
Chapter Five. Rushing Juice.

I went to the hospital so the doctor could take care of me as well as my baby. I wouldn't be able to manage everything by myself. I never thought of employing a maid or a helper at that moment since I was only new in the town knowing no one. I didn't want to risk bringing someone I don't know.  When the day came, I went and gave birth to my child in that hospital.  I gave birth successfully but the doctor seemed to be surprised with my baby, I didn't know what they were surprised about. I even tried to ask one of them but they didn't tell me anything.  The only thing one of them told me was, that they aren't going to tell anyone, instead, they will make sure my baby is fine as long as I give them some cash by bribing them. 

After giving birth I was given four days to be attended to in that hospital.   I wanted to stay longer but due to conditions and everything, I never wanted to risk my son being killed. When the four days were over, the doctors helped me to get out of that hospital successfully without raising any alarm.

The baby had been born quite different from the others. It was obvious to the doctor that that baby was a werewolf.  If not for money, they would have reported this matter to the head desk and my baby would have been killed on the spot without any second thought. Also, the father will be searched everywhere so he can be killed to avoid risking the life of the citizens. 

I went back to my house, I had bought enough food so taking care of myself wasn't a problem.  I managed everything by myself. I did employ any assistance made.  I was taking care of myself and the baby boy. He resembled his father's face. He seemed to be having the chocolate color of his father. 

I stayed alone in the rental house. Paying bills myself. I remember one day one man who had seen me severely came inside my house. He seemed interested in relationships but for me, I never wanted to make any mistakes as before. I enjoyed his protection since in most cases I found myself lonely and desperate. At a time I had feelings but no one was around.  As that man became used to me, I decided to open up to him, he also opened up and he told me he was a married man with three children. 

He was only tired of her wife, he lamented to me how his wife always treated him, and he never had peace of mind.  He used to cook on his own, prepare the table and serve while his wife was there watching the television and talking with other men on the phone.  He was unable to divorce her since they already had big children and the wife had an upper hand. She would even reclaim half of his wealth so he decided to give into her commands and stay with her regardless. That man told me that he only wanted conjugal rights.  In most cases, he used to admit that he only wanted to have sex with me and nothing else. As time went by, I found myself already like him. I never gave him a stop. I tried asking him to drop his request but he didn't.


Since I was also in need of someone, I accepted the request and she was my f**kn' partner. whenever he got a chance he would come to my house and have it until he got satisfied. I used to give him in different styles, activating his mood and everything. As the day went by, I also found myself addicted and I wanted him to be around me anytime he got a chance. I was also lucky to have him by me. and after which he will go back to his home, so he used to play those cards until the 5 months were over. The moment I left that place, he cried to me. He requested that I stay a little bit longer. I was his happiness but I didn't want to get another Pregnant and cause drama all over the place  He wanted me to stay but I had no otherwise he was not even afraid of my werewolf baby he used to help me feed the baby when in full moon he was a friend to me a shoulder to lean on.

Despite that, I did not feel guilty since her wife used to be so arrogant. At a time we would feel like doing the wrong thing but for this woman, it was just right for his husband to cheat on him. He did not care at all. 

Before I could start sleeping with this man, I decided to give him a visit when her wife was available. I wanted to see how she usually treats him. The man gave me directions and by noon, I pulled up with my baby, claiming I was his distant cousin.  I wanted to see how this woman usually treats him. It was a way to see if this man was lying or he was telling the truth. 

 On arrival, I found them all in the house. I knocked on the door. I was not surprised to see the woman remained sitting while the man came to open the door. Despite being a game we had planned, he acted like it was many years since we met. 


I was welcomed inside. I was the one who went to greet the woman while she was in his comfort zone


" Please, Baba Jane, bring something to eat for our visitor" The woman ordered the man to bring me something to eat.

 I was wondering and sympathizing with the man.  He got the Taliban wrong. The man did all the work and even cleaned the table. While the woman was sitting.  When the time for going back to my place reached, we left the woman inside the house as we went along with the man. 

From there, I decided to give that man a piece of mind. I gave him my body to do with everything he wanted since at home, there was nothing good for him. 

I stayed in that city for almost 5  months.  When the baby started walking on his own, I had no decision or choice but to take him back to his father.  He was an outside child and therefore I wouldn't take him to my husband.  It was taboo to have a child whose father is identified. All the fathers are sacred since I was sure he was no longer his child.  

Many days I tried calling  Madison's phone but it had been switched off for a longer period.  I decided to search for him manually using different means. I had to stalk him while he was at work.   I came secretly back to my town and I never went publicly.  I wanted to win this game before I could return to my husband's place.   I knew he was disappointed and also he was so desperate and worried. I wanted to reach there and give him the bad news that I was kidnapped and by bad luck, my baby got killed. I'm the only one who survived.

