
Branded - (RWBY)

An arctic fox Faunus tries to make her way in a hard life of an international terrorist after being liberated from a mining camp by the same group. (This synopsis needs to be redone will hapen sometime soon.) This is the first fic I’ve ever written so please give any insight you have into making this better because i mainly wrote this to get better so i aim to increase the quality and length in each chapter:) This will be a yuri fic if you don’t like that its ok just know you probably wont like this. And i have a friend who I would like to shout out for helping with editing this but he refuses to give me his account name to do so but if i can coax it out of him i will put it here. Haha i got something out of him i would like to shout out my friend Mr.TheBaker on fanfiction.net his fic language of letters is really good you should check it out. (I do not own rwby or any of its characters and world i only own my original characters) Thx:) Btw sorry if the uploads are sporadic I’m kinda useless at being consistent This is also posted on fanfiction.net under the same name

Angel_1860 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Ch:16 Meeting

Winter stood behind her father's seat at the conference table, her arms were held behind her back as she watched the meeting silently.

A loud thud rang out within the small room."We need to teach these damn animals a lesson as to who their betters are!" A greasy and heavy set man yelled, slamming his meaty fist against the table.

The fat man's outburst caused another man across from him on the table to chuckle, he was a spindly man who seemed to have next to no meat on his bones. "No need for the outburst Craven, though I do agree with you on having to teach these animals their place."

Craven Brown, the heavy set man who seemed to only care about three things in this world: money, women and himself, clenched his fist. "Shut it Sinclaire, no one asked."

Sinclaire Avarice just laughed again before being interrupted by Jacques Schnee. "Quite both of you, we are here to discuss plans to stop the White Fang, not sit here and watch you two squabble and waste all our time." Both men shot glares at each other before settling back down. "Good now shall we get onto business? Winter." Jacques turned behind him and towards Winter, the rest of the room following soon after.

Winter nodded in acknowledgment and began her report. "Our intelligence suggests that the White Fang is growing bolder, and their attacks are becoming increasingly coordinated. They've targeted several of our shipments recently, both in the Schnee Dust Company and other affiliated businesses."

Craven leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over his round belly. "These Faunus savages are becoming a real nuisance, I've lost a good deal of Lien from those attacks."

Sinclaire chimed in, a sly smile on his thin lips. "Nuisance, indeed, but it's an opportunity for profit. We can increase the prices, and the people will have no choice but to pay."

Jacques Schnee frowned at Sinclaire's comment but continued with the meeting. "We can't let this escalate further. Our reputation is on the line, and we must maintain control in the region. We've already increased security around the mines, but I think it's time to consider more direct measures."

Winter added, "we have identified the three main perpetrators within their group, these three are the most influential and have the most power which causes them to be our biggest problems." Winter clicked a button causing the snarling face of a young man to show on a hologram in the middle of the table.

On seeing the young man Craven growled. "That bastard."

"This is Adam Taurus, he's a bull Faunus and has been part of the White Fang for most of his life, he currently has the second highest number of raids completed, from reports he is ruthless and possesses considerable combat skills," Winter explained as she displayed Adam's information.

Craven leaned in, squinting at the hologram. "This one's got a reputation for being a real fighter. We've had our run-ins with him before, but he's slippery."

Winter nodded. "Precisely. He's a dangerous element, and if we're to have any hope of dismantling the White Fang, we must deal with him."

Sinclaire, always looking for opportunities, chimed in. "We could offer a substantial reward for his capture. I'm sure someone in the underbelly would be willing to betray him for enough Lien."

Jacques Schnee considered the idea but remained cautious. "A reward could be arranged, but capturing him won't be easy. He has many loyal followers and is seen as a sort of symbol for the highly active members."

Winter continued, "Besides Adam Taurus, we've identified two others. This one is Sienna Khan." Winter switched the hologram to display Sienna's image. "She's the current leader of the White Fang and has been highly active as of late. Her charisma and ability to rally Faunus make her a significant threat."

Craven grunted. "Leadership, huh? A quick way to disrupt an organization is to take out its head."

Winter nodded then moved the image to a picture of a white haired woman who was grinning viciously. "Lastly, this is Maru Arktis." at the mention of her name murmurs were sent around the room.

"Arktis… As in Kastan Arktis?" Sinclaire asked, the concern evident in his voice.

Winter maintained her professionalism despite the room's reactions to Maru's name. "Yes, Maru Arktis is the daughter of Kastan Arktis. She is a highly skilled individual with a reputation for her ferocity in combat."

Craven gulped. "If she's anything like her traitor of an old man we are in for some trouble."

"Luckily for us she seems to be mainly focused on the military but she is also fiercely loyal to Khan so that could pose a problem." Winter continued. "She is also known for fighting off Aric Steelborne's encampment from taking over a White Fang Compound."

Surprise ran through the room at the mention of Aric and his loss to Maru. "Isn't he well known for not failing any missions within the military? How did she manage that?." The question came from a random executive at the back of the room.

"It's because she was trained by Kastan Arktis himself from a young age." The answer came from an icy voice from the doorway, steps rang out as the figure started to walk inside, once she was past the doorway the temperature in the room dropped significantly causing everyone to start shivering apart from Winter and Jacques.

"Specialist Frost, what are you doing here? I told you to not disturb us unless it's an emergency." Jacques' stern tone was directed at the newcomer, Aurora Frost, a tall woman who's icy demeanor only added to the cold of the room.

Aurora spoke calmly unfazed by the temperature of the room. "I apologize Mr.Schnee, but an event has come to my attention that requires your immediate attention."

"And what could that be? Because if you can't see we are busy" The annoyed response came from Craven.

Aurora ignored Craven's irritation and continued with her report. "From the last change of guards, we have discovered some unusual activities around the factory. It appears that an unknown group has infiltrated the compound."

The executives exchanged concerned glances as Winter spoke up, maintaining her composure. "What are the details of this infiltration, Specialist Frost?"

Aurora Frost's icy blue hair was almost a reflection of her icy demeanor as she explained. "They managed to incapacitate two of the guards discreetly. We now do not know where they have gone but we have reason to believe that it is the White Fang so it would be in your best interests to leave the premises immediately."

As soon as Aurora was finished with her report the power in the building was shut off causing panic to course through the room, Aurora didn't show much reaction. "That would likely be them, we must get you out of here."

Aurora called for a few guards to escort the executives out of the building, but before she left to find the intruders she heard the sound of electricity crackle from down the dark corridor everyone turned their head to the left seeing a faint light that was growing closer.

After a few moments they could make out a few figures in the darkness, the one in front holding a sword that was sparking with electricity.

The person lifted the sword up just enough for the group to see a face that was surrounded by messy white hair, and had a large grin splitting it in half.

They all recognised the figure as they were just talking about her moments before. Her grin grew even bigger and even more deranged at the faces of recognition, she let out a hysterical laugh before slowly saying. "I Found You ~."

A/N: thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Like always if you have any questions or suggestion do ask. Thx:)

Word Count: 1301


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