
Chapter 6.23 - Destined Together (Spring Rut Extra Chapter)

Liza the Demis breathed out a sigh. She was excited. She was also nervous. She had been one of the first of Haven's citizens. She had been around to watch undead hands build the home she lived in now. Her home was the 3rd floor of her clinic, and she had a few homunculi taking care of her basic household chores. But today was not a day in the clinic, and it was not a day doing a deep dive into the capital dungeon, or a day rendering aid on the battlefield. As one of Haven's most accomplished healers, her skills were always in need for the advanced teams. She had even recently learned to cast high magic using the additional mana in the atmosphere, which is why Lord Serin had given her his most precious spell, Bring to life. It was a gift and a curse. She was now no longer worried about overextending herself to death, but now Serin let her know they would be sharing the burden if there was another mass casualty event. 'Punishment for good behavior i guess' Liza mused.

But she pushed such thoughts out of her mind. For today she took an extra long bath, put on her cutest dress, brushed her hair and the fur on her tail, and used an expensive lip stain that was the current craze among the humans of their nation.

Today was the day of the Spring Rut. The Spring Rut was the opposite to the harvest festival. While the harvest festival focused on the bounty of life, the spring rut encouraged the beauty of a strong family. So while the demis, lybringer, and elves were rarely seen at the Harvest Festival, it was the exact opposite for the Spring Rut. In fact, the attendance was almost polar opposite from the Harvest festival. 'Except for the humans. They were everywhere', Liza mused. And unlike previous events where it was nothing more than a glorified gathering of all the single people in Haven looking for a mate, this time Master Cellic would be in attendance, offering his divination powers to help young couples find a match.

Liza was not frightened of much, but at the other spring ruts, she had frozen. She couldn't bring herself to dance or enjoy the conversation with the other suitors. Too many people would figure out who she was and would attempt to curry favor. It became almost a politically fueled event. Being the most powerful healer outside the Lord carried weight, being from a prestigious and meritorious background carried power. And as each year went by and Liza's accomplishments grew more and more, the prospect of finding love got dimmer and dimmer. But not this time. Liza would get her chance. She was not dressed in her more conservative clothing, and she had never worn this dress. A bit of perfume would hide her scent from the other Demis that constantly hounded her for her hand. 'Its as if i was preparing for battle,' Liza smiled. And with that she walked the short walk from her clinic to the town square where all of the celebrations were taking place.


'So Far this is disappointing.' was what Liza thought. Out of the thousands that had shown up, the majority being from Thul, Corvid, and Ston, Master Cellic had only had 12 tables set out. That was the upper end for the expected amount of divined pairs. Past that, the process was a pretty simple one. Master Cellic had made a very special glass bowl and filled it with water. Each person was given two pieces of ribbon with an identical number on each. A drop of blood was added to one of the pieces of ribbon and it was tossed into the bowl. Thousands of slips made their way in.

Once everyone was ready, Master Cellic started. "There are many eligible bachelors and bachelorettes out here. All this spell will do is show those who happen to have the person perfect for them. For everyone else, there will be a normal matchmaking event, and should you wish I can check compatibility for any prospective partners. Anything over 85% is considered widely successful. These are just those lucky enough to have 100% match."

Master Cellic smiled and cast his magic over the bowl. As he did, the slips all swirled together. Most fell to the bottom, but some kept swimming together before the ribbons bound themselves together. These Master Cellic pulled out and laid on a mat.

"Congratulations! We have 12 pairs. My prediction was right, as expected." Master Cellic winked. "Would those who were chosen please come to the front, your evening's festivities will be special, all of which was paid by Lord Serin Aegis, as family is one of the most important values that he holds dear."


'This was not what i expected.'

Liza was young. Maybe early 20s in appearance, she had plated early. But across from her was a young boy, easily a few years younger. His sharp features and pointed ears identified him as a forest elf.

Liza shook the thought out. Master Cellic knew what he was doing. "Hello, My name is Liza.I am a Grey Wolf Demis, and I reside in the Capital."

The boy was nervous. But her name did not register in his eyes. "My name is Callion Grier. I reside in the Elven Grove in the Biome Region."

