
Chapter Six

Vers followed Loki into the bedroom, deep in thought. She knew Loki was taking her somewhere. Even though she didn't know where it was exactly, it had to be important to him, and after all the work he'd done to change the inside of the ship, and the few glimpses she'd seen of the outside she knew it would be all but unrecognizable to even her own people now.

'He's hiding,' she realized, knowing that he wouldn't have changed the ship as much as he had on a whim. For a brief moment, she thought it was to hide from her people, but quickly dismissed the idea. When she fought him, he didn't seem the least bit afraid of the Kree. She sighed internally, hating that she only so few pieces of the puzzle.

She looked away quickly; her face going red as Loki shed his clothes, reminded again of Sebastian, a carbon copy of Loki, down to the very last detail.

She still didn't know what to think about Loki's abilities. It wasn't something as simple as erasing her memories. This was far more complex. He made her believe it was normal to sit in his lap, to share a bed with him, and who knows what else? She didn't even realize something changed until after he pointed it out.

"Well?" Loki asked, holding open the bedsheet for Vers expectantly, a cocky smirk on his face.

Vers glared at Loki, knowing what he wanted. "No! I'm a soldier, not your puppet," she ground out. "I don't know how you're doing any of this, but it's not going to work forever. I'm going to figure out a way out of this," she added, more for herself than Loki.

"I'm sure you'll try," Loki replied smoothly. "But it won't be tonight," he said, sending her a surreptitious mental suggestion to get into the bed with him.

Vers sent one last glare at Loki before she lay down on the bed, turning her back so she faced away from him with a huff, furious that he still wouldn't tell her where they were going, and what he wanted with her.

It was always the same answer every time she asked where they were going, nowhere. It was infuriating.

She closed her eyes as she felt him wrap his around her waist, spooning her from behind, feeling her cheeks redden as he nestled his stiff cock between her ass cheeks and held her tight.

It felt so much like how her dream ended the previous night, with Safira pleasured to exhaustion and falling asleep in Sebastian's arms.

She let out the breath she had been holding, hoping that Loki hadn't noticed her physical reaction to him as she fell into a deep sleep.


Vers woke up to find herself in the countryside. 'Great,' she thought sarcastically, 'another dream.'

She looked down at herself, expecting another dream about Safira, but was surprised to find she was riding a horse, and dressed in black armor with gold accents, but not much of it. There was a sword strapped to her side, and a bow, along with a quiver of arrows on her back.

'Where am I now?' she thought curiously, riding down the dirt road, but all she saw were a few trees, open meadows, and the odd squirrel.

She knew her questions wouldn't be answered directly, and for all intents and purposes she was just an observer, albeit one that felt an experienced everything the woman she inhabited felt.

It was a hot day. She could feel the sun beating down on her skin, a sheen of sweat covering over body. She reached down, pulling a water skin from her saddlebag, only to frown when she realized it was already empty.

It was clear the woman had been riding for some time, and was exhausted. Her shoulders were slumped, and she sat low in her saddle, holding the reins loosely.

Vers could only watch as the woman continued to ride down the road for what felt like hours, until she arrived at a pond, and finally stopped her horse. The woman dismounted and led her horse to the water, allowing it to drink.

She glanced down, finally able to see her reflection, and just like her other dream as Safira, it was her body. She had black plate armor, shoulder guards, bracers, and a chest piece that left her midriff bare.

She looked around, making sure no one was around before she stripped off her armor and weapons, putting them in a neat pile by the edge of the pond and dove into the water, letting out a sigh of relief as she felt the cool water on her skin.

When she felt refreshed and was ready to continue her journey, she waded out of the pond, making sure to refill her water skin after she donned her armor.

Just as she was about to reach for her weapons, she saw a group of soldiers cresting the hill up the road. She frowned, looking at them in confusion. 'Why are soldiers in this backwater country so well armed?' she thought to herself, seeing their full plate armor and castle forged iron weapons.

She was about to reach for her sword, but thought better of it as they got closer, not wanting them to think she was going to attack them. The last thing she needed was to get get drawn into a fight with them, and inevitably draw the attention of whoever ruled these lands, but her hopes were dashed when they came to a stop in front of her.

"Our lord requests the pleasure of your company, Lady Vers. There is an urgent matter he wishes to discuss with you," their leader said.

'Lady Vers?' Vers thought, surprised that it was actually her name this time.

"I'm afraid I have another engagement I'm already late for," Lady Vers lied, trying to appear regretful. The last thing she needed was to deal with the whims of a piddling lord that had far too much time on his hands, and not nearly enough sense. "The next time I pass through your lord's lands, I would be happy to."

"Our lord insists," the soldier said, his voice taking on a harder edge.

Lady Vers sighed, "If you know my name, you must also know of my reputation. Trust me when I tell you. You don't want to start a quarrel with me," she warned. "Tell your lord what I said, and I'm sure he'll see sense."

"Our lord was clear," the soldier replied, stone faced. "You are to come with us. This is your final warning."

Lady Vers looked up at the soldiers, assessing her chances. All six of them were on horseback, giving them the advantage, but she could also see the sweat on their brows. They had been riding for a long time, and with all the heavy armor they wore in this blistering heat, they would be slower too.

She glanced down, eying her sword and bow on the ground. While the soldiers were in full plate, they were still gaps in their armor. A few well-placed arrows would bring them down. She just have to reach her bow, and put some distance between them first. It would be tricky, but nothing she hadn't done before.

Lady Vers lunged forward, reaching for her bow and quiver, turning it into a roll as she scooped them up and sprang back up to her feet. She dashed to the side, quickly drawing and notching an arrow as she ran. Just as she turned to get off her first shot, her eyes widened as the soldiers threw a weighted net at her.

She ducked down, trying to move out of the way, but the net landed squarely on top of her her, sending her sprawling to the ground. Struggling to free herself she reached for her dagger, only for the soldiers dismount. Four of them took a corner of the net each, holding it down, and trapping her as the other two wrestled her arms behind her back, locking them in a set of shackles.

As Lady Vers kicked and shouted angrily, they did the same to her ankles. "What is the meaning of this!?" she shouted angrily. "I have done nothing wrong!"

"You've spit on the hospitality of our lord," the lead soldier said as they removed the net and hauled back her to her feet. "That's enough."

Lady Vers glared at the soldier, but said nothing, knowing she wouldn't be able to talk her way out of this. Whoever their mysterious lord of theirs was, he knew how she fought and trained his soldiers accordingly.

"Get her on her horse," the lead solider ordered his men. "Tie her hands and feet to the saddle and keep a close watch on her," he ordered, eying Lady Vers wearily. "She's more dangerous than she looks," he warned his men.

