
Boruto: Apotheosis

Moros Incarnate, Indra subsumed, The uncrowned king of mortals, Boruto. . . . . . . . . Re-work of my own fan-fic "Boruto: The Depraved"

Zennin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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37 Chs

Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist [End]

[3rd Pov]

The Blue-Haired man intently stared at Sarada. She took a step back, abruptly realizing the gravity of the situation.

"H-He killed my best friend!! D-Don't stop me!"

Sarada's fearful eyes turned into one of anger, she took a Kunai out of her pouch and rushed toward Kagura, ready to end it.

'What happened here?!'

Chojuro asked himself. He couldn't believe what he just heard. One of Konoha's guests has been killed?!

And Kagura was a part of it?


Chojuro muttered under his breath before knocking Sarada out. He then shifted his gaze toward the blonde that was leaning beside the remains of the memorial stone.

He felt cold sweat running down his back after looking at the familiar blonde-haired kid.

'How am I going to explain this to Naruto?'

Chojuro knew Naruto wasn't the type to make irrational decisions and try to avenge... at least the Naruto he knew.

Sure, some of the Mist Shinobis also died in this small attack. But they had long lost their status as a civilian in the Mist at the moment they rebelled, but still, it didn't change the fact that one of Konoha's guests have died.


"Boruto... I'm sorry. Can you explain what happened before I got here?"

The blonde nodded and explained what had occurred. There were many lies in between but it wasn't far from the truth.

"I see. I knew Shizuma would rebel against me one day or another... But, to think Kagura would join them.."

Chojuro looked at the pink-eyed teenager with disappointed eyes. He felt the urge to just punch the air out of him but held it in.

'What a headache'

Be rubbed his temples and looked at Sarada, who was knocked out on the ground. Why did this have to happen?

"Boruto... I'm sorry for your loss"

Boruto shook his head.

"No need Mizukage-Sama... Although we would like to take our leave today itself... My friends need rest, and they might also need some time to recover from such a shock"

This confused Chojuro, why was this kid being so calm right now? He lost one of his friends and had just recently battled to the death to avenge the said person.

Chojuro, however, didn't chase after the matter. The situation made it difficult to ask such questions.

"I'll inform Naruto... and you guys can stay here or leave tonight itself"

"We would like to leave now... I don't want to lose anyone else by staying here"


He really fucked up. Didn't he? Once Boruto said that he felt insecure staying in the Village, he felt guilt crashing down on him.

Boruto walked over and carried Sarada on his shoulder. He blended in with the mist and disappeared from Chojiro's sight.

"Misuno... Did you get the visuals?"

A tall woman with wavy brown emerged from within the thick atmosphere. Half of her face was covered by a white surgical mask.

"I am afraid not Mizukage-Sama... I reckon someone had disabled it"

Chojuro's eyes narrowed at that statement.

"What made you reach that conclusion?"

"The records were going smoothly until Konoha's guests arrived... But, after that everything became blank... I don't know what had happened"

"I see.."

Chojuro pondered a bit before summoning the Mizukage's crane. He wore it and started to walk away.

"Check out the visuals from the secondary cameras and the third ones"


With a deep bow, Misuno went back toward the Mizukage's office to search. Chojuro's mood had only worsened hearing what Misuno had said.

'Luckily, the fight took at the memorial park... If it had been any other place, I'm afraid that I wouldn't have gotten anything to prove... or atleast defend Kagura with'

Chojuro knew full well that Kagura had a hand in it. But that glimmer of hope refused to distinguish.

If by any chance Kagura has been proven innocent, then he could save him. He had already lost so many, if the situation allowed him to save one of his Village's citizens, then he would gladly do so.

"But, who disabled the visuals?... Maybe it's a technical issue? At the same time, it is too coincidental to be a technical problem"

He muttered to himself, already forgetting the blonde. Chojuro never had even doubted Boruto's words, even if his mind told the rational statement, his heart wouldn't accept it.

The only way he would believe is to witness it by himself or get solid evidence to prove him wrong. He had known Naruto, and he firmly believed that the Hokage's son would have a similar mentality to his father... yet

"Why am I getting a bad feeling about this..."




The chirping of birds and sounds of waves colliding against cold metal woke Boruto… he looked up.

"Here's your fill"

Boruto gazed at the source. A tall, well built man with a stray of food stood in front of him. His hand moved and grabbed the loaf of bread.

