
Boy Wonder

A boy had tragically died to the mighty Truck-kun, however being sent to the void and meeting his creator, (God). God granted the boy three wishes, and one of those wishes was to become Dick Grayson who would later become Robin as well as Nightwing. The boy being reincarnated into his body soon after Grayson’s parents death. Read as he takes down villains! And lives his life as Boy Wonder… … (A/N:I’ve already decided on who’s going to be the love interest, and it won’t be starfire nor Barbara. This won’t be a harem. It would sorta be like a slice of life but with action, and romance. This fanfic will also be different from the comics, so don’t expect everything to be the same.) … [Additional Tags: Dissociative Identity Disorder, Clever Protagonist.] …

LunaGod · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter One:

A boy who didn't look to be older than 15, was currently walking down the streets. He had a small smile on his face while holding firmly a plastic wrapped comic on his chest.

"I finally got the new comic for Nightwing!" He said excitedly as he held his comic up in the air. Receiving weird stares from people. He however didn't care about it as he continued his jolly day.

The boy's name was Dick, which could also be called Richard. His parents unfortunately died to a criminal, and that put Richard in depression.

However, ever since he watched one of Batman's films, he became a huge fan of Robin. Buying his Superhero suit, even as far as trying to stop bad people in stores.

However he stopped doing so as he grew older and realized what the world was really about. Yet, that didn't stop him from helping people.

Let it be known that he wasn't necessarily a "good person" as he had one twisted personality.

Anyhow, he is crossing the street. He was lost in his own world, not even paying attention as to what's about to come.

"Hey kid! Get over here quick!"

People who were on the other side started screaming as they see a truck approaching very quickly. Dick however was happily humming to himself.




The truck rammed into Dick causing him to die immediately. Everyone who was watching this gasped in horror as they see the cruel blood scene.

("Where am I?")

A blue shining orb spoke, as it was floating in what looked like space. He looked down, but surprisingly jumped. He noticed that his body wasn't there.

("My body…am I dead? The only explanation for this is that I died due to a car crashing into me. Ah shit, I should've paid more attention. Wait! I didn't even get to read it!")

The blue orb exclaimed as it continued to shake around.

Suddenly a bright yellow glow appeared right in front of him, causing the blue orb to look at it. The glow started taking the form of a human body, and as it did the orb froze.

("General Kenobi?!")

"Well, hello there! I am God, and I'm afraid that you died," said God with pity in his eyes. His hands were crossed as his godly figure floated around the blue orb.

("Yeah, I had figured that was the case. Sigh. God, what the fuck?! Excuse my language, God-sir. But like why did I have to die? Like why couldn't I have just died after I read my comic. Do you know how much I've waited?!")

God just shook his head chuckling in amusement. 'This mortal knows I'm God yet he continues to insult me. How interesting!' He rubbed his beard.

"You waited a whole day outside. You know you could of just bought it online, if you would have done that then you wouldn't have died."

("You're right, but what's the fun of that? Anyhow, so what are you going to do with me? Gonna take me to heaven or hell? Since your "God" then you probably already know the good deeds I've done back on earth.")

"Yes, your deeds were a huge part in your life that would have allowed you to go to heaven. However, you are different from any mortal I've seen. You see, no mortal has ever been into "The Void", you are the first person to ever be in this place. That only leads me to one question, how? The only answer for this is that you have a strong soul."

Said God with his eyebrows raised.

("Hmm…is that so?")

"Yes, and as such I don't want to send you to Heaven. Don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to send you to Hell either. I'm just saying that you still have life to live for. That is why I'm granting three wishes."


God nodded his head and smiled kindly.

("Umm, okay then. For my first wish ; I would like to be reincarnated into the body of Dick Grayson from DC. However I want to get my memories from this life right after Dick Grayson's parents death.")

God just smirked as he knew exactly what this mortal was trying to do. 'Wouldn't that be two wishes?' God however nodded his head in agreement. "Very well, although I'll have to send you into an alternate universe of DC," He said with a calm voice.

("That's fine with me. Now onto my second wish; Photographic memory. With this I'll be able to copy everything just from a single glance. However everything that do copy won't be completely perfect, which if I wanted it to be perfect than I would have to practice.")

Once again, God nodded his head. "Interesting, I'll add a few things into it as a gift. Now, what is your last and final wish?"

The boy sighed inwardly as if debating whether or not his last wish is good.

("As for my last wish…I would like my body to be able to adapt, modify itself to anything. And I mean absolutely anything. Example; getting shot with a gun, my body will construct itself to be invulnerable to bullets.")

"Hmm…that could be troublesome in your future. Are you sure about this?" Said God with his eyebrows furrowed.


God again nodded his head.

"Very well. Good luck, my son…"

He then with a flicker of his hand, everything went blank.


The sky was dark, and it was pouring rain. In the cemetery, there was a small boy no less than 8 years old, standing alone blankly staring at two graves. The boy had pitch black hair with bright blue eyes that showed sadness.

Soon, the boy opened his eyes and found himself in what seemed to be a graveyard. He felt a bit daze for a couple seconds before finally getting his gears on.

"I remember now…", Dick Grayson spoke in a grim tone. His face showed a calm yet depressed expression. The feeling of losing his parents twice was such an awful feeling. Even though he knew his new parents were going to die, he still felt the dread.

He took a deep breath and relaxed his body and mind. He knew that his mind was in turmoil, having his old mind integrated into his new one was causing serious problems.

"Kid, I'm truly sorry for your loss." A voice came out from behind him causing Dick Grayson to slightly flinch in surprise.

Dick Grayson felt a hand on his shoulder, to which he narrowed his eyes and looked at this person. Just as he did, he widened his eyes. The person who was talking to him is none other than Bruce Wayne.

"My name is-"

The rather tall and muscular man was interrupted by the boy.

"I know who you are. Bruce Wayne, the richest man in Gotham."

Bruce Wayne remained calm and with his stoic expression.

"Then I'll get right to the point. Dick Grayson, how would you like to be adopted by none other than me." Said Bruce with a calm smile on his face.

Dick Grayson felt genuinely happy, excited, and relieved that this was happening. Batman was and still is one of his top heroes, and him saying he'll adopt him was something that made his heart feel warm. In his past life, he never really had anybody. He didn't want to be alone anymore.

"I…I would like that very much, Mr.Wayne."

"Call me Bruce. Or father. Both can work."