"She doesn't look all that dangerous to me, sir," one of the soldiers said with a leer, the youngest of the group. "Maybe we should have a little fun with her first," he said, eying Lady Vers up and down.

The leader marched up to the soldier, hitting him with a vicious backhand that sent him sprawling to the ground. "Don't even think about it," he growled. "She's not to be touched by anyone but our lord."

"What's the harm, sir? We beat her, didn't we? She doesn't seem all that tough to me," another soldier said.

"Don't let her looks fool you lads, she's killed men by the hundreds," the leader said. "And given the chance, she'd kill every last one of us. Now no more talk of defying our lord. You've all been paid, and paid well, to do a job. Let's see it done. First rounds on me when we get back," he promised.

Lady Vers watched as the men cheered, patting each other on the back before manhandling her onto her horse, tying her down so that her stomach lay on her saddle, giving her no room to move or reach for the knots.

A long and very humiliating ride later they arrived in a town. She couldn't see it very well from her position, but the roads were paved with stone and the town was bustling with far more people than she expected.

Not long after that, they crossed into the courtyard of a large stone castle built on a hillside, and after the soldiers pulled her off her horse, she got her first look at it.

She craned her neck, looking up at the impressive castle. It was huge, stretching into the sky. It was by far, the largest castle she'd ever seen. The walls were thick and looked like they could stand for more than a year under full siege without any trouble. She could also see a lot of soldiers, at least a hundred by her count, and probably a lot more within the castle and the surrounding town.

Before she could inspect the courtyard further, the soldiers hauled to the door and brought her into the throne room.

'Loki,' Vers thought, recognizing him immediately, sitting on his throne.

"My Lord," the lead solider said with a short bow. "We found Lady Vers, just where you said she would be."

"I can see that," Loki said, his hand resting on his chin. "Well done, Samson. You and your men are to be rewarded. Speak to the treasurer, he will see to it."

"Yes, my lord," Samson said with a wide smile. "Thank you, my lord," he added, nodding to his men who handed off Lady Vers to the guards in the throne room before departing.

"Alright, you have me here. Now what do you want, and who are you?" Lady Vers demanded angrily.

"…Incredible," Loki breathed, standing from his throne as he walked around her. "The tales of you beauty, they don't do you justice, Lady Vers," he complimented. "But of course, where are my manors? Let me introduce myself. I am King Loki, ruler of these lands."

"Why have I never heard of you before?" Lady Vers demanded, struggling against the grip of the soldiers holding her forearms.

"That is by design, my lady," Loki said, casually producing a jet of flame in his hand. "I take great pains to ensure my kingdom does not draw any undue attention."

"Why? What do you have to hide, wizard?" Lady Vers demanded, thinking about the few wizards she'd run into on her travels. Most were liars and opportunists, using their gifts for their own selfish interests. "Did you steal this kingdom from its rightful rulers?" She demanded.

"Hardly," Loki chuckled. "I built my kingdom long ago," he explained. "And have ruled here for many hundreds of years."

'Hundreds of years?' Vers thought, beginning to worry. "What do you want with me?" Vers repeated, getting a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"All in due time," Loki said, trailing his finger along Vers's jaw. "But first, I think a bath is in order."

Vers angrily jerked her head away. "Do not touch me!" she growled, both offended by his insinuation that she was unclean, and the liberties he took with her.

Loki said nothing, his ever present smirk on his face as he dropped his hand, then nodded to the group of female servants standing along the wall. "Take her to the bathing chamber," he ordered them. "Bring her to my rooms when you've finished."

The servants nodded silently, dragging the struggling warrior away as she cursed angrily.


"Let me go," Lady Vers said, when they were out of earshot of the wizard.

"And why should I do that?" came the amused reply from the head servant.

"I can help you," Lady Vers replied. "I've dealt with wizards before. They're not as tough as they look. They all have some item they keep close by. It's the source of their power," she explained. "Once it's destroyed, all their enchantments fade away. You don't have to live in fear of him anymore," she promised.

To Lady Vers's surprise, the woman, along with the other servants, burst into laughter.

"We have nothing to fear from our Lord," she replied, even more amused now. "The people of this kingdom want for nothing because of our lord, and he asks for precious little in return."

"I committed no crime, and he had his soldiers capture, and bring me here against my will," Lady Vers angrily retorted.

"A small price to pay," the woman dismissed with a casual wave of her hand.

"…Alright," Lady Vers said, trying a different tack. "What's you name?"

"You may call me Berta," the woman replied.

"Alright, Berta," Lady Vers said. "As I told your lord, I have friends. They'll come looking for me, and if you don't help me escape, it will end in war and death for your people."

"Perhaps," Berta replied, "if they can find you. Our lord has placed powerful magics on the borders of his kingdom. The only ones that come here are the ones he allows."

"That won't matter, I—" Lady Vers said before she was interrupted.

"Enough," Berta said, holding up her hand. "We've arrived. It's time to prepare you for our lord," she said, opening the doors and directing the other servants to bring her in. "Do not struggle or fight," she warned. "Or you will be punished."

Lady Vers exhaled angrily, knowing that arguing with them now would gain her nothing, and allowed the servants to bring her into the bathing chamber without a fight.

"Good," Berta smiled. "In time, you'll realize this is where you belong."

Vers said nothing as they brought her further into the room, noticing how bright the room was. She looked up at the torches hanging from the ceiling in surprise. They weren't lit by fire, but circles of light. 'Magic,' she thought, surprised that the wizard had gone to the extent he had when he built his castle.

The walls and floor were a bright white, looking smoother and more polished than any stone she had ever seen before, and in the center of the room sat a gleaming white tub, already filled to the brim with steaming hot water. She could even smell the scent of rosewater wafting from the tub.

"Strip her," Berta ordered in a no nonsense tone as she stood back, folding her arms over her chest.

Vers didn't even have time to react before the servants descended on her. With practiced ease, they deftly found the latches of her armor, quickly removing them piece by piece, only leaving behind the iron cuffs locked around her wrists. She blushed, looking down at herself, feeling the eyes of all five servants on her nude form.

"Get in," Berta ordered, cocking her thumb towards the tub.

With little other choice, Vers walked to the tub, feeling the watchful eyes of the other servants following her. With her wrists locked behind her back, and no weapons to speak of, she knew she was no match for all of them, and instead had to bide her time until the right opportunity presented itself.

Despite her current predicament, she couldn't help but luxuriate in the warm water when it touched her skin, not even able to remember the last time she could pamper herself this way.

One servant knelt down beside her, dipping a wooden bucket into the water before pouring it over her head. She closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of roses as the servant continued to pour the water over her head, feeling more and more relaxed as her bath went on.