Liza knew the elves rarely left their groves, so their attendance was rare. "So what do you like to do?"

Callion smiled, "I work as an apprentice in Master Shurik's lab. Most of the those who work in the lab work on weapons, but I work in the 'Quality of Life' department. I will be submitting my first breakthrough to the lab next Monday, which will definitely earn me a full research spot." Liza followed up, "what is your breakthrough?"

Callion smiled, "Its a portable air cooler that work off mana crystals and perma-ice. I have heard that the tents in Ston are hot, and it occurred to me that many houses are probably without the Gole's thermal stabilizers. Plus I like a cool breeze on me when I sleep."

Liza smiled, this young boy was clueless who she was. He then asked her. "What do you do?" Liza froze. "I am a healer in the capital region. Sometimes I go into the dungeon." Liza was sure he would put two and two together.

He didn't. Callion had no idea who Liza was. He simply smiled "That must be dangerous! You are much braver than I. I am a member of the protectorate as well, but I am full time assigned to the research and development division. Combat is just not the life for me."

Liza smiled. He was a cute boy that was honest about himself. Not like the boisterous Demis who veyed for her hand on a near weekly basis. "So what do you do when you are not working?"

Callion smiled, "my family is pretty good at plant alternation. My goal is to create a few more substances like pixie dust, since the pixie dusted honey is so rare that we only get to have it once a year."

Boys will be boys. "I guess you are a harvest festival reveler, I take it?"

Callion shook his head. "I went to one once. It wasn't really my thing. I would love to find someone who I could love and start a family one day, but I was warned that the girls there will tell you just about anything you want to hear to have a child, and you are lucky if they want to stick around afterwards."

Liza was a bit shocked. This elf thought like a Demis. Demis were rare at the Harvest Festival, usually choosing to volunteer for protectorate shifts those days, or just not attend. As Callion put it, it was not their scene. If a Demis laid with another, it was almost magic, as they are instantly bound to each other. Between demis it is never an issue, but for the more fickle races, a Demis heartbreak can be terrible. It's why relationships with non-Demis were rare. Some called their race 'clingy' but that was how they were. Once physical intimacy started, it was a binding that could not be undone.

Callion then said, "I was sort of glad when I Master Cellic said I matched with a Demis. Demis ideals on family and love are similar to ours." Liza smiled. "Would you like to order drinks?"


Their laughter continued for quite a few hours. Liza was starting to feel something she hadn't felt before. And this man Callion brought it out in her. But it seems that nothing was ever that easy. Callion did not have the heightened senses of a battle hardened soldier, so he did not notice what Liza did, which was a fiery elven woman, armed with a sword, marching towards the event.

Callion had his back to her, but Liza could see her, and with her Demis trait she could hear her. Liza did her best to not let the conversation she heard show on her face. She saw another elf in the set of 12 pairs, so she only hoped that this woman was somehow related to her, and not sweet Callion.

"I don't care who you are, Dhamphir. You will let me through to our family's Heir. he should never have snuck out. He should have never come to this event. He was forbidden."

The woman had a hand on the hilt of her sheathed sword. Master Cellic tried to diffuse the situation. But while he did so, he smashed a small crystal in his vest. It was one carried by all counselors of Haven. Master Cellic only had to buy time.

"As the situation is Matriarch, this is a private event. I would like to discuss it a bit before we interrupt such a nice date. I understand you have a few misgivings, but these couples were divined at 100%. There is not a better match under the stars above. Why dont we go to the side, I have been told I am a pretty good listener."

The lip of this woman upturned. "I don't care what your silly little magic says. Rylin will be marrying my son. That demonic goat boy she is on a date with will be going back to serving tea or carrying packages, it's all they are good for. And I will be retrieving my son." Master Cellic's legendary composure was starting to falter. 'Racism' was not a thing the dhamphir understood, since they were universally disliked for their appearance. Master Cellic started to interject, "Matriarch Grier, this is a matter that goes above you and me." With that, the woman yelled. This time loud enough for Callion to hear. "ENOUGH! I will not have the Patriarch of our next grove be handed to some beastial cur and her litter of mutts."

