
Boruto: Apotheosis

Moros Incarnate, Indra subsumed, The uncrowned king of mortals, Boruto. . . . . . . . . Re-work of my own fan-fic "Boruto: The Depraved"

Zennin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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37 Chs

Him? Successor?

Presently, it was nighttime, Both Naruto along with Boruto was in an apartment, Naruto prepared dinner and was waiting in the dining hall.

"Boruto, Dinner's ready!"


Boruto quickly dressed after taking a shower, he then dried his head and went toward the dining hall.

'Ramen...well, a change isn't all that bad'

Boruto took a seat on the chair, they finished their meal and went to bed, Boruto laid on the bed.

The night passed like any other, the sunlight awoke Boruto in the morning, he quickly went toward the bathroom to finish his morning necessities.

"Boruto, you wanna visit the Academy of Kiri?"

"Yeah sure, I never got a chance to visit it in Konoha"

Naruto nodded, they both soon departed from the apartment toward the Academy of Kiri, after about 30 minutes of travel, they reached their destination.

In front of them was a humongous building, they both stepped inside through the front door.

The guards slightly bowed in front of Naruto but he just waved it off, Boruto wasn't surprised by the scene inside.

A giant pool was at the center of the room with several kids sparring with each other, their attention was quickly taken by the duo's arrival.

But they again focused on their training ignoring the both of them, Boruto's gaze was locked on a specific individual in the crowd.

The figure Boruto observed had light blond hair, fair skin, bright pink eyes, and a small pink mark on his left cheek.

He was holding a sword but with great difficulty, his hands were trembling...his eyes showed fear while looking at the sword in his hands.

'He got some serious issues right there'

Boruto lost interest in the person, he diverted his gaze and looked at the other kids.

All of them were keeping their focus on their fights, none of them were using Jutsus, some using swords while others preferred bare-handed combat.


Boruto was snapped out of his trance by a voice, he looked at the source and was a bit surprised.

"Ah, Mizukage...what brings you here"

The Mizukage had short blue hair with black eyes and goggles, the previous retainer of the fifth Mizukage, presently the sixth Mizukage, Chojuro.

"I could ask you the same"

Naruto chuckled lightly at his response, shortly, a woman wearing a white surgical mask stood beside Chojuro.

"We meet again Naruto-Sama, I'm sorry I couldn't introduce myself earlier, My name is Misuno, The sixth Mizukage's aid"

Misuno politely bowed, Naruto awkwardly smiled before waving his hand.

"Oh, it's alright, I understand that you're really busy, afterall, it's not easy to maintain a village"

Chojuro along with Misuno nodded at his words, Chojuro then looked at the kids and smiled.

"They're very hard-working, and especially Kagura, He's my successor"

"Oh! I didn't know that"

"Well...are you gonna introduce me to the little guy"

Chojuro looked at Boruto, Naruto sweatdropped after realizing it.

"My name's Boruto, it's glad to make your acquaintance, Mizukage-sama"

Boruto politely bowed toward him, Chojuro was a little surprised by Boruto's formalities but he soon focused on Kagura.

"Do you know how to walk on water? Boruto"

"...Yeah I do"

After the Mizukage's voice echoed inside the room, all the kids backed away and stood on the sidelines.

"Naruto, Wanna make a bet?"

"Huh? What bet?"

Naruto was a little puzzled by Chojuro's words, Boruto on the other hand completely understood the situation...you don't need rocket science to understand it.

"If Boruto wins, you can choose any Jutsu from our library, but if Kagura wins...You teach me the shadow clone Jutsu, it's fair right?"

Naruto was about to protest but Boruto's hand fell on his leg, he looked down and saw Boruto nodding at him.

Naruto could only sigh at him.


Chojuro smiled, he then quickly gestured Kagura to enter the ring. Following his orders, Kagura stood at the center holding a wooden katana.

"Mizukage-Sama, I can take an A-rank Jutsu... right?"

"...Hm...yes you can, I don't go back on my word"

Chojuro responded after pondering for a bit, Boruto internally smirked before walking towards Kagura on the water.

'Free stuff for me...a gentleman would never deny such a request'

They both stood 3 Meters apart from each other, a small-sized wooden katana was thrown toward Boruto.

He quickly grabbed it and took a stance, Chojuro, Naruto, and all the other people who were present there were quite impressed.

'Even tho I only know the basics, with my agility and reflexes, It's plenty enough to smoke him'

Kagura narrowed his eyes at the opponent, despite being 2 years older than the kid in front of him, an indescribable feeling crept up inside him.

'Mizukage-Sama has great expectations from me, I can't let him down...not right now'

Kagura thought, steeling his resolve.