She knew she should be on her guard, looking for ways to escape, but after her long ride, her capture, and the long and uncomfortable ride to the castle that followed, she decided to allow herself this small respite to gather her thoughts, and prepare.

She opened her eyes hearing the rustling of cloth, looking up curiously at the two servants as they shed their dresses, letting them drop to the floor before that stepped into the tub with her.

She usually never paid attention to such things, but they were both beautiful. In fact, all the servants were, but the way they looked at her now gave her pause. More used to receiving such looks from men instead of women.

"They're going to bathe you," Berta explained, as she sat down on the edge of the tub, crossing her leg as she stared down at Lady Vers.

Vers watched as they each held up a square of wool, pouring soap on them, and worked it into the fabric. "I can bathe myself," she said indignantly, realizing what they planned to do.

"Not to the standards of our lord," Berta countered. "Now let the work," she said, leaving no room for argument.

Vers knew that despite everything, these servants were still her best chance at escape, and knew she couldn't antagonize them unnecessarily. She nodded her head, letting them know she wouldn't fight back.

"Good," Berta smiled, nodding to the servants to get started.

Vers gasped as she felt the servant's hands glide over the body, moving the wool in slow circular motions. She could already feel the dirt and grime of the last few weeks being scrubbed away by the slightly rough texture of the wool.

She looked down, feeling her face go red as she felt their hands moved to her breasts, their touch more delicate now as they kneaded them. She bit her lip, too embarrassed to make a sound as their hands dipped down her chest and torso, even scrubbing at the junction between her legs.

They then moved to her back, scrubbing down until they reached her hips before scrubbing her ass as well, even cleaning between her cheeks before moving down to her legs.

When they finished, Vers's face was beet red, and she couldn't look either of the women in the eye. It had been the most thorough and humiliating bath of her life.

She stood up as they guided her to her feet and another servant wrapped a towel around her and dried her off, wanting nothing more than to get this over with as quickly as possible.

"Almost done," Berta said, as the servants led her to a padded table next. "Lie down on your stomach," she ordered.

"What more could there possibly be?" Vers demanded indignantly. "I'm more clean now than I have ever been in my life!"

"Not to our lord's standards," Berta repeated sternly. "Now on your back, hop to it girl."

Vers gave Berta a withering look, but did as she was told, laying down on the padded table. That was when two other servants stepped forward, pouring warm oil onto her skin and massaging it in.

She let out a surprised moan as one of them zeroed in on the knotted muscles on her upper arm and neck that had been bothering her for the last few days.

"There, that's not so bad, is it?" Berta asked with a knowing smirk, seeing the warrior relax into the servant's touch.

Vers said nothing, looking away as she felt them massage the warm oil deep into her skin, soothing her sore muscles. Just like the bath water, the oil was rose scented. She closed her eyes, a contented sigh escaping her lips as they worked the oil into her sore and tired muscles, gently kneading them until she practically melted into their touch.

She bit her lip when they moved to her breasts, feeling her nipples harden as their hands lingered far longer than they should have. She felt her face grow hot as they explored her most intimate of areas, letting out the breath she had been holding when their hands finally trailed down her sides, kneading her torso.

Vers forced herself to remain still, embarrassed to let them see the effect they were having on her, but all that changed when their hands dipped lower, massaging her stomach and thighs, getting closer and closer to her soft curls.

Her eyes shot open as she made to stand up, staying on the servant's good side be damned, but Berta had been watching carefully, and easily stopped her, placing her palm on her forehead as she pushed her back down.

With her hands locked behind her back, she didn't have the leverage to break loose, and the servants were quick to grab her ankles, holding them down as well.

"What are you doing?!" Vers exclaimed angrily, struggling against their grip. "Let go of me!" She demanded.

"Calm down," Berta said in a bored tone. "They're almost done. Don't make a nuisance of yourself."

Vers saw red, struggling even harder to free herself at Berta's casual dismissal, shouting angrily, only to stop in shock when Berta landed a sharp slap to her face.

No one, absolutely no one, had ever disrespected her in such a way, and she lay there stunned, not even sure how to even react.

"There, now don't cause anymore trouble," Berta warned sternly. "Otherwise I'll put you over my knee, and we'll see how you deal with that."

Vers glared at Berta, re-evaluating her plans to help these people with their wizard problem. At first she had thought the wizard had simply bewitched them, but now she could see it ran far deeper than that.

"Not another word," Berta said, staring down Lady Vers. "Let the servants do their work. I want no more trouble from you," she said, pointing an angry finger at her.

Vers had a matching glare on her face, promising herself that if they really were serving the wizard willingly, she would make them pay for putting her through this humiliation.

Vers did her best to keep her breathing even as she felt the servant's hands return to her body, her breath hitching when she felt their warm hands on her sex, taking their time to massage the oil into her skin.

Then, to her growing embarrassment, she felt herself getting wet. Regardless how beautiful the servants were, she felt no attraction to women, but with the warm oil combined with the massage, her body began to respond to their caresses, made all the more embarrassing by the knowing smirks they shared as they continued to massage her.

She breathed a sigh of relief when their hands finally moved down to her legs and feet, even taking the time to work the oil in between her toes.

"Alright," Berta said. "Roll over onto your stomach, and we'll finish up."

Vers rolled over onto her stomach quickly, eager to get this over with, and find out what this wizard king wanted from her. She hated having to deal with royalty and their strange and eccentric demands, acting as if they owned everything, just because it happened to be on their lands.

Her anger slowly faded as she felt the servant's hands on her back, kneading the oil into her skin. She melted into their touch again as they diligently worked on the sore and knotted muscles in her shoulders and back.

After a long while, she felt their hands move to her hips, working the oil into her ass next. She knew this was going to happen and mentally prepared herself. She wouldn't give Berta or the other servants the satisfaction of seeing her react to them this time, she promised herself.

She clamped her jaw as a servant parted her ass cheeks, massaging there as well as she counted the seconds until this next humiliation would end.

A startled gasp escaped her lips as she felt the servants thumb tracing down the crack of her ass. She tried to rise off the table, but with her hands locked behind her back, it was difficult, and only becoming harder when a servant straddled her back, pinning her down.

"I warned you," she heard Berta say with a long-suffering sigh, before she felt a sharp pain on her ass. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

It took her a moment to realize what was happening, then her eyes went wide in outrage as she struggled to throw off the servant on her back and get to her feet, but Berta was relentless. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The sting growing worse and worse with each subsequent spank as the servant pressed her weight down on her back, keeping her pinned to the table.

Eventually she had to admit defeat, biting her tongue to stop from screaming out as she settled back down, unable to comprehend the situation she found herself in. She was a warrior, had fought in countless battles, toppled kings, defeated dragons single handedly, and now she was being spanked, as if she was some unruly child.