Callion turned white at the terrible words his mother's voice had just said. It was poison coming from her mouth. Liza's composure broke. She began to cry.

Liza was preparing to leave when a few things happened. First, several scores of protectorate led by Serin arrived at the scene. Seeing that someone had brought a sword Serin's first thought was there was a violent jilted lover. Then he saw the scene unfolding and recognized the woman as Matriarch Grier, the highest ranking female in the elven grove and responsible for its day to day care.

When they arrived, Matriarch Grier's posture relaxed and a smug smile came across her face. Serin looked at Master Cellic. "Master Cellic, report."

Master Cellic bowed, "It seems the Matriarch Grier is upset with the outcome of the Spring Rut. We have two couples that she has determined were made in error, because her plan as the primary caretaker was to have the Elf Callion and the Elf Rylin marry and lead the next grove. However each had a perfect match, with another attendant."

Serin then looked at Matriarch Grier. "Is this an accurate summary?"

Matriarch Grier, not realizing her position commented, "almost. He failed to fix this situation and instead said it was not his place to fix this and that the matter was 'above him'. I assume that is why you are here, Lord Serin."

Lord Serin shook his head. "Yes and no. I was summoned because someone brought a lethal weapon into this event, and since it is overseen by Master Cellic a Dhamphir, no lethal weapons are permitted at his request. Even I, the Lord of this nation, respect his wishes and did not bring my bolter. Instead I have my spells." Serin showed his hands and assuredly he was completely unarmed of purely lethal weapons.

Serin then asked, "What is the concern with the pairing between Callion and Liza as well as Rylin and Sharn?"

Matriarch Grier looked smug. "Because Rylin is going to be married to Callion. They will lead the next grove. This was determined months ago."

Serin saw the look of surprise on the faces of Callion and Rylin, who along with the Skygge Sharn and Liza the Demis had been ushered into the conflict. Liza was in tears. She had held it back for so long but it was all coming out. She had finally connected with a beautiful kind man and fate was being its usual cruel self.

Serin looked at Callion and Rylin. "Were the two of you aware you were promised to each other, and was this done willfully by the two of you? Be aware, this is now an investigation, and I have both a Lancer and a 3rd party diviner checking if you are lying."

Matriarch Grier looked a little shocked, "An investigation is quite unnecessary at this time."

Suddenly Serin's power began to move from his body. "Are you telling me what is and isn't necessary in this Nation? Perhaps you forget your place."

Serin then said, his voice booming, "Everyone within earshot of my voice is to come to me, as a command of this nation's sovereign." Serin then used magic and fired up a red flare, followed by a black flare.

Master Cellic, the only member of the council present, knew what the identifiers meant. Pity took over his eyes as he looked upon Matriarch Grier, as her indiscretion would not be overlooked.


The first to arrive was the entire council. Serin saw a few faces he wished he saw more often. Rachel was with Allister, and pregnant again and had another child in her arms. That makes 3 by Serin's count. He wished he could meet with them in a more pleasant circumstance.

Liza had figured out what was going on, She knew there was only one reason to call at least one member of the entire council from their current duties and arrive at the town square. She remembered the last time it had happened, and it had been years since the slavers had brought the first carriages of human slaves from the GWA.

It was a trial.

The next to arrive was a set of protectorate that Liza had never heard of, but was fully aware of. It was the group that was responsible for internal justice. Led by the unmasked Ansar, Scion of Retribution, the entire group was made up of a group consisting of representatives from all the races, including unarmed honorary members of the Dhamphir. There was even one Porter who was a Transmuted, and one masked person had two ID numbers, meaning that one was acting as a host for a Parasyte.

Liza paled. It was the Inquisitor Team. She knew because of her rank in the protectorate. Their sole job was to carry out justice and root out treason and sedition. They were rarely activated, usually a scary story told to children that were mean to other races at the Academy.

Yet here they were.

