
Born To Be A King

Its is a story about a man called Arthur saving his Planet from the Demon race that is invading his planet because his world has the potential to reach High Rank World and also has .001% to peak Rank World Watch Arthur saving his planet form demon race and his journey from Commoner to a king of his planet then of universe No Harem , overpowered MC , Beast Taming, Kingdom building, Multiple Worlds, space travel, war.

ShaDow1 · Romance
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21 Chs

Chapter 3. World Tower and Tower Association

' Status Screen '

[ Ding ]

[ Ding ]

| Name : Arthur

| Race : Human

| Talent Rank : Heaven

| Talent Name : Mad Asura King

| Realm : No cultivation

| Coins :


| Skills : ASURA mode

When Arthur saw his status the first thing he checked was his talent.

" What!!! Heaven Rank talent. Does that mean i have a Heaven Rank talent, System "

[Yes, Host you have a Heaven Rank talent. Congratulations host for having a heaven Rank talent. Heaven Rank talent is a very rare talent and there are only 10s of them in this universe ]

' and what about the skill that i have. Does everyone get's 1 skill in the beginning '

[ No host only sky rank and above rank get's skill from the start and it will grow as host grow ]

' that means the stronger I am the stronger the skill will get '

[ Yes host the skill will grow strong with you and it is a unique Skill ]

' Unique Skill? What does it mean '

[ A unique Skill means there won't be anyone else who can use this skill except for you. Only heaven Rank talent get a unique Skill as for sky rank they will get a Rare skill ]

' you mean there is only one skill like that and what does it do '

[ Check ]

[ Mad Asura King:- Mad Asura Mode refers to a powerful transformation that is triggered when the Host Activates this skills. In Mad Asura Mode there there are multiple state.

Stage 1. It will boost your strength by 3 substage.( no debuff)

Stage 2. It will boost your strength by 5 Substage. ( Locked reach Qi Gathering Realm to Unlock ) (it has debuff)

Stage 3. ( Locked Reach Golden Core Realm to Unlock)

Stage 4. Locked.....]

' Ok Then, give me the Cultivation technique so i can start my Cultivation '

[ Ok host, i will send the information in your mind ]

[ Ding ]

[ You have received a basic rank cultivation technique ]

[ You have received a Normal Weapon. It is stored in Your inventory ]

At that time Arthur felt a slight pain in his head and some unfamiliar information about the cultivation in his head then Arthur understand what he needs to do to start his cultivation.

Then Arthur left his room to check his family and what type of talent did his brother got

When Arthur reach dining room he saw his brother was not there and his mother was watching over his sister who was talking to her system.

' what happen princess ' asked Arthur to his sister.

' big brother, sister system said that i have a heaven Rank talent but it's locked i need to be 12 year old to unlock the skill but i can still Cultivate and also told me not to tell anyone but you are my big brother so i told you ' said Millie

Arthur was shocked when he heard his sister also got Heaven Rank talent

" System, you told me that heaven Rank talent is very rare so how did my sister got this talent and why is it locked " asked Arthur to his system

[ Heaven Rank Talent is a very rare rank talent Host. And it's very hard to find heaven Rank talent even in High Rank World. And if a person who is under 12 gets heaven Rank talent then the skill will be locked for some reason which you will find later and it's cultivating speed will also decreased. Locked Heaven Rank talent is also know as Half-heaven Rank talent ]

While Arthur was talking with his system his brother left his room and came to dining room and asked Arthur.

' Brother, i got a peak sky rank talent and my system told me it's a strength type talent. It's increases my strength by 1 substage in stage 1 and by 2 substage in stage 2 ' said Michael to his big brother.

Arthur was shocked again when he heard his brother. But he did not ask system for it because peak sky rank was a strong talent but not as strong as a heaven Rank. But he was happy for his brother that he also got a strong talent.

' Mom, what about you ' asked Arthur

' son, i got a earth Rank talent ' Said Emilie while smiling because she was happy that all of her children got strong talent.

Arthur was a bit sad that his mother didn't get strong talent but 3 members from his family got strong talent and he can be more greedy.

" you can't bite more than you can chew " though Arthur then said to his mother.

' we will take care of you guy's don't worry mom '

' I know son ' said his mother.

' Then I'm going back to my room to cultivate don't let anyone disturb me. I will back at tomorrow breakfast. ' Then Arthur goes to his room and starts cultivating.

Then he repeated and copy the process that was in Cultivation technique to his Cultivation. Its a basic rank cultivation technique that the universe AI give to all the human's in this planet.