"I hope you learned your lesson," she heard Berta say as she felt the servant's hands return to her ass again, rubbing in slow circles as she soothed away the sting of her spanking.

"Because there's plenty more where that came from, and if your antics make us any later than we already are, a spanking will be the least of your concerns," Berta added.

Vers yelped when she felt a pair of hands on her ankles, pulling them apart, and holding them firmly open. With the servant on her back, she couldn't move so much as an inch, and just had to endure it.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she felt the servant's thumb return to the crack of her ass again, slowly moving up and down. She reflexively clamped her cheeks closed. But another servant was there to pull them apart a second later.

She could feel the cool air on her asshole, and knew the servants had a clear view of her most intimate of areas, but even after all that it still shocked her when she felt a finger slippery with oil circled the rim of her ass.

As hard as she tried to clamp down on the invading finger, it did no good. It was too slick with oil and despite her best efforts; she felt the tip of the servant's finger push its way inside her. She didn't trust herself to speak, her only thoughts focused on keeping the servant's invading finger from sinking even deeper inside her ass.

She could feel the servant wiggle her finger, trying to get further in, but she clamped down hard, not allowing the servant to invade any further than she already did, finally letting out a sigh of relief when she felt the finger retreat, but her victory was short-lived.

She felt more warm oil being dripped between her parted ass cheeks, then the finger returned, probing even deeper inside her as the servant twisted her finger in slow circles.

'Is this a punishment?' Lady Vers thought, more humiliated than she had ever felt before. She could feel the watchful eyes of each of the servants on her as again one of them fingered her ass even deeper than before with the aid of the oil. 'Why are they doing this?'

Despite her best efforts, she felt her ass muscles stretch and loosen under the insistent pressure of the servant's finger until she felt the servant's knuckle resting against her rosebud.

'Please let it be over,' she thought as the servant slowly withdrew their finger, only to push it back in again as she pumped her finger slowly in and out.

"Just relax," she heard Berta say from above her. "This will all be easier if you do."

"…Why?" Vers demanded with a shuddering breath as the servant's finger continued to probe her ass.

"Our Lord's orders," Berta replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "I'm told it's supposed to help you relax. You might even find it enjoyable," she hinted before nodding to the servant fingering her ass.

Vers yelped when she felt a second finger slide into her ass, but just like the first one it was slick with oil, and she could do nothing to prevent it from sliding inside her.

She grunted as the two fingers pumped into her ass, trying to ignore the growing pleasurable sensation of the servant's oil slicked fingers inside her as her face flushed. "Tell her to stop," she demanded, taking a ragged breath, and keeping her eyes glued to the table.

"She will," Berta said sternly, "when she completes her task. You are not in charge here, my lady. Remember that. Our lord has given us a task, and we will complete it to the best of our ability," a hint of pride in her voice at the end.

Vers wanted to continue arguing, but knew it was pointless. For whatever reason, even the servants were unwaveringly loyal to the wizard. She shut her eyes tightly, resolving to just endure this, and get it over with as quickly as possible, then focusing on dealing with the wizard when the opportunity presented itself.

But it proved to be difficult as the servant pushed a third finger into her ass. feeling a dull ache as her ass stretched to accommodate the servant's three fingers pumping inside her. 'Is she planning to put her entire hand inside me?' she thought, growing alarmed.

As the servant continued to pump her fingers, she felt the dull ache gradually fade as her muscles stretched even more, but was unprepared for the steadily growing feeling of pleasure it was replaced by.

Her pussy began to tingle, and despite her best efforts, she grew wet with desire, all without the servant even so much as touching her pussy. Her face turned beet red, knowing that the wizard's servants could see her slickness dripping down her thighs.

She clamped her jaw shut as she looked away, but couldn't stop the mews of pleasure that occasionally escaped her lips.

The worst part was the utter silence of the servants. She could feel their eyes on her, judging her, and yet there was nothing she could do to stop herself from reacting to the servant's fingers sawing in and out of her ass.

Her pleasure continued to mount, her breath hitching in her throat as she futilely fought against the pleasure coursing through her body. She screwed her eyes tight, knowing that she was close to release, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

A guttural moan escaping her clenched teeth she came, immediately feeling a deep sense of shame and embarrassment as she came down from her orgasm all while the servants silently watched her.

She felt a warm cloth pressed between her thighs a moment later, wiping away the evidence of her release. She couldn't bring herself to speak after that, feeling thoroughly humiliated as she bowed her head, hearing them moving around her.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Berta said, breaking the silence. "We've kept the king waiting long enough as it is," she said, as the servants helped her to her feet.

Vers felt a sense of outrage as she realized this had been what Berta and the servants had been waiting for. It must have shown on her face, as Berta's expression became more stern.

"Will there be any more trouble from you?" Berta asked sternly, raising her hand.

"No," Vers muttered, looking away, realizing what Berta intended to do if she didn't cooperate.

"Good," Berta said, dropping her hand to her side. "In time you'll understand, but when you do as you're told, you will be rewarded. Misbehave and your behavior will be corrected. Do we understand each other?"

"…Yes," Vers muttered, staring at the floor furiously.

"Alright," Berta said, giving Vers a hard look before she nodded to the servants who led her to her to a low stool, and sat her down on it.

Vers winced as three servants descended on her, each of them with a comb in hand as they meticulously removed the tangles from her hair. A somewhat painful process as it had been something she neglected over the years.

After they removed all the tangles, they applied scented oil to her hair as well, combing her hair until it shone.

When they finally finished, the servants pulled her to her feet as Berta pulled out a key. Vers's eyes lit up, knowing that it was the key to her cuffs. Finally, after all she had endured, she had a way to escape.

"Get that thought out of your head right now," Berta said, a no nonsense expression on her face. "I will remove the cuffs to get you dressed for the King, but you will not run off. We're too high up to leave through the window, and the door is solid oak, and locked behind us. On the other side of the door are three armed guards in full plate. Do you understand?" She asked, leaving no room for argument.

Vers huffed, hating that the stern woman had seen right through her plans. Then her eyes settled on the spot her armor had been. "What happened to my clothes she demanded?"

"Those rags and mismatched pieces of armor?" Berta said with a snort of disgust. "They've already been disposed of. Our lord has something far more fitting for you."

Vers could only stare in shock, her jaw dropping open. That armor had seen her through countless battles over the years, and was not easily replaced, including the small dagger she hid within her bracer she planned to use for her escape.

"What have you done with it?" Vers demanded. "That armor is important to me! I need it back!"

Berta's only response was a long-suffering sigh, and a nod to the servants behind her. Before Vers knew it, they grabbed her by the shoulders and bent her over as Berta moved behind her.

