
Problems With Time

Ye Xing sometimes wondered what he would do with his life, after he had his fill of living a life of relaxation, freedom, and debauchery.

Pleasure and desire only last for so long, after all. When immortality becomes a very real thing, figuring out how to live out the rest of eternity without wanting to commit suicide out of boredom becomes a very real problem.

And Ye Xing was definitely going to be truly immortal.

So sometimes, during blank periods of relatively free time, he would think about it.

What would he want to do, that could last for maybe a thousand years long of gratification, a hundred years minimum?

As he finished up with the last touches on his kilometer-long starship, he continued to ponder on this difficult subject.

. . .

He was bored.

He couldn't think of an answer that could satisfy him, either.

In the first place, if he was going to be able to decide such a thing so easily, he would've already managed to do so. What made this problem so impossible to solve was the fact that his almighty superpower, [Inspired Inventor], just made any efforts he would make toward any subject matter completely redundant.

Well, no. He could just NOT use any charges for something like that, but...

What was the point of doing something if he wasn't going to do his best, right? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A month has passed since the 'Entertainment Incident'.

. . .

In any case, there was something mysterious happening with the dungeons on Earth, for whatever reason. Apparently, sometime after the last time he had checked them, the timeline for the first several dungeons in each region of the planet had shortened without any visible reason for such a phenomenon. Originally, the earliest dungeons were scheduled to open after almost a year from now. Currently, the estimated time had fallen to nine months.

Very mysterious...

Even more so, when the fact that the ETA of those dungeons weren't falling right now was found.

Ye Xing decided to do something more productive.

He needed to build the more advanced sensors to figure out what was going on with these things. He felt, if this world ran on trash-fic-logic, that this occurrence was important to the plot, in a way. Considering that Lin weirdo had quite randomly transmigrated for no discernable reason at all, and according to that guy's knowledge that the dungeons weren't supposed to be opening any sooner than the original timeline, then it was highly likely - to Ye Xing, anyway - that whatever brought Lin weirdo to the past may have been something powerful.

And that it came back to here and now, as well.

The problem, however, is that this whatever-thing is messing with the dungeons somehow, and not in a way that benefits humanity. So, now, Ye Xing not only needed to detect the means used by this unknown entity to quicken the appearance of those dungeons, but he also had to investigate all the other dungeons in the entire solar system to determine the range this thing is affecting.

Especially if the divine tier dungeons were also affected.

. . .

This... was a problem.

Ye Xing... did not like problems.

. . .

If this problem wasn't going to be solved and dealt with quickly and casually...

This problem and Ye Xing were going to have... problems.

He had gotten used to not having to worry about any problems, after all.

[Inspired Inventor] helps quite a bit with that, after all.

If he was going to be bothered enough to have to make a move directly, he wasn't going to be holding back because he was going to be annoyed, after all.

. . .

Although, he wouldn't be able to hold back, anyways. After all, he never really had a chance to go all out before, and would have a few problems with controlling his strength and holding back in general.

That isn't really a real problem, though. [Inspired Inventor] is an overpowered broken cheat like that.

. . .

Well, for now, Ye Xing needed to set all his scouts to do some work while getting that new scanner mass-produced, sexually convince Qin Hong-Yu to join the harem in a consensual manner, help his sister with some more training, use his daily charges, and... some other stuff he'll remember.

Eventually. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In a world of only the sea, deep under the surface of the sky-blue water, an extremely bloody torrent continuously swept through a deep-sea valley.

An unending horde of moving bones could be seen madly rushing toward the entrance to the valley from all directions.

Desperately blocking the path of such an enemy, were dozens of legions of aquatic creatures ranging from seemingly mundane species to fantastical and mythical species.

Behind each army, a majestic presence spread forth and dominated the battlefield.

Clad in its striking outfit, a lich surveyed its minions' unrelenting push forward as it sat upon its skull throne, with an air of arrogant disdain.

Lord of the Undead Horde: Pluto, of the Dead.

Contrary to the other side, unclad in anything but a plain loincloth, holding only a single glowing sea-green trident in hand, a seemingly Caucasian human male of much greater proportions and height than the norm glared with solemn eyes and a sickly-pale face at the invaders to his realm.

Lord of the Abyssal Legion: Poseidon, of the Sea.

. . .

Originally, the two were supposed to be of equal strength.


The war against the two armies was heavily tilted to the side of the undead.

Not mentioning the fact that every slain creature arises once more as an enemy, Pluto and his fearless forces were far stronger than they should've been.

Not like Poseidon, who did not have any powerful artifacts except for his main weapon.

Not like Poseidon, who had only just re-awakened due to the sudden hostile invasion into his kingdom and was still too weak and unbalanced from his premature birth.

Not like Poseidon, whose warriors were still weak and practically infantile from the sudden forced awakening.

However, Pluto and his undead were all as if they had undergone years of active strengthening after mere months had passed. Yet, such an impossible event had somehow proven to be possible.

It was wrong.

Poseidon couldn't understand how Pluto had managed to demonstrate such strength. He didn't have time to understand, either.

The lines formed by the legions of the sea lord had begun to fracture, their numbers no longer enough to stabilize the frontlines. Poseidon couldn't hold back from attacking, anymore.

A thrust of the trident and a flare of powerful energy caused the weight of the entire ocean to condense and fall upon the undead horde.

Unfortunately for Poseidon, before the sudden oncoming disaster could destroy the majority of the undead, the crowned Lich had lifted its empty hand and pointed forward with a finger. With a seemingly casual flex of its Power, Death energy quickly spread across the entire valley.

When the wave of Death had collided with the weight of the ocean, Death won.

Poseidon's desperate attack had decayed, dissipating as if nothing had happened while the Abyssal Legion fell to the unstopping calamity sweeping through them.

Poseidon, upon seeing the overlord sending its own response to his action, had immediately attempted to block the enemy offensive. He knew, without a shred of doubt, that the lich was too strong for him to win against in a frontal assault. He could only do his best, expending all of his remaining energy to fight against the decay and death his enemy commanded to fall upon his warriors.

He failed. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Ye Xing blinked his eyes a few times, and checked the data log again.


. . .

Right, then.

The timeline began to lower again, it seems.