
Chapter 71: Is this normal

"So you're telling me that you have to wear glasses now?" Wren said as she left the hospital with Cardan.

"It's reading glasses Wren. It's not like I'll have to wear them all the time."

"But that's not what the optometrist said is it" Wren mocked him as she pulled at her face mask.

Cardan rolled his eyes "Yeah make fun of me. I'm going to my hotel room now."

"We use the same car my dear peasant. Don't tell me your blindness has turned you into an idiot."

Cardan glared at her before entering the car, they drove him to his hotel. And as soon as he arrived at the hotel room he thought it would be the last he would see off her while on his trip here.

Until the next day when she dragged him around the entire city. Taking him out to go shopping with her, a fashion museum, a ferris wheel ride and more.

His day was filled with all that she wanted to do and honestly speaking he was enjoying himself.