"No, wait!" Vers shouted, but it was too late as Berta raised her hand. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! She felt Berta's hand land on her ass, delivering a painful reminder of her situation.

"Now behave!" Berta said from behind her as she grabbed her wrists, unlocking the cuffs.

The moment she did, the servants grabbed Vers's arms, one at the shoulder, and the other at the wrist. She didn't even bother to struggle, knowing she wouldn't be able to overpower all of them, and even if she managed that miracle, she didn't even have a way out of the bathing chamber.

Vers watched as a servant arrived with a dress in her arms. She could tell from a glance it was silk, and not something she would normally be caught dead wearing, but recognized she had little choice in the matter. It was slinky, low cut, and had a long slit that would leave most of her leg bare. Even though it would cover more of her body than her armor, it somehow left her feeling even more exposed.

Under the watchful eye of Berta, she remained silent as they dressed her, arraigning the dress as they spent what felt like hours making the smallest of adjustments.

"Bring them," Berta said with a nod of approval as they finished.

Vers was not surprised to find another set of cuffs in the servant's hands, but unlike the scuffed, castle forged steel ones the soldiers put on her, these were far more ornate, inlaid with jewels, and obviously made by a master craftsman.

The design would have would have impressed Vers if not for the fact they were made to restrain her and hinder her escape, but after another stern look from Berta, she didn't resist when the servant locked her hands behind her back again.

Then the servant revealed another set of cuffs, a little longer than the first set, but just as ornate and beautiful. It left Vers confused, wondering what she planned to do with those.

It became clear a moment later when the servant locked them around her forearms, synching them tight behind her back, and reducing her movements even further.

Just when she thought it was over, she saw something that had her blood boiling. It was a collar. She fumed, refusing to be led around like an animal. "Don't even think about it," she growled.

The servant with the collar flinched back afraid, but Vers's satisfaction was short-lived as the servants behind her lifted the back of her dress. She felt the cool air on her bare ass, and even though she struggled against their grip, she quickly found herself bent over at the waist again.

"Do what you want!" Vers snarled, struggling to break free. "But there's no way you're putting that thing on me."

Berta said nothing as she raised her hand, landing the first blow on her ass with a resounding smack. It was quickly followed by another, and another. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

Vers glowered at Berta silently, refusing to give in, prepared to take the spanking stoically, and not giving Berta the satisfaction of seeing her react anymore. She set her jaw, a glare on her face as she prepared herself.


Vers hid her grimace as she felt the sting on her ass. In the battles she'd fought, she become accustomed to enduring pain, but she was quickly realizing that this was another matter entirely.


In battle her adrenaline was flowing, making it much easier to ignore the pain, sometimes not feeling it at all until well after the battle was long over, but bent over like this, in this humiliating position, and without any adrenaline flowing through her body she felt every one of Berta's spanks.


Vers grit her teeth, refusing to give in, but couldn't ignore the pain. Her ass felt like it was on fire, and Berta showed no signs of slowing down, much less stopping.


A groan finally escaped Vers's lips as she tried to move out of the way, hoping to get a reprieve, but Berta easily saw what she was doing and adjusted, making sure the next spank landed in exactly the same spot as all the previous ones. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"Aaah!" Vers screamed out, even surprising herself with her cry of pain, no longer able to hold it in. Her face went red, furious with herself for the slip. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! 'What's happening to me?' she thought to herself. 'I'm stronger than this! Why is this getting to me?'

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "AAAH!" Vers screamed out again, the pain even worse now. She felt her resistance crumble, realizing there was no way out of this. The servants easily held her in place, despite how hard she struggled to break free. She couldn't escape Berta's blows, and as much as she hated to admit it, there was only one way out of her predicament. She would have to swallow her pride. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"Stop!" she shouted, unable to take it anymore. "Alright damn it! I'll wear the damn collar!"

The spanking stopped almost immediately, but she could still feel the palm of Berta's hand resting on her sore ass, the silent promise that her punishment may not be over yet.

"Ready to behave are we?" Berta asked in the no nonsense voice Vers had grown accustomed to from the middle-aged woman, and loathed. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"AAAH!" Vers screamed out, both in pain and surprise, as Berta spanked her again.

"When I ask you a question, you answer," Berta said, leaving no room for argument.

"Yes…" Vers sighed. "…I'm ready to behave," she replied, the words feeling like ash in her mouth as she swallowed her pride.

"Good," Berta replied, nodding to the servants to bring the collar forward again.

Vers looked away, clenching her jaw as she held still, feeling the cool metal of the collar close around her neck, and the soft click as it locked in place.

Ever since she the wizard's soldiers captured and brought her here, she knew the wizard wanted far more from her than a simple conversation, and now she had her proof. It wasn't the first time she had found herself in a similar situation, but this time it felt different.

The wizard knew where she would be, had his soldiers trained specifically on how to capture her, and had servants that didn't let their guard down for even a second around her, keeping her in chains since the moment she arrived.

She felt a growing worry as they marched her through the halls of the castle, to the wizard's bedchamber, watching as the other castle servants quickly move out of their way, all of them clearly devoted to the wizard, and unwilling to help in her escape.

They arrived in front of an ornate golden door inlaid with diamonds and other precious stones. Just at a glance, she knew the doors themselves were enough to buy an entire kingdom.

Vers watched as Berta opened the doors, pulling on her collar as she marched her inside. She saw the wizard sitting at his desk, reading a stack of parchments.

"Ah, good," Loki said, looking up from his desk. "I was wondering what was taking so long," but stopped when he caught sight of Vers. "But now I see it was worth the wait," he added, looking Vers up and down with a leer.

"I apologize, my lord," Berta said with a bowed head. "She was more spirited than I expected. It won't happen again."

"No need for apologies," Loki said, waving it off. "You've done your job well, as I knew you would."

"Thank you, my lord," Berta said, a rare smile on her face as she, along with the rest of the servants, bowed.

"You are dismissed," he said, taking the leash from Berta's hand. When the servants all left, closingthe doors closed behind them, he turned to face Vers again.

"Lady Vers, thank you for meeting with me," Loki said, leading her to a drinks table and pouring a glass of wine.

Vers said nothing, glowering at the wizard, knowing from the smirk on his face he was trying to get a rise out of her.

"Where are my manors?" he said, pouring a second glass as he held it to her lips.

Vers turned her head, refusing to take anything the wizard offered her. "Why am I here?" she demanded.

"Straight to the point, I like that," Loki replied, taking a sip from the glass. "Very well, you're here because I desire you," he said bluntly.

Vers blinked, not expecting the wizard to be so forward.