Serin had everyone present. "With everyone present. I will present the facts so far. We will then question each involved person. The elves Callion and Rylin, under their own free will and without reservation, attended the Spring Rut festival intent on finding a possible pairing. They were then selected by fate to be 100% compatible with Liza and Sharn, who also attended this festival under their own free will and without reservation. To the four present, are the facts presented accurate to the best of your knowledge."

There were a few nods from the other three, but Liza had seen a trial before and knew how to answer. She straightened her back, stood at attention, and with eyes forward, answered "This information presented is accurate to the best of my knowledge, Lord Serin."

The other three mimicked the response. After a nod from the Lancer and two other diviners checking for truth, Serin continued.

"During the festivities, Matriarch Grier of the Forest Elves entered the area reserved for those destined by fate for meeting each other and growing their connection. She came into the area, reserved by and administered by the Dhamphir Master Cellic, with a lethal weapon in hand. At which time I was notified that an armed intruder had entered Haven via our emergency crystal. Albeit an unorthodox use of the crystal, it was still valid, so Master Cellic will not be held liable for the cost of our reactionary force deployment. In fact, for the record, this is a perfect example of when to use the crystal in a non-invasion situation."

Serin looked at Master Cellic. His eyes were filled with anger that Master Cellic knew was not for him. "Master Cellic, I was not privy to the conversation between you and Matriarch Grier. Can you tell me what was said?"

Master Cellic, aware of the severity of the situation, did what was in the nature of dhamphirs to do. He kindly twisted his words to make something appear in the best possible light while still being true, and obscured his surface thoughts with a vision of the twilight moons of his home.

"Matriarch Grier was worried about the future of the elven people's expansion into the their second grove. Although she might not have used the kindest words, it came from a place of concern."

The two diviners nodded that what he said was, at the purest form, true as far as master Cellic understood. Serin couldn't force the damning evidence it seemed. Until he heard laughing.

"That's one way to put it." said the Lancer. Serin looked at her. She composed herself. "Apologies Lord Serin, but there was another witness to the conversation, and her recollection of events was so loud I could barely hear Master Cellic's thoughts." Serin then asked, "who heard?"

The Lancer pointed at Liza, who kind of froze.

Serin nodded, "Well, Master Cellic, your intentions may have been good when you obscured the truth and your own thoughts, but Liza does not have such skill, and now her memory will have to be drawn out, since it will be unadulterated by your machinations."

Master Cellic bowed, "I apologize she will be made to feel it again, but when you watch, you will know."

Serin came over to Liza, "What should have been a happy day that i know you have waited so long for will be forever tainted. For this I can only beg your forgiveness, but I must see what was said, so others will not be hurt like you in the future."

Liza nodded, tears welling up. "I understand Sir. I have felt worse."

Serin nodded to the Lancer, who came over and kissed Liza's forehead. Liza fell asleep. The Lancer pulled the memory out, copied it, and replaced it. Liza lay crying in her sleep. Then she put the memory on display for the council.


After watching the memory with a pure audio recording, over tear filled visual, the council, and the gathered crowd stood still.

Serin then started. "The following charges are being levied against Matriarch Grier and the Elven people: False imprisonment of a Plated citizen. Attempted enslavement via arranged marriage without consent. Both of which break our first law, as they fall under slavery. Then there are two counts of attempted use of racial bias in determining the status of housing and position within Haven. Finally there is cruelty towards another based on race, as the comments presented were enough in themselves to warrant a trial."

There was a hand raised among the council. It was from Isil who stood coldly the color drained from his face. The Patriarch of the Grove, Isil Grier stared at his wife on trial. Lord Serin motioned to him. "Lord Serin, due to my familial connection to the accused, I will be recusing myself from judgement. However as a Point of Information: The Matriarch and Patriarch must both have a significant connection to either Nature or Life magic, or the grove will fail to form. Specifically unless one is advanced in Nature Magic or a Master of Life Magic. This is a requirement that cannot be overlooked by our people, and I ask that you weigh this in your judgement."

At this time Liza was waking up and she heard the comment. Callion was holding her as she awoke, and she felt warm in his embrace.

