
Boundless Wealth and Romance

A ordinary person, when he obtained extraordinary abilities, his legendary journey began. He is the new generation of gambling god, the king of jade, and a collector. The process of his appraising treasures has no unnecessary reasons, only true or false. He is known as the "Master of Few Words". "Master, can you tell if my Yuan Qinghua is real or fake?" someone asked. "Fake," he replied simply. "How is that possible? Master, can you explain in detail?" the person pressed. "Get lost! I make millions in a minute, who has time for that? Go find scientific instruments to authenticate it yourself!" he rebuked. This is him, a legendary figure, a master who values every word, a legendary figure who can see through the authenticity of treasures at a glance.

Kill_wolf · Urbain
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80 Chs

Money, money, money.

Ye Fei bought a hat, put on sunglasses and a mask. Even if his parents walked by, they wouldn't recognize him.

Seeing Ye Fei fully disguised walking in, the staff at the Welfare Lottery Center mistakenly thought he had won a huge jackpot. When they found out it was only 400,000, they couldn't help but laugh and cry and thought Ye Fei was being overly cautious.

Ye Fei didn't care about their thoughts, anxiously asked, "When can I get the money out?"

The staff replied, "Soon, I'll call the notary office and the bank people over!"

Ye Fei nervously nodded, urging, "Hurry, hurry!"

When Ye Fei came out of the Welfare Lottery Center, it was already noon. He hurried into a public restroom, and seeing no one around, he unbuckled his belt, pulled down his pants, revealing a unique pair of triangular underwear. This underwear was different because, on Wang Shuang's suggestion, he had sewn a pocket inside. The initial 2,000 yuan came from there. Ye Fei took out the bank card from his jacket pocket and stuffed it into the underwear pocket, finally feeling relieved and letting out a sigh.

As he came out of the restroom, Ye Fei couldn't contain his smile. But thinking about the 80,000 tax payment, he felt a pang of heartache. In the past, he would have fought for that 80,000. Now, he just handed over the tax without a word.

He looked at the Welfare Lottery Center not far away and cursed, "Robbers!" If yesterday was a small gain, today meant to be lifted out of poverty.

Suddenly having money, Ye Fei felt lost, not knowing what to do. Thinking about the 80,000 tax, his stubbornness flared up.

"Damn it, 80,000! If I don't earn this money back, how am I going to sleep tonight!"

Ye Fei rushed into another lottery station, starting the struggle anew. Hope was beautiful, but reality was cruel. After visiting two stations in a row, even when his ability had disappeared, he only gained 5,000.

Having had the previous big win, Ye Fei's appetite became much greedier.

As he walked out of the lottery station, he stomped his foot and cursed, "Damn it, can't you hold on for a while? I haven't earned back my 80,000 yet!"

After venting, Ye Fei reluctantly gave up. That coldness seemed to come from nowhere, just fifteen minutes, he couldn't even hold on for a minute longer.

Rubbing his stomach, glancing at the sun, Ye Fei had been busy all morning and was feeling a bit hungry.

Looking around, a Sichuan restaurant was nearby. With 5,000 in his pocket and the bank card in his underwear, Ye Fei straightened his back and walked in.

At the checkout, watching the server take away his 100 yuan, he felt heartbroken. One hundred could buy him so many bowls of knife-shaved noodles, but now, a meal was gone, too extravagant.

Walking out of the restaurant, Ye Fei kept muttering under his breath, "One hundred, one hundred!"

Hearing a girl talking loudly on the roadside, Ye Fei remembered he was supposed to buy a phone.

After walking two blocks, he found a cellphone store.

The counter displayed an assortment of phones, almost blinding Ye Fei with their variety. Having never bought a phone before, he didn't know which one to choose after looking for a long time.

Seeing the smiling salesperson, Ye Fei asked, "Can you recommend a cost-effective phone for me? I'm new to the city and don't really understand these things."

It's rare to find a salesperson who looks down on customers in real life. After all, their salary consists of a base plus commission, so as long as the customer is willing to buy, they are a good customer. As for the scenes in novels where nobody pays attention, unless they've lost their mind or are too busy, why would anyone have an issue with money?

"Any phone that can make calls will do!" Ye Fei said.