He follows the process that the technique describes.

The first step to do while cultivating is to empty your mind.

The second step is to feel the spiritual energy that is around us.

The third step is to manipulate the spiritual energy in your body

First try failed because he couldn't concentrate because of what happened today. There are many things he couldn't believe like there are other humans in the universe or other Lifeforms like elfs, dwarf's and many more about which system informed him.

On his second try he felt the spiritual energy around him in the environment but he couldn't guide those energy into his body so second try was also a failure.

After 15 min he succeeded in guiding the energy into his body and entered Body Tempting Low stage. But he didn't stop cultivating till the morning and in 6 hour he reached body Tempting peak stage.

[ Ding ]

[ Congratulations host for reaching peak Body Tempting realm ]

The next thing he did after cultivating was to talk a shower because of the impurities that his body eject and also because of the unbearable smell on his body because of the impurities.

After taking shower Arthur goes to dinning room for breakfast.

' Did you get taller Arthur ' asked Arthur mother when she saw him. Before he was 180cm but now his height looks like its was 185cm. So his mother asked him

' I don't know mom, do i look taller ' said Arthur in confusion then he goes to washroom to check his height.

When he saw himself in the mirror he realised that he indeed got taller then before.

' Is it because of cultivation and me reaching peak body Tempting, System ' Arthur asked System.

[ Yes, Arthur because you reached peak body Tempting. You have reached your body limit and now you can breakthrough in Qi gathering realm anytime. And you may be the first Qi gathering cultivator in this whole world. ]

After then Arthur left his home to check the situation outside.

When reached main road then Arthur saw that a lot of people walking towards in the same direction.

' Hey brother, where are all these people going ' Arthur asked someone

' there is a new building outside our city called Tower association. the building was built in one night because It was not there yesterday that's why a lot of people going there to check and city lord also sent some Soldier's to avoid some accidents ' said that person

Arthur also goes there to check the building. It was 15 min away from the city. When Arthur saw the building he felt it was a big building much bigger than the city lord castle that is in centre of the city.

The city was surrounded by 50m tall and 10m wide walls and the place was atleast 500m long with a large building in the centre. It looks like a small town with a large building and few small and big shop's that surrounds the building.

When Arthur reach near the building. He look at the name board at the top of the building

' Tower Association '.

Then Arthur entered the building. The building was divided into different parts like waiting room, training room, Cultivation room, register desk and help desk.

Arthur first goes to help desk to clear his doubts.

' How may I help you, sir ' said a beautiful lady sitting behind the desk.

' What is this place and what does it do ' asked Arthur to to the lady.

' This place is Called ' Tower Association '. There is a place called ' World Tower ' where you can find resources that you cannot find in your World and also hunt monsters to get coins. Through that coins you can get high rank cultivation technique for yourself or your family. There are total ten floor in the World Tower. Only 3 floors are available for your world because your World being a Low rank

World. ' said the lady.

' What type of resources will i get from World Tower ' asked Arthur

' You will get many type of resources like monster core but you can only use spirit stone in Qi gathering. ' said the lady.

' What is monster core ' asked Arthur because he has heard this name for the first time in his life.

' A monster core is a round stone inside monster head. Unlike human's who can only create a core in golden core realm. Monster have a different path for cultivation. Monster use those core for tempting their body when they are in body Tempting and also use those monster core to collect spritual energy. They collect spritual energy into their core to advance in realm. Monster have an easy way also a long way to cultivate because all they have to collect spritual energy inside their core to advance unlike us humans or other Intelligent Lifeforms like elfs and dwarf's where we have to use different resources.

An Monster can easily reach golden core realm if they hide for 1000 years. And monster also have longer lifespan then humans. In golden core realm humans can live for 1000 years maximum but a monster can live for 10000 year's easily if they are not killed. And the longer the monster live the stronger the monster will become. And stronger monster will also have more energy inside their core that will make it more valuable ' said the lady

' So how do i enter the tower ' asked Arthur

' For entering the tower u need to first get registered and then get Tower card. And you can only enter first floor here if u want to climb higher floor you need to go to the capital City of this empire. This is only a side branch of the Tower Association. Only capital City's of all the empires and kingdoms have a main branch of Tower Association where you will have access till 3rd floor if you want to climb even higher you need to visit more advance World then your World. And also Tower Association will not interfere in the politics of your World. We will only manage World Tower's. ' said the lady

'So what type of organisation is Tower Association' Asked Arthur.

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and i have not decided whether to continue writing please tell me if u like my story it will motivate me to continue this story more.

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