
Bound to the Falcon

Anne is bound to her fate. The falcon is the bird of royalty and when you see the falcon and hear it's call, your fate is sealed. She is one of five citizens that are called to become suitors for the royal family. You are judged by your worth to become consort to the heir of the throne. For Anne, she wants nothing to do with the royal family. She has her own love, but she has her duty to the royal family. Will her love prevail, or will the royal family have her?

Heybrother16 · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Fair warning at the beginning of the story, I will be using a language created by Roll For Fantasy. It won't encompass the whole story, but it will be shown here or there. I will have the English version of the language underneath it as to not confuse anyone. On with the story!!

Anne's POV

My name is Anne Gregory. I am the owner of the Gregory Horse Farm. When my parents passed, their farm went to me and I have run it ever since. Many of our kin wanted nothing to do with it, so I had to step up and take care of everything at the ripe age of fifteen. For the next ten years, I've raised the name of the Gregory Horse Farm's reputation to where we stand now. A high tracking of horses and income flowing like the river. Steady and unyielding but not without a few bumps in the road. I now stand at twenty-five years old, never married, and thriving. Even though a lot of suitors come and go, I stay to my pride as my father taught me, but let them down gently as my mother has said before.

"Of tsene eletsoll, O fell selph eaou mots?" a man asks.

'Is there anything I can help you with?'

I was looking at wares in my local market for a gift to give to my lover. I had stopped at a jeweler and didn't notice him until he came up to me.

"O'p laamoll fan e loft fan pe lawen." I tell.

'I'm looking for a gift for my lover.'

"O sewe jouft tse tsoll fan eaou," he says.

'I have just the thing for you.'

He goes to look through his wares as I look through his merchandise on the tables. I hear a caw above me and lookup. A peregrine falcon was circling me and I couldn't believe it.

"Ot sef ta lelr fan ot ta ne neel," I mumble.

'It has to land for it to be real.'

Just as I say it, it lands on top of the man's kiosk and peers down at me. Now I know it is THE falcon. The royal falcon.

'It's been ten years already?' I think.

The man comes back with a necklace in hand but stops as he sees the falcon.

"Congratulations young one. You've been chosen to become..." he starts.

"I know what it means," I interrupt.

He looks down at his hand and remembers what it is that you were there for.

"Oh. I am sorry," he says.

"It is alright. How much is the necklace?" I ask.

"Three green crowns," he tells.

I rummage through my cloak and pull out three green crowns. I hand it to them and take the necklace. I walk away from the market and back towards my family's horse farm. I get to the front to see the stable hand sweeping out front.

"Hello, Ms. How fares your trip to the market?" Daniel, the stable hand, asks.

"I come back bringing a gift for Elizabeth. The doctors had left right?" I ask.

"They have," he tells.

"How does she fare?" I ask.

"It's not good, ma'am. Her sickness is getting stronger every passing day. They say she may have days, maybe even a week left." he tells.

I nod at that but smile anyway.

"Thank you for being here, Daniel. Please, take the rest of the day off after you feed the horses. I would like to spend what time I have with her." I tell.

He nods, not wanting to refuse me and I walk inside my house and upstairs. I stop outside her room taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. I knock on the door and open it, stepping inside to see her resting on the bed.

My sweet Elizabeth.

Her hair a dull, lackluster brown, her face sickly pale in completion to mine, but still so young. I move over to her side and sit down in the chair next to the bed.

"I'm here my love," I say.

She turns at the sound and smiles softly at me.

"Your back," she says.

Her voice was so soft that is was almost barely audible. Like a whisper in the wind.

"I am. I brought you something from the market." I tell.

I reach into my hip pouch and pull out the necklace. I show it to her and she smiles.

"It's beautiful," she whispers.

"I thought of you when I saw it," I tell, putting it on her.

She lifts it slightly in her hands but starts coughing badly. I retrieve the water on the end table and help her sit up to drink it. Her coughs calm down and she rests against me.

"Thank you, my love."

"Anything for you," I tell.

We laid there, content with everything around us.

"I love you Elizabeth." I murmur, falling asleep.

"I love you too," Elizabeth says.

We fall into a deep sleep, but only one of us woke up that next morning.