"Come now, you can't be that surprised," Loki said, seeing the look on her face. "You are a beautiful woman, Lady Vers. Perhaps the most beautiful woman of any land."

"I'm not interested," Vers replied evenly, reigning in her anger, knowing she was at a disadvantage.

"No, I didn't think you would be," Loki said, chuckling lightly as he took another sip of his wine. "That's why I went through all the trouble to get you here."

"I have friends," Vers said, trying a different approach. "They'll be looking for me."

"I'm sure they will," Loki agreed with a nod, "but I've gone to great lengths to protect my kingdom. It has remained hidden for a very long time, and besides that, I have nothing to fear from your friends."

"Why are you doing this?" Vers demanded, losing patience with the wizard. "You're obviously wealthy, and powerful. There must be any number of women interested in being your plaything. Go find one of them."

"I've been around a long time," Loki explained. "Hundreds of years, if you can believe it, and I've had many women in my lifetime, but they all share an unfortunate characteristic," he said with a frown. "They're vapid morons," he added bluntly. "Don't get me wrong, they're more than fine for a little fun every now and then, but after the first few months, I can't even stand the sight of them."

"And you think I'll be different?" Vers asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, I know you'll be different," Loki said, stepping forward, a hungry look in his eyes, their faces just a few inches apart. "When I first heard of you, I knew I had to possess you. A warrior of your beauty and skill, and the stories don't even do you justice."

"I don't belong to anyone," Vers said, a hard edge to her voice.

"Don't you?" Loki asked knowingly, tapping the collar locked around her neck.

Vers's faced flushed with anger at the reminder. "This proves nothing. Your men took me by surprise, that's all! In a fair fight, they wouldn't have stood a chance against me," she said confidently.

"No," Loki disagreed. "You lost, and you were taken, just as I intended, and now you wear my collar."

"You didn't defeat me! Your men did," Vers snarled.

"Well," Loki said huskily. "We should change that then," he said, tapping her dress with the tip of his finger.

Vers gasped as she felt the silk dress slide off her body and pool on the floor. She looked down in shock, her nakedness on full display, realizing a second later that it was the wizard's magic. She glowered at him, promising herself she would pay him back for this humiliation, and all the other he and his servants heaped on her.

Loki let out a low whistle as he slowly walked around his prize, admiring the battle hardened, and alluring sight of his warrior maiden's sultry form.

"What have we here?" Loki asked, cupping Vers's ass. "Someone has been misbehaving," he teased, noticing the rosy tinge of her ass.

Vers let out a hiss, still feeling the sting of the multiple spankings Berta gave her, but refused to respond, jerking out of his grasp.

Loki moved back in front of Vers, his eyes settling on her breasts. 'Soon,' he promised himself, vowing to become intimately familiar with every inch of his prize.

He held the wineglass to Vers's lips. "Drink," he commanded. "This was made in the finest winery of my kingdom."

Vers turned her head stubbornly, refusing him.

"I can see why it took Berta so long to prepare you for me," Loki tsked. "Perhaps I should put you over my knee next," he suggested, liking the idea of having the proud warrior in such a position.

Vers looked at the wizard, her eyes narrowing both in anger and outrage before closing her eyes and letting out a frustrated sigh. She knew he wasn't bluffing, and she still hadn't recovered from the spanking Berta gave her.

She parted her lips, taking a small sip of the wine, her eyes widening at the taste. It was better than she expected, far better than any wine she drank before.

"Good, isn't it?" Loki asked, placing his hand at the small of Vers's back. "Take another sip," he said, pressing the glass to her lips again.

With little other choice, Vers parted her lips, taking another sip as she did her best to ignore the wizard's wondering hand.

Loki pulled back the glass, eying his prize hungrily. He took her leash, leading her to the bed.

Vers dug her heels into the ground, planting her feet as it became clear what the wizard intended for her. "I'm not some plaything for you to have your way with," she denied.

"Lady Vers," Loki said with a sigh. "While I find your spirit and your honesty refreshing. I do not tolerate willful disobedience," he said, waving his hand and lifting her into the air.

Vers yelped, her eyes widening in surprise as she floated through the air, a foot off the ground, unable to do anything as she drifted to the bed, landing softly on her back.

She looked up sharply as the end of her leash flew to the headboard, attaching to the ring at the center. She looked back at the wizard, feeling worried. With her arms locked behind her back, all she could do was kick her feet, and she knew that wasn't anywhere near enough to hold off him off.

"Let me go!" She demanded, straining against her cuffs.

Loki smirked at her, shedding his armor and trousers as he made his way to the bed. "You belong to me now, Lady Vers," he said, huskily. "It's time you learned your place."

Vers licked her lips unconsciously as the wizard shed his clothes, surprised by the hard and rippling muscles beneath his armor, along with the collection of scars that hinted at previous battles he'd fought.

Her gaze drifted lower, seeing his manhood for the first time. Her eyes widened, panicked that he intended to put that monster inside her.

She kicked her legs, trying to push him back, only for Loki to grab her ankles, easily pulling them apart, even as she strained to break his grip.

Loki looked down at his prize, positioning himself between her parted legs, placing them on either side of his hips.

Vers cursed, unable to kick the wizard back. She attempted to roll onto her side, but just like before, the wizard easily stopped her, cupping her breast in his hand as he pushed down, holding her in place.

She cursed again, straining against him, but the wizard was far stronger than he looked, not even putting much effort to hold her in place.

She could only watch as he bent his head, leaning down as he placed a soft kiss on her navel. She let out a gasp of surprise mixed with desire, as the wizard awoke something primal inside her.

She shook her head from side to side, trying to deny the lust and desire coursing through her body as she felt the wizard's tongue circle her navel before trailing up her stomach and chest.

"Don't even think about it," she said, taking a ragged breath as she felt his lips on her neck as his hands trailed up and down her sides.

The wizard ignored her, and despite her best efforts a mew of pleasure escaped her lips as the wizard played her body like a finely tuned instrument.

She felt his hand on the back of her head, gripping her hair firmly as he turned her head. Then he was kissing her, his lips pressed tightly to hers in a searing kiss. It made her feel lightheaded, her desires going into overdrive.

Before she even realized it, she had parted her lips, allowing the wizard entry into her mouth as she kissed him back, their tongues dancing back and forth as he deepened the kiss.

After a long moment, the wizard pulled back, leaving Vers gasping for breath as her mind finally caught up with her body, and she realized what she'd done. Her face flushed, noticing then that she had her thighs wrapped snugly around his waist.

She quickly parted them, realizing a second too late that it was exactly what the wizard had been waiting for. She felt him position the head of his cock at her dripping entrance, and let out a gasp as he slid inside her.

