
Chapter 2 - Underground Base

I felt tiny little nudges on my arm as i slowly opened my eyes. It was a girl i recognized from the village, her name was Myna, she had platinum-like hair and azure eyes, you could say she was the oddball at our village. We were in a carriage driven by a man who seemed to be the carriage driver.

I looked at my surroundings and saw a red-haired boy who was looking outside with shock-filled expression, naturally curious I looked at what he was looking at and there it was. My village burning down, smoke filling the air like they were wisps.

'What happened to my mother?' I thought, thinking about all the worst outcomes that could happen to my mother, as the village was burning down.

As unpleasant as it looked, I kept my cool observed my surroundings, thinking on how I can escape.

But despite all this, the carriage driver who seemingly looked like he read my mind finally said something.

"Don't try it's no use, one of you younglings already died trying to escape." Said the carriage driver.

'Well, there goes my plan." I thought with annoyance.

"Well since the last person is awake let's introduce ourselves, shall we?" Said the carriage driver with a cheerful expression that made me want to punch his face badly.

Everyone else was silent except for the carriage driver who introduced himself first.

"I won't be sharing my real name with you guys so don't be expecting it, but I'll tell you guys my code name." Said the carriage driver with a wink. "My codename is Rex, and if you can even see I have a golden badge, which is a pretty high rank among my peers." Rex said with a very proud face, I swear I could see a pointy nose forming from his face, which creeped me out a little.

Rex seemed to be in his mid-thirties and had dark brown hair with hazel eyes. He had black clothes that were covering his body with golden outlines (Classic assassin attire).

"So, who else is going to introduce themselves? We can't have nobody, because I see few faces from my perspective." Rex said looking at us.

"I'll introduce myself." Myna suddenly stood and started introducing herself. The process repeated with the others including me, and I learned their names. The red-haired boy who had gold eyes, was named Alex, a pink haired girl who was hugging another girl with purple hair who seemed to be her older sister was Casey. Her older sister's name was Daphne. They both have emerald-eyes that could pierce you.

"Well, it looks like we've arrived at headquarters." Rex said.

The headquarters was in the middle of the forest, which was a pretty valid choice, with many trees surrounding a giant tree. There were weird runic letters on the giant tree, which I didn't question because I wouldn't understand it anyways.

The runic letters glowed, and a portal formed in front of us, which fascinated me and made me wonder all the things I do with it.

"Well welcome to our headquarters rookies" Rex said with a smile.

'Well, this looks fun' I thought.

'I wonder when I can take my revenge. I hope it will be soon.' I thought with a sinister grin.