I remember I arrived at that place very late in the evening as usual. I had to rent another house where I would stay for a few days while searching for the father of this child.

 The child was giving me a headache, I had to buy different needed food to give her in case he turned during the full moon. It was not that critical since he was still a baby so as the months passed I got used to it. it was observable and manageable. The billionaire man had advised me and given me clues on what to do in case the baby turned so I was aware but this was giving me a headache. 

As time went by, the boy was becoming more and more powerful than before. I knew when he would turn 15 to 25 years old it would be another war.  I didn't get enough food to give him after turning into a werewolf. I was scared I just wanted to take her back to his father so his father would be able to manage him.

I got myself another rental house which helped me to start doing my investigation I wanted to confirm if Madison the Boss was still the CEO of that company. My senses and instinct were telling me that he might have changed or is hidden due to this problem of the full moon.  The government had already enacted strong security all over the place.  It was only done in a private room privately so that no one would recognize it. 

 In the morning I decided to do a drive up looking for Madison. The first thing I did was I went to that company and waited for one of the staff outside the gate. By good luck, I found a close friend with whom we used to work together with. I asked her about all the stories that had happened. She was delighted to see me. He wanted to ask me what happened because since I left the workplace, my husband had already reported that I was on vacation but I disappeared. That friend of mine told me that the news had reached all over the place. I was being searched everywhere and my husband had also raised an alarm to the police department and everyone was looking for me.  The organization was so much trouble, they told me that my husband claimed we had gone on vacation and I'm the only one who never returned, also that friend of mine broke my heart when she told me that Mr. Madison was transferred to another company but his title remained. He was still the CEO of the two Co the company but opened a sub-branch where Madison was now serving as the new manager and CEO of the place.

I interrogated her asking her where that company was located. At first, she refused to tell me since it was none of her and my business too.  I had to tell her that I was having Madison's an important message, later she agreed and she told me the place and direction. After begging her for almost 30 minutes, still she did not agree.  I had to bribe her $30 and she accepted to tell me and give me the direction.  she wanted to give me the number but I rejected still her.

I just wanted to meet  Madison one-on-one so that he confirm the baby was his.

After talking with that friend of mine, I took another drive towards Madison's company. The company was only 2 months old so probably he might be on a very busy schedule but I had to go and tell him what he had promised he was not willing to fulfill regardless. The baby was his and he's the one to get accountable for 

 The direction was not far from where I was staying so it took me a few minutes to arrive at the new company. The company was built in the heart of the city, it was so strategic that the market probably was too high.

I reached the gate and asked the soldiers that I wanted to speak to the CEO Mr., Madison, He rejected my request since they were warned or told that no one should meet the CEO  without his notice, the official notice from the office. I told them it was urgent but they refused.

I thought I had money still I could bribe them. The money which they couldn't even think of I decided to give them. After giving them money, I assured them that nothing will happen. Also in case they leave work they would have money and they can start a business or any other thing they want. 

They opened the gate for me, I entered directly to the reception and told the receptionist that I was going to meet the manager but I was not sure of the room. The receptionist questioned me but she never understood anything so she directed me to her office in Madison.

It was located on the 19th floor.  I had to take a left towards that place, I wanted to make it a surprise. I was not sure if the receptionist had called him to inform him but I was sure the way I was he wouldn't mind or think of anything happening pen to him.

Bye, good luck in the lift there was no congestion or people to alight as the left was moving upward at that constant speed. It only took me some seconds before I  could arrive at that office, I cleared my throat and made myself constant. I went to the door and I knocked as usual three times 

" Come in"

 I heard his voice telling me to enter but I did not make any further steps. I knocked another time and before I could complete he was there opening the door. He was surprised and shocked to see me with the baby on my back walking towards him.

" Ooooh, Mr. Madison long time no see.   Billy was rooted to the ground like the railway builders. He was so shocked and seemingly he was surprised. 

I didn't even hug him, First I decided to confront him about out why he shut down the phone that day. I have been trying to reach his number but was no longer getting through so I had to ask him why did he change the number when he heard that I was almost giving birth.  It was at that moment when he was supposed to be there for me but he decided to run away despite having given me money. I had to remind him that money was not the only thing that someone's life should be highly considered.

Madison had nothing to say. I think he was still wondering what was going to happen. I decided to put down the Baby  on the table he was working on 

" Madison, please tell me. Why did you abandon us like this? Did you want me to die?"

Now look, my dear, please take your baby. You have no choice but you take him or the story will be on social media right now.  I'm in your offices but you have to accept everything that you promised. And what happened before?

The Boss Mr. Madison was so harsh with me but I was not retreating. I had to make sure I give him the baby. Whatever he was going to do with the baby it was none of my business but from what I had known, he was caring and he would give him good health. 

I saw him looking at me not sure what to do next. He had no otherwise but maybe we talk about it if he wanted.