She could feel his hardness straining against her pussy, stretching her in a way she had never felt before. She could feel his cock pulsating inside her as she shuddered underneath him, not trusting herself to speak as he inched forward inside her, slowly laying claim to her quivering pussy.

Her breath came out in short gasps, feeling the impossible length of his rigged cock fill her completely.

"Now, I've claimed you," Loki said, his eyes locking with Vers, a combination of lust, desire, and power in his eyes.

".. No," Vers denied, shaking her head as she tried to regain some semblance of control. "I don't… belong to anyone," she denied, but even to her own ears it rang hollow.

"You belong to me, Vers," Loki said, an intense and lust filled look in his eyes. "And you always will."

Vers shuddered, a moan of pleasure escaping her parted lips as Loki pumped his cock inside her. She shut her eyes tightly, unable to look him in the eye as her body responded to his every touch.

She fought the urge to wrap her thighs around his waist, to pull him close as he took her, to feel his hardened muscles press against her hot skin, and inhale the intoxicating scent of the wizard.

She could feel his hands on her hips now, holding her tightly as he picked up the pace, another shuddering gasp escaping her lips as her pleasure mounted. "Ugh!" she moaned, when he hit just the right spot.

Vers heard a tiny voice in the back of her head, urging her not to give in, to regain control of herself, but it was quickly drowned out as as she let out a keening moan as she arched her back, pressing her chest against the wizard.

She strained against her cuffs, this time not to free herself, but to pull the wizard closer, to feel his strong arms wrapped around her.

She wrapped her thighs around his waist, locking her ankles behind his back as she held on. "UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!" she grunted as Loki picked up the pace again, no longer able or even willing to hide her arousal.

"UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!" she grunted, the wizard's long hard strokes making her see stars as he continued to pound his cock into her slick pussy.

She could feel herself getting close, just barley hanging on as the tiny voice in the back of her head begged her not to give in, to not allow the wizard to make her cum, but the pressure continued to mount, and her body craved the release he could only give her.

"AWGAWD!!!!!" Vers screamed out as a powerful orgasm suddenly rocked her body, catching her by surprise. She panted, gasping for breath as Loki showed no signs of stopping. A sheen of sweat covered her body as she lay there helpless to his machinations.

Vers gasped unexpectedly as Loki withdrew his cock from her dripping pussy. She knew he hadn't cum, and only had a moment to look up at him in confusion before he grabbed her ankles, folding her in half, holding them on either side of her head.

She could only watch, her eyes growing wide as he lined up his cock, still dripping with her cum to her pussy again, and slammed his hips forward, claiming her pussy a second time.

"Oh god," she groaned, rolling her head from side to side as he nearly made her cum a second time. Then he began to move, his thighs slapping into her ass with hard claps as he fucked her.

She screwed her eyes shut, clenching and unclenching her fists behind her back as she strained against her cuffs, feeling every inch of Loki's thick cock as it slammed into her, the new angle allowing him to penetrate even deeper inside her than before.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," Vers moaned, feeling another orgasm approaching fast as the voice in the back of her head went silent, but at this point she didn't even notice, focused entirely on on the undeniable pleasure coursing through her body.

Lady Vers was no stranger to sex. She had a few lovers in the past, but they were nothing compared to the wizard. She felt like a virgin on her wedding night as he brought her to heights of pleasure she never thought possible.

"Look at me," Vers heard the voice of the wizard. It was quiet, almost a whisper, yet commanding at the same time. "Open your eyes," and she did, looking up into the intense, lust filled eyes of her captor.

"Cum for me," Loki ordered.

Vers eyes went wide as she let out a scream of pleasure, "UGGGHHHH!" she moaned as another orgasm washed over her, even more intense than the last.

She looked up at the wizard, her eyes lidded with desire as he managed a few more strokes before he exploded inside her. The moment she felt his hot cum flood her pussy, she let out a keening moan as another orgasm washed over, not as intense as the previous one, but still enough to make her toes curl.

Loki lay down beside her, breathing heavily as well. "You're incredible," he complimented, "even better than I could have hoped for."

Vers didn't trust herself to speak as she lay there panting, her breaths coming out in ragged gasps.

After a long moment, when her breathing returned to normal, the realization finally hit, her mind flashing back to what she'd done, how she'd screamed and moaned like a common whore while the wizard had his way with her.

Her face flushed red, a mix of humiliation, and anger, all with an undercurrent of arousal. No one had ever put her in a position like this before, taken her like this.

"You did something to me," Lady Vers accused, glaring at the wizard. "Your magic! You used it to make me do those things!"

Loki looked at Vers, chuckling softly as he traced his fingertips over her heaving breasts. "I'm afraid, my lady, that such things are well beyond even my abilities."

Vers continued to glare. "Don't lie to me! I saw your magic! You floated me into the air, you created fire in your hand, you even hid away an entire kingdom!" she said, trying to roll away from the wizard's wondering hands.

Loki held Vers in place, clearly amused by her accusations. "There is much you do not understand about magic," he explained. "Shooting fire from my eyes, causing explosions, commanding lightning itself to fall from the heavens. That is all within my abilities, but controlling the heart? Desires? Emotions? No," he shook his head. "Such things can not be done with any magic I know of. Everything you experienced, everything you felt, it was all you," he said, pushing his hand between her legs and cupping her cunt possessively.

Vers gasped, feeling herself grow damp again as the wizard teased her clit. "Stop that!" she demanded.

"Why?" Loki asked, pressing a finger into her overheated pussy. "You clearly enjoy it."

"I told you, it's your magic. You will not fool me," Vers accused. "You have the power to hide away an entire kingdom! This is nothing compared to that."

"I can see why would think that," Loki replied. "That spell seems very impressive, but it's limited. It's nothing more than an illusion really, just meant to bewitch the mind. I just used it on a scale that has never been done before. When one arrives at the borders of my lands, they see the edge of a cliff, and proceed no further."

"I don't believe you," Vers denied, shaking her head stubbornly.

"Am I the first wizard you've dealt with?" Loki asked curiously.

"No," Vers replied. "I've dealt with many of your kind before," she spat, trying her best to ignore the wizard's wondering fingers.

"And those wizards you faced, I assume you defeated them all," Loki continued.

"I did, and the same will happen to you," Vers glared between gasps of pleasure.

Loki smirked. "That is yet to be seen, but think. If these wizards really could do what you claim, why haven't they?"

The question stopped Vers in her tracks as she tried to work out what he said, thinking back to all her previous battles with wizards and witches, but couldn't think of a single instance when they'd done something similar.

'Is he telling the truth?' she thought, beginning to doubt herself, but that would mean everything the wizard did to her had been what she had wanted, at least on some level. 'No,' she thought, shaking her head. It was a trick. It had to be. 'I never had a desire to be chained up by any of my previous lovers,' she reminded herself.