Serin understood. "Thank you Counselor Grier for recusing yourself. I am glad I did not have to ask. As for the point of information. This is an important bit of information, and had it had a bearing on this case, it might have partially lessened some of the charges."

Isil Greer looked shocked. Matriarch Grier looked confused, as the elves were notably the most accomplished Druids and Healers in the Nation, with the exception of 2 people. Serin looked at Liza, "Liza. For the court, please state your Rank, Name, Class, Level, granted title, and Awards."

Liza Stood up and at attention and rendered the Demis Salute of an arm crossed over her chest.

"Major Liza Mondjäger, 1st Team leader of Haven Special Forces Team "Witchdoctors", Healer level 78, Sister of Mercy, High Mage, Conqueror of the Capital Dungeon Level 30. Subjugator of Ston with Valor, Resolute Defender of Haven with Valor, Battle of the Pass with Valor, Survivor of the Chasing Plague" she paused before saying the last one "and Bringer of life".

Titles were not things earned casually. Neither were awards. Or rank. It was how people measured against each other in merit, and it determined one's worth, property allotment, financial backing, and marriage prospects. It was the complete determiner of importance within Haven, and this young Demis girl in a cute dress, perfume, and makeup was one of the highest ranked people in Haven by Merit.

The crowd was hushed. Serin then looked at Liza, "Thank you Major Mondjager, I apologize for putting you on the spot like that, but as the court can see, you do in fact meet the credentials to assist in weaving an elven Grove, and although you cannot lead the venture, you can certainly add your enormous power to it."

Liza looked at Callion, but his expression hadn't changed. Serin could see that he still looked at her the way he had during the date, before her tears. She looked at him and the eyes were welcoming. Serin was sure today's events would not destroy what was blossoming in front of him, but it would definitely put a cloud on events.

The skygge boy just sort of shuffled, "Lord Serin I am not sure you need my credentials, but I am just a junior airman as part of the Overwatch team, so I don't meet the merit required." Rylin stifled a laugh. Serin was glad they still got along. But now was the matter at hand. "Thank you for the input airman, but your testimony is not required at this time."

"Matriarch Grier, your people were given quite a bit of leeway when it comes to the establishment of your Grove. You were exempted from taxes, you were given special permissions to delay the assimilation process. You were given permission to form your own form of protectorate of the grove. I feel this has given you the impression that you are worth more than your provided merit."

The council nodded. Serin continued," On all counts presented, How does the council find the accused?"

Of the 24 counselors present, they unanimously voted guilty. Serin was not sure what to do. This would definitely lead to a serious problem, but xenophobia had to be ousted before it could grow. "Does the council have a recommendation before I pass judgement?"

Serin was hoping for a bailout. If he executed a high ranking Forest Elf and then, by custom, fed her to changelings, it would most likely cause a riot. One hand raised. It was from a human boy, who acted as a proxy for the parasite that was a passenger. Normally he was a merchant during the day but during council meetings, the boy lent his body to his passenger, Hamil. Hamil began to speak.

"As the complexity of this issue has many facets, there are several issues that need immediate and extensive remediation. First, we recommend absorbing the grove protectors into the haven protectorate, and giving them a measure of autonomy while still enforcing the contract required by all members of the Haven protectorate. Additionally, we recommend the Inquisitor team enters the grove for a health and welfare inspection of every plated citizen with Patriarch Grier's backing, to ensure that there are no more members of the grove being held against their will, and sending in a training specialist to reteach our laws, as well as applicable subsets, to those of the Grove. As for the matriarch, as her plan was not born out of malice, we the parasites recommend she be made a conscious passenger for a minimum period of 40 years or until such time that she had curbed her xenophobic ideals. We understand that this must be presented as a voluntary option, and as such the first law is not violated, as the status of passenger was chosen over death or exile. We believe having her be in charge of interracial studies at the academy for her sentence seems an adequate position to ensure she learns to respect those who are different from herself."

Serin blinked. From the mouth of a human barely old enough to be plated was one of the most articulate responses to a complex issue he could have asked for. Matriarch Grier spat a response. "If you think I will be food for the changelings or a host for you disgusting worms you are wrong."