The salesperson almost laughed, not at Ye Fei, but because nowadays, a phone is no longer just a communication tool. Making calls, using QQ, listening to music, reading novels, watching TV, posting on Weibo, the functions are getting broader. Phones are even transitioning into mini-computers.

People like Ye Fei, with such simple desires, are becoming rare. Especially for a young person full of innocence, not mentioning the purchase of an iPhone is already mature!

After briefly introducing the features of several phones, the salesperson asked, "Sir, what price range are you looking at?"

The salesperson smiled and brought out a newly launched smartphone, saying, "This brand isn't well-known, called Little Chili. Although it's not famous, it has complete functions and is cost-effective. It has a large screen, low power consumption, good signal, and looks pretty good."

Ye Fei took the phone and immediately liked it. It looked great, with a big screen, and could also play music and read novels, which suited him perfectly.

"How much?" Ye Fei asked anxiously.

"700 yuan, a unified price across the country! This phone offers great value for the price," the salesperson replied.

Ye Fei excitedly said, "So cheap?"

The salesperson smiled, "Actually, the functions of phones are more or less the same, mainly differing in the brand. A Samsung with similar functions costs four to five thousand yuan, and an iPhone is even more expensive, costing seven to eight thousand. This Little Chili may not be well-known, but it has complete functions and is affordable."

"I'll take this one!" Ye Fei eagerly interrupted.

After paying, Ye Fei picked up the new phone and left the store in a happy mood. At the mobile hall, he got a new SIM card and excitedly called home, "Mom, I bought a new phone!"

"Great, it's about time. It's much easier to reach you now. Son, aren't you going to work?" Wang Shuang asked.

"Mom, I took the day off today. Is Dad at home?" Ye Fei asked.

Wang Shuang replied, "No, your dad went to the construction site. Someone introduced him to a job."

Ye Fei worriedly said, "Mom, Dad is getting old, he shouldn't go to work anymore. I'll earn money, and in the future, you can just enjoy life at home."

Wang Shuang comforted him, "It's okay, son. You don't need to worry. Your dad said he'll work for two more years, save some money for your marriage, and then he'll stop."

"Mom, give me the bank account number at home. I'll send you money!" Ye Fei insisted firmly.

Wang Shuang declined, "Why send money? Keep it for yourself while you're out there!"

After Ye Fei insisted repeatedly, Wang Shuang told him the bank account number. Ye Fei immediately went to the bank and took out the bank card that he had kept hidden.

"How much would you like to withdraw?" the cashier asked.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Fei said, "300,000!"

The cashier took out the bank card and said, "For large cash withdrawals, you need to make an appointment in advance!"

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment and said, "I want to make a transfer!"

The cashier handed him a remittance form and said, "Please fill it out yourself!"

After Ye Fei filled it out, he waited for the cashier to ask about the handling fee. He almost jumped up when the cashier asked for it, cursing, "Damn, it's too much! They even charge a handling fee for withdrawing money from your own account."

Outside the bank, after hearing Ye Fei's words, several young people couldn't help but laugh. A chubby young man said, "Dude, you're really something!"

Ye Fei said, "It's not me, it's them being too much! When I want to send money home, they actually charged me a 50 yuan handling fee! Is this robbery?"

The group laughed, and the chubby young man said, "That's nothing. Some banks don't even have a limit. They'll charge you 100 yuan to send 8,000. Be content, buddy!"

After hearing this, Ye Fei almost wanted to jump up. If that was the case, he'd rather take the cash and bring it back home.

"Are you students from Tianjin University?" It was then that Ye Fei noticed that they were standing in front of the gates of Tianjin University!

The chubby young man said, "Yeah, we're here to withdraw money. Heh, we need our living expenses for the month. Can't compare to you!"

After saying that, the university students somewhat admired Ye Fei. After all, as young people, they were still asking for money from their families, while Ye Fei had already started sending money back home, the difference was too big!

"University, I envy that so much!" Ye Fei looked at the gate of Tianjin University and sighed. He had once been admitted to Tianjin University, but dropped out due to his family's financial difficulties. Now, he finally had the capital to return to campus.

Despite his envy, Ye Fei had no regrets. He felt that if he hadn't gone out to work, he wouldn't have experienced this series of events or gained the extraordinary ability of insight.

