
Boruto: Protagonist Hentai System

More chapters are already on my patreon! patreon.com/matveyy The world of Boruto is one big joke. A lot of people fill themselves with hope that it's one solid filler or at the very least the aftermath of the eternal tsukuyomi. But unfortunately it's not... And as a consequence of some bad joke, Boruto gets a hero without any moral principles and with a system that took all the most famous abilities from hentai manga and not only. The hero does not care who will be his next target for seduction - mother, sister, aunt, or any other married or free kunoichi in his area of interest. Sooner or later, each of them will be in his grasp

Matveyy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 1: Mom and home


- Whoa, whoa, whoa! WAAAAAAH!!!

- What is it, son? - A gentle, albeit a bit tired, female voice came from somewhere above. - Are you hungry again?

The woman's arms gently picked Boruto up and lifted him into the air.

It hadn't been more than two weeks since the boy had been in this beautiful world. Right now, he was still unable to fully see the world around him, so he relied solely on his auditory and tactile senses. To his surprise, the woman's hands didn't feel alien at all, and he quickly began to suspect that his childish and extremely vulnerable body was having a direct effect on his adult mind as well. This, however, didn't bother Boruto much, as the sensation of his mother's hands touching him was simply magical.

Quickly realizing where this was going, the boy tensed up and lifted his arms slightly. Even though they were weak and extremely clumsy, but even such a small success could not help but make him happy. After a couple of seconds, his palms found what they were looking for and he squeezed the tender soft flesh with pleasure.

- Oh, Boruto, you're such a prankster! - Hinata's cheerful voice once again came from somewhere above. - Here you go, son, drink your milk, grow big and strong....

The nipple placed on his lips, the boy embraced it with his teeth at the same moment, noting again that he was doing it more like a child. The warm and quite tasty liquid poured into his mouth.

[Hinata has complied with your request. The authority bar is full, you get +1 to your alpha status]]

"Whoops!" - Without pulling away from his mother's breast, Boruto inwardly grinned. - "Another promotion. So it really works all the time and even on such natural things? Well, come to think of it...she'll be feeding me at least a couple times a day, and probably more often...yeah those are the most free points possible! By the time it's time for me to be weaned from breastfeeding, I'll be...wait! And mommies like to visit each other, right? It may just so happen that during my infancy, I'll be able to hunt down not only my own mom, but someone else's mom as well! I guess I'm in heaven after all..."


As time passed, Boruto's new body grew. Not only could he move more freely than before, but he could also see. There wasn't much to see, though. The ceiling and walls of the room where his crib stood, and of course his new mother. Hinata Hyuga, now Hinata Uzumaki, was not much different from the image he remembered from his past life and the 'promo' he had seen.

Slightly pale skin, light gray eyes with no pupils, and dark blue hair that Hinata now had cut just below her shoulders, under a bob. Her figure, on the other hand, even after her pregnancy, had become noticeably more prominent than it had been before. Huge breasts, a moderately slender waist, and prominent legs and buttocks. A woman in a body, Hinata was the ideal of this image.

For the next few days, and then months, Boruto did nothing but actively comprehend the life of an infant. There was nothing to do, not at all. Only studying the system he had been given was somehow brightening up his time. First of all, he immediately wrote down the first of three possible saves, at the very beginning of his new life, so that he could always come back here. He renewed the second one every day, or rather every morning, but he kept the third one for now. Having secured his life completely, he began to study everything else, in particular...

"Hinata's stats. Show."

Lying in his crib, bored out of his mind, Boruto opened the system window in front of him with his usual mental command. It was quite simple and contained only the information that was in any way important.

[Name:] Hinata Uzumaki, former Hyuga;

[Description:] Kunoichi of the Hidden Leaf Village. Housewife of the Uzumaki family. Former heiress of the Hyuga clan. Your mother;


Attitude: 70/100 (loving mother)

Depravity: 15/100;

Lust: 120/120;

Your Authority: 37/100 (actively indulges your whims, easily compelled).

Status: Happiness. Love. Dissatisfaction. Expectation;

Submission: Free;

System Impact: None;

[Additional features:]

None so far;

"Yeah, well, everything's the same as before, except that her authority has increased by one...and her depravity is still there, though that's not surprising, she's a shy girl, and there's no one to deprave..." - Throwing a quick glance at the statistics that opened up in front of him, Boruto sighed to himself. - "Yeah, lately the authority index has been growing too slowly...I guess the fact that Hinata still doesn't take feeding as a request or order from me, but rather as a matter of course...okay, Sakura Uchiha stats. Show."

[Name:] Sakura Uchiha, formerly Haruno.

[Description:] Kunoichi of the Hidden Leaf Village. Housewife of the Uchiha family. A friend of your mother's;


Attitude: 10/100 (family acquaintance)

Depravity: 30/100;

Lust: 100/120;

Your Authority: 3/100;

Status: Happiness. Love. Expectation;

Subjection: Free;

System Impact: None;

[Additional Features:]

None so far;

"Well, it's even simpler here..." - Running his eyes over the 'screen', Boruto yawned lazily. - "I've only seen Sakura a couple of times, so it's more difficult with 'requests'...although, the dissatisfaction expressed in the meaning of lust promises a lot of fun days, and the depravity here is higher than my mother's...eh, when will I grow up? Okay, what else is there...my own statistics."

[Name:] Boruto Uzumaki;


Strength: 3

Speed: 3

Chakra reserves: ????

Chakra Control: ????

Current Harem Composition: 0.

Systemic Strength Increase: 0%

Personal System Skills:

[Alpha male].

[You're a player, remember?]

"Yeah, no change either, which is weird by the way...the chakra reserves should have been there since birth or something...oh well, I guess it's worth a little wait..."


The next event that Boruto could call important happened about a year and a half after he came into this world. His new biological parents were finally able to reconnect with each other in bed. Though Naruto, who had been shrinking from work, had strenuously avoided it. Thanks to which, almost nine months after that very "reunion", Boruto had a sister. She was named Himawari. Outwardly, the girl was an almost complete copy of her beautiful mother. The same kind face, dark blue hair. Only the light blue eyes, with obvious signs of black pupils were inherited by her from her father.

And ever since she was born, Hinata had had to work several times harder. After all, Himawari, as if imitating her older brother, was constantly begging for food. It was a boon that Hinata's impressive plots allowed her to feed both of her children without needing outside help.

In short, the conclusion that Boruto had drawn at the very beginning turned out to be surprisingly prophetic. Aside from suckling on his mother's breasts and learning the system, the rest of his time was so boring that by the beginning of his second year, he had already started walking...on the walls and ceiling of course. He started running confidently on the floor much earlier.