"Mr. Uzumaki, we will be reaching the borderline of the fire nation tomorrow"

Boruto looked at him, his gaze sharp as his blade.

"Why are you guys accompanying us in the first place?"

Boruto knew full well that they weren't doing it out of good-will. His question got the same answer he expected.

"For your safety and well-being. Mizukage-Sama strictly said to 'protect' the guests"

Boruto nodded at the man. The veteran shinobi walked away, leaving Boruto alone in his small room. They had departed yesterday night itself.

He brushed his teeth and then proceeded to eat his fill. After finishing it, he walked out of his room and went outside.


He thought as the breeze ruffled against him. He looked at the small group of kids gathered around near the edge.


Shikadai whispered under his breath. Slowly remembering the tragedy they had witnessed. He gritted his teeth and looked away from him.

Seeing Shikadai's actions, all of the other students snapped their head towards Boruto.

"Can't you atleast bother to show some sympathy towards our friend's death?!"

Sarada said. Looking at Boruto in anger.

"She was no friend of mine"


"Shut up Sarada! If it wasn't for him, we would've been dead!"

Shikadai stated, grimly looking at Sarada with dreadful eyes. Tears ran down his red cheeks.

Boruto, however, ignored the drama and enjoyed the view of the vast ocean. It's pointless to get mad at these people… and especially ones that have been shocked to the core like these.

"You don't understand Shikadai! He could've saved Cho-Cho from the beginning! I saw him teleporting before, why didn't he use it then, huh!?"

Shikadai's dreadful eyes then locked onto Boruto's figure, who was gazing at the horizen without any particular thoughts.

"Is that true, Boruto?"

He asked, his voice almost inaudible.


Boruto responded and placed his chin on his hand, supporting his head to stay upright. Sarada almost choked air hearing his response.

"He's lying!!"

Sarada yelled out of her lungs, ready to kill him with her kunai that pulled out from her Ninja pouch.

"Don't think too high of yourself just because you killed an already fell enemy, girl. You could barely lift my blade. What makes you think you can beat me? I had handled all of those guys whom you could never take down even if you all joined forces"

His cold response made her stop in her tracks, she then looked down, noticing her trembling hands.

"T-That's not true! We could've beaten the if w-"

"He's right, Lee. We wouldn't survive that… even if we did. We won't come out unscathed, unlike him"

Inojin said, no trace of anger nor sadness over his face. He had already accepted the reality of the situation. Mourning her death was nothing more than a waste of time.

"Tell me, Boruto. How did you get so strong?"

Sarada demanded, looking at Boruto. The latter locked eyes with her for a brief moment before staring at the horizon again.

"Why should I?"

"Why? WHY!? Because we want to ave-"

Boruto swiftly knocked her out before she split something stupid out of her mouth. He wasn't really a fan of talkative people.


Everyone's senses went to the extreme after witnessing that scene. Although they knew how strong he was, seeing it themselves was a different experience.

"Where's Iwabe?"

Boruto asked. Hearing his name, everyone's expression became grim.

"He can die for all I care"

Shikadai muttered. Not bothering to question his own thoughts about violence.

'It's all because of that braindead guy'

He clenched his fists in anger. The stupidity that Iwabe did because of his temper lead to this situation. He hated him with every cell of his body.


Boruto walked away, sighing. He glanced at the gaurds and then walked past them toward his room.

'These guys are troublesome'

Boruto thought to himself. With another sigh, he began his grind inside his room.


"I'm afraid that's the farthest we can accompany you guests"

'Good for you'

The tall built man and another average looking guy said. With a nod, Boruto and the others exited from the ship and went to the railway station.


Boruto asked Sarada, who was intently staring at his back as they all walked toward the railway station.


Sarada gazed somewhere far away, reluctant to meet eyes with Boruto.

In addition to that, Iwabe had finally showed his face, just to be glared to death.


"There comes our ride"

Boruto took out the train tickets that had already been booked for them by the Hokage.

He, along with everyone else entered the train and took their respective seats.

Boruto sat alone, and soon, a white haired kid with golden eyes joined him.

"Is this why you asked me to do 'that'?"

Mitsuki asked, he eyes as sharp as a knife.

"Keep quiet for now. We'll discuss that with 'him' afterwards"

"I see. Then it shall be like that"

Mitsuki said so with his everyday smile.