"Matriarch, I think this.." Callion tried to respond but her tirade continued, "And if you think my Grove will respond with anything but fire and blood.." "MOTHER!" Callion screamed. The grass vibrated, not from magic but from fear of his will. Matriarch Grier looked. Her son came over to her. Ansar, the changeling scion who acted as trial warden, began to move but Serin waived him off. Callion was calm might be able to help the trial reach a cleaner resolution. His words carried weight with his mother as he spoke. "I have found someone that in mere hours has filled me with something I cannot describe, and I look forward to every moment with her, and I am not embarrassed if she hears it. If you choose to become a passenger, you can see your family continue, and it might not have been part of your plan, you will still get to one day be there as the tallest branches of the second Grove Tree touch the sky." Callion then looked steadfast. "If you choose death or exile, know your name will end. I will remove my root from the great tree by force and burn it as a torch when you are forced from this land. I would rather become groundless and end your line than let the name 'Grier' carry forward into the future still stained by your vile racism."

Matriarch Grier was shaken. Serin had read about the root. It was both a symbolic and a metaphysical link between an elf and his home. Burning a root was a fate worse than death, and according to what Serin had read, it removed an elf from the family, of which he can never join again. Should a groundless elf create a grove in the future, it will be like poison to any rooted to his previous Grove. It was a two way banishment.

Liza watched Callions speech. She was older and more than a few cm taller, This man stood up for her. She was easily 3x Callion's level, yet he protected her from a threat only he could battle. She felt a tinge in her chest, and didn't know what to call it.

Serin watching the display looked at Matron Grier. "It looks like a new punishment has been added. You will be given the option to be a cognisant passenger for a parasite. After a term of 40 years, if you have washed yourself of your poisonous feelings, you will be given back control, and at that time you and the parasite can choose to stay together or part. Or you can be split into several thousand pieces and shared among the changelings, as not one on record has fiested on elven flesh. I should point out to you that out of respect for your history, the changeling representatives have stayed quiet during this entire proceeding. And although Exile has normally been an option for those who break our laws, It is not an option for you. Because you have been privy to our National Secrets, Haven cannot allow you to leave. I will let you choose. Death or Passenger."


Matriarch Grier lay in a white cloth, her hands bound in a white silk rope to a rope belt. Sienna, the caretaker of the first pool, gave a smile. "I have let the little one know to treat you delicately, as this was a hard choice for you." Matriarch Grier's pride had burned out, now replaced with fear. "Will it hurt?" Sienna smiled softly. "Being an active passenger is a relatively painless form of host. Your new roommate will enter the nasal cavity, since it will not be affecting your consciousness. We will have you breath in a bit of topical anesthetic, but you will need to be awake. You will feel a bit of pressure, and then there will be a bit of adjustment. After that, you can simply 'talk' to your roommate. You will see all he sees, and hear all he hears, but in the end he is in control." Matriarch Grier looked terrified. Sienna laid her down into a shallow pool of water. "Since you are being selected to become a conscious passenger, the first few days during conversion will be difficult, as you will be able to fight for control. However I must ask that you give in. In the end, once embedded, the parasite always wins, and the longer you struggle, the more difficult it will be for you for you to come to terms with your new arrangement."

Fear was on Matriarch Grier's face. Isil and Callion were there, as well as several other members of the elven community. It had been several days since the trial and the outcome. A few other youths were allowed to leave, and after setting their slips in Cellic's divination bowl, they all matched with others from outside their grove, throwing off Master Cellic's prediction. The incident and the fallout was openly displayed to the entire nation. Everyone knew that xenophobia and racism might crop up, but it was expected to have been the Human expats that were the first to openly show it. To see a recently rescued group of refugees show such behavior shook Haven at its core.

But now there was the outcome of such actions and beliefs. Callion felt nervous for his mother. Although elves aged extremely slow, he was sad she would not be able to actively participate in the lives of her first grandchildren. Callion Grier felt a warm hand squeeze his. It was Liza's.

Since they had met, Liza had not left Callion's side.


Aaaaand a big chapter as a thank you for 100 chapters! Great way to close out a week.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts