
Chapter Six, In The Office

Mr. Madison was in his office when I found him. He was writing and clearing checks, I did not want to cause chaos at that moment because I was so angry with him. How dare he block my calls. I even tried reaching him through other means like email, and telegram among others but he did not respond either.  I was feeling so bad when he never responded to my calls even saying anything.

Yes, it is me, Ellen, you thought I'll never find you?  I've traveled from where I went and I have landed.  I haven't gone to see my husband yet.  It's now been almost 9 months without seeing each other and communicating but I decided to sacrifice my time and everything to make sure your baby is safe.  I have been in a dilemma, making the matter worse you never even responded to my messages or calls anyway. I don't have to say much that you gave me your money which you thought was all I wanted. 

I never loved you because of your money, you should keep that in your mind and remember money can't buy love also money can't buy happiness but with you here having billions you thought it was all I wanted.

Mr. Madison let me tell you the truth, I loved you from the first day I saw you.  I had feelings for you, I liked you and I risked my marriage only to be with you.  I went the extra mile to sleep with you but you never appreciate anything from me.  From now onward just know I never had the intention of getting benefits from you like materialistic things, I wanted to be happy and also I wanted to make you happy. My husband was busy at work in a hospital so I thought to make the lust cool  I was here with you, fu***ng you all day. It made me mess up everything.

Mr. Madison, I have brought your baby here as you can see, I've done my best. He's already walking by himself.  He's almost starting to talk. Please take care of him. don't tell him that we betrayed him and to let him grow alone.  He shouldn't be bitter while growing up knowing that her mother or his father abandoned him. I know you are wise. You can tell him anything but not with wild stories.  Maybe one day in the future he'll need me and he'll need you. The ball is in your hand."

Madison glanced at me and then glanced at the baby and smiled, something which made me rethink his words before leaving 8 months ago.  He said he'll take care of the baby when I bring him back to him. Before I could realize what was happening,  the baby started crying, making me as a mother uncomfortable despite my decision to give him back to his father.  He was still my son and it was painful for me. I felt pain in my heart as though someone was penetrating sharp objects through My flesh.  That love between mother and the baby was still there, I even felt ashamed leaving my baby behind but still I had something to do.  I thought it was a better decision than killing him.  He was with his father. At least I spared his life. I also have my husband at home.  I don't know about his fears and everything at home. 

I wanted to go back immediately. Mr. Madison looked at me for nearly 15 seconds and then he turned back to his son, he took the baby in his arms and they both looked at each other. The baby stopped crying as he was wondering who the man was carrying him.  I had named my son Devin from the word devil. This was due to the reaction which was raised in the labor room by the doctor when I was giving birth. At first, they almost ran away when I gave birth to him. I was shown pictures and videos later, I never knew that I had passed out for some minutes before I realized that they were there wondering who this animal was. The doctor explained to me what happened when the baby immediately came out of my womb via the cervix. He was like a small short and blonde mixture of human features and that of a werewolf. I saw the video and hated myself. I never thought I'd give birth to animals. The doctor wanted to report my case to the Head department but one of the women who came to my house later after being discharged revealed to me everything that happened, she told me how she was so aggressive with those women they wanted to report me to the department so that that child may be the child she told me she knew the pain of a mother losing a baby you have carried for 9 months with an expectation of giving birth.

That doctor was called Danielle. She was one of those women who were being given the task to take care of me and the baby. She was a nurse and she specialized in helping women to give birth.

She was the one who helped me to come up with the idea of bribing the other nurses and doctors. I had paid a lot of money in that hospital to make sure I gave birth to the right child. I was worried I could die as it happened to many who had been reported. So that woman realized that I had a lot of money and she tried with all means to convince the other women to allow me to explain to them later where I got that child and how it happened until I gave birth to a werewolf.  I never explained anything but due to money, I  bribed them.  They finally agreed to give it a secret until I was out of that hospital.  Before I could leave, Danielle came to me and we had a short conversation. We exchanged numbers and she promised to come and see me later on about how I was progressing. I felt that she was kind and caring only to realize later that she was the one who helped me a lot.  She wanted to ask me something and I came to realize that it was something very important to me. I had known little about werewolves but Anna was among the victims. She had a lot of information about them. 

I remembered that day she came to my house at around 2 p.m. it was on a weekend and it was after work.  she came to my house since she had already informed me earlier that she was coming over.  I prepared nice food for her, I made sure that everything was fine. I even went ahead to make sure she was comfortable allowing her to take a bath in my house in case she comes out of the hospital without having taken a bath.  

 Exactly the time she arrived. After making everything fine,  we sat down on the couch and she told me she had something very fundamental to me about the child as I had not anticipated or expected. He started by telling me that she had given birth to a baby son the way I did and that baby was "something else"

"After giving birth to that child, I came back to my village.  My people were so protective so they never exposed me to any threat. I had to raise that child on my own with the help of my parents.  I had not yet gotten married but I was in the process until I got pregnant.  The plans were drawn into the water when I had given birth and realized that he was a werewolf.  My parents, with immediate effect, turned down my proposal and the agreement we had made to get married. The Man had escaped and run into the woods trying to hide from the security that was tightened in the area.

 In our country, the werewolf and the gulf were not allowed the same as in the neighboring countries. so it was a headache and hectic solution to meet the father of the baby by the time I needed him the most.  The child grew up and by the age of eight years, things became so difficult.  

I can tell you, my dear Ellen, it was so painful and hectic. I sacrificed myself to make sure that baby was never killed.  I stayed there in my village for 8 good years without leaving that village.  The baby was so stubborn and during the full moon, he would eat not getting satisfied until he would almost eat me but I made sure that he survived everything and we survived together. My father was hard-working he had very many livestock so when my son turned the age of 5 years,  he would eat the whole goat after turning into a werewolf. We could see him every full moon and feed him until he was full.  After evolving he would come back to normal. 

We did the same from the age of five to the age of eight until my father's livestock were not there anymore. He was patient with me,  I had to take my time to travel to the woods searching for the father since it was becoming difficult.  I stayed in the woods for more than three nights having my phone trying to search for him everywhere.  I used to pray to my God to help me get him so that that child may stay with him.

 I didn't even know how to introduce my son to him because since childhood he only knew me as her mother and father.  On the last day after three days when I was almost giving up, something told me to pass by the river Banks. While passing by, I was lucky to find him. when he saw me, at first he wanted to run away but I kneeled and called him by his name not to run away.  He was in a group of other men who were on his toes blaming him for not coming to me. They were trying to protect him, telling him that I was a spy, who wanted to get him into the security people.  He never listened to them and he came as Love was stronger than anything. I told him everything and he agreed to my demands.  After that day, I went home feeling relieved. I told my parents about it. They wished me good luck as they were also tired of my son's demands of every full moon. It was so dangerous to everyone too.

I searched for him again but I didn't see him.  I had to wait for him for another day though my child was so stubborn he wanted to leave me and go back home but I persisted until that evening before giving up. I saw someone approaching. He was well armed In case I was there to betray him.  

We chatted there for a long time until I saw him and the boy trying to get to know each other.  They bonded very well. As a mother, I strongly introduced the boy to him. I had already told the boys that we were going to meet his father and he was so happy, now that they were together the father told him that he was his father and they were going to spend that night together.

At first, the boy resisted but his father convinced him that the following day he'll come back home.  This statement made the boy agree not knowing that it was our last day to see each other. I left that Forest feeling very sad. I went back home and vowed never to get married again. I wanted to study and get a job that was going to make me busy throughout the year.  Finally, God willing I made it successful and joined the medical institution that made me an independent woman but there was one thing that was still haunting me to date.


My son often appears at home looking for me every day but by bad luck, he has never found me. I  do not live at home, as I have my home where I bought a piece of land. I wanted to stay away from him. He was a werewolf and In case we are found together, without negotiation, we all get buried in the soil the same day Both people in the county and government are against the werewolf.  He used to come in the night when everyone was asleep. He disturbs my people by waking them up while looking for his mother.

I regretted it since  I never wanted to get separated from my child but it forced me for the peace of my people in my clan. 

Everyone in the clan was against it but they helped me to return the child. They never had that jealousy to kill him or do anything hurtful to him.  The only problem with them was that he would turn into a werewolf at night or during the daytime of the full moon. 

So my dear Ellen, what the doctor did to me during the birth of my child was just the same as yours. They wanted to kill my baby and kill myself too but my father came over just From nowhere and helped me out. He talked to all the staff and everyone, he told them to spare the life of my son and mine. It was so painful that they wanted to kill my child after I had struggled for the whole nine months. 

When I saw the doctor wanted to kill your baby, I was against it because some of them hadn't and have never experienced pregnancy.  They don't know how someone feels when having a baby, especially in the last month. it is always hectic and no one would like to lose his or her baby.

What a nice thing! that I did something meaningful and helpful to you. I've been your friend since that day because I never wanted you to feel the pain and I thank God right now we are together.

From my heart, that's what I have always wanted to tell you and you should take caution.  The werewolf has a powerful smell that can smell you anywhere you are.  They will always be coming. The problem is when you are in place with a security sensor,  The werewolf will be in danger. That's when you will be arrested at any place where there are so many security agents timing the werewolf. The werewolf is causing a lot of death to people especially when evolving. 

Despite that woman telling me everything I was determined to leave that baby behind but Madison was there to tell me something. He called me to the table as he was carrying my baby son Devin. This time he was so humble and kind to me that he had calmed down and the shouting was nowhere to be heard.

My dear, I'm sorry,  I never wanted to feel sympathy for you because I know myself I would have traveled to come there,  meeting you would have put me in trouble but let me tell you. you did and you have done something grateful to me and you. I'm willing to take care of the baby and you're free to see him anytime you want. Remember I love you so much.