim were in a great pandemic.In this country lived a woman named Alain.As a Muslim,it was against traditional to kill or abundan an innocent soul.She ran as fast as her two legs could carry her to a far away forest.She dropped her baby beside a cave.As she was leaving,she casted a last glance on her child and walked away with tears flowing down her cheeks.

The next morning,Papa Panther with his gracefulness walked out of his cave and found a moving bundle by his cave." Aaahhh...no hunting today ",he yawned loudly and moved closer to smell the bundle.As he got closer,he realised it was a man cub." How did this tiny cub manage to get into my territory ",Papa Panther thought to himself.He dragged the man cub into his cave to show to his partner(wife)Nora.Nora sniffed the man cub and whispered" Minoz...Minoz will be its name "." What do you mean by that!.This is a man cub and by the smell of it,its a female.Females are puny",Papa Panther tried to convince Nora.

"We will keep it" ,Nora roared quietly.As they talked,the man cub snuggled closer to the panther cubs.Nora growled proudly and licked the man cub with love.In one year time,baby Minoz started crawling around with the other panthers.She ate with them,bathed and shared the same ground for sleeping.One day,while playing at the spring with her brothers,Minoz saw boa constrictor slithering towards them.She moved closer and tried to pounce on it.The boa constrictor hissed happily and started playing with Minoz.

In no time,they became the best of friends in the whole forest.The boa constrictor later taught her how to communicate with snakes.It then told her to call it Yeida.Yeida showed Minoz around the forest.Yeida also taught her the rules and regulations in the forest.One day as they were moving in the forest,Minoz saw some creatures.These creatures were very different from those in the forest.They were even holding sticks that could fire.She didn't pay attention to these things.As they were sleeping one evening,Minoz saw an orange -yellow light coming towards their cave.

"Papa Panther,the sun has fallen" Minoz rumbled loudly as she run quickly towards the pack.The whole forest started burning yet Minoz thought it was the almighty sun blessing them for devouring the forest animals.She felt something push her from the intense heat.All she saw later was black.When she opened her opened her she was in a different environment with those mysterious creatures she was the other day surrounding her.She roared at them and they stood shaking like leaves in a strong wind.

They tried to control her but she threatened to bite them.The creatures were having something that covers their bodies.It looked like her brother the white panthers body.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

salamatu_awuducreators' thoughts