
Maria and Sicily

Lucian and Shin quickly made their way to where the noise was coming from, once they arrived, they saw three men wearing armour standing around two girls. Two of the men were blonde, and the other had brown hair, but they were all quite muscular and thuggish looking.

Immediately, both boys understood what was happening, the men were harassing the girls.

The brown-haired man spoke, "You're feisty. Don't be so mad baby. We're just asking you to play with us."

One of the blonde men, who seemed to be the leader, spoke next, "We'll teach you some fun things, I promise. It's gonna feel reaaalllyyyy good."

Lucian looked at the scene in front of them, 'Cliche scenes like this happen in this world too huh, guess some things never change.'

The leader spoke again but in a much angrier tone this time, "Just come with us!!"

"Nooo!! Somebody...!", screamed one of the girls.

Lucian and Shin walked towards the three men, and Shin spoke first, "Hey, good day girls."

Lucian spoke next, "Do you two need help with something?"

The three men turned back and looked at Lucian and Shin with disgust and anger.

One of the girls shouted again, "Yes!! I desperately need a helping hand right now!!"

The leader got even angrier at Shin and Lucian than he had been at the girls, "What is it brats?! You want something from us?! You two wanna play hero huuuh?! We're always hunting monsters out there! We've been protecting these girls! In other words, we're the heroes here!"

All three men started laughing, "Hyahahahahahaha!"

Shin looked blankly at the men and said with a slight tone of anger, "Yeah, maybe hunting monsters makes you some sort of hero, but only bad dudes hunt for girls."

"Oh, so you wanna taste my fist?!", The leader pulled his fist back and attempted to punch Shin, but he quickly parried the attack and caused the man to fall to the ground unconscious once he counter-attacked.

"Ba-Bastardd!", shouted one of the other two men. Before Shin could react and take out the other two enemies, Lucian stepped in incredibly quickly and punched one man in the stomach which caused him to vomit blood and fall to his knees grasping his stomach. Before anyone could even react, Lucian turned to the other man and kicked both of his legs out from beneath him. Once the man was at the correct height, Lucian kicked him in the face and sent him flying into the wall behind.

As Shin had finished with the Leader before Lucian had taken out the other two men, he was the one to speak to the girls first, "Hey, are you girls okay? They didn't hurt you or anything, right?"

The girl who had been shouting for help replied, "Ah, no we're fine! What about yourself?! They had swords and all..."

Shin replied, "No, I'm okay. They won't hit me with those slow moves."

The other girl spoke next, "B-But they looked like they moved fast to me..."

As soon as Shin turned to look at the other girl, it was if an electric shock had hit him. Only one thought went through his mind at that moment, 'Cute, she's the cutest thing ever!'

While Shin was absolutely star struck by the other girl, who was a beautiful young lady with waist-length blue hair that has bangs hanging over her forehead with chest-length hair strands hanging in the front. She had blue-green eyes, a well-developed body and she stood at 155cm, Lucian had only just turned to look at what was happening. Once she saw Shin, a blush appeared on her face.

As soon as he saw the girl who had shouted for help, the same thing that had happened to Shin for the blue-haired girl happened to Lucian as well. The girl had long red hair that reached her waist, and big brown eyes. She was incredibly beautiful, and she was a little bit taller than the other girl. Much like how Shin seemingly had an admirer, Lucian must have had one as well as the red-haired girl was blushing and seemed happy that Lucian was looking at her.

Both girls noticed that Lucian and Shin were dazed at the sight of them, and the blue-haired girl asked Shin a question as he was staring at her, "Uh, um...? Is there anything wrong?"

This shocked Shin, "Wha-?! Noo!! Everything's fine!"

While this was happening, the red-haired girl was more focused on Lucian's situation, "What about you, are you alright? That fight was really impressive, you took on two guys at once."

Lucian happily replied, "Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me."

The girl replied, "You surprised me, I thought something had happened because you suddenly froze. This might sound sudden, but would you want to go somewhere else with me? I know that there's a cafe nearby if you'd like to go there."

Lucian replied with a huge smile, "Absolutely, do you want to lead the way, ah crap, sorry but I don't think you've told me your name."

The red-haired girl giggled, "Sorry, my name is Maria. I completely forgot to say, what's your name then mister Hero."

Lucian responded to her, "I probably should have told you my name before asking for yours, my name is Lucian. Before we go to the cafe, I should probably tell my brother that I'll see him in a bit. Wait here for a second if you don't mind."

Lucian walked over to Shin, "Hey bro, I'm gonna go to a cafe with Maria so I'll see you in a bit, alright?"

Shin stopped what he was saying to the blue haired girl, and replied to Lucian, "Yeah that sounds alright, but I think me and Sicily were going to go there as well. Do you guys want to just go with us as well?"

"Let me go ask Maria, I don't think it should be a problem though."

Lucian returned to Maria, "Hey, I think my brother and your friend are going to the same cafe, do you want to go with them as well?"

After thinking for a second, Maria replied, "Yeah sure, it sounds like fun, let's go."