It was this ability that had enabled him to earn so much money in a short period of time, allowing him to finally send money back home.

After completing the remittance, Ye Fei walked out of the bank in a cheerful mood, carrying a box of instant noodles, heading back to his rental house.

The landlady, an old lady, was sunbathing in the yard. Seeing Ye Fei carrying the instant noodles, she exclaimed, "Xiao Ye, have you made a fortune? Eating Kangshifu noodles now?"

Ye Fei smiled and replied, "Yes, I got a raise!"

The old lady blinked and, thinking of how Ye Fei always wanted to buy cheap goods, couldn't help but laugh, "With so much money, shouldn't you raise the rent for yourself too?"

The old lady made up her mind and decided to talk to Ye Fei about raising the rent early the next morning.

As soon as Ye Fei entered the house, his phone rang. He hurriedly answered, knowing that other than his parents, no one else would call him. It must be his parents calling.

"Mom, have you received the money?" Ye Fei eagerly asked.

"Ye Fei, what's going on? Where did you get so much money? Did you participate in boxing matches?" Ye Li asked.

Just now, his wife had anxiously found her way to the construction site, scaring Ye Fei into a cold sweat, thinking something had happened to his son. When he got home, his wife tremblingly handed him the passbook to look at, and he finally understood.

Unable to suppress his worries, Ye Li called to inquire. He wasn't worried about Ye Fei earning money outside, but was afraid that his son wasn't taking the right path.

Ye Li knew his son better than anyone. Despite excelling in academics, he wasn't a well-behaved child.

When Ye Fei was young, he had suffered from the cold and had a weak body. It was only when he started primary school that he was taken to visit an old Chinese doctor who gradually helped him recover. By the time he reached junior high, Ye Fei had grown into a strong and healthy teenager. He secretly went to the city and participated in an underground boxing match, earning a thousand yuan. That was when Ye Li found out that Ye Fei hadn't learned much medicine, but had developed martial arts skills.

Since then, Ye Li strictly forbade Ye Fei from using his martial arts to harm others unless it was a matter of life and death. Only then was the incident considered closed.

Now seeing so much money sent by his son after half a month without contact, Ye Li immediately thought whether his son had gone to fight in an underground boxing match again, which was his reason for concern.

Having seen the world when he was young, Ye Li knew that those who fought in underground matches wouldn't have a good ending, which is why he strictly prohibited Ye Fei from revealing his martial arts skills.

"Son, are you the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong?" Ye Fei forced a bitter smile.

"Then where did you get so much money? Don't tell me you earned it; no boss would pay you such a high salary! Unless you did something illegal!" Ye Li said.

Ye Fei replied with a smile, "Dad, I won it in the lottery."

"In the lottery?" Ye Li expressed doubt.

"It's true, I really bought a scratch-off lottery ticket for thirty yuan and unexpectedly won a first prize. 400,000 yuan, 400,000 yuan!" Ye Fei said excitedly. Even after a long time, Ye Fei's face remained excited when he mentioned four hundred thousand.

"Is what you're saying true?" Ye Li asked, somewhat incredulous.

Ye Fei said, "It's true. I didn't lie to you. I still have the winning receipt here. If you don't believe me, I'll mail it to you! Unfortunately, they immediately took away eighty thousand in taxes, leaving me with three hundred and twenty thousand! I kept two thousand for myself and sent the rest back to you! Dad, with so much money, you and Mom don't need to work so hard anymore!"

At this point, tears almost fell from Ye Fei's eyes.

Thinking about the years of hardship, he could finally help his parents. He suddenly felt incredibly happy!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Li hadn't come to his senses. Wang Shuang asked, "Did you find out where the money came from? Ye Fei must not do anything illegal! We only have one son!"

Ye Li said, "Don't talk nonsense! Ye Fei won it in the lottery!"

Wang Shuang was surprised and stunned. Could such good fortune really exist?

"Tell me in detail, what exactly happened?" Wang Shuang asked anxiously.

Ye Li smiled and repeated Ye Fei's words. When he finished, the old couple suddenly burst into tears. After so many years, there seemed to be no hope, if it wasn't for having a son, they wouldn't know how to get through it all.

Heaven had shown them mercy, and their only thought was about their son.

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