Boruto's grip tightened, his gaze firm and solely focused on the upcoming dual.

"May the battle commence!"

As soon as Misuno's words echoed through the hall, Kagura bent to knee level and sprinted towards Boruto holding his sword with both hands.

The latter side-stepped and changed his stance, upon reaching close quarter, Kagura swung down his wooden katana right on top of Boruto's head.

Boruto, noticing the incoming strike shifted his body to his left and dodged the strike by a breath of hair, he then spun his body around and launched a reverse-roundabout slash towards Kagura's neck.

The gears in Kagura's mind rapidly shifted, he ducked under the attack and tried to kick Boruto in his abdomen.

Boruto, however, stopped the attack with his free hand and threw a knee right to Kagura's chin making him fly back.

Kagura quickly regained his focus and landed on the water, but before he could even blink, he felt something touching his throat.

Cold sweat seeped from his forehead, he gazed down and saw Boruto pointing his blade's edge at his throat.


Silence, dead silence, nobody uttered a word, the battle ended almost immediately as soon as it started, all the students and the Mizukage along with his aid all had their eyes wide.

Naruto, however, was smirking looking at the result of the little spar, Misuno broke out of her trance and quickly announced the winner.

"T-The winner of the spar between Boruto and Kagura is...Boruto Uzumaki"

There were no cheers nor any applause, Boruto withdrew his blade and kept it floating on the water, Kagura on the other hand had his head lowered, unhappy, he looked at his own reflection with a tide of emotions clashing inside him.

'Well, that was anti-climatic'

Boruto cracked his neck and exited the arena, he was met with a pat on the shoulder from Naruto.

The young Uzumaki then gazed at the kneeling Kagura, he felt the flames inside him burn, adrenaline rushing through his whole body.

'Winning... Is fun'

Boruto answered the pat with a wide smirk, he then shifted his gaze toward the Mizukage who stood near Kagura.

It looked like he was comforting the pink-eyed kid, Boruto then swept his gaze through the room and saw several eyes fixed on him.

Misuno arrived beside Boruto and handed him a letter, he grabbed it and slid it inside his pocket without questioning her.

He then looked at the kids and tried to understand how they felt about the results.

Some were envious, some respectful, and a large number of them...Angry? Not wanting to be bothered by them, Boruto exited the building along with Naruto, and they soon made their way toward the public library of Kirigakure.

"I didn't know you knew how to wield a sword...When did you learn it?"

Naruto's sudden question made Boruto's brow slightly flinch, but he quickly gathered his thoughts and replied.

"I didn't know how to, It was...how do I say it ...it was almost like... Instinct?"

"Instinct, huh?"

Naruto grew confused at the unexpected reply, but he decided to further question him after arriving at Konoha, they enjoyed the calm atmosphere while making their way to the library.

'Well, let's get that A-Rank water style...hehe boi'

Boruto internally rubbed his hands with a wicked smile, Naruto waited outside while Boruto entered the library.


'This seems to be the best out of em all'

Currently, Boruto was outside the library with a scroll in his hand, he was reading its content thoroughly, the scroll's name was 'Water style: Severing waves'.

The Jutsu focused on creating a powerful stream of water that could sever even trees with ease, however, the Jutsu does take an enormous amount of chakra to perform it. Which, Boruto currently lacked.

'Ha~...I need to increase my reserves, It won't be that hard cuz of my Uzumaki genes, they are known for their enormous Chakra reserves'

Boruto dismissed his thoughts after that, he was about to leave the library when a bulky man stood in his path.

"Excuse me, boy, I'm afraid you can't take that"

Boruto didn't bother to reply to the guy, he pulled out what seemed like a letter and handed it toward him.

The bulky man grabbed the letter and read the contents, he narrowed his eyes and went back to the office. He told Boruto to wait outside before entering the room.

After a good two minutes, the man exited the room and went toward where Boruto was.

"You can go, please do visit sometimes"

The man seemed irritated, Boruto ignored it and nodded toward the bulky man, he exited the library and saw Naruto sipping on a popsicle.

"Got it"

Boruto waved his hand pointing at the scroll, Naruto nodded, they both soon arrived at their temporary apartment and started packing their belongings.


The sun set, Boruto stared at the starless sky, the cool breeze ruffled against his skin, drops of water splashed on his face because of the waves in the vast ocean.

Boruto was now on a boat, they departed around 8:00 PM, Walking to a corner, he leaned against the wall.

'...Maybe this'll be one of the last times I can relax, Who knows what the future holds for me, but in no way am I going to let fate decide my life'

Boruto slowly closed his, he then started pondering over the nightmares he always had.

He forced his body up and walked inside the boat, he entered a room and crashed his body on the bed, his conciseness soon drifted away.