"Alright," she ground out. "You've had your fun. Now release me," she demanded, unable to come to any firm conclusion, and unwilling to think about it any further.

"Release you?" Loki asked with a raised eyebrow, an amused look in his eyes now. "No," he replied simply.

"You can't keep me here forever," Vers glared.

"We'll see," Loki replied confidently. "But that's enough talk for now," he said, rolling onto his back as he leaned against the headboard. "Come," he beckoned. "The night is still young."

Vers stared at the wizard's cock in surprise, seeing that he was already hard again. Though she would never admit it out loud, his stamina impressed her.

Before she could deny him, she yelped as the wizard used his magic, lifting her into the air again. She struggled helplessly. Nothing she did could alter her path as she floated to the wizard until she was hovering just above his cock.

She slowly sunk down as he impaled her with his cock again, letting out a low moan as she straddled him.

She could do nothing as the wizard lifted her up again with his magic until just the tip of his cock was inside her pussy before bringing her back down again. Another moan escaped her lips as her pussy hugged his cock, craving more.

Again and again the wizard brought her up and down on his cock as mews of pleasure continued to escape her lips. The pace he set this time was agonizingly slow, just enough to tease her, but not enough to give her the release her body craved.

She clenched her fists, straining against the cuffs locked around her wrists and upper arms, but it did no good. While they may look like jewelry, they were as hard as iron.

Her mind drifted to her previous lovers. This position had been a favorite of hers. It put her in charge, let her set the pace, and control her own pleasure. That's when she got an idea.

The wizard had unknowingly given her a way to get the upper hand. She brought herself down, impaling herself on the wizard's cock.

She smirked, seeing the surprised look on the wizard's face as she brought herself up, then lowered herself back down again, now setting the pace herself.

She threw her head back, bouncing on his lap as she used him to pleasure herself, letting out a grunt of satisfaction as she took charge.

The moment lasted only a few seconds before she felt the wizard's hand trace down her spine. She let out a surprised gasp as she felt him hook a finger into her ass, sending a spike of arousal coursing through her body.

She came to a stop, looking at the wizard in shock, not expecting him to do what he did.

"Oh, don't stop on my account," Loki said, clearly amused.

Vers glared at the wizard, despite her position, refusing to move.

"I insist," Loki said, wiggling the finger in her ass.

Vers felt a shutter go through her body as she felt the wizard's finger twist inside her ass, but forced herself to remain still.

"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you," Loki said with a sigh as he used his free hand to land a sharp slap to Vers's ass.

Vers let out a yelp of surprise, wincing as the wizard spanked her, her ass still tender from the spanking Berta gave her earlier.


Vers bit her lip, stifling a cry of pain as she kept herself rooted in place, refusing to give in.

Loki locked eyes with Vers, accepting the silent challenge. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

Vers grit her teeth, her ass feeling like it was on fire again as the wizard continued to spank her. She could feel her resolve weakening as it continued. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

A groan escaped her lips as she flinched away from the wizards's hand, accidentally bringing herself down on the wizard's cock again. She couldn't believe she was still wet, despite the growing pain. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

This time she couldn't hold back the cry of pain, letting out a groan as the wizard hit a sore spot.

He must have noticed too, because when he spanked her again, his hand landed in exactly the same place. Vers groaned in frustration, realizing he wouldn't stop, not until he got what he wanted.

She looked away, unwilling to meet the wizard's eyes as she bounced on his lap, impaling herself on his thick cock and finger lodged in her ass.

She couldn't hold back the sigh of relief when he stopped spanking her, and instead rubbed her ass, soothing away the pain.

"UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!" she grunted, unable to stop herself as felt the dual pleasure of the wizard fingering her ass while she rode his cock.

She hated that it felt so good, hated that the wizard seemed to know her body even better than she did, and most of all, she hated the fact that she gave in to him again.

"UGH! UGH! UGH!" she grunted, leaning into the wizard to balance herself as she felt herself getting close. That was when the wizard surprised her again, thrusting his hips up and falling into rhythm with her. "AUGH! Oh god! UGH! UGH!" she moaned, feeling her pleasure increase even more as the wizard dominated her.

"UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!" She grunted as the wizard took over, thrusting into her with abandon while she moaned like a common whore.

Vers screamed out in ecstasy as she came, feeling a flood of the wizard's cum spray into her well fucked pussy again.

She slumped against the wizard, resting her chin on his shoulder, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath, feeling the warmth of his hand on her back as he steadied her.


Vers woke up with a start, looking around in surprise. She was back on the ship with Loki. It had only been a few hours, but just like her dream about Safira, it had felt all too real.

She blushed, remembering how Lady Vers had reacted, remembering the pleasure she felt, what it felt like to have the cuffs locked around her wrists and upper arms as he took her.

She could hear Loki breathing softly behind her, could feel his arm wrapped snugly around her waist, and came to another realization. Even after denying him, she still ended up in his bed.

Her anger flared as she grabbed his wrist, intent on throwing off his arm and getting away, but it was easier said than done. As hard as she tried, she couldn't move his arm, even while he slept. She let out a huff, giving up on freeing herself as she realized it was a lost cause.

As she settled down, her mind drifted back to what the wizard-king Loki from her dream had said about magic, wondering if it was real. Could her subconscious mind have worked out the limitations of Loki's control over her? Were her dreams the way her subconscious imparting that knowledge to her?

Then her mind drifted to the mind blowing sex the dream versions of her self invariably had with Loki as she blushed. What was her subconscious trying to tell her about that?

She wondered if she had been fighting this battle with Loki the wrong way. Was it really the best strategy to fight every battle with him? To keep him on his guard constantly?

After so many days of unknowingly sharing a bed with Loki, he showed her the truth, and fighting him had gained her nothing. She was still in his bed regardless, and who knew what else?

She knew why he did it. It was a show of power, a way to let her know he had the upper hand, but it only worked when she did what he expected her to do. If she went along with his demands, she would at least see things the way they really were, without his manipulations, and maybe she could even discover a way to get herself out of the mess she found herself in.


Hi! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed the extra long chapter. This one was about 11.5k in length. How do you feel the story is progressing so far? What did you think of Vers's(Carol) latest dream? I wanted to do a few of these to show Ver's getting used to Loki's presence and her growing attraction to him. Any guesses on where Loki and Vers are travelling to?

If you can, please take the time to review, and let me know what you think of the story.

For more info on my writing, character pictures for Loki and Vers(Carol Danvers), exclusive chapter artwork, audio chapters, and early access to chapters 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 please visit: https://taplink.cc/jumpin

A big thank you to all my supporters, I really appreciate it.
