
Chapter 1: Bounded by the system

[Hello host]

"Who are you?"

[It's me, your system]


[It's me, your lovely cute and amazing system]

'I think I'm hallucinating right now'.

Her idea was instantly ruled out when a childish voice rang out in her head.

[Host didn't hallucinate]

Lia started to feel nervous.

'Did I die? I think I heard a voice. Maybe it was a ghost or maybe I was dreaming'.

[You are indeed right host, you did die. Die by a meteor, it crushed you]

Lia mulled for a while before she replied, "I knew it, I should've moved far away from that place. The fortune teller was right"

[What fortune teller?]

"Nothing... Never mind".

[I was trapped inside the meteor and couldn't get connected to the other system.]


[Yes, I was trapped. There was nobody on the space]

[I had to wait for billion years for the meteor to fall in a human civilization. Your soul has been bounded me. Sorry it was my fault that the meteor crashed onto you]

"Anyway, I was also starting to get bored with the books on earth. Don't feel bad. I did die, but now I could live forever as long as I have you, my amazing system"

[You are going to travel to different worlds and take the identities of the cannon fodder. That's to say your missions are to fulfill their wishes. Of course, there are rewards if you succeed and also punishments if you fail]

"Oh? Continue," Lia eyes lit up.

[For example, you can gain different types of skills. Of course, this will be arranged according to the difficulty of the mission]

Lia asked, "And the punishments?"


Lia thought to herself 'Savage'.

[I heard that ]

[Anyway, one last reminder. If you succeed you can choose to stay in that world until you die of natural cause]

Lia nodded and ask "So, can I OCD?"

[If it's not too much then it is okay]

Lia simply said "System, get me the detailed information about this world,

[Transferred information 99%]

[Transferred successful]


This world is a parallel world far away from the Milky Way galaxy. The name of the world is Arth. The Arthian people love to sing and listen to the song. The air in Arth contain music force or usually known as mana. The more they can sing the more powerful they can become.

The heroine, rose sonata is a year younger than Lia Sonata. Rose and Lia had a different mother but one father. Lia mother, Celine died while giving birth to Lia.

Leon Sonata is the heroine and Lia father. Leon is the CEO of the Sonata music company. Leon marriage to Celine was because of a political marriage between Sonata Music Company and Galeleo Music Company. And when Lia mother died Leon didn't care about Lia.

The heroine mother Angel is Leon childhood sweetheart. But because of Celine, he couldn't get married to Angel. But when Celine died, Leon married the heroine mother. And a year later he got the lovely Rose. He pampered her a lot and neglected Lia.

Lia grew up without knowing what love was. Her father doesn't care about her, her stepmother hates her and her stepsister loathes her.

She wishes to be loved and pampered by her family.

That's why she was always polishing her music skill by practicing instrument.

She thought that if she was a genius, her family would love her more.

Just like Rose, her stepsister.

Rose was a genius at music. Her own father adores her. Even Lia crush loves her.

She was heartbroken.

Lia sonata was also a genius. But nobody noticed her.

She can play the violin at the age of four

Dance at the age of six

Play piano at the age of eight

And many more amazing things

Surprisingly, nobody seems to be aware of that.

Well, it was Lia fault, Lia was always hiding inside her room.

[Transferring information]


[Waking up the host]



Lia furrowed her eyebrows and tried to chase away the pain from her head.

The dizziness started to go away so Lia opened her eyes slowly.

Lia blinked her eyes awake, finding herself in a foreign room and on a foreign bed.

"Where is this?" she asked while feeling the headache coming.

[This is Lia Sonata room]

"If it was her room, then why am I here?"

[Cause you're Lia Sonata now]

"What…?" she then added "Lia sonata, the waste?"

[Correct host]


Main Mission

[Host need to fulfill the original body wish]

1. To be loved by a loving husband 9.000 point

2. To be acknowledged as a genius. 9.000 point

"What a simple wish. I shall breeze through the mission".


Sonata Mansion, Year 3018.


The crowd just stared at the handsome men that stand beside the birthday girl. They got used to it, everybody knew they were together.

But this time it was different.

The crowd gasped.

The man bent down on one knee and presents a sparkling diamond ring nestled in a red velvet box.

Rose body froze, and her gaze fell on the ring.

"I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. I know you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with. I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it"

"Rose, Will you spend forever with me?"

"Say yes … Say yes… Say yes…" the crowd cheered loudly.

Rose seems to hesitate, she glanced at her father, and Leon nodded.

Her eye sparkled "You're the love of my life, and my answer is yes, yes, yes!"

John faces lit up with a smile when his fiancé agreed to his proposal.


As the entire crowd was focusing on John and Rose.

Lia has been talking with her system while munching on the delicious chocolate cake. She glanced at the female and male lead and thought to herself 'truly match made by the heaven. Totally blinded by love'.

Meanwhile, Lia hasn't realized that someone was watching all of her movements.

He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks.

He was a man of any girl's dreams.

His appearance alone was seductive.

That man was Jay; he muttered to himself 'what's wrong with me'

Jay shakes his head and walked to the crowd.

"I would like to say congratulation to my cousin engagement with his fiancé; I shall play the piano to congratulate you"

When Jay was playing the piano, Lia kept her eyes glued to him.

[What are you looking host]

Lia only lets out a shy smile as she replied, "Nothing… ".

[What's wrong with my Host? She keeps checking him out. I need to keep him away from my Host]

Lia muttered 'System, who is he?'

[He is the Villain Boss, Jay. The Male lead cousin]

Lia smiled as she planed something.

It can be seen that Lia was interested in Jay.


Even though Jay dislikes his cousin, he still chose to play the piano.


Because at that spot,

He could openly admire at the beautiful lady that was munching at her chocolate cake. She's so lovable, cute and adorable.

He believed that it was love at the first sight.

He doesn't know why, even though he only met her once. He felt attracted to her.

He thus decided

I'll make you mine.




Stalker detected

"Have to protect my host"


I felt that the earlier chapter of my novel was hurting my eyes. So, I decided to rewrite it.

What do you think?

Newbie Author

lone97creators' thoughts