
Bound by Name

Luke was a name he never got used to -- And when an opportunity offers billions of cash to post as someone else at the party in Delvin Manor, he had to do it. Now bound by the name of Cicil. He has to follow all directions from the man that gave him that name and -- as the audience saw him. They are all enthralled from his enigmatic act. However, for those who sat too close began to suspect, and unveil something far worse than the monster in front of them. Moral ambiguity , drama and toxic romance. There is relief and there will be hurt. But a happy ending is something worth hoping for. (Unedited)

Kasy13 · Politique et sciences sociales
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3 Chs

Is this it? - 3

Kai left look tied up the whole night. He opened the closet room, the door numb into something, he carefully peaked where there lied Luke, sore skin and dried tears and snot. He bent near and slowly remove the rope that irritated his skin. Blinkingly, Luke rose up frantically, but was grab to a stop. His breath was rushed "Hushshh…" Luke just tearfully stared there, sitting. He looked away pissed. "Stand up were going somewhere" Kai stood up rolling the rope and Luke was quick on his